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Q1: Block elements are normally displayed without starting a new line.?

a None

b None

c None

d False

e None

f True

Q2: Which command is used to insert a new records in the table??






f None

Q3: Which of the following will create the so called Hamburger Menu??

a Img-circle

b Icon-bar

c Icon-next

d Icon-prev

e None

f None

Q4: What does SQL stands for??

a Separate query language

b Strong question language

c Structured question language

d None

e Structure query language

f None

Q5: Docker containers can run on:?

a None

b Linux distributions and Windows systems

c None

d None

e Only Windows systems

f Only Linux distributions

Q6: What does the PHP error 'Parse error in PHP - unexpected T_variable at line x' means??

a This is a PHP syntax error expressing that a mistake at the line x stops parsing and
executing the program.

b None

c This is a PHP logical error expressing that a mistake at the line x stops parsing and
executing the program.

d This is a PHP warning error expressing that a mistake at the line x stops parsing
and executing the program.

e None

f None

Q7: Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript??

a The <head> section

b None

c The <footer>

d The <body> section

e Both the <head> section and the <body> section are correct

f None

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