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Method of Construction and Estimation Estimation

Instructor Abduljaleel 2010-2011

Analysis of Rates and Costs

Before analyzing the rates & costs the prices of all materials, labors fees & equipment fees must be known.

1. Earth Excavation :

2. Building Brick Wall :

A. Materials quantities : B. Materials prices in ( ID ) : C. Materials costs :

Total costs of the materials = 133760 ID D. Fees of worker ( wages of labors ) : Building the wall : Fees of worker : ( Curing : The wall must be cured at 7 days . ) ( )


Method of Construction and Estimation Estimation

Instructor Abduljaleel
Final costs = cost of material + working


3. Reinforced Concrete :
Reinforced concrete for column with mix of ( 1:2:4 )

Works fees : Note

*,( ) +


Method of Construction and Estimation Estimation

Instructor Abduljaleel 2010-2011

4. Rate of cement plastering :

Materials :

Labors wages :

5. Excavation :


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