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CGD Accounting Office is headed by its proprietor, Mr. Christian G. Dumdum. By

profession, Mr. Dumdum is a certified public accountant who has been engaged in both
internal and external audits, tax services, and management consultancy for her various
clients. He is currently one of the very few public practitioners in the region 9 who are
accredited by the, Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), Board of Accountancy (BOA), and
Cooperative Development Authority (CDA).

Mr. Dumdum began her public practice back in 2016 where he mainly provided
accounting services for various small-time enterprises in Zamboanga City. His work has
been recognized by her clients until at the end of the first year, he immediately had at
least twenty (5) regular clients in his list. On 2020. His first public practice in
Zamboanga Sibugay immediately exposed her to a client with a tax
assessment/consultancy and management advisory.

Currently, Mr. Dumdum’ clients are comprised of hospitals, educational institutions,

foundations, association, religious institutions, real estate company, retail and wholesale
selling enterprises, construction firms, and many others. He is currently managing his
own accounting and auditing firm with at least fifty (50) clients.
Chapter Three: Assessment of Practicum Program

During the conduct of my internship experience, I have learned to actually solved for
shareholder’s paid-up capital, create increased of authorized capital stock, and fill up
the eBIR form for a client. I also learned the usage of the Securities and Exchange
Commission’s (SEC) Electronic Filing and Submission Tool (eFAST), and their
Electronic Simplified Processing of Application for Registration of Company (eSPARC).
The eFAST is a tool for submitting annual financial statements, general information
sheets of a client’s company/corporation, and their other reportorial requirements in
digital format, as required by the SEC. While, the eSPARC is an online tool for
corporations to send their application for registration to SEC. All these were handled by
our office and we were the ones to process the client’s papers–to submit to SEC and
update the progress of the papers to the respective client. I was also able to encode
Articles of Incorporation and the changes that the owner wants to apply to it, both for
stock and non-stock corporations, together with their general information sheets. I had
encountered plenty of actual transactions to journalize, they were a lot but most of it
were redundant. I just find it difficult to segregate their classification since most of them
can be applied to two or more account titles, so it really depends on the company’s way
of classifying them. Another interesting encounter was when I was tasked to create a
simple financial statement for a client. I was nervous that I might not do the task
properly, however I was commended and was trusted with several creation of simple
financial statements. I was also given the task to compose a formal letter addressed to
the SEC director of Cagayan De Oro for the concern of a client and asked for a needed
document on their office, and this was delivered thru email. We were also able to attend
a webinar held by SEC to understand better their amnesty program and how to avail it.
Aside from all the office works, we were able to interact with several government offices,
such as the SEC, BIR, Landbank, and City Treasurer’s Office, for inquiry and
verification of a client’s reportorial requirements. We also went to airport and claim the
documents shipped by the client.

The people around me in the office during my internship were all friendly and
accommodating. Our supervisor was so kind and generous. She always bought us
lunch and snacks. She treated us as if we are her siblings. That is how kind she is. She
might be strict sometimes, especially when the due dates are coming but everytime we
would have a break and rest time, she would always tell us stories and her experiences
in life. We had our small bonding in the office by listening to her life lessons and
teachings every after work. She would always guide us through our work yet she was
not going easy on us when duty arises. She is such a professional. She knows how to
treat us at work and after work duties. We see her as our older sibling when the work
duties were already done. She would also invite us to her out-of-office occasions which
made us feel like we really are an important interns for her. Another one is her
secretary, she also guides us on our duties when our supervisor was so busy. She went
with us in some errands that are unfamiliar and offices that we do not know the exact
location. She was so patient and also kind. My co-interns were also fun to be with, may
be it on duties, errands, or beyond work hours. SEC employees were also friendly and
accommodating, they guide us and really took us seriously as an employee of AB
business consultancy. The guards were also friendly and kind. They see to it that our
concerns were addressed to the right people and gave us instructions to make our job
easier. Sir Dumdum was also kind and he looked after us during our internship and help
us all throughout. To sum it all up, these people during my internship were a vital part of
my experience and they make my internship more memorable and fun. I have learned
so much from them, may be it in work and life. I never regret taking my internship on AB
business consultancy and under the supervision of Sir Christian Dumdum. This was one
of my best internship memories.

The most memorable event was when we went to DPWH for a VIP client. I was
shocked to know that our supervisor was used to riding a jeepney. It was fun because it
is my first time going to DPWH. The place was far yet the view and vibe is beautiful.
While waiting for the client, we were wandering around and our supervisor told us about
her life and work. We also took pictures of us and the surroundings. We were back by
night time at the office and shortly after, we went home. I really had fun with our short
trip that is why I cannot forget that very moment.

I recommend that there can be an exit interview or an assessment interview every

after the internship is completed. This can assess the work experience of the students
and also can be their time to express their insights regarding their internship
environment, may be it good or bad. Another recommendation is to retain a connection
or pre-arrangement to the previous firms or offices for easy administration of students to
what certain companies accepts interns and the quantity that they can accommodate.

To the future interns, as soon as you clear the path of taking the practicum subject,
make sure to look for several offices or companies that you can apply to as interns.
Ready the requirements that they may ask and that you need to submit to them so you
can start your internship on time. Make sure to assess the company and how they
handle previous interns, this is also for safety purposes and for events that might need
preparations beforehand (i.e. transportation and food). You can ask your seniors’
experience and on what firm or company they had applied to for reference. Be prepared
and kind to your co-workers. Always greet and be respectful to the people around you
no matter what their position is. Do not be lazy and be flexible to your job. Be prepared
physically, mentally, and emotionally so your internship experience would be a blast and
a memorable one for you. Do your best and represent our WMSU-JPIA with honor.
Chapter Four: Pertinent Documents

 Application Letter

 Acceptance Letter

 Parents’/ Guardian’s Certification of Waiver/ Permission

 Student Information Sheet

 MOA (2 copies)

 Practicum Daily Attendance Record

 Certification of Completion of Practicum Hours

 Performance Evaluation Sheet (sealed in an envelope)

 Others

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