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Be Electnic Changes and. fields Changes Like Charges nepel each other + ike coor AS Positive Negative umntike charges attract each ovher Changes Chaages 8 6 Properties of change | t I Quantisection Addi tively Conservation qene Get Eq total change of on /solated whene, 2 0,12 — system N constont eis an change of @=léxiow%e electhon sy Coulomb's (ow Fz K 99 kK>_L_= 9x10? n-m?/e 2 YE, Vector form, yaar, = 7 4 a4 —$a12 ———> Fig K Bid 9) [*e 2h, ae ty a Pwieiple of Superposition , a Ft Fit Fig + Ftg t i by = 8.854 x 107? C2 N-m2 1 ey electue field Piet) oo vector form, 9p test chorge PF: - + ume, n? er Relative Pen vnitivi ly E, = E_ | fez Benmitvity am free space Ferm int iow vestalitoon hangar C 2 densit A= 4g /at Surface crate density r= dg fal , volume Charge densi Peagidv , ume =~ Nfe By Electric field due toa system of change sinensun 10st 9] P-) S 4 nk, ame, & ne : Pasa point where we want 0 find tlectré fretd du system of n! charges & blecince clipole moment Ynit ~ red dimension - [ATCT Nah veclan énectannaion of B S Blectnic freld oe 12 a depole G) At axial position (it) AL equatonal position E, =| oR E. oil 7 7 axial 3 equa. une, ye 2 Tongue on @ depole um & external umfonm field T= peso] or | T= PE dy Anca Vector & sotid Angle dw = dA jor |dw = dAcose a a? R= unit vector = angle between AAW Electuic flux d= $ Poh | on , = é CaACOSo Umit - nem? /e diva -[mMi3r sat) 2 Gauss Theorem Sy pplication of gouss’s (aw ty Field due lo an infinitely lon stmaight uniformly changed wire Aue 46 untfounly changed cnfinite| & plone ‘ae t a f Gx) Field due t6 Untforvaly changed thin spherical shell (a) Oulside the chell Cu>R) (b) Ab surface CH=) sum () 4b an Internal pornt (nR) (6) At surface (n= Rk) E pf sun ys at an internal Point (#¢R) c in ff. £ Electrostatic Potential & Capacitance © Electnostatic Potential = W| © Potentiat oifference a % work [w= ox av SH Veocity |? ja Potential vm Gradient PS Electnie Potential as Linton Tntegral e *Electnic Potential at o point due to a Point chore | \V - 1 o Yeo Electnic Potential due to am Electnic Dipole PyElectnostatic Potential Energy (@) End on position = Us jf 4% 5 i = Ys (6) Equatorial ine (c) AE any point “ure Wonk done in Rotating an Electuic Sipole (0) Q&=0 |w = pe Ci-coso)| (6 O= 90" [W = pe | (€) 6-180" Sy Potential Energy Of an electric dipole Us pe (ose (a) 0-0 (6) 0790" [u = 0] ©) @= (80° |U SP blectnical Capacitance 4 * Copocity of an isolated Sphenical Conductor C= 4TéKa » Potential Erengy Of & changed conductor s[e- [ - 2) A U= £qvjorlu= 19% lorlU = icy® 2 IC d Force between the plates -Capoctionee of Parallel - Plate Capacitor of a charged parallel plale Capocitos Ke1 9 |G, = Gol & F 1 a Ea ge 4 Enenpy density © Capacity of Parallel Plate Capacitor Partly filled with Dielectric substance S Capacitors in Series * Capicitor im parallel Cunnent Clactnicity © Electhic curnent 2 q TU) = Maw AQ] *Net change £ ere time imtenvad & Ohm's law VER R= Resitance © Specific Resitance ( Resistivity) & Douft velouty Cwaend dencity S Relation between L and vy & Relation between f and y =e Mobility (uw) = Vy : Specific conductance [= a5 r= wert m Dependence of Resistance on temperature [Re = Ry Cit we) | = _Ra-Ro = Temperature coffic'ent = ~ —_ RX t of nesistonce S Combination of Resistances Sl Oynaraie He Resistance (A) On Senies (8) In Parallel R=, Rt Ry geteteh ra i SB Clectue Power Ww P= oR-= We t Rk Seme ofa cell [E- wl] * lecture He Wee Vit- Pak = VE y Energy Wo yep ped B= Vit Vet Vet STenmunal Pobential difference Vi, Va, Vy MV = bin Kénchoff's (aw 1, EL=0 it by ~ dz -ig-ts #0 a. Esk = EE URy- R= E- & 2, Ry + Ci, tay) Ry = 6, SS Wheatstone Bridge Meter Bxuidge % Potentiometen STompanotune dependency of Resistivity Fis he k an ey p To (re e(1-t)] Riot Savant law dB = tte idtsino|) [a6 = un iArxs) 4it a 4am ont Relation between UW, aud & ot Jilly Eo Magnetic field along Me axis of a clenent - cannying, Cinculay coil B= Mo 2TNia 2 UeNeg* My = Permeability of 4 (atta) 2/or+x3)% free space i = SAmpene's Cineuital law f Bd Bi Magnetic field due to an infinitely = dbs long straight euarent - carkying wine 2TH Mod | 5 = Pemmiteivity of free space’ BMognetic field faside a foug solenoid B= woni, SMaguetic fild due toa {roid Endless) Solenoid [B= uy ni SmMagnetic field outside te toroid B=0 Blonente foxce [F- qv LE = gv aging Motion of a changed Particle m a Undform Electric freld yr dt y= SE KL inset gr eee 2mv* amy* uk 1. Pamaltel to the field [f= 0] |2 Penpendiculan io the field . Rlagonal to me pield Ke imu? on v= (2K 3 gon fi $ ie Pp = vC9s0, 2m 4 Ks qv a A> mu sind 4A Bly clotnon Foxe on a current carrying conductor f= iBL Sind Magnetic field af the centre of B= Mal} og |B = Hoel O Curent - carrying Circular (09 o¥ coil 20 ETA BMagnetic field due toa Straight Curent at (Sing, + Sings) CoAny ing Conductor of fiutte leugh T 4 Sp Tongue on a bax Magnet M = NiA r= MBSsing ale -E & SP Potontial Enengy of a Magnetic Dipole [Up = - MB Coss fn an external’ Magnetic field Magnetic field Intensity due to moguetic dipoles Moving coil Gaivavometer (a) End on position B= Uo AM © deflection = [no formule & CumKenk (b) Bxpad- side-on position t Senstivity » voltage a senstivity v Magnetic Upole moment of evolving electron ait 71 és magnetic field at Ws =e TF i T= mh & ns! fon oxin} centne of a long ame an solenoid SP Born magneton [Mypin = 6h — B= Kent [cosb)~-cos6,] 4 me 9 Motion 1" combined tlectne and magnetic field Peg (4 0x8) = Fythn S Ban Magnet as equivalent solenoia 4m ni Horizontal component of Barth's Magnetic field Be = VBy + By? [P= eee Bu M. = % Intensity of Maguetisation T Magnetic Tntensit H+ & & Y y a v. ag SyeRelative Magnetic Permeability [an - “| [un = £ |_pflue density Me Un <1 (Diomagnetic) M_>L (Pananraguetic) ay>>1 (Pennomag netic) Py Magnetic Susceptibility Cm = SyRelaton between My, and ty My = Tt By Sycunie's law [T= c(i] T gyOipole in uniform maguetic field 4m?) 9 = Moment of Mr? gneatia ‘SrGauss Law fon magnetism for any closed Surface $ dro SY Mag netic fluc Py Induced EME Noy at at Brrduced Current Py Trduced change wage Py Induced EME acnoss the Gads of a stnuipht conduction Le = Byl PY self cnductonce gett inductonce of @ Plane eoil L aif at T HT Nn @ Self inductonce of a fong Solenoid be unrn + L Sy emergy stoned ina evil [= i Py Inductors in Senies [L= Lit bs ‘Py Mulual Indwetance |M = > Se Tnductons th Parallel [= Lite 4i,/at Livi Mutual Inductance of two Coaxial Solenoids |M = weMiNaA | LM = Hom Nef Py Enengy Consideration [p= ww] [Ag - 40a te wt P = Power By Inductame when current flowing in both coil e = -Lydi, - My diz | OR JEme= Sel + Mutual at ai Grductante Inductance Sp Alternating Voltage |e = Nano! BD Aran Value of Avernating Curvert Root Meow Square Value of Alternating Curent SP Peniodie Tivne T= 0 Sh Prog uency o Bar iiga dw? ee a L "vintoat ~ Some * BY Vesna * zk S-Snductie -Reactance [X= wh = 2TfL] SCopocitive Reristance When Lond & in cenies ‘Sp When C and R in sextes Ompedanee LZ= 24 (wt)* Smnpedonce Phase angle = tang > cul Phase angle R When L and ¢ in series Bewhen 1,0, 2 an cenies a) Reronnne = fet ft) sinpedence z= [074 / apace anJLc i C = Capacitonce we R= Resistonce zk L = Inductonce | Phase angle lang = wh -1 S Senies LOR Resonant eincult fie ft an aniie Se Ponan in OC cineuit When cincuit conéains Pine resistence only [P= Vrms X Lame 4) When civewlt contains L and R both Yarns * dems 4 £956] [cog =k 2k Rew = Sp wattiess cunnent [P= Vane * tang t CO8%0"= 0 ) tand width | Aw = wy-c, 4 5 Quality fecton Sp Tramsfonmen Efficiency |) = skis Vp Xi. Siu 2 Ne oH Ws Np ‘PV Bisplacement Current Fy Maxwell Equations + Gauss law of eleclxiety 2 Gauss [au of Magnetism e>-ddp wt $ Bal= uy (er iad 3: Panaday's law of Electromagnetic induction 4. Arapene’s Maxwell ciacuital fau Byenengy dencity in Electhomagnetic waver jae eae 2 Ue = Electavcal energy Oensit; Uy = Magnetic Energy olensity 2 uy x fo Py Focal lengh of Sprenical minnon [f= x] [+ focal tengh a A= nadius of curvature (Py Mino Equation fom both Concave and Conver mirror, Py linean Moguification (Py Snell's tow t+ angle of incident nh angle of Atflectior * PyRolation between Cwitical angle aud Refnactive inder aMy = Sine +tye2] Son = n ay aMug ‘SY thin lens fommauta Sy magnification : +e fer lent ‘Py Power of lens yy focal length of Convex lens by olisplocement method efor combination of lenses Power Ps P+ Pp 4Pj+ Py Refraction ot spherical surface Mageri[ivation — |m - ‘7h fy why : a me : ae ‘PyRefnoctive index of the phism PY Denivation oy a tain prism = gun [A+ n in [At be} my bm? (n- A oy Rayleigh's Scattening Laur ‘PpDispersive power of a prism w+ My~ Ne Ny -1 Sy Huygen's Prinetpal of Secondary waves La=%] 4 Mncident angle , x neflected ongle , 1%, = Mefnoctive index S [ting 2 we = constont 1M, = Ye = velocity of Wight an first medium Sinn Wh Ub velocity of tight sh second medium % m= nefnactive index 3 Optical Path cxt= nd | d= distone C= velocity of light °F Refractive index of walen nelative to ain |n= A_|or|Ay > ‘id PY Intenfenence T= 4 1,+ 21,1, Cosg ‘SY Positions of Bnight fringes z- mDA] Sfunge width da ‘SY Positions of Dank fringes % [" = Da SAngulan Fainge - Width PY Displacement of fringe is thickness of plate t > Dn-tt i? a w(n-1) & Diffraction of light due to a single sire easing = + le sind torre SE Angulan width of Central vraximum 20= QA [S Ltneax width of Central rmoximum Resolving power of Telescope } Fresnel ol’stonce S} Resolving powen of microscope Doppler Effect areity AL = -~ Vnodicat S Brewster's (aw U> tanig {1 c ‘ Change im frequency Fp eM 4 Moriveum Kinetic Enengy of Photoelecthous Thneshold Wavelength Ay = 6 Yo > Threshold Frequevay Exes hve») 2 Einstein's Photoelectwic Equation We hve W= Wonk function , f= Plonckt coustont a Enengy C+ hy = be] S% Momentum A ‘Wave nature of Panticle my er 1exwise lev= 1.6% (0 Joule f= 6:63 4 10°" Joule (Sec m= 93K 10°! Ke A= 2d Sin® Sp Bnagg Equation Hetsenberg's Uncentoiniy principle At-ap = tt ae S-Alpha Pasticle scattering. and kutherford f= ‘CaeyC ze) Aucteas model of ‘atom * Relation between ombié Hodrus and electron volocity fon hydrogen atom % Kinetic bnengy fox Hydrogen atom ae Orey Sh Potentiol Enengy fox Mydsogen atorn UTES Ko K-_@2__ | ¥ Total use & Born's atomic Model rave = nh 2 Velocity of Blectnon in Stationary onsits Sh tnengy of Electron tn stationary oxdits & Tonisation Energy = Wave number SH hymou Sentes SBalman sences SPaschen Sentes BBnacketi Senies HOfund Series 193th A At Re Rydberg constont n> quowtum number ny = & Size of nucleus R= kas] koe 1axio” 8m WF lomu = [66 x (0°*' ky wae: 931 MeV. SS Mass energy = met ue & Nuclear Binding. Energy. AM 2 Bending energy [eye AM a GM > Mass defect Sp Theony of nelativity > tt —__ Walp life Rutherford ond Soddy law | N= Noe“ 5 J Fenmi = lo? m atomic mass unit Zim +(A-L) mJ -M Banding Energy Pen Nucleon de A br Mass Enengy Relaten SS Avenage life & Rate of de cay Ke™ 4E= ame" tT ib A 0-6493tT Electrical Conductivity he Resistivity Emitter Cunrent Aase current Collector current SF tnengy band gap for. Metals y= 0 Semvtonduclon by < 3e¥ Insulator cy ? Bev ~ Vp it iy S% Zenen Diode & Chanoctenstics of Tnansiston Input Resistance Veg Output Resistance + SAC Cunnent Goi |B Cae) “(ee | 3} AC Voltage Gain Ay Ade x Rowe Aig Aig Rin =e AC Power Gain = f° CAC) X fesistome Goin Cumment gain tn common Smitten Configuration SP Collecten-to- emitter Voltage % Cumnent transfer Ratio os we a Cunnent Amplification focton | B= se. Tawi Eaore Foaue | Output w| Resistance Goin es] Le +B 4s = mo. of fuee electhons , ,* No. of holes , 1) = Inininsic cannien PrTable + Summany of devices concentration

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