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Brief Debate on the Issues of Migration

Instructions: Read the article on DOH report with results of studies of Jaime G. Tan and think of learning
insights and issues related to patriotism and standard of living of the Filipinos as well as political
governance in the Philippines. Specifically, react as to who should be blamed on the adverse effect of
the migration of health care professionals. Is it the government officials or voter - citizens of the
country? What social and ethico-political responsibilities should be genuinely upheld by both
government officials and voter-citizens?

In assessing blame, both government officials and voter-citizens share responsibilities in addressing the
adverse effects of health worker migration, each with specific roles and actions that contribute to the
overall situation. Government officials must allocate resources to improve healthcare conditions and
benefits, formulate and implement policies for health worker retention, engage in diplomacy to protect
the rights of Filipino health workers abroad, and implement anti-corruption measures while planning for
long-term healthcare sustainability. Voter-citizens, on the other hand, should actively engage in civic
activities advocating for healthcare policies, demand accountability and transparency in governance,
prioritize healthcare policies when voting for leaders, and contribute to national prosperity by
supporting local industries and fostering entrepreneurship.

Areas of Concern Government Leaders Voter-citizens

Patriotism Lack of Policies: Government Pursuit of Personal Interests: Some

leaders may be blamed for not voter-citizens might be criticized for
implementing policies that promote prioritizing personal interests over
the retention of skilled health national welfare, contributing to
professionals. brain drain.

Standard of living Inadequate Employment Individual Pursuit: Citizens may be

Opportunities: If the government accused of prioritizing personal
doesn't create enough jobs, citizens economic gains over contributing to
may have limited choices. the national economy.

Governance Corruption and Mismanagement: Acceptance of Corruption: Citizens

Leaders engaging in corruption or accepting corruption without
mismanagement may contribute to resistance may be part of the
a weak governance system. problem.

Country's Prosperity Lack of Diversification: Leaders may Reliance on Overseas Opportunities:

be blamed for not diversifying the Citizens overly relying on
economy to create more opportunities abroad rather than
opportunities. contributing locally.

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