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Q1: How can you find the status of a Docker container??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c The command “docker ps -p” is used for identifying the status of a Docker

d The command “docker ps status” is used for identifying the status of a Docker

The correct Answer is: None

f The command “docker ps -a” is used for identifying the status of a Docker

Q2: Which keyword is used with the ALTER command to delete a column??


b None

c None




Q3: How many error levels are available in PHP ??

a 19

b None

c 20

d None


f 16
Q4: If we want to open a file for reading and writing which mode of the function fopen() are
we going to use:?

a r+


The correct Answer is: None


e w+

f x+

Q5: Which of the following is not true??

a PHP can not be embedded into html.

b PHP applications can not be compiled

c None

d PHP makes a website dynamic

e None

f PHP can be used to develop web applications.

Q6: Which of the following attribute triggers event when the length of the media is

a onended

b ondrop

c None

d None

e ondurationchange

f onemptied

Q7: Which of the following methods sends input to a script via a URL??
a None

b Get

c Both

d None

e None

f Post

Q8: Which command is used to display the default permissions for newly created files??

a None

b perm

c nice

d None

e umask

f priority

Q9: What is UMASK??

a UMASK is a Unix environment variable, which is replaced by the chmod command

now however it's still largely used.

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d UMASK is a Unix environment variable, which not really used anymore and is
considered legacy.

e UMASK is a Unix environment variable, which automatically sets file permissions

created files.

f UMASK is a Unix environment variable, which automatically sets the file visibility.

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