Koch Et Al 2014 - Microbiomes in Bioenergy Production

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Microbiomes in bioenergy production: From analysis to

Christin Koch, Susann Müller, Hauke Harms and Falk Harnisch

Currently, bioreactors exploiting natural microbial Owing to their complexity, microbiome based biopro-
communities, that is, microbiomes, for bioenergy production cesses are often operated based on bulk parameters,
are almost exclusively operated based on bulk parameters and resulting from classical biotechnological methods cover-
empirical expert knowledge. The microbiome of these ing physical, chemical, and biological parameters, such
bioreactors often remains a ‘‘black box’’, that is, its as temperature, substrate and product concentrations,
composition and function are only analyzed retrospectively turbidity, or enzyme activities [6,7]. When applied to
(mostly in a case of failure). Here, on-time microbiome analysis natural microbial communities, these methods are
can allow a proactive process management. However, today’s representative for total system performance, and thus
sophisticated molecular ecology methods appear inaccessible the entire reactor microbiome, but do not allow a seg-
for the routine analysis of reactor microbiomes in bioenergy regated analysis of individual sub-functions. Recent
production. This review analyzes the requirements of methods studies, however, have demonstrated that this segre-
for routine microbiome diagnostics. Especially the ability of gated information is needed to assess the organisms’
current molecular and cell based methods to derive structure- individual performances and thus to predict the per-
function-relationships, that is, correlations between the formance of an entire microbiome — for bioenergy
microbial community structure and dynamics and the reactor production, see, for example [8,9]. Consequently, a
performance, are emphasized and key-criteria for routine on- proactive microbiome based management of bioreactors
site monitoring are defined. Finally, a critical assessment of seems only feasible, when including detailed, segre-
selected methods for microbiome monitoring is performed gated information on the biological key component, that
focusing on (i) the production of biogas in anaerobic digesters is, the reactor microbiome. For this purpose an adequate
and (ii) the production of the biofuel precursor n-butyrate. monitoring is indispensable, but universal protocols do
Addresses not exist. Furthermore, because of the diversity of
UFZ – Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, Department of bioenergy production systems standard operating pro-
Environmental Microbiology, Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig,
cedures (SOPs) cannot be easily established. Therefore,
the establishment of reactor microbiome based routine
Corresponding author: Harnisch, Falk (falk.harnisch@ufz.de) analyses — in addition to the established biotechnolo-
gical methods — is highly desired in order to enable the
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2014, 27:65–72
steering of bioenergy production processes in future. So
This review comes from a themed issue on Energy biotechnology far, many techniques used for microbiome analysis in
Edited by Arthur J Ragauskas and Korneel Rabaey research are very sophisticated, requiring expensive
specialized equipment and specialized personnel. In
addition, signal acquisition and signal interpretation
are often time-consuming. These properties are contrary
0958-1669/$ – see front matter, # 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights
reserved. to the required for routine analyses, as here the perfect
method would be as simple as a temperature sensor and
the final results as intuitive as traffic lights.

Present monitoring techniques for functional

Introduction microbiome diagnostics
Microbial resource management (MRM) [1] respectively The microbial ecology toolbox offers a wide variety of
mixed culture biotechnology (MCB) [2] is a key challenge molecular and cell based analysis techniques which can
for future bioenergy production. MRM exploits natural be applied for microbiome diagnostics (for extensive
microbial communities, so called microbiomes (e.g. [3], methods review see [10–12]). Fig. 1 illustrates the differ-
see also Box 1), for bioenergy production ranging from ent targets and levels of microbiome analysis. Classical
biogas in anaerobic digesters (AD) via electric current community analyses start with extraction of molecules,
generation to the production of biobased chemicals and for example, DNA, RNA, proteins, or phospholipid fatty
sustainable recovery of resources [2,4,5]. The reactor acids (PLFA). DNA and RNA can be analyzed using
microbiome composition, structure, and activity, often DNA-based techniques like DGGE (denaturing gradient
involving food-webs, strongly depend on its environment. gel electrophoresis, [13,14]), SSCP (single-strand confor-
Thousands of different microbial species can contribute mation polymorphism, [15]), and T-RFLP (terminal
to a microbiome and the contributions of each cell to its restriction fragment length polymorphism, [16,17,18])
functionality can, so far, not be determined. as well as high-throughput sequencing of DNA and

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66 Energy biotechnology

Box 1 The reactor microbiome of the microbiome. In the following, two representative
case studies are evaluated, based on proposed key-criteria
Reactor microbiomes can be defined as natural microbial commu-
nities shaped for a certain purpose, here bioenergy production.
(Box 2), in order to illustrate the potential of a molecular
These are comprised of manifold different species, possessing and a cell based method for routine monitoring in bioe-
individual metabolic potentials, being metabolically interconnected nergy production. Finally, an evaluation for the case
and representing a high level of functional organization [3]. To studies as well as the general potential of the respective
reveal this microbiome complexity and identify process relevant
techniques for microbiome monitoring is performed.
interconnections that in turn may allow a prospective management of
the reactor, insights on the level of the smallest biological entity, the
microbial cell, have to be gained in the time-frame of the resulting Case study 1: Anaerobic digestion monitored by
process dynamics. As the microbiomes functionality depends on a community flow cytometry
highly complex interplay rather than the potentials of individual The microbiome of a mesophilic anaerobic digester for
species, the search for the species marking a healthy, high-
performance process or indicating imbalances cannot be performed.
biogas production was regularly analyzed for nine months
Hence, the microbiome as a whole has to be in the focus of interest using community flow cytometry based on DAPI-staining
(see also [55] in this issue). A change of the microbiome structure in combination with the routine assessment of process
itself is indicative of a changing environment and thus can potentially parameters (e.g. total gas and methane production, pH,
be used as a early indicator of process (in)stability in bioenergy volatile fatty acids (VFA) accumulation) during phases of
stability and perturbation [40]. The microbiome com-
prised twenty sub-communities displaying distinct cell
abundance changes, clearly related to process parameter
RNA [8,19–22], and microarray technologies [23–27]. changes. Thus, it was demonstrated that the changes in
Fewer applications in the bioenergy sector are reported the microbiome are of functional diagnostic process value.
for proteomic approaches [28,29] or PLFA analysis [30]. For example, twofold and fourfold substrate overloads led
In general, DNA-based methods only provide infor- to significantly increased cell numbers in two sub-com-
mation on the presence of organisms and their metabolic munities (Fig. 2a). These changes were clearly an effect
capacities but lack information on actual activities. of the disturbance. For instance, the increase of the cell
Obviously, this activity information will be indispensible abundance in both sub-communities was more intense for
for a future management of microbiomes. It could partly the four- than for the twofold substrate overload. In both
be provided by RNA analysis. Yet, the additional efforts cases, the cell numbers returned to their original values
as well as the challenges of RNA extraction [31] are when the standard process parameters were applied. In
probably the reasons for its rare application to reactor addition, strong positive correlations between VFA con-
microbiomes, so far. centrations and cell abundance in these sub-communities
were found, based on Spearman’s rank order correlation
In contrast, single cell based techniques assign infor- coefficient, while they were negative for methane pro-
mation to an individual cell and thus generally require duction. Therewith, the study demonstrated that flow
specific markers, for example, FISH probes, lectines, or cytometry provides an excellent tool to monitor the
antibodies, limiting their applicability to complex reactor response of the reactor microbiome of an anaerobic
microbiomes comprising a priori known key-players [32– digester towards process variations. In combination with
34] (see Box 1). the accordant functional knowledge there is a high poten-
tial for microbiome management, that is, an immediate
Better suited are single cell techniques using general associated counteraction based on microbiome changes
marker types [9,35–37]. Commonly, all techniques for for the process stabilization and optimization seem
microbiome diagnostics require protocol optimization for possible.
the respective samples and here, even ‘‘standard’’ tech-
niques like DNA extraction or cell fixation can become Signal acquisition: The sample preparation follows a
challenging for microbiomes of different habitats [38,39]. simple protocol [35] being suitable for on-site conduction.
Including incubation times, measurements are performed
Case studies within few hours. Dynamic variation can be analyzed
Obviously, the routine monitoring of reactor microbiomes down to bacterial generation times of relevant organisms
has different requirements and constraints in comparison and thus being below the typical feeding intervals and
to its scientific study, especially in terms of operator hydraulic retention times of agricultural biogas plants.
knowledge, costs, and acquisition time. In both cases, Measurements were performed using a high-end instru-
however, the choice of method determines the level on ment obviously inadequate for routine application. Here,
which process relevant changes in the microbiome can be we and others are developing benchtop instruments
detected, for example, as already mentioned DNA is only tailored for on-site application.
a marker for presence but not for activity. Therefore, the
selected method has to be adequate for assessing the Costs: Benchtop instruments suitable for the approach
relevant structure-function relationships (see also Box 1) described in this case study will be available for about

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2014, 27:65–72 www.sciencedirect.com

Microbiomes in bioenergy production Koch et al. 67

Fig. 1

Microbiome Complex microbial community

composed of microbial cells with
different phylogenetic back-
ground, cellular properties and
Cell wall
physiological potentials

Signal aquisition
Measurement of extracted molecules after cell lysis Single cell based techniques

Proteomics Microarray DNA based FISH Flow cytometry

Protein separation, Hybridization of Sequence analysis Microscopy of cells Measuring optical
e.g. using SDS gel, nucleid acids with usually after DNA labeled with characteristics, e.g.
with subsequent the complementary amplification sequence specific cell size and DNA
analysis sequences on a slide fluorescence probes content, in high-
and spot-specific throughput

DAPI-DNA fluorescence


Interpretation + Implementation

Operator guideline Microbiome management

Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Overview on conceptual steps and potential methods for diagnostic microbiome monitoring in bioenergy production processes. Complex reactor
microbiomes can be characterized by a variety of techniques based on either extracted molecules or intact cells. The interpretation depth and
implementation feasibility define the methods’ potential for deriving operator guidelines and, as most desired aim, perform proactive microbiome

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68 Energy biotechnology

Box 2 Proposed criteria for monitoring techniques to their heterogeneity reactor microbiomes in bioenergy
production are more difficult to sample than, for example,
What are the desired properties of the analysis methods applied
for microbiome based reactor management? A general answer
drinking water. Thus, the development of tailor-made
cannot be provided, but from our perspective the following has to be machines will be necessary for full automatization, which
considered. One main prerequisite is that the methods are not or only might be achievable within the next decade for individual
minimal invasive, that is, sampling and signal acquisition have no setups.
impact. We further suggest four key-criteria and their benchmarks for
method evaluation. As routine microbiome monitoring is still in its
infancy a rating of the adequacy of a given method for following a Case study 2: Production of a biofuel precursor monitored
certain microbiome cannot be provided. The benchmarks have to be with high-throughput sequencing
tailor-made and can only be related to the respective process The microbiome of thermophilic bioreactors for the pro-
properties as illustrated. duction of the biofuel precursor n-butyrate from cellulosic
(i) Signal acquisition:In optimum, an on-line signal is continuously
provided. The further evaluation of this criterion is strongly
biomass waste was studied in terms of biomass pretreat-
depending on the process dynamics and we propose that the ment, operating conditions and reactor perturbations
information should best be available within the generation time [8]. The microbiome was monitored using high-
of the respective organisms. Often acceptable, but not sufficient throughput sequencing (16S rRNA gene as target).
for all processes, is a signal acquisition within one hydraulic The impact of changed operating conditions on micro-
retention time or feeding interval of the reactor. Further delay will
lead to decreased scoring and only retrospective methods are
biome composition and function was evaluated. Key-
not suitable. interconnections were determined for the most abundant
(ii) Costs:Here the capital costs (including depreciation) and species and a functional microbial correlation network,
operating costs (including consumables as well as personnel) dominated by Thermoanaerobacterium spp. was derived
have to be defined, thereby the sum of both in a given time has
to be related to the respective product or valorization step and
(Fig. 2b). The relative abundance of Thermoanaerobacter-
the productivity increase by proactive management. ium spp. corresponded to the total fermentation pro-
(iii) Automatization:In optimum, the measurements are performed duction rate, although principle coordinate analysis
automatically without operator impact. Nearly optimal are revealed that unique microbiomes developed depending
methods executed on-site and requiring no or little training, even on biomass pretreatment. Thus, functional redundancy,
for unskilled personnel. Acceptable is the need for simple wet-
laboratory equipment and operation by a laboratory technician
that is, parallel pathways for substrate conversions, was
or an intensively trained person. Mostly unsuited are techniques identified as one guarantor for overall functional stability.
requiring demanding manual handling. Key control parameters for maximum production rates as
(iv) Interpretation & Implementation:In best case, an implementation well as process stability were further derived, for
in routine process control can be realized. Nearly optimal are
example, in situ product extraction. This illustrates the
methods producing results leading to straightforward operator
guidelines. Acceptable are methods requiring little additional potential of high-throughput sequencing for microbiome
data analysis for interpretation, whereas the need of expert management.
knowledge or intensive computation is not acceptable.
Signal acquisition: Sample preparation includes DNA
extraction, amplification, and sequencing, for example,
using a 454 pyrosequencing platform. Under standard
80.000 s (including a UV laser) and the operating costs laboratory conditions the procedure is performed within
are about 10 s per sample (with a single-digit cent weeks which might be acceptable for some slow processes
amount for consumables), which appears reasonable con- with long hydraulic retention times but not for fast
sidering that every day of shut-down for a typical German processes which need immediate response. Recent
agricultural biogas plant can cost about 1000 s [41]. advances suggest signal acquisition within less than
24 h, for example [46].
Automatization: Wet-laboratory equipment and operation
by a laboratory technician or trained person are necessary Costs: Capital costs include a benchtop sequencer
with the current equipment, but may become obsolete for (75,000 s), an extensive lab-infrastructure and trained
future instruments. personal. The costs per run, covering in maximum about
2000 samples, do vary between 170 and 830 s, [46,47].
Interpretation & Implementation: Person assisted automated Therefore, outsourcing to a sequencing service is an
data analysis is already possible [35,42] and the potential option that does currently cost 500–800 s per sample.
to derive operator guidelines is shown in the case
study. Automatization: On-site automatization seems currently
not feasible as laboratory equipment and extensive train-
Outlook: The current developments of on-line flow cyt- ing are required and outsourcing is more likely.
ometers, including automated sampling and sample prep-
aration, for monitoring of drinking water and pure culture Interpretation & Implementation: Data analysis is extensive
bioprocesses are highly promising regarding optimum and can hardly be performed without specific training, but
Signal acquisition and Automatization [43,44,45]. Owing will enable deriving operator guidelines.

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Microbiomes in bioenergy production Koch et al. 69

Fig. 2

Case study 1 Case study 2

Anaerobic digestion monitored by community Production of a biofuel precursor monitored with
flow cytometry high-throughput sequencing
(a) flow cytometric microbial cell number variation (b) Thermodesulfobiaceae Clostridiaceae
community pattern Bacteria (k)

normal Firmicutes (p)

regime Planococcaceae Thermoanaerobacteraceae
Firmicutes (p)

2fold cell Bacteria (k)

substrate number
overload increase
Sphingobacteriaceae Firmicutes (p)
primary fermentation
Bacillaceae as central pathway
Porphyromonadaceae Bacteria (k)
reactor Clostridia (c) Family
regime Thermoanaerobacterales
Clostridiales (o)
4fold cell
substrate number Ruminococcaceae
Firmicutes (p)
overload increase
G8 G11 Lactobacillaceae
index gates Veillonellaceae

Current Opinion in Biotechnology

The possible results of microbiome monitoring demonstrating structure–function relationships for the discussed case studies: (a) Correlation of
cell abundance of microbial sub-communities, measured by flow cytometry, in anaerobic digester for varying substrate load. (b) Food-web for an
n-butyrate producing microbiome, resulting from high-throughput sequencing. The key-nodes for central fermentation pathways, based on
Thermoanaerobacterium spp., are indicated.
Figures modified from [8,40] (copyrights 2013 American Chemical Society).

Outlook: Current developments indicate further improve- variation, using different levels of analysis. However,
ments regarding Signal acquisition, Costs and Automatiza- despite technological developments like automated
tion (e.g. [46,47], MinIONTM and GridIONTM device). sample preparation and data analysis that will certainly
The main restrictions for routine application are data improve within the next years, one fundamental chal-
analysis and interpretation [48]. Therefore, the devel- lenge for routine microbiome analysis and management
opment of automated data analysis and interpretation remains: Linking a microbiome’s structure to its perform-
platforms will probably decide on the capability for ance. To achieve this, detailed knowledge of structure-
prospective routine monitoring. Considering the efforts function relationships within the microbiome is necess-
performed in this direction also in medical research, these ary, thus requiring segregated analysis of individual
developments are optimistically likely within the next sub-functions. When applying marker-based methods
five years. Despite developmental potentials high- the existence and prior knowledge on key-processes or
throughput sequencing remains a time-demanding microbial key-communities is required. However as
method, thus being so far inadequate for monitoring of demonstrated in case study 2, functionally relevant
microbial dynamics in the range of hours or days. Never- changes in the microbiome, for instance sub-functions
theless, the unprecedented information depth justifies its like metabolic pathways, can be redundant or bypassed.
application, especially for research and development in Thus an analytical result may not be unambiguously
bioenergy production. linked to the process performance. On the other hand,
cell based analyses performed regularly within generation
Towards microbiome-based reactor times of microorganisms allow monitoring microbiome
management structure variations in process relevant time scales. Here,
The management of reactor microbiomes requires appro- however, the application of a general marker allowing to
priate monitoring of complex natural communities. The monitor all cells requires further correlation analysis to
case studies have shown two promising examples how reveal the functional importance of sub-communities, as
functional relevant changes in the microbiome structure for instance illustrated in case study 1. In summary, a
can be determined. Thereby we illustrated some of the delicate balance between universality and specificity of
basic concepts on how operator guidelines can be derived the analysis method is required. In all cases, however, a
in future, but also highlighted current constraints for comprehensive set of process relevant (abiotic)
routine microbiome analysis. So far it is possible to parameters is indispensable for functional correlation
reliably measure microbiome structures, including their and thus prospective microbiome management.

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70 Energy biotechnology

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