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In the inaugural moments of 2022, the resonant cry of “IT’S LIGHTS OUT AND AWAY WE GO!” heralded
my initiation into the world of Formula 1. At precisely half-past eight in the evening, I found myself
ensconced before the television, vividly recalling the exhilaration that coursed through me as twenty
sleek race cars hurtled around Bahrain's inaugural turn, engaging in an electrifying battle for
supremacy. This spectacle encompassed wheel-to-wheel collisions, heart-stopping near-misses, astute
strategic manoeuvres, the blinding spectacle of tires spewing plumes of scorching smoke, and the
daredevil ethos embraced by the drivers; collectively, these elements constitute the essence of Grand
Prix Racing.

Formula 1 wasn't an unfamiliar term to me, owing to my father's fervent support for Ferrari and the
legendary Michael Schumacher during his heyday. To be candid, as a child, I failed to grasp the allure
of lightning-fast machines relentlessly circling the same track for sixty laps.

However, in the beginning of 2022, everything transformed when I witnessed my maiden Formula 1
race, and I was irrevocably captivated. My captivation didn't solely stem from the adrenaline-pumping
excitement but from the remarkable parallels it drew with my life. Formula 1 isn’t just a mere sport; it
stands as a mesmerizing spectacle that melds cutting-edge technology, breakneck velocities, and
global rivalry into a riveting tapestry.

Fast-forward to July 2022. A reign of supremacy by Red Bull Racing saw a relentless succession of
victories. Nevertheless, the Austrian Grand Prix held a distinct place in this chronicle. As Red Bull's Max
Verstappen relentlessly closed in on Ferrari's Charles Leclerc for the first place, the final lap promised
to be an extraordinary spectacle. With unwavering determination, Leclerc held off Verstappen's
advances, securing Ferrari's first Austrian victory since Michael Schumacher in 2003. At that precise
juncture, my grandfather, father, and I erupted in cheers, encapsulating one of the sport's most
poignant facets: three generations of Tifosi, rejoicing in a spellbinding victory.

Divided into three distinct segments, a Grand Prix weekend format serves as a poignant reflection of
my life's journey. Life invariably presents us with challenges that necessitate preparation, whether it
be tackling midterms, facing a job interview, or delivering a pivotal office presentation. What renders
Formula 1 truly captivating is its ability to analogize life's obstacles through the prism of a race

Free Practice: Comprising three sessions of personalized training around the circuit, it provides
participants the freedom to amass laps at their own discretion and push their speeds to the limit. Much
like life, readiness for impending challenges is pivotal. Rigorous preparation, encompassing both
physical and mental aspects, fosters the self-assurance and skillset required to confront the impending

Qualifying: It's a breathtaking dash. A single blistering lap around the circuit is the litmus test. Swifter
times translate to superior starting positions in the race. This mirrors the life experience, where
qualifying sessions are omnipresent. Consider, for instance, the evening before a crucial examination;
the preparatory groundwork laid the preceding night invariably shapes the confidence brought to bear
on the pivotal event. Personal assurance and inner strength dictate the degree of ease with which the
challenge is surmounted. Personally, I have excelled in situations where I harboured the sentiment that
victory was the sole option.
Race: This is the ultimate crucible, a relentless marathon of high-speed competition. The individual's
initial positioning following qualifying, while advantageous, remains insufficient for clinching victory.
Analogously, life mirrors this dynamic. Effective preparation constitutes merely one facet in
surmounting formidable obstacles. On the day of reckoning, undivided concentration, unwavering
dedication, and precise execution become indispensable in converting a strong preparation into a
triumphant conquest. With the right mix of determination, focus, and exertion, victory can be grasped
even when starting last.

This takes me back to the Belgium 2022, specifically to a dazzling feat by Red Bull's Max Verstappen.
His victory, achieved with a commanding seventeen-second lead over the second-placed teammate
Sergio Perez, is made all the more remarkable by the fact that he started the race from the fifteenth
position on Race Day.

By: Uditangshu Roy

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