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Q1: What is Hypervisor??

a None

b None

c None

d A hypervisor is a software that makes virtualization possible. It is also called

Virtual Machine Monitor.

e A hypervisor is a software that makes optimization possible. It is also called

Virtual Machine Monitor.

f A hypervisor is a hardware that makes optimization possible. It is also called

Virtual Machine Monitor.

Q2: A systematic collection of data stored in a central location is known as??

a Flat file


c Database

d None

e None

f Excel

Q3: How is a constant defined in a PHP script??

a None

b define ("ACONSTANT" 123)

c define ("ACONSTANT", 123);

d None

e define (CONSTANT, 123);

f None
Q4: Which of the following commands will install Ansible on Ubuntu??

a sudo apt install ansible-server

b None

c None

d sudo apt install ansible-master

e sudo apt install ansible-controller

f sudo apt install ansible

Q5: Block elements are normally displayed without starting a new line.?

a True

b None

c None

d False

e None

f None

Q6: Kubernetes Manifests can be in JSON or YAML format?

The correct Answer is: None

b True

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f False

Q7: On which of the following systems can minikube be installed on? Select one.?
a Windows

b All of the mentioned

c macOS

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f Linux

Q8: Which of the following answers refers to a Linux command-line command used for
configuring network interface parameters specific to the wireless communication??

a None

b ifconfig

c iwconfig

d networksetup

e net config

f None

Q9: Which of the listed actions and filter hooks are functions in WordPress??

a has_filter() and has_action()

b None

c None

d open_filter() and close_action()

e doing_filter() and doing_action()

f apply_filters_ref_array() and do_action_ref_array()

Q10: #!/bin/bash is commonly called as?

a None

b Script Initialiser
c shebang

d None

e hashbang

f None of the Above

Q11: Which of the following are Python test frameworks??

a Robot Framework

b None

c PyUnit

d Pylint

e Google Test

f None

Q12: Function which causes retrieval of any kind of data from database is considered as?

a User friendly signature

b Interface or Signature

c Logical signature

d None

e Conceptual signature

f None

Q13: Which command is used to modify column names or table structure??

a None

b None




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