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Instruksi: Diskusikanlah apa perbedaan antara modernisme dan pascamodernisme berdasarkan sumber-sumber yang relevan.

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1. Era kemunculan The modernism era is a historical The era of postmodernism, modernism:
(jelaskan konteks period spanning most of the emerged in the mid to late 20th  World War 1
kemunculan) 20th century, with the peak of its century as a reaction to and  Modern literature
influence occurring in the middle development after the era of  Technological
of the century. The era of modernism. It is a period development
modernism represented characterized by significant shifts in
significant changes in art, thought, art, culture and postmodernism:
culture, and thought, with the philosophy. The emergence of the  Globalization
exploration of new ideas, the postmodernist era was a complex  Critique of Modernism
breaking of traditions, and an reaction to modernism and created  Diversity and Uncertainty
emphasis on individual significant developments in various
expression. It was a dynamic and aspects of human life. It is a period
diverse period in various fields of filled with a diversity of views and
art and culture around the experiments in art, culture, and
world. thought.
2. Pandangan terhadap People's views on modernism People's views on postmodernism, modernism:
manusia are heavily influenced by each vary widely and are often reflected  Progress Optimism
(bagaimanakah konsep individual's cultural background, in their personal understanding of  Individual Freedom
diri/self dan education and personal the cultural, social and intellectual  Rational and Scientific
humanisme) experiences. This is an important developments that occurred during Thinking
reality because modernism, with this era. This diversity of views
all its complexities, affects reflects the complexity of postmodernism:
various aspects of human life postmodernism as a concept and  Skepticism of Single
and has diverse impacts movement. It is important to Narratives
depending on individual remember that individuals' views of  Relative Understanding
perspectives. Being open to postmodernism can be positive,  Appreciation of a Mix of
listening to and understanding negative, or even ambivalent, Styles
different views on modernism is depending on various factors such
a good way to understand the as their backgrounds, values, and
diversity of thought in this personal experiences. This makes
increasingly globalized and postmodernism an interesting and
complex society. contemporary topic of discussion in
human culture and thought.
3. Pandangan terhadap Technological views of Technological views of modernism:
teknologi modernism tend to reflect postmodernism often reflect the  Optimism towards
(bagaimana relasi optimism and belief in the complexity and diversity in how Technological
antara teknologi important role of technology in humans understand the role of Advancement
dengan social progress and technology in this era. It reflects a  Belief in Rationality and
masyarakat/manusia, transformation. This view of more critical approach to Efficiency
dampak/hasilnya) technology often creates technological development in  Science and Technology
optimism and faith in the postmodernism, as well as an Development
potential of technology to awareness of the complexity of its
achieve greater goals and impact in various aspects of human postmodernism:
progress in society. However, it life.
is important to remember that  Skepticism of Technology
this view can also raise questions  Games in Technology
about the social, economic and  A Critique of
environmental impacts of rapid Technological Capitalism
technological development.

4. Pandangan tentang Views on the meaning of Views on the meaning of modernism:

makna modernism tend to reflect a postmodernism, or postmodernism,
(jelaskan definisi, letak, deeper understanding of this often reflect a complex and  The Shift from Tradition
serta jalannya proses movement in art, culture and versatile understanding of this  Critique of Contemporary
pemaknaan) thought. Views on the meaning period in art, culture and thought. Society
of modernism can vary greatly Views on the meaning of  Experimentation and
depending on cultural contexts, postmodernism vary widely Innovation
disciplines, and individual depending on cultural contexts,
viewpoints. While modernism is disciplines, and individual
often associated with 20th viewpoints. It is a period full of
century developments, the diversity and complexity in art, postmodernism:
concept is still relevant and culture, and thought, and views  Diversity and Plurality
influences various aspects of about it continue to evolve over
 Uncertainty and
human life to this day. time.
 Critique of the grand

5. Pandangan tentang The modernist view of art and Postmodernist views of art and modernism:
seni dan budaya culture reflects significant culture, or postmodernism, reflect
changes in the way humans significant changes in the  Impressionism: Is one of
(jelaskan corak/genre perceive and produce art and understanding of art and culture the early modernist
karya seni dan budaya) how culture is interpreted. The after the era of modernism. movements in painting.
modernist view of art and Postmodernist views of art and Impressionist artists, such
culture created a major shift in culture often recognize the as Claude Monet and
the paradigm of art and culture complexity and ambiguity in the Pierre-Auguste Renoir,
and created a shift from contemporary world of art and pursued an understanding
conventional traditions towards culture. It is a period full of of light, color, and
more experimental and creative creativity, amalgamation and deep changes in atmosphere.
forms. It was a dynamic period in reflection on an increasingly They captured the
the history of art and culture complex and connected culture and
moment in paintings with
that continues to influence the society.
a looser and more
development of art to this day.
experimental style.Post-
Impressionism: This style
includes artists such as
Vincent van Gogh and
Paul Cézanne, who
continued their
exploration of color and
form, but in a more
personal and abstract
style. Post-Impressionism
emphasizes the
subjectivity of the artist.
 Fauvism: An art
movement that was
striking and bold in its use
of bright, unrealistic
colors. Henri Matisse was
one of the pioneers of
fauvism. This style
challenged the norms of

 Eclecticism:
Postmodernism often
creates works that are
eclectic, combining
elements from various
styles and historical
periods. This creates
complex works with many
different cultural
 Pop Art: The pop art
movement created works
inspired by popular
culture, such as
advertisements, comics
and consumer products.
Artists such as Andy
Warhol and Roy
Lichtenstein are known
for this style.
 Neo-Expressionism: This
style creates works that
express emotion and
energy through the use of
bright colors, textures,
and energetic
brushstrokes. Artists such
as Jean-Michel Basquiat
belong to this movement.

6. Tokoh-tokoh dan 1. Sigmund Freud 1. Jean-François Lyotard modernism:

teori-teori penting 2. Albert Einstein 2. Jean Baudrillard
3. Henri Bergson 3. Michel Foucault  Sigmund Freud: Freud's
(jelaskan sekilas 1-2 psychoanalysis brought an
tokoh beserta understanding of the
teori/konsep penting) unconscious, dreams, and
complexes that influenced
modern art and literature.
Concepts such as "Es, Ego,
and Superego" also
influenced thinking about
character in modern
 Albert Einstein: Einstein's
Theory of Relativity,
especially the Special and
General Theories of
Relativity, changed the
understanding of time,
space, and mass,
influencing philosophical
and artistic thinking in
 Henri Bergson: Bergson
brought the concept of
"durée" (duration) which
highlighted the subjective
and fluctuating
experience of time,
contributing to modern
philosophical thought and

 Jean-François Lyotard:
This French theorist is
known for his work "The
Postmodern Condition,"
which proposes that
postmodernism is
characterized by a
diversity of narratives and
a rejection of the grand
narrative (meta-
 Jean Baudrillard:
Baudrillard developed
theories on simulation
and hyperreality, claiming
that in the postmodern
world, reality is
increasingly defined by
media representations.
 Michel Foucault: Foucault
explored the concepts of
power and knowledge in
postmodern society. His
works question ideas
about authority and truth.

Definisikanlah istilah-istilah berikut

7. Postmodern Postmodern is a term used to describe a period in the history of culture, philosophy, art, and architecture
that came after the era of modernism. It reflects a shift in thought and cultural paradigm from the
centralized, fixed mindset of modernism to a more complex, diverse, and sometimes ambiguous
8. Postmodernity Postmodernity is a term that refers to the cultural, social, economic and political state or condition in the era
of post-modernism or post-modernity. It is the period that follows the era of modernism and is often
characterized by various changes and characteristics. Postmodernity is a complex and evolving era, and
approaches to the concept may vary among different disciplines and cultures.
9. Postmodernism Postmodernism is a movement or period in the history of art, literature, philosophy, architecture, culture,
and thought that emerged after the era of modernism. It reflects a shift in thought and cultural paradigm
from the centralized, fixed mindset of modernism to a more complex, diverse, and sometimes ambiguous
understanding. Postmodernism is a complex and controversial era in the history of culture and thought,
resulting in various forms of artistic expression and diverse philosophical viewpoints.
10. Discourse Discourse is a concept that encompasses an understanding of the ways in which communication, language,
or writing is used to shape thought, meaning, and understanding within a social or cultural context. It
includes not only what is spoken or written, but also the norms, values, and rules that govern
communication in a given society. In discourse analysis, attention is paid to how language is used to
influence worldviews, create identities, and shape opinions. Discourse also includes the concept of shared
understanding of a particular topic or issue in society.
11. Simulacra Simulacra (plural of "simulacrum") is a concept in philosophy and cultural theory that refers to
representations or imitations that have no original reference in the real world. In the context of simulacra,
something is perceived as an imitation or copy that is increasingly distant from the actual reality.
12. Deconstruction Deconstruction is an approach in literary theory, philosophy, and cultural criticism developed by French
philosopher Jacques Derrida. It is a method of analysis that explores how language and text work,
emphasizing the multiplicity of meaning and indeterminacy in written language. Deconstruction proposes
that texts, concepts, and worldviews do not have fixed meanings, but rather meanings that are always open
to multiple interpretations.
13. hyperreality Hyperreality is a term in cultural theory used to refer to a condition in which the boundaries between the
real world and its representations in media, technology or popular culture become increasingly blurred. In
hyperreality, reality and simulation cannot be clearly distinguished, and people tend to accept
representations as real.
14. Tulislah movie review Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs. Setuju/tidak setujukah Anda bahwa film tersebut mengilustrasikan fase
perkembangan masyarakat dari modernisme ke pascamodernisme? Tulis maks (250 kata)

- Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" is an animated film released in 2009, directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. It is loosely based on
the children's book of the same name by Judi and Ron Barrett. The movie is a delightful and imaginative take on the source material,
delivering a fun-filled adventure with plenty of humor and heart. The story is set in the quirky town of Swallow Falls, where the eccentric
inventor Flint Lockwood creates a machine that can convert water into food. Initially, the invention leads to some hilarious and over-the-top
food weather events, but things quickly spiral out of control. The film explores themes of invention, responsibility, and the consequences of
playing with nature. The animation in "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" is vibrant and visually appealing. The food-based weather events
are particularly impressive, showcasing the creativity of the animators. The characters in the film are endearing and well-developed. Flint
Lockwood, voiced by Bill Hader, is a likable and relatable protagonist. Other characters, such as Sam Sparks (voiced by Anna Faris) and
Officer Earl Devereaux (voiced by Terry Crews), add depth and humor to the story. Overall "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" is a delightful
animated film that offers a unique and imaginative premise. It's a fun adventure with heartwarming moments and a positive message. The
combination of humor, colorful animation, and relatable characters makes it an enjoyable movie for the whole family. Whether you're a fan
of the book or new to the story, this film is worth a watch.

- I disagree that the movie "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" directly illustrates the phase of society's development from modernism to
postmodernism. Modernism and postmodernism are frameworks of thought and periods of cultural development that are more related to
philosophical thought, art, literature, and social and cultural development more broadly. While films can reflect aspects of culture and
society in their stories, they are often forms of entertainment and amusement designed to appeal to a variety of audiences, including

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