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ECE Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Standards

and Safety

RA 7925 and Radio Operator Law

WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Republic Act No. 7925



Approval Date: March 1, 1995

Signed by: Pres. Fidel V. Ramos
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


Section 1. Short Title - Public Telecommunications Policy Act of the

Section 2. Scope and Application. - This Act shall apply to all public
telecommunications entities in the Philippines.
Section 3. Definitions and Interpretations - For purposes of this Act,
the following terms shall be used:
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(a) Telecommunications - any process which enables a telecommunications

entity to relay and receive voice, data, electronic messages, written or
printed matter, fixed or moving pictures, words, music or visible or audible
signals or any control signals of any design and for any purpose by wire,
radio or other electromagnetic, spectral, optical or technological means.
(b) Public telecommunications entity - any person, firm, partnership or
corporation, government or private, engaged in the provision of
telecommunications services to the public for compensation.
(c) Broadcasting - an undertaking the object of which is to transmit over-the-air
commercial radio or television messages for reception of a broad audience
in a geographic area.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(d) Franchise - a privilege conferred upon a telecommunications entity by

congress, authorizing that entity to engage in a certain type of
telecommunications service.
(e) Local exchange operator - an entity providing transmission and switching
of telecommunications services, primarily but not limited to voice-to-voice
service, in a geographic area anywhere in the Philippines.
(f) Inter-exchange carrier - an entity, sometimes referred to as carrier's carrier
or national backbone network operator, authorized to install, own and operate
facilities which connect local exchanges within the Philippines and to engage in
the business of inter-exchange national long distance services.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(h) Value-added service provider (VAS) - an entity which, relying on the

transmission, switching and local distribution facilities of the local exchange and
inter-exchange operators, and overseas carriers, offers enhanced services
beyond those ordinarily provided for by such carriers.
(i) Public toll calling station - a non-exclusive facility at which the public may,
by the payment of appropriate fees, place as well as receive telephone calls
and/or telegrams or other messages.
(j) Mobile radio telephone system - a wide area mobile radio telephone
system with its own switch, base stations and transmission facilities capable of
providing high capacity mobile telecommunications by utilizing radio
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(k) Interconnection - the linkage, by wire, radio, satellite or other means, of two
or more existing telecommunications carriers or operators with one another for
the purpose of allowing or enabling the subscribers of one carrier or operator to
access or reach the subscribers of the other carriers or operators.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


Section 1. Declaration of National Policy - The growth and

development of telecommunications services shall be pursued in
accordance with the following policies:
(a) A fundamental objective of government is to develop and maintain a
viable, efficient, reliable and universal telecommunication infrastructure
using the best available and affordable technologies, as a vital tool to nation
building and development;
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(b) The expansion of the telecommunications network shall give priority to

improving and extending basic services to areas not yet served.
(c) The government shall allocate the spectrum to service providers who
will use it efficiently and effectively to meet public demand for
telecommunications service and may avail of new and cost effective
technologies in the use of methods for its utilization;
(d) Rates and tariff charges shall be fair, just and reasonable and for this
purpose, the regulatory body shall develop tariff structures based on
socioeconomic factors and on financial, technical and commercial criteria
as measures to ensure a fair rate of return and as a tool to ensure economic
and social development;
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(e) Public telecommunications services shall be provided by private

enterprises. The private sector shall be the engine of rapid and efficient growth
in the telecommunications industry;
(f) A healthy competitive environment shall be fostered, one in which
telecommunications carriers are free to make business decisions and to
interact with one another, while maintaining affordable rates;
(g) A fair and reasonable interconnection of facilities of authorized public
network operators and other providers of telecommunications services is
necessary in order to achieve a viable, efficient, reliable and universal
telecommunications services;
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(h) The government shall give all the assistance and encouragement to
Philippine international carriers in order to establish interconnection with
other countries so as to provide access to international communications
highways on a competitive basis;
(i) For efficiency, practicability, and convenience, regulation of
telecommunications entities shall rely principally on an administrative
process that is stable, transparent and fair, giving due emphasis to technical,
legal, economic and financial considerations;
(j) No single franchise shall authorize an entity to engage in both
telecommunications and broadcasting, either through the airwaves or by
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(k) Ownership of public telecommunications entities to as wide a number of

people as possible, preferably to its customers, in order to encourage efficiency
and public accountability and to tap personal savings shall be encouraged;
(l) The development of a domestic telecommunications manufacturing
industry to meet the needs of the Philippines and to take advantage of export
opportunities shall be promoted without preventing, deterring or hampering
the goal of full universal service; and
(m) Human resources skills and capabilities must be harnessed and
improved to sustain the growth and the development of telecommunications
under a fast changing telecommunications environment.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


Section 5. Responsibilities of the National Telecommunications

Commission. - The National Telecommunications Commission
(Commission) shall be the principal administrator of this Act and as
such shall take the necessary measures to implement the policies and
objectives set forth in this Act. Accordingly, in addition to its existing
functions, the Commission shall be responsible for the following:
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(a) Adopt an administrative process which would facilitate the entry of

qualified service providers and adopt a pricing policy to provide basic
telecommunications services in unserved and underserved areas;
(b) Ensure quality, safety, reliability, security, compatibility and inter-operability of
telecommunications facilities and services in conformity with standards and
specifications set by international radio and telecommunications
organizations to which the Philippines is a signatory;
(c) Mandate a fair and reasonable interconnection of facilities of authorized
public network operators and other providers of telecommunications services
through appropriate modalities of interconnection and at a reasonable and
fair level of charges.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

05 - 07 - 2018
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

MC02-10-2011 and
MC09-11-2016 reduced
the interconnection
charge for SMS from
PHP0.35 to PHP0.15;
and for voice service,
from PHP4.00 to
PHP2.50 per minute.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

The interconnection
charges for voice
service and SMS are
PHP0.50 per minute and
PHP0.05 per SMS,
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(d) Foster fair and efficient market conduct through, but not limited to, the
protection of telecommunications entities from unfair trade practices of
other carriers;
(e) Promote consumers welfare by facilitating access to telecommunications
services whose infrastructure and network must be geared towards the needs
of individual and business users;
(f) Protect consumers against misuse of a telecommunications entity's
monopoly or quasi-monopolistic powers by, but not limited to, the investigation
of complaints and exacting compliance with service standards from such
entity; and
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(g) In the exercise of its regulatory powers, continue to impose such fees and
charges as may be necessary to cover reasonable costs and expenses for the
regulation and supervision of the operations of telecommunications
Section 6. Responsibilities of and Limitations to Department Powers.
The Department of Transportation and Communications (Department)
shall not exercise any power which will tend to influence or effect a
review or a modification of the Commission's quasi-judicial functions.
In coordination with the Commission, however, the Department shall, in
accordance with the policies enunciated in this Act, be responsible for:
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(a) the development and maintenance of a long-term strategic national

development plan for telecommunications to serve as a guide to the industry
and potential investors as well as to the Commission;
(b) the coordination of research and development activities in government
with the work of other institutions in the field of telecommunications;
(c) the representation and promotion of Philippine interests in international
bodies, and the negotiation of the nation's rights and obligations in
international telecommunications matters; and
(d) the operation of a national consultative forum to facilitate interaction
amongst the telecommunications industries, user groups, academic and
research institutions in the airing and resolution of
important issues in the field of communications.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


Section 7. Categories of Telecommunications Entities. - A

telecommunications entity shall be authorized to operate in one or more of
the telecommunications categories mentioned in this Act provided each
category is covered by its franchise.
Section 8. Local Exchange Operator. - A local exchange operator shall:
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(a) provide universal basic telephone service to all subscribers who applied
for such service, within a reasonable period and at such standards as may
be prescribed by the Commission and at such tariff
(b) be protected from uncompensated bypass or overlapping operations of
other telecommunications entities in need of physical links or connections to its
customers in the area except when it is unable to provide.
(c) have the first option to provide pay telephone services or public calling
stations in the area covered by its network.
(d) be entitled to a fair and equitable revenue sharing arrangement with the
inter-exchange carrier or such other carriers connected to its basic network.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Section 9. Inter-Exchange Carrier. - The number of entities allowed to

provide inter-exchange national long distance services may be
limited, but as a matter of policy, where it is economically viable, at least
two (2) carriers, shall be authorized:

Provided, however, That a local exchange carrier shall not be restricted

from operating its own inter-exchange carrier service if its viability is
dependent thereto. Such inter-exchange carrier shall have the following
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(a) It shall interconnect with other networks in the same category and with
local exchange carriers or other telecommunications entities, upon
application and within a reasonable time period, and under fair and reasonable
level charges, in order that domestic and international long distance services
are made possible; and
(b) It shall have the right to establish and operate its own tandem switching
facilities to which international calls or overseas carriers have to course their
messages or signals.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Section 10. International Carrier

The entity so allowed shall be required:
● To produce a firm correspondent or interconnection relationships
with major overseas telecommunications authorities or carriers within
one (1) year from the grant of the authority.
● To provide the local exchange service in unserved or underserved
areas within three (3) years from the grant of the authority as required
by existing regulations.
Failure to comply with the above obligations shall be a cause to cancel
its authority or permit to operate as an international carrier.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Section 11. Value-added Service Provider. - Provided that it does not

put up its own network, a VAS provider need not secure a franchise. A
VAS provider shall be allowed to competitively offer its services
and/or expertise, and lease or rent telecommunications equipment
and facilities necessary to provide such specialized services, in the
domestic and/or international market in accordance with network

Telecommunications entities may provide VAS, subject to the additional

requirements that:
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(a) prior approval of the Commission is secured to ensure that such VAS
offerings are not cross-subsidized from the proceeds of their utility operations;
(b) other providers of VAS are not discriminated against in rates nor denied
equitable access to their facilities; and
(c) separate books of accounts are maintained for the VAS.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Section 12. Mobile Radio Services. - In a local telephone exchange area,

more than one duly enfranchised provider of mobile radio services,
distinct and separate from the local exchange carrier, may be allowed
to operate. However, such entities shall secure prior authority from the
Commission and, in addition, comply with the conditions imposed on
VAS and with the norms on radio frequency spectrum utilization.
The operator of a mobile radio telephone system shall comply with its
obligations to provide local exchange service in unserved and
underserved areas in accordance with existing regulations. Failure to
comply with this obligation within (3) years from the grant of the authority
shall be a cause to cancel its authority or permit
to operate a mobile radio telephone system.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Section 13. Radio Paging Services. - Duly enfranchised radio paging

services involving either voice or data messages, shall be allowed to
compete freely in rates, number of operators, or variety of operating
modalities, subject only to the norms on radio frequency spectrum
Section 14. Customer Premises Equipment. - Telecommunications
subscribers shall be allowed to use within their premises terminal equipment
and other special purpose terminal equipment: Provided, That the equipment
is type-approved by the Commission.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Section 15. Radio Frequency Spectrum. - The radio frequency

spectrum allocation and assignment shall be subject to periodic
review. The use thereof shall be subject to reasonable spectrum user
fees. Where demand for specific frequencies exceed availability, the
Commission shall hold open tenders for the same and ensure wider
access to this limited resource.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Article VI. Franchise, Rates and Revenue Determination

Section 16. Franchise. - No person shall commence or conduct
business of being a public telecommunication entity without first
obtaining a franchise.
Section 17. Rates and Tariffs. - The Commission shall establish rates
and tariffs which are fair and reasonable and which provide for the
economic viability of telecommunications entities and a fair return on
their investments considering the prevailing cost of capital in the
domestic and international markets.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Section 18. Access Charge/Revenue Sharing. -The access

charge/revenue sharing arrangements between all interconnecting
carriers shall be negotiated between the parties and the agreement
between the parties shall be submitted to the Commission. In the event
the parties fail to agree thereon within a reasonable period of time, the
dispute shall be submitted to the Commission for resolution.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Section 19. Uniform System of Accounts. The Commission shall

require telecommunications entities to set up a uniform system of accounts
which shall be one of the bases in establishing rates and tariffs. Where a
single entity spans more than one category of telecommunications service,
a separate book of accounts shall be maintained for each category or
specialized classification.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


Section 20. Rights of End-Users. The user of telecommunications
service shall have the following basic rights:
(a) Entitlement of utility service which is non-discriminatory, reliable and
conforming with minimum standards set by the Commission;
(b) Right to be given the first single-line telephone connection or the first
partyline connection within two (2) months of application for service,
against deposit; or within three (3) months after targeted commencement
of service in the barangay concerned per the original schedule of service
expansion approved by the Commission, whichever deadline comes later;
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

(c) Regular, timely and accurate billing, courteous and efficient service at
utility business offices and by utility company personnel; and
(d) Thorough and prompt investigation of, and action upon complaints.
The utility shall endeavor to allow complaints to be received over the
telephone and shall keep a record of all written or phoned in complaints.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


Section 21. Public Ownership. - In compliance with the Constitutional
mandate to democratize ownership of public utilities, all telecommunications
entities with regulated types of services shall make a bonafide public
offering through the stock exchanges of at least thirty percent (30%) of its
aggregate common stocks within a period of five (5) years from effectivity of
this Act or the entity's first start of commercial operations, whichever date is
later. The public offering shall comply with the rules and regulations of the
Securities and Exchange Commission.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Section 22. Privatization of Existing Facilities. The Department shall,

within three (3) years from effectivity of this Act, privatize all
telecommunications facilities currently owned and/or operated by the
government for public use, plus those facilities currently being planned
under various bilateral funding arrangements. Unless otherwise
authorized by law, privatization of telecommunications facilities as well
as construction of telephone infrastructure shall be made through
public bidding.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Section 23. Equality of Treatment in the Telecommunications

Industry. - Any advantage, favor, privilege, exemption, or immunity
granted under existing franchises, or may hereafter be granted, shall ipso
facto become part of previously granted telecommunications franchises
and shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the grantees of
such franchises: Provided, however, That the foregoing shall neither apply
to nor affect provisions of telecommunications franchises concerning
territory covered by the franchise, the life span of the franchise, or the
type of service authorized by the franchise.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


Section 24. Transitory Provision. All telecommunications services
deregulated hereby and which are operating at the effectivity of this Act,
may continue to have their rates and tariffs approved by the Commission
until the end of the calendar year of the effectivity of this Act. Existing
franchises that are not operating or without pending applications for
certificates of public convenience at the time of effectivity of this Act are
deemed revoked.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

All interconnection agreements previously entered into between

telecommunications carriers shall remain in full force and effect but the
parties shall, within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act, review
their access charging/revenue sharing formula and submit to the
Commission an amendment thereof, if necessary, in order to comply with
the guidelines on the access charging/revenue sharing formula contained
in Section 18 of this Act.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Section 25. Separability Clause. - Any portion or provisions of this Act

that may be declared unconstitutional or invalid shall not have the effect of
nullifying other portions or provisions hereof as long as such remaining
portions or provisions can still subsist and be given effect in their entirety.
Section 26. Repealing Clause. - All laws, ordinances, rules, regulations,
and other issuances or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with this Act
are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 27. Effectivity Clause. - This Act shall take effect fifteen (15)
days from the date of its publication in at least two (2) newspapers of
general circulation.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Revised Amateur Radio Regulations

Pursuant to the provisions of the Radio Control Law, Act No. 3846 as
amended by Commonwealth Act. Nos. 571 and No. 546, the
following rules and regulations governing the Amateur Radio Service
to be known as the Revised Amateur Radio Regulations, are hereby
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


1. Statement of purpose – Under these Radio Regulations, the

following purposes are adopted as guiding principles to maintain
a high standard of service, technique, and procedures in the
Amateur Radio Service.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.1. RECOGNITION and enhancement of the value of the amateur radio

service to the public as a voluntary non-commercial radio communication
service, particularly with respect to providing radio communications in
times of emergencies and calamities.

1.2. ENCOURAGEMENT and improvement of the amateur radio service

through experimentation and development of progressive skills in the art,
science and technology of radio communications.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.3. INCREASE in the number of licensed amateurs who are self-trained,

skilled experimenters and electronic technologists in the Amateur Radio

1.4. RECOGNITION of only one national amateur radio organization or

society which may represent the Philippine amateurs in all conferences
and meetings, either local or international, and with the end in view of
fostering cordial relationship and efficient coordination between radio
amateurs and the government.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

2. Allocation and Use of Frequencies for Amateur Radio


2.1. Allocation and use of frequencies for Amateur Radio Service shall be in
accordance with the International Table of Radio Frequency Allocation
issued by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the
National Radio Frequency Allocation Table (NRFAT).
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.2. Frequencies for Amateur Radio Service shall be allocated to the different
classes of amateurs in the country and shall be made available for
assignment to stations within the said service
1.3. The amateur frequency bands allocated by these Regulations to the
amateurs shall be used only by duly licensed amateurs.
1.4. The frequency bands allocated to a particular class of amateurs shall be
shared by duly authorized amateurs strictly on a non-interference basis.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.5. Amateur radio licenses shall be granted to qualified members of amateur

organizations duly accredited by the National Telecommunications
Commission (NTC).
1.6. All licensees in this service shall cooperate in the proper use of the
assigned frequency bands to minimize interference and thereby obtain
the most effective use of their respective stations.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

3. Definitions – The following definitions shall apply in these radio


3.1. Amateur Fixed Station – A radio station in the amateur service installed
at specified and fixed location.
3.2. Amateur Mobile Station – A station in the amateur service installed on
board a vehicle or vessel and intended to be used while in motion or
during halts at unspecified points.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.3. Amateur Portable Station – An amateur station so designed that it may

conveniently be moved about from one place to another place or
personally carried and be operated while in motion or during temporary
1.4. Amateur Radio Communications – Refers to telecommunications by
means of radio waves conducted by or among duly authorized amateur
operators on a non-commercial basis.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.5. Amateur Radio Consultative Panel (ARCP)— A group composed of

NTC personnel and Class A amateurs from the national amateur radio
organization who assists the NTC in formulating policies, rules,
regulations and exam questions for the amateur radio service.
1.6. Amateur Radio Inspector – Refers to a Class “A” Amateur Radio
Operator who has operated his own amateur station for at least five (5)
years and has been deputized by the NTC to inspect amateur stations
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.7. Amateur Radio Service- A radio communications service for the

purpose of self-training, intercommunication and technical investigations
carried out by amateurs.
1.8. Amateur Radio Station License (ARSL) – Refers to a license or written
authority to own and operate amateur radio, issued to a qualified person
who has passed an appropriate amateur examination, for the period
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.9. Amateur Satellite Service – A radio communication service using space

stations and earth satellites for the same purposes as those of the
Amateur Radio Service.
1.10. Club Station License—is a license issued in favor of a club, society,
association who has at least twenty five (25) licensed RAOs and/or RALs
and a designated trustee.
1.11. NTC – Refers to the National Telecommunications Commission.
1.12. Radio – General Term applied to the use of radio wave.
1.13. Radiocommunication - Refers to telecommunications by means of radio
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.14. Radio Amateur Licensee (RAL)—is an amateur with a valid ARSL.

1.15. Radio Amateur Operator (RAO)— A person with a valid RAOC who is
interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim to operate an
amateur station and without pecuniary interest.
1.16. Radio Amateur Operator Certificate (RAOC) – Refers to a certificate or
written authority to operate amateur radio, issued to a qualified person
who has passed an appropriate amateur examination, for the period
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.17. Radio Apparatus – Refers to a reasonably complete and sufficient

combination of distinct radio equipment intended for and capable of being
used either for transmission or reception of radio signals or both.
1.18. Radio Station – One or more transmitters, receivers or combination of
transmitters and receivers at a location for carrying on radio
1.19. Repeater Station – Refers to an unmanned fixed station which receives
a signal on a frequency and automatically re-transmits the same signal
on another frequency.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.20. Telecommunications – Any transmission, emission, or reception of

signs, signal, writings, images and sounds or intelligence of any nature
by wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems.
1.21. Trustee – An amateur who has been duly licensed as Class “A” for at
least five (5) years and who is duly appointed by a club or association to
supervise and control the proper use and operation of the fixed station of
said club or association.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


1. Station Permit or License Required – No amateur radio station

or club station shall be operated, except by a holder of a valid
RAOC or ARSL issued by the NTC.
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Operator Law

2. Conditions for the Grant of RAOC and/or ARSL

2.1. An applicant for a RAOC and/or ARSL must qualify under the provisions
of Section IV (2).
2.2. A RAOC and/or ARSL shall be issued to a person who has passed the
appropriate NTC examination.
2.3. A complete set of applications for a RAOC and/or ARSL shall have been
filed with the NTC.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

3. Classes of Amateurs:

A – Extra Class
B – General Class
C – Technician Class
D – Foundation Class
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4. Privileges of Amateurs – the NTC shall prescribe the amateur

privileges, including the use of specific bands for each class.
5. Amateur Call Sign—The NTC shall grant a unique amateur call
sign to the applicant who successfully passes the amateur radio
exams and meets the minimum conditions for the grant of license.
This call sign shall be indicated in the amateur radio station
license and in the radio amateur operator certificate. The NTC
may issue vanity or special call signs.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

6. Effectivity of the Licenses or Certificates – The NTC shall

issue new or renewal licenses or certificates to qualified
applicants who have submitted the appropriate application form
which shall be valid for a minimum of one (1) year with the
expiration date falling on the licensee’s birth date. Lifetime or
permanent ARSL shall be valid for the lifetime of the RAL.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

7. Scope of Authority of Amateur License or Certificate – A duly

approved license shall convey to the holder the authority to
install, own and operate the authorized equipment for an amateur
fixed, mobile and/or portable radio station in the appropriate
frequency bands for his class. A duly approved certificate shall
convey to the holder the authority to operate amateur radio in the
appropriate frequency bands for his class.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

8. Renewal of License or Certificate – A license or certificate

without changes in any of its particulars may be renewed
provided that the application for renewal has been filed with the
NTC at least thirty (30) days before the date of expiration of the
license or certificate.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.1. A license or certificate that expired less than two (2) years may be
renewed upon filing of a renewal application and payment to the NTC of
the prescribed annual fee. The applicant shall also pay arrears equivalent
to the license fee for every year or a fraction of a year that the license
was expired. In addition, a penalty equivalent to the annual license fee
shall likewise be charged for every year or a fraction of a year that the
license has been expired.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.2. A license or certificate that expired more than two (2) years, but less than
5 years may be renewed in the same manner as Section 8.1. The
applicant, however, will be assigned a different call sign from that
previously issued to him if it is no longer available for assignment.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.3. Club station licenses, RAOCs and/or ARSLs that expired beyond 5 years
may be renewed in the same manner as Section 8.1. However, the RAO
and/or RAL shall be required to attend a seminar on current Radio Laws
and Radio Ethics with the national amateur radio organization. The
applicant, however, will be assigned a different call sign from that
previously issued to him or the club station if it is no longer available for
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

9. Modification of License – Application for modification of the

license shall be filed with the NTC for upgrading to a higher class
of license, change of name, transfer of location of the fixed station
or addition/deletion of transceiver.
10. Duplicate License or Certificate – A license or certificate which
has been lost, mutilated or destroyed shall be reported
immediately and an application for a duplicate copy be filed with
the NTC. If the original license or certificate is later found, the
duplicate shall be returned immediately to the NTC.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

11. Schedule of Fees – The schedule of fees shall be prescribed by

the NTC
12. The NTC shall maintain an updated database of amateur radio
station licensees and radio amateur operators. This database
shall be made available to the public and shall only reveal the
name, call sign(s), amateur radio class and license expiration
date of the club station license, ARSL or RAOC.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


1. Authorized Frequencies

1.1. The following are frequency bands allocated by the NTC to the amateur
Radio Service in the Philippines.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

135.7 - 137.8 KHz Secondary (WRC footnote)

472.0 – 479.0 KHz Secondary WRC-12 5.A123
1.800 - 2.000 MHz Primary (note: NIB to any Loran System)
3.500 - 3.900 MHz Primary
7.000 - 7.200 MHz Primary
7.201 - 7.300 MHz Secondary
10.100 - 10.150 MHz Secondary
14.000 - 14.350 MHz Primary
18.068 - 18.168 MHz Primary
21.000 - 21.450 MHz Primary
24.890 - 24.990 MHz Primary
28.000 - 29.700 MHz Primary
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

50.000 - 54.000 MHz Primary

144.000 - 146.000 MHz Primary
430.000 - 440.000 MHz Secondary (See Foot No. 652, WARC ’79)
1240.000 - 1300.000 MHz Secondary
2300.000 - 2450.000 MHz Secondary
3300.000 - 3400.000 MHz Secondary
3400.000 - 3500.000 MHz Secondary
5650 – 5850 MHz Secondary WRC-07 5.150 5.453
10.000 - 10.450 GHz Secondary
10.450 - 10.500 GHz Secondary
24.000 - 24.050 GHz Primary
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

24.050 - 24.250 GHz Secondary

47.000 - 47.200 GHz Primary
76.0 - 77.5 GHz Secondary WRC-07 5.149
77.5 - 78.0 GHz PRIMARY WRC-07 5.149
78.0 - 81.0 GHz Secondary WRC-07 5.149 5.560
134.000 - 136.000 GHz Primary
136.000 - 141.000 GHz Secondary
241.000 - 248.000 GHz Secondary
248.000 - 250.000 GHz Primary
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.2. The frequency bands that shall be allocated to the different classes of
radio amateurs shall be determined by the NTC. Stations operating on
frequency bands allocated on a secondary basis shall not cause harmful
interference to stations authorized to operate in the band of a primary
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

2. Authorized Station Power Output

2.1. A Class “A” licensee shall be authorized to operate an HF fixed and/or

mobile radio station with an output power not to exceed one (1) kilowatt
on a continuous wave (CW) or two (2) kilowatts peak envelope power
(PEP) single band suppressed carrier and state-of-the-art on VHF/UHF
fixed, mobile or portable station.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.2. A Class “B” licensee shall be authorized to operate an HF fixed radio

station and/or mobile radio station with an output power not exceeding
five hundred (500) watts on CW or one (1) kw PEP on single side band
suppressed carrier and state of the art on VHF/UHF fixed, mobile or
portable station.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.3. A Class “C” licensee shall be authorized to operate an HF fixed radio

station and/or mobile radio station with an output power not exceeding
100 watts on CW or 200 watts PEP on single side band suppressed
carrier and 100 watts on VHF fixed, portable or mobile station.

1.4. A Class “D” licensee shall be authorized to operate a VHF fixed radio
station with an output power not exceeding 50 watts and 10 watts on
VHF mobile or portable.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

3. Emergency Channel
3.1. The frequency 145.000 MHz (+ - 25 KHz) shall be used only for
emergency communication and general calling for radio telephony. The
NTC may assign other emergency channel as the need arises.
3.2. To facilitate the reception of distress calls, all transmissions on 145.000
MHz shall be kept to a minimum and shall not exceed one minute.
3.3. Before transmitting on the frequency 145.000 MHz a station should listen
on this frequency for a reasonable period to make sure that no distress
traffic is being sent. This provision does not apply to a station in distress.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.4. Distress Communications

1.4.1. The distress call sent by radiotelephony consists of:
• The distress signal MAYDAY spoken three (3) times
• The words THIS IS (or DE spoken as DELTA ECHO in case of
language difficulties).
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.1.2. The radiotelephone distress message consists of:

• The distress signal MAYDAY.
• The name, or other identification of the mobile station in distress.
• Particular of its position.
• The nature of the distress and the kind of assistance desired
• Any other information which might facilitate the rescue.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.5. Any station in the amateur mobile service which has knowledge of a
distress traffic and which cannot itself assist the station in distress is
forbidden to transmit on the frequency in which the distress traffic is
taking place, until such station receives the message indicating that
normal working transmissions may be resumed.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


Every amateur must thoroughly understand his responsibility to

develop the skills that are needed to operate his radio station
properly. The examination to be taken by a prospective amateur or
an upgrading amateur shall determine whether he is qualified for the
privileges conveyed by a license or certificate.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1. Submission of Application for Amateur Examination -

Applicants for amateur examinations must submit the appropriate
application forms to the NTC.
2. General Qualifications for Examinees – An applicant for
examination must possess the following general qualifications
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.1. A citizen of the Philippine or a citizen of other countries that provide the
same privilege extended to Filipino nationals in their country as far as
examination is concerned.
1.2. At least twelve (12) years old for Class A, B and C. For Class D, the
minimum age shall be nine (9) years old provided there is an affidavit of
parental consent.
1.3. Ability to transmit and/or receive messages either in Filipino, English, or
any of the Philippine languages.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

3. Examination Coverage – The examination shall cover the rules,

procedures and technical materials that an amateur will need to
know in order to operate a station properly. The examination for
amateurs shall cover the following general subjects:
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.1. Element I - Morse Code

1.2. Element II - Rules and Regulations
1.3. Element III - Fundamentals of Electronics and Electricity
1.4. Element IV - Amateur Radio Practice
1.5. Element V - Signals, Frequencies and Emission
1.6. Element VI - Circuit Components
1.7. Element VII - Operating Procedures
1.8. Element VIII - Practical Circuits
1.9. Element IX - Antenna and Transmission Lines
1.10. Element X - Radio Wave Propagation
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4. Written Examination
4.1. Required Rating – The candidate must obtain an average of 70% to pass
the written examination required for a class of amateur license provided
that a rating of not less than 50% is received for any of the prescribed
4.2. The NTC shall prescribe the elements of examination for each class of
amateur including the syllabus or area of study and examination for each
4.3. In the event that a candidate for Class C fails in Elements III and IV, but
passes element II, he shall be eligible for a Class D License.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

5. Special Candidates – A registered Electronics and

Communication Engineer or a holder of a valid commercial first
radiotelephone operator certificate is qualified to hold an amateur
Class “B” provided he shall pass the examination for element II
without undergoing the examination for Class “C”. Similarly, a
holder of a valid first/or second class commercial radiotelegraph
radio operator certificate shall be required to pass the
examination for element II only.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law



All amateurs shall observe the following rules:

1. Requirement for station operation – A valid license or
certificate is required for the operation of an amateur station.
2. Transmission must be in plain language of either English, Filipino
or any of the Philippine dialects. Q codes may be used in voice
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

3. An amateur shall not transmit messages or signals containing

music, profane or indecent words or language, communications
intended to facilitate a criminal act.
4. Transmissions in the amateur radio service shall be identified
through the use of call signs. The amateur is encouraged to
identify itself with its call sign at least once for every ten minutes
of transmission.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

5. Posting of call signs – The call sign(s) of a licensee shall be

displayed conspicuously at the authorized location of the station
or on the equipment itself if it is a portable station.
6. All transmissions with false or misleading identification are
7. Communications with amateur stations of other countries shall be
made in plain language and shall be limited to messages of a
technical nature relating to test and personal remarks for which,
by reason of their unimportance, recourse to the public
telecommunications services is not necessary.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

8. The amateur shall operate within the privileges allowed in the

station license granted to him.
9. Posting of licenses – The license must be posted in a
conspicuous place in the radio station or a certified copy thereof
be carried by the amateur.
10. The amateur may permit any person to transmit by voice provided
he directly controls the entire operation in accordance with the
proper amateur practice and only the call sign of the licensee is
used to identify the transmission.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

11. Amateurs shall not receive, levy, or collect a toll fee or other
remuneration for a service or services performed by his station.
12. Amateurs shall take great effort to regulate and control the use of any
channel in the authorized frequency band/s in order to prevent harmful
interference to other existing radio communications. The emitted wave
shall be free, as practically as possible, from harmonics, key clicks and
other forms of unwanted signals. Intentional jamming is strictly
prohibited and it shall be a ground for suspension and/or revocation of
the license or certificate after due process, or for those who are not
licensed, it may be a bar to the issuance of any license or certificate.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

13. It is absolutely forbidden for amateurs to use their facilities for

transmitting music and commercial messages or signals.
14. The radio frequencies allocated for amateur stations shall be
used strictly in accordance with the class of the operating
15. An amateur shall cease operation immediately upon knowing that
his station is causing harmful interference to the operation of any
existing licensed station.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

16. If harmful interference is being caused by an amateur radio

station, the NTC shall take appropriate steps as it may deem
proper for the prevention of further interference either by limiting
the power of the station, the working hours of the stations, or if
necessary, by suspending its operation pending a satisfactory
adjustment of the equipment. In the event of continued
interference, the NTC may order the temporary closure of the
interfering station.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

17. The power output of the equipment energizing the antenna or

radiating system of an amateur radio station shall not exceed the
limit prescribed for the particular class of station.
18. If the equipment of a station is capable of operating with an RF
power output in excess of 500 watts, such equipment must be
provided with a means for measuring the anode voltage and
current of the stage supplying power to the antenna.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

19. In radioteletype transmission, the frequency shift shall not exceed

850 hertz. The station must identify itself by transmitting its call
sign in morse code at the start and end of its transmission and at
least once every ten (10) minutes. The simultaneous transmission
of sound and picture (Amateur Television) on all frequencies
above 50 MHz is allowed provided such operation shall be
covered by a specific authorization from the NTC.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

20. The frequency of a transmitter operating on frequencies below

144 MHz must be suppressed during periods of reception.

Except for brief tests and adjustments which must be identified by

the station call sign, the emission of an unmodulated carrier is not
permitted on frequencies below 144 MHz.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

21. Stability of transmission less than that obtainable with crystal

control is prohibited.
22. Broadcasting of information intended solely for licensed amateurs
as defined under these regulations is authorized within the radio
frequency bands allocated for the Amateur Radio Service.
Rebroadcast of radio or television programs originally intended
for the entertainment of the general public is not allowed.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

23. Portable or mobile operation – A portable or mobile station shall

be allowed to communicate with any amateur station provided the
following requirements are complied with:
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.1. Portable or mobile operation must be identified in

radiotelephony by the call sign of the station suffixed by the
word “portable” or “mobile” followed by the number of the
district in which the operation is taking place, e.g. DU9RG
portable 8, DU2JJT mobile 9 etc. The last figure may be
omitted when the mobile or portable station is in the home
district. Radio telegraphy transmission must be identified by
the call sign of the station followed by a fraction bar and
number of the district of operation e.g. DU1EV/2.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.2. Portable operation must not exceed beyond one (1) month
in any other area without obtaining a specific authority for
continued operation and if the operation will exceed four (4)
months continuously in that location, a modification of the
station license must be applied for.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.3. The licensee shall make available the portable or mobile

equipment of the station for inspection upon reasonable
request of the NTC authorized representative.
1.4. The licensee of a portable or mobile station may also
communicate with his own fixed station provided that said
fixed station is manned by another duly licensed amateur
and identified with the use of the authorized call sign of that
fixed station
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

24. Location and control of station – A fixed amateur radio station

shall be authorized only in places under the control of the
amateur radio operator. The amateur radio station shall not be
located at a place under the control of any alien except when
such station was established in accordance with Section IX of
these regulations.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.1. A duly licensed amateur, however, may install and operate the mobile
radio equipment of his station on any vehicle or vessel owned or
controlled by the licensee and the authorized call sign is correctly
shown. The licensee shall present the original station license or
certified copy thereof to any representative of a law enforcement
agency upon reasonable requests.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

25. It shall be unlawful for a licensed amateur to allow the use of any
of his/her transmitter/transceiver by non-licensed persons.
However, the use of radio transmitters/transceivers by persons
other than the licensed amateurs shall be allowed provided the
operator is under the direct supervision or control of the licensee.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

26. Technical experimentation—Amateurs being at the forefront of

technology and experimentation may use the latest technology to
enhance their hobby. This includes, but is not limited to, the use
of amateur satellites and the internet within the limits of the law.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


Only NTC accredited radio dealers shall be allowed to sell and import
amateur transceivers. Licensed amateurs may sell and transfer
transceivers previously licensed/registered under his name to another
licensed amateur provided that the latter has secured an appropriate permit
to purchase. Licensed amateurs may import equipment for personal use
upon securing the proper permit from the NTC and the payment of the
appropriate Customs duties.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law



1. Authorization to install and operate repeaters shall be granted only to duly

recognized amateur associations, clubs, societies or schools.

2. As far as practicable, repeaters shall be designed and installed in an

manner to enhance the development of amateur radio communication in the
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

3. The amateur shall operate the repeaters properly on a non-interference

basis. In cases of interference to and between repeaters, the national
amateur radio organization may be called by the NTC to mediate and
4. Repeater license - A repeater license, which is separate and distinct
from the ARSL or club station license, shall be issued in favor of a club or
association. A certified true copy of the repeater license shall be posted at
the location of the repeater and it shall bear the same call sign of the RAL
or the club station.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


1. Accreditation of Amateur Organization
1.1 An amateur association, club, society is the appropriate forum where
members may acquire a thorough understanding of his responsibilities and develop
skills to operate his station properly.
1.2 An amateur organization, club, society, organized under Philippine Laws and
having a minimum membership of twenty five (25) duly licensed Page | 15 amateur
radio operator may be accredited by NTC and granted permission to operate a club
1.3 An applicant organization shall execute a Memorandum of Agreement with
the NTC. The Memorandum of Agreement shall indicate the conditions under which
the applicant organization may be accredited.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

2. The Philippine Amateur Radio Association (PARA) is the only recognized

national society of amateurs.

3. Eligibility of Organization to Operate a Fixed Station The NTC may

authorize an accredited amateur club or association to establish and operate
an amateur fixed station. However, the station license shall be issued only to
a trustee designated by the club or society from among its Class A members
who has a valid ARSL and has been licensed as Class “A” for at least five (5)
years to act as such.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

3.1 The trustee shall be responsible for the correct and proper operation
of the station, as required by these regulations. He may allow amateurs of
lower classes to operate the station provided that the same shall be done
under his direct supervision only.
3.2 The fixed station maintained by a club or society shall be used
generally for training purposes and communication with amateur stations
located in other districts of the country or in friendly foreign countries.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


The Philippines shall be divided into nine (9) amateur radio

districts, as follows:
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


National Capital Region Region VI
Region IV
Region I
CAR Region IX
Region III Region XII


Region V Region XI
Region XIII
Region VIII
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


The NTC may authorize a foreign visitor to operate an amateur radio station while temporarily
staying in the Philippines; Provided the applicant shall submit the following requirements:

1. Copy of valid Amateur Radio Operator Certificate issued by the country of citizenship.

2. Any proof that his/her country provides the same privilege with Filipino amateurs.

3. Endorsement from recognized national organization.

4. Payment of required fees.

WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


A license or certificate issued under these regulations may be revoked or suspended, after
due notice and hearing is afforded to the amateur or trustee, for any of the following acts:
1. Violation of any provisions of the Radio Control Act 3846, as amended or any regulations
promulgated thereunder concerning amateur radio service.
2. Making any false statement in the application for license and/or operator certificate or any
report required to be submitted under these regulations.
3. Failure to comply with any of the conditions under which a license is issued.
4. Intentional harmful interfering or jamming of licensed radio stations.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


A question pool committee composed of the Amateur Radio

Consultative Panel and persons or offices designated by the NTC
shall formulate a question pool which shall be used for the
amateur radio examinations. They shall meet periodically to
update and improve the question pool.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law



The Amateur Radio Consultative Panel shall formulate the

appropriate implementing rules and regulations for this circular.
They shall meet periodically to update or improve the IRRs. The
IRR shall be issued no later than one year from the effectivity of
this circular.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


The Amateur Radio Consultative Panel shall periodically review

and assess this Circular and its IRRs with the end in view of
further improving the amateur radio service in the Philippines.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


This supersedes any existing amateur radio regulation, order,

instruction or memorandum circular, or any of part thereof, which
is inconsistent herewith.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


If any provision of this Circular is declared invalid or

unconstitutional, other provisions hereof which are not affected
thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


This Circular shall take effect immediately upon publication in a

newspaper of general circulation.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Chapter 18-A

Implementation of the Revised

Amateur Regulations
(NTC MC No. 02-03-87)
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

I. Basis and Purpose:

The Procedures and guidelines as set forth in this circular are

issued for the effective implementation of the provision of Ministry
Circular No. 8-7-174 dated 03 February 1987, promulgated by the
Ministry of Transportation and Communication Radio Service.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

II. General Mechanics

1. Accreditations of Amateur Organizations

1.1 Amateurs’, association, club or society Required to submit to the

*Application for Certification of Accreditation
*Copy of SEC certification of registration and Articles of incorporation.
*List of its Members
*Duly certified list of its board members and officers.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1.2 The duly accredited amateur association, club or society

shall sign a memorandum of agreement with the Commission
for the management and supervision of its members in the
proper use of the amateur frequency bands and prevention of
harmful interference.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

2. Call Signs for Amateurs

2.1 Formation of call sign

*DU for class A
*DV for class B
*DW for class C
*DX or DZ for a club station or a station installed to be operated for a field trip
or special event, followed by a figure corresponding to the Amateur Radio
district where the station is located and a suffix of not more than three letters,
e.g., DUICSC, DVIRA, DWISJ, etc.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

2.2 Use of call sign – All transmission in the amateur radio service
shall carry identification signals.

2.3 Posting of call sign – The call sign of a fixed amateur station
with characters at least 10 cm high shall be posted at the entrance to
the premises where the fixed station is located. In the case of a
mobile station, the call sign with characters at least 5.08 cm high
shall be posted on the windshield of a vehicle or vessel and 0.635
cm high on the equipment itself of a portable station.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

3. Any amateur desiring to operate his radio station for a special field
trip DX expedition shall submit a written request to the NTC to obtain a
temporary permit to operate the station for the duration of the event.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4. Amateur Examination
4.1 Required Elements for each class of Amateurs
Class A: Element I, VIII, IX, and X
Class B: Element I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII
Class C: Element I, II, III, and IV

4.1.1 A qualified person shall be allowed to take the examination for class B
Amateur immediately after having passed the elements prescribed for class C.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4.1.2 However, a class C Amateur desiring to upgrade his license to

class B shall not be require to be examined again on elements
prescribed for class C Amateur, except Element I.

4.1.3 A class B Amateur shall be allowed to take the examination for

class A provided he has been a holder of a valid class B station
license for at least one (1) year before the data of filing the
application for examination.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4.2 Examination Syllabus – The written examinations shall be

composed of questions derived from the topics listed under the
prescribed elements. The syllabi for the elements (not exclusive) are
as follows:
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4.2.1 Element II – Radio Rules and Regulations

1. Policies governing the use of Amateur 6. Qualification of Amateur

Frequency Bands 7. Rules governing operation of
2. Definitions of Terms amateur stations
3. Applications, Permits and Licenses 8. Amateur organizations, accreditation,
4. Authorized power and frequency band privileges
5. Classes of Amateur 9. Suspension/revocation of licenses
10. Penalty provisions
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4.2.2 Element III – Electrical and Electronics Principles

1. Reactive Power 7. Impedance
2. Series and parallel resonance 8. Resistance
3. Skin Effect 9. Reactance
4. Fields, energy storage, electrostatic, 10. Inductance
electromagnetic 11. Capacitance
5. Photoconductive effect 12. Impedance matching a
6. Exponential charge/discharge
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

13. Voltage
14. Alternating current, direct current
15. Conductor, Insulator
16. Open circuit, short circuit
17. Energy, power
18. Frequency, wavelength
19. Radio frequency
20. Audio frequency
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Mathematical relationships; calculations:

21. Resonant frequency, bandwidth and “Q” of R-L-C circuit given component
22. Phase angle between voltage and current, given resistance and reactance
23. Power factor, given phase angle
24. Effective radiated power, given system gains and losses
25. Replacement of voltage sources and resistive voltage divided with equivalent
circuit consisting of a voltage source and are resistor (and application of Thevenins
Theorem, used to predict the current supplied by a voltage divider to a known load)
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

26. Time constant for R-C and R-L circuits (including circuits with more than one
resistor, capacitor or inductor)
27. Impedance diagram, basis principles of Smith Chart
28. Impedance of R-L-C networks at a Specified Frequency
29. Algebraic operations using complex numbers: real imaginary magnitude, angle
30. Ohm’s Law
31. Current and voltage dividers
32. Electrical power calculations
33. Series and parallel combinations; of resistors, of capacitors of inductors
34. Turns ratio; voltage, current, and impedance transformation
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Electrical Units
37. Microfarad, picofarad 43. Hertz
38. Henry, Millihenry, Microhenry 44. Metric prefixes: mega, kilo,
39. Decibel centi, milli, pico
40. Volt
41. Ampere
42. Watt
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4.2.3 Element IV – Amateur Radio Practice

Use of test equipment
1. Frequency measurement devices
2. Grid-dip meter; solid state dip meter
3. Performance limitations of oscilloscopes, meters, frequency counters; accuracy,
frequency response, stability
4. Spectrum analyzer; interpret display; display of transmitter, output spectrum, such
as commonly found in new product review articles in Amateur Radio magazines
5. Logic probe, indication of high or low state, pulsing state
6. Oscilloscope
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

7. Multimeter 16. Disturbance in consumer electronic

8. Signal Generators products caused by audio rectification
9. Signal tracer Electromagnetic compatibility: 17. Overload of consumer electronic products
10. Intermodulation interference by strong radio frequency fields Safety
11. Receive desensitizing Precautions:
12. Cross-modulation interference 18. Household supply and electrical wiring
13. Capture effect safety
14. Vehicle-noise suppression ignition noise, 19. Dangerous voltage in equipment
alternator whine, static 20. Measures to prevent use of Amateur
15. Direction-finding techniques; methods for Radio station equipment by unauthorized
location of source of radio signals persons
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

21. Lightning protection for antenna system 31. Monitoring oscilloscope

22. Ground system 32. Non-radiating load; “dummy” antenna
23. Antenna-installation safety procedures 33. Field strength meter S-meter
Transmitter performance: 34. Wattmeter Interpretation of SWR
24. Two-tone test readings as related to faults in antenna
25. Neutralizing final amplifier system;
26. Power measurement Proper use of the 35. Interference TO consumer electronic
following station components and accessories products caused by radiated harmonics.
27. Reflectometer (VSWR meter) 36. Acceptable readings
28. Speech processor – rf and af 37. Possible causes of unacceptable
29. Electronic T-R switch readings 4
30. Antenna-tuning unit; matching network
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4.2.4 Element VI – Signals and Emissions

1. Emission types A4, A5, F4, F5 10. Signal-to-noise ratio
2. Modulation methods 11. Amateur frequency bands
3. Deviation ratio 12. Pulse modulation; position; width
4. Modulation index 13. Digital signals
5. Electromagnetic radiation 14. Narrow-band voice modulation
6. Wave polarization 15. Information rate vs bandwidth
7. Sine, square, sawtooth waveforms 16. Peak amplitude of a signal
8. Root-mean-square value 17. Peak-to-peak values of a signal
9. Peak-envelope power relative to average 18. Emission types
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

19. Signal, information 32. Frequency translation; mixing multiplication

20. Amplitude modulation 33. Radioteleprinting audio frequency shift
21. Double sideband keying, mark, space, shift
22. Single sideband 34. Emission type A1, A3, F1, F3 Cause and core:
23. Frequency modulation 35. Backwave
24. Phase modulation 36. Key clicks
25. Carrier
37. Chirp
26. Sidebands
38. Superimposed hum
27. Bandwidth
39. Undesirable harmonic emissions
28. Envelope 29. Deviation
30. Overmodulation 31. Splatter 40. Spurious emissions
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4.2.5 Element VI – Circuit Components:

Physical appearance, types, characteristics, applications and schematic symbols for
the following:
1. Diodes, zener, tunnel, varactor, hot-carrier, junction, point contact, PIN
2. Transistors, npn, pnp, junction, uni-junction, power, germanium, silicon
3. Silicon-controlled rectifier, triac
4. Light-emitting diode, neon lamp
5. Field-effect transistors; enhancement, depletion, MOS, CMOS, n-channel, p-channel
6. Operational amplifier and phase-locked loop integrated circuits
7. 7400 series TTL digital integrated circuits
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

8. 4000 series CMOS digital integrated circuits

9. Vidicon, cathode ray tube
10. Resistors
11. Capacitors
12. Inductors
13. Transformers
14. Power-supply-type diode rectifiers
15. Quarts crystals
16. Meters (D’ Arsonal movement)
17. Vacuum tubes
18. Fuses
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4.2.6 Element VII – Operating Procedures 11. Antenna orientation

1. Facsimile transmission 12. International communication
2. Slow-scan television transmission 13. Emergency-preparedness
3. Use of Amateur Radio satellite 14. R-S-T signal reporting system
4. Amateur fast-scan television 15. Choice of telegraphy speed
5. Radiotelephony 16. Zero-beating received signal
6. Radio teleprinting 17. Transmitter tune-up procedure
7. Use of repeaters 18. Use of common and internationally
8. VOX transmitter control recognized telegraphy abbreviations
9. Full break in telegraphy including: CQ, K, SK, R, AR, 73, QRS,
10. Operating courtesy QRZ, QTH, QRM, QRN, QRA
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4.2.7 Element VIII – Practical Circuits 5. Oscillators; various types and their
1. Voltage regulator circuits; discrete and
applications stability
6. Digital logic circuits; flip-flop, multi-vibrator,
2. Amplifier; Class A, AB, B, C;
characteristics of each type
7. Digital frequency divider circuits; crystal
3. Impedance-matching networks: PI, L, PI-L
marker, counters
4. Filters; constant K, M-derived, bandstop,
notch, modern-network-theory, P1-section, 8. Active Audio Filters using integrated
T-section, Lsection (not necessary to operational amplifiers
memorize design and equations); know 9. Power supplies
general description, characteristics, 10. High-pass, low-pass and band-pass filters
responses and applications of these filters.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Transmitter and receiver circuits High-performance receiver characteristics:

– know purpose of each and how; 15. Noise figure, sensitivity
basically, each functions: 16. Selectivity
12. Modulators; a-m, fm, balanced 17. Dynamic range
13. Transmitter final amplifiers
14. Detectors, mixers stages
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Calculation of voltages, currents and power Circuit design selection of circuit component
in common Amateur Radio oriented circuits values:
22. Voltage regulator with pass transistor and zener
18. Common emitter class A transistor
diode produce given output voltage
amplifier; bias network signal gain
23. Select coil and capacitor to resonate given
19. Common collector class A transistor frequency
amplifier, bias network, signal gain input and 24. LC preselector with fixed and variable
output impedances capacitors to tune a given frequency range
20. Integrated operational amplifier voltage 25. Single-stage amplifier to have desired
gain, frequency response frequency response by proper selection of bypass
21. FET common-source amplifiers input and coupling capacitors
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Block diagrams:
26. The stages in a simple telegraphy (AI transmitter).
27. The stages in a simple receiver capable of telegraphy (A1 reception).
28. The functional layout of novice station equipment, including transmitter,
receiver, antenna switching, antenna feedline antenna, and telegraphy key.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4.2.8 Element IX – Antennas and Feedlines

1. Antenna gain, beamwidth 12. Loading coil, base, center, to Antennas and
2. Trap antennas Feedline
3. Parasitic elements 13. Antennas for space radio communications; gains;
4. Radiation resistance beamwidth, tracking
5. Driven elements 14. Isotropic radiator; use as a standard of
6. Efficiency of antenna comparison
7. Folded, multiple wire dipoles 15. Phased vertical antennas; resultant patterns,
8. Velocity factor spacing in wavelengths
9. Electrical length of a feedline 16. Rhombic antennas; advantages, disadvantages
10. Voltage and current nodes
11. Mobile antennas
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

17. Matching antennas to feedline; delta, gamma, stub

18. Properties of ⅛ , ¼, ½, and ⅜ wavelength sections of feedlines; shorted,

WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Necessary physical dimensions of Common types of feedlines used at

high-frequency antennas for resonance Amateur Radio stations:
on Amateur Radio frequencies

19. A half-wave dipole 21. Coaxial cable

20. A quarter-wave vertical 22. Parallel-conductor line
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4.2.9 Element X – Radio Wave Propagation

1. Sporadic – E
2. Selective Fading 11. Regular daily variations
3. Auroral Propagation 12. Sudden ionospheric disturbance
4. Radio-path horizon 13. Scatter propagation
5. Meteor Burst 14. Sunspot cycle
6. Ground conductivity 15. Line-of-sight
7. Trans-equatorial 16. Ducting, tropospheric bonding
8. Ionospheric layers 17. Sky wave “ship”
9. Absorption 18. Ground wave
10. Maximum usable frequency
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

5. Radio Amateur shall operate only in accordance with the class of station
license issued to them with the sub-allocated frequency bands and the types
of emission as indicated in Annex C.

6. License Form – the form of the Amateur Radio License to be issued to the
Amateurs shall be shown in Annex B.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

7. Requirements for issuance of an Amateur Station License

7.1 Certified copy of NTC report of rating the examination taken

7.2 Application for new station license

7.3 Application for permit to purchase/possess transmitter(s) transceiver(s)

7.4 Properly accomplished information sheet

WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

III. SCHEDULE OF FEES The following fees shall be paid to the NTC:
1. New or renewal amateur radio license

Class “A” ---------------------- P 20.00 per year or a fraction thereof

Class “B” ---------------------- P 25.00 per year or a fraction thereof
Class “C” ---------------------- P 30.00 per year or a fraction thereof
Class “D” ---------------------- P 20.00 per year or a fraction thereof

2. Issuance of duplicate license

WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

3. Examination for Amateur radio operator

4. Modification of station license P20.00
Class A P32.00
5. Permit to Purchase, Possess or Sell a
Class B P30.00 Transmitter/Transceiver P35.00

Class C P25.00 Permit to possess P45.00/Unit

Permit to Sell P35.00/Unit
Class D P20.00
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

V. REPEALING CLAUSE – This Circular supersedes other NTC Circulars or instructions

or part thereof that are inconsistent herewith.

V. EFFECTIVITY – This Circular shall take effect immediately after the subject Ministry
Order becomes operational.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Chapter 18-B
Additional Guidelines on Amateur Radio
Regulations (NTC Memorandum Circular No.
4-7-90 February 22 1990
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

I. In view of the amendments made on memorandum Circular NO.

02-03-87, the following guidelines are hereby adopted in order to weed out
operators or licenses who use this privilege purely for commercial and/or business
purposes and to keep a high level professionalism in the Amateur Radio Service
March 1, 1990.

1. Before an Amateur Radio License or Operator’s Permit is renewed, the applicant

must be able to show proof of his/her involvement on amateur radio activity. An
Amateur Radio License holder may be involved in any of the following:
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

a. DX – He/ she must be to show proof by presenting Log Extracts and/or GSL Cards
and/or DX Awards won or earned as a result of his her DX activities.

b. Technical Experimentations-He/she must show proof of being involved in the

technical aspects of the hobby which may include propagation tests and
exploration, electronic innovations (such as the improvement of present equipment
and accessories), home brewing of equipment and accessories. These must be
properly documented with the submission of test result, drawings and circuit
diagram where necessary.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

c. Emergency Communications –He/she must show proof of having been involved in

purely Amateur Emergency Communications and in the absence of an emergency
or disaster situation, participation and active membership in the Amateur Radio
Emergency Service (ARES) will suffice.

d. Active Membership in Amateur Radio CLUB – An amateur radio enthusiast can

only grow and progress in his/her hobby through an exchange of ideas and the
support of his/her fellow amateurs. Membership in an Amateur Radio Club therefore
is vital and important. This is optional but highly encouraged.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

2. The proof of Amateur Activity will come in a dorm to be submitted by the applicant
with his/her application for renewal (Form ARSCP-001). This form must be endorsed
by a local club, duly recognized by the NTC as an Amateur Radio Club or a Class “A”
Amateur Radio License holder. The applicant need not be a member of the club or a
Class “A” endorser shall be held responsible for its endorsement of the applicant.

3. A Class “A” Radio Amateur License holder who endorse an applicant without the
proper proof of the applicant amateur activity may have his/her licensed suspended or
revoke depending on the degree of abuse of his authority.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4. Upon the approval of these guidelines, the Head of the Amateur Radio Service
Consultative Panes shall determine which of the clubs duly accredited by the NTC
shall be authorized and given the responsibility to endorse amateur radio licensed
holders. This authorization shall be granted to clubs whose activity, since its
accreditation by the NTC, has been focused on Amateur Radio Activities. This
authorization may likewise be removed if.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

a. The club has not complied with the provisions of its Memorandum of agreement
with the NTC;
b. The club has abused their privilege through the issuances of an endorsement
without the proper proof of amateur activity of the applicant:
c. If the club used this endorsement as a money making scheme for the club or
for its officers.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

II. Applicant For Amateur Radio Examination (Effectively-Two(2) moths after the
approval of this guidelines)

1. Any applicant for the Amateur radio Examination Class “C” or “D” must first
show proof of having gone through a seminar conducted by an authorized and
accredited amateur radio club or a class “A” Amateur Radio Licensed holder
before he/she is allowed to take the exams.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

2. The authority of a local club to hold seminars and to endorse an applicant can
be issued only by the head of the Amateur Radio Service Consultative Panel
and the same may be withdrawn if the passing rate of its applicants go below
50% at any one exam. This privilege can only be restored if the club can show
proof of having conducted a seminar jointly with another accredited club with a
passing rate of 50%.

3. Clubs desiring to obtain authorization and accreditation to hold seminars must

first jointly hold seminar with another club with 50% passing rate before it can
be granted it own authorization and accreditation.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4. A Class “A” Amateur Radio licensed holder whose passing rate of endorsed
applicants is below 50% will no longer be allowed to endorse an applicant for
an exam nor for the renewal of an amateur radio license.

Any other circular, order or instruction or part thereof which is inconsistent

herewith is also. Suspended or amended accordingly.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Chapter 18-C
Additional guidelines for the renewal of radio license and
application for amateur radio (NTC NC no. 4-1-94) April 15, 1994
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

In view of the various amendments made on Memorandum

Circular No. 02-03-81, and i order to attain the basic purpose
and professionalism the Amateur Radio Service, the following
guidelines are hereby adopted i the renewal of amateur radio
license and application for amateur radio exam.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

1. Before an Amateur radio license or operator a permit is renewed,
an applicant must show proof of involvement in amateur radio
B. Technical experimentation
C.Emergency Communication
D. Active membership on a amateur radio club
E. Field expedition
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

2 . The proof of amateur activity should be submitted by the

applicant for renewal( Form ARSCP-001) and must be
endorsed by a amateur radio club or a class A endorser .
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

II. Orientation Seminar for Amateur radio applicants

A. Class C and D is required to attend the orientation of the amateur

radio club or class A license holder whom endorsed their renewal.
B. Seminar curriculum shall be standardized according to guidelines
of the ARCP.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

III. Amateur Radio Consultative Panel(ARCP)

1. The ARCP shall have 5 members which the chairman is elected

from this group. 2 representatives of commission , 2 class A
amateurs recommended by PARA and a 5th class A member
which has an outstanding reputation and is also joint endorsed by
the 4 other members.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

2. ARCP chairman shall recommend to the commissioner that the amateur

radio club or class A amateur radio operators shall be given responsibility to
endorse approval and to conduct required orientation seminar. This can be
cancelled if:
a) The club has not complied with the provision of its Memorandum of
Agreement with the NTC;
b) The club has abused its privileges through the issuance of
endorsements without the proper proof of amateur activity of the applicant.
c) The club indiscriminately issued such endorsement for financial gain of
the club or its officer(s).
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

3. The authority of an amateur club or a "Class A" amateus

licensed hoder to hold seminars and endorse examinees can oy b
issued by the Amateur Radio Consultative Panel.

4. Any misrepresentation made by a club and/or Class A radio

amateur a the endorsement of an applicant shall be grounds for
the revocation o suspension of the clubs accreditation his/her
Class A" license depending on the recommendation of the
Amateur Radio Consultative Panel to the Commission.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Chapter 18-D
Sale, Importation and Use of Amateur Radio Equipment
(NTC MC No. 3-1-95) Jan. 16, 1995
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Pursuant to the provision of Act 3846, as amended, Executive Order

546, and in view of the indiscriminate use by some persons of amateur
equipment for services other than the amateur service or outside their
frequency bands,the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC)
hereby issue the following guidelines and procedures
I. Definition of Terms:
1. Amateur Radio Equipment
a radio communications equipment intended for the use in the amateur
service fo the purpose of self-training,intercommunication and technical
experimentations carried out by legitimate amateurs.i
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

2. Expandable Amateur Radio Equipment

A radio communications equipment whose operating frequency
channel/range can be programmed, tuned or modified from its original
frequency specification.

3. Non-Expandable Radio Equipment

a radio communication equipment whose operating frequency/channel rangs
cannot be programmed, tuned or modified from its original frequency range
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

II. Guidelines:
1. The sale importation and use ofs amateur radio equipment
shall be limited to non-expandable amateur radio equipment
within amateur services only.

Frequency bands allocated to the Amateur Radio Frequency

WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

• 1.800 - 2,000MHz Primary

• 3,500 - 3,900MHz Primary
• 7,000 - 7,100MHz Primary
• 10.100 - 10,150MHz Secondary
• 14.000 - 14,350MHz Primary
• 18.068 - 18,168MHz Primary
• 21.000 - 21,140 MHz Primary
• 24.890 - 24,990MHz Primary
• 28.000 - 29,700MHz Primary
• 50.000 - 54,000MHz Primary
• 144.000 - 146,000MHz Primary
• 146.000 - 148,000MHz Secondary
• 430.000 - 440,000MHz Secondary
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

• 1240.000 - 1300,000MHz Secondary

• 2300.000 - 2450,000MHz Secondary
• 3300.00 - 350,000MHz Secondary
• 5650.000 - 5850.000MHz Secondary
• 10.000 - 10,500GHz Secondary
• 24.000 - 24,050GHz Primary
• 24.050 - 24,250GHz Secondary
• 47.000 - 41,200GHz Primary
• 75.500 - 76,000GHz Primary
• 76.000 - 81,000GHz Secondary
• 12.000 - 144,000GHz Primary
• 144.000 - 149,000GHz Secondary
• 241.000 - 248,000GHz Secondary
• 248.000 - 250,000GHz Primary
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

2. The operation of amateur radio equipment shall be authorized

only within the amateur radio frequency channel bands. (See
attached excerpt from the provisions of Section I1L1 of Ministry
Circular Number B7.174 s Annex A) :

3. These importation and use of expandable amateur radio

equipment or these that could be expanded. outside the
non-amateur band shall not be allowed.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

4. The Equipment Standards Division of the Commission shall

type accept amateur equipment to be authorized and shall
maintain a list of all types accepted amateur equipments for the
guidance of the dealers, general public and the licensing units of
the Commission.

5. All previously authorized amateur equipment operated outside

of the amateur service band may be allowed for renewal but only
up to December 31, 1997 after which such amateur equipment in
non-amateur bands shall be replaced with type-approved
accepted models.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Chapter 18-E
Implementing Guidelines of MC 9-4-94A
(NTC MC No. 7-8-95)
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

Pursuant to the provisions of NTC MC No. 5-494A, the

following minimum requirement and criteria for the
designation of candidates from NTC accredited Radio
Amateur Club or "Class A" Amateur Radio Operator who shall
be authorized be given responsibility to endorse for the
renewal of amateur licenses and/or to conduct the required
orientation seminar, is hereby promulgated.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


A. Class A Amateur Radio Operator
1. Written application o letter of intent.
2. Endorsement from an NTC accredited amateur radio club.
3. Copy of valid class A radio operators certificate.
4. Biodata
5. Affidavit of no Criminal or administrative conviction.
6. Proof of amateur activities
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

B. Amateur Radio Club

1. Written application or letter of intent.
2. Copy Of Validation club's Radio Station License,
5. Copy Of valid amateur Radio Operator Licence of prospective
4. Biodata of instructors speakers.
5. Latest semi-annual report of the club's operation as embodied
in the MOA.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


A. Class A Amateur Radio Operator
1. Bona fide and active member of a recognized
Amateur Radio Club.
2. Holder of a valid Class "A” amateur radio operator certificate and
has actively been involved in amateur activities for at least 3 years.
3. A Filipino citizen, of good moral character with outstanding
reputation and dedication in the amateur service. 3
4. No previous criminal or administrative conviction
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

B. Amateur Radio Club

1. Bona fide NTC accredited amateur radio club for at least six (6)
2. Complied with all the provisions of the Memorandum of
Agreement entered into between the Cluband the NTC.
3. Must Have an office and working staff personnel.
WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law

WEEK 13: RA 7925 and Radio
Operator Law


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