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1. Why do we need to ascertain our level of physical capabilities before creating our exercise routine?

Every person has a different level of physical capability. Some individuals are new to
exercise, and some haven't done any physical activity for a while. Disregarding one's
level of physical capabilities and directly commencing the routine may greatly put an
individual at a higher risk of experiencing a health problem. If an exercise regimen is
pushing you harder than your body can handle, you might injure yourself.

One's level of physical capability can be determined by assessing his or her aerobic
and muscular fitness, flexibility, and body composition. For example, your heart rate
before and after walking one mile, how long it takes to walk one mile or run one and
a half miles, how many standard or modified pushups you can perform at once, your
body mass index, and so forth These activities might provide you with a clear picture
of what exercise routine you should start in order to achieve your fitness goals. In
line with this, instead of setting goals that are too difficult or impossible to achieve,
assess your level of physical capabilities and set goals that are difficult but doable.

To summarize, knowing your fitness level is critical for appropriate goal-setting. It

can direct how frequently you exercise, how intensely you exercise, and what
physical benefits you wish to see from your exercise routine. While a goal might
drive you when it is achievable, an unattainable aim may discourage you. When you
don't understand your fitness level, you might choose activities that are either too
difficult or not difficult enough.
2. In today's modern age and the deeper usage of technology by people, how
important is it that we spend time to perform a routinary physical activities to help
our body become stronger and achieve a healthy lifestyle?

While technological advancements have offered numerous benefits to society, they

have also resulted in a significant decrease in the amount of incidental physical
exercise. Lives are becoming increasingly sedentary, through the use of motorized
transport and the increased use of screens for work, education and recreation. Many
people do not meet the minimum physical activity guidelines and are at risk of
developing health issues from spending too much time being sedentary. People can
reduce the risks of a sedentary lifestyle by increasing the amount of physical activity
that they do to help their body to become stronger and achieve a healthy lifestyle.

For an individual can increase his or her physical activity, he or she must stay active
and maintain in order for him or her to perform routinary physical activities. Such
activities are hiking, cycling, swimming, and etc. These physical activities can help
you avoid a sedentary lifestyle while also providing multiple health benefits. It can
help you control your weight, lower your risk of disease, strengthen your bones and
muscles, and enhance your ability to carry out everyday activities. Though exercising
will not protect you from your sedentary lifestyle. Even persons who frequently
exercise may be at greater risk for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke if they spend a
lot of time sitting in front of computers. One should exercise regularly and be
physically active.

In summary, it is critical to make time for routine physical activity in order to

maintain a healthy lifestyle and physique. Furthermore, being active and consistently
exercising are key components of maintaining the aforementioned healthy lifestyle,
such as good health and wellness.
3. The exercise program offers a host of benefits to the human body when done
correctly. in lieu of this, explain the physical, mental, and social impact of having an
exercise program on a person

Everyone is unique, and when it comes to your health and long-term wellness, one
size does not fit all. An exercise program teaches you the value of being active and
eating healthy. And these have varying effects on a person's body and life, both
physically and mentally, as well as socially. In terms of the physical impact of an
exercise program on a person, when done frequently, it can be a good approach to
enhancing cardiovascular and muscular endurance, body composition, as well as
balance and flexibility. Regularly doing exercise programs can also improve your
aerobic and physical fitness. Thus, enhanced fitness results in a significant reduction
in body mass index and resting heart rate for those who participate in an exercise
program compared to those who engage in only regular physical activity. In terms of
mental impact, exercise is a natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment on a mental
level. It alleviates tension and stress, increases mental energy, and improves well-
being by releasing endorphins, which are powerful chemicals in your brain that
stimulate your spirits and make you feel good. Exercise programs can also have a
social impact on a person. Exercise programs provide a unique opportunity for fellow
individuals who do exercise programs, as they encourage intense, positive social
interaction and interpersonal relationships in an exercise community. It can
contribute to an individual’s potential for self-actualization in society. To conclude,
an exercise program that is tailored specifically to your needs is a great way to stay
physically and mentally fit. It can have immediate and long-term health benefits for a
person. Most importantly, having an exercise program can improve one's quality of

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