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Assalamualaikum and hi Dr.

Nor Farehan my name mohd syafik bin

sharipuddin from class NBH8B. so today I will present the topic of
Agile workforce – a success story.


How does an agile workforce operate? An agile workforce is made up of

individuals that possess the understanding, proactive adjectives, flexible
behaviors, and ability to adapt to a rapidly changing and unpredictable
work environment.

Workers with agility can also adapt to changing work requirements and
methods of operation. Additionally, an agile workforce fosters
engagement and things like that. This enables a team be adaptable and
react to changes in the market and in theology.

The challenges of agile workforce

Let's now examine the difficulties facing an agile workforce. One of the
primary obstacles faced by agile workforces is resistance to change; it is
important to acknowledge that not everyone is fond of change.

Workers may be resistant to change, particularly when switching from a

more traditional approach to development to a fully agile framework.
Additionally, it might be challenging to have an agile workforce because
most employees are accustomed to regular schedules and procedures.
For example, when the COVID-19 pandemic forced the world to migrate
to a digital learning environment, lecturers had to transition from
traditional in-person instruction to online learning. It took some time for
them to become used to the new system.
The second issue is inadequate communication within teams within
organizations. In order for a project to succeed, team members need to
communicate clearly and consistently.

Furthermore, communication is critical to the development of an agile

workforce within the company as well as indirect team cooperation,
which refers to how teams work together to do everyday tasks in order to
accomplish larger goals. Process modifications are required when staff
members are not communicating clearly. Employee communication, for
instance, can provide false information, which hinders their ability to
become a flexible workforce.

Solution of the issue

So what is the solution for this problem. The first solution for these issue
is management team must be clearly address them the goals and
objective of the change. Form there the employees will accept the
change more readily if they understand and believe in the ultimate
outcome this is because employees will embrace change only if they feel
the danger of green nothing is greater than the risk of changing course
similarly is individuals do not understand. Why change is necessary they
will wonder, why you are changing something that they feel it's not
working well as a result it is easier to build this agile first in the company
Second Solution is improving the communication skills among the team.
they can improve this by doing daily stands out when this occurs all
employees are always keeping up to date on the status of each project.

Aside from that, the teams must promote openness among themselves.
In order to ensure that employees have the opportunity to provide their
ideas and opinions on your tasks, for example, the manager must
encourage open discussions and provide constructive feedback. This will
help to expedite the time it takes for a dry transformation. It is important
to note that communication is a critical component of the agile process
because it helps to set expectations for employees. Let's now wrap up
this discussion.


In conclusion, an organization may benefit from an agile workforce

strategy in a number of ways. Furthermore, agility is essential in today's
market because it should characterize every business. Change is not
only managed but also generated for the organization's benefit inside
such efficient dry work first overall organizations. The establish and agile
that welcomes continuous learning and that's quick to adapt and provide
value to customers by overcoming resistance to change, poor employee
communication, and other issues. That's all from me, thank you.

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