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New CCC Questions

1. Websites used to sell and buy something are categorized under

E-commerce website
2. What is the term used for the competition between business that
have similar formats and sell similar products?
Ans: Direct Competiton
3. _____ provides virtual machines, virtual storage, virtual
infrastructure and other hardware assets.
Ans: LaaS.
4. How many types of service model are mainly present in cloud?
Ans: 3.
5. Just collecting and storing information isn’t enough to produce real
business value. Big data analytics technologies are necessary to:
Ans: Extract valuable insights from the data.
6. Which of the following is example of micro blogging
Ans: Twitter
7. What is the protocol that is used to download e-mail from the mail
Ans: POP3
8. After 10 minutes a new block is formed that contains latest
9. First part of the e-mail address identifies the User Name.
10. Postal services is the only industry that may not be impacted by
the Virtual Reality.
11. Customer relations management is an example of something
offered as software by SaaS.
12. Sophisticated software programs are used for Big Data Analytics.
13. Around 2008 IOT devices surpassed people in number
14. Blogosphere is the online community if blogs and bloggers.
15. IOT is built on Cloud Computing.
16. Cognitive science is the field that investigates the mechanics of
human intelligence.
17. Specialty about internet of things is that the data generated from
such devices will revolutionize the world around us.
18. TDS means Tax Deducted at source.
19. Bank does not give loan against Lottery Ticket.
20. Account payee cheques can be paid by deposit in bank account.
21. RAM is a type of primary memory
22. To provide a sample illustration for your supporting materials, you
would use with an example or examples.
23. UMANG APP supports 13 languages.
24. Another best way to create another copy of a slide is to choose
duplicate slide from the insert menu.
25. A powerpoint view is in normal view by default.
26. While editing a record, which keystroke allows you to save the
changes without leaving the current record?
Ans: Shift + Enter.
27. RAM allows simultaneous read and write operations.
28. Clock speed refers to the speed of CPU.
29. A printer’s image quality is usually measured in Dots per inch.
30. Missing slot covers on a computer can cause overheating.
31. CTRL+M is used to enter a new slide.
32. COMMAND.COM is the file in MSDOS that contains internal
commands that are loaded during booting process.
33. A compiler program that convert an entire program into machine
34. Tab row is a piece of hardware that converts your computer’s
digital signal to an analog signal that can travel over telephone lines.
35. Function keys are not programmable keys.
36. IF you need an operating system that provides data redundancy,
you should select a network operating system.
37. Data mining is the process that tracks trends and allows retailers
to respond to consumer buying patterns.
38. A storage device is a hardware component that writes, data to and
reads data from a storage medium.
39. A processor accepts your commands from the computer.
40. PAN number is required for deposits Rs 50,000 and above.

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