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Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Math in the Primary Grades

: Count groups of equal quantity using concrete objects 1 up

to 50 writes an equivalent expression.

Demo teachers: Aromin, Ariell Joy O

Bongcayao, Mary Rose M.
Section: BSNE-201

Presented to: Ms. Revie Marie Tanghal

At the end of the 30- minute session the students are expected to:
a) Identify the equal quantity of given objects 1 up to 50.
b) Tell the equal quantity of objects 1 up to 50
c) Can count and write in equal quantities and express it at the same time.


a) TOPIC: Count groups of equal quantity using concrete objects 1 up to 50 writes an
equivalent expression.
b) PRE-REQUISITE SKILLS: Organizing, Grouping, Identification Skills.
c) REFERENCES: YouTube, Google
d) MATERIALS: Wooden Letters, Numbers, Shapes. Chalkboard, Print outs for seatwork.
e) VALUES: To teach the students how important it is to identify groups in equal
numbers, they can apply this in their everyday life e.g.,: organizing their stuff
accordingly and keeping track of the number of their things.
f) TEACHING APPROACH: Collaborative, Oral Questioning.
g) SUBJECT INTEGRATED: Group tasks, Organizing.?
h) TIME FRAME: 30-minutes.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Grade 1 let’s stand up and pray Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day
God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and
be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. AMEN
guide. Let’s all say AMEN.


Good evening class! How are you all today?

We are good teacher
Class are you ready to learn? If that’s a yes,
can you clap 5 x for teacher? Claps 5x

Is everyone present in today's class? Yes teacher AJ

Before we start the class, I would just like to
share our classroom rules
And our 1st rule is Make sure that we
observe cleanliness in the class
2nd rule is If you want to answer teacher’s
question, just raise your right hand and wait
for your turn. 3rd and last on the would be
no fighting in the class always be nice to
your classmates and teacher.
Is that clear kids?
Yes, teacher AJ
Okay very good.


What was our last lesson yesterday class?

It’s counting numbers from 1 to 10 teacher
Very good, teacher will show numbers from
1 to 10 and let’s see if you remember them, Yes, teacher AJ

Very good! Since you all remember the

lesson very well should we move on to our
Yes Tacher AJ
next lesson?


What can you see in the picture kids?

Group of shapes/shapes teacher Aj

Letters teacher Aj

Very good now I will show another picture

What can you see in the picture kids?

Well done kids

The pictures that I have shown is groups of
object correct? And our lesson for today is
about counting groups in equal quantity and

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