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Slide 1
Provide for the safety of VIPs
This Unit comprises three Elements:

ž Prepare for visits by VIPs

ž Implement plans for VIP safety

ž Conduct evaluation of plans following departure of VIP

Slide 2
Assessment for this unit may include:

ž Oral questions
ž Written questions

ž Work projects

ž Workplace observation of practical skills

ž Practical exercises

ž Formal report from employer/supervisor

Slide 3
Prepare for visits by VIPs
Performance Criteria for this Element are:

ž Identify the nature of the visit by VIP

ž Liaise with relevant people regarding the visit

ž Identify factors impacting on VIP safety while at the

ž Create safety plans for the VIP visit

ž Identify resources required to support safety plans


Slide 4
Prepare for visits by VIPs
ž Acquire necessary surveillance and communication
ž Select staff to provide for VIP safety

ž Provide information to staff in relation to VIP safety and

ž Establish media liaison facilities and procedures

ž Conduct drills to trial safety plans

Slide 5
Identify nature of visit
Step 1 for a VIP visit is to identify the nature of the visit
and the VIP.
VIP = Very Important Person.

VIPs may be:

ž Male or female
ž Local or foreign

ž On their own or accompanied

Slide 6
Identify nature of visit
‘Entourage’ = those who accompany the VIP:
ž Personal staff of the VIP:
• Personal assistants
• Media liaison and PR
• Cooks/chefs
• Bodyguards
• Valets
ž Third party security providers and contractors

Slide 7
Identify nature of visit
VIPs may include:

ž Royalty:
• Kings

• Queens

• Others?

Slide 8
Identify nature of visit
ž Politicians:

• Presidents
• Others?


Slide 9
Identify nature of visit
ž Entertainers:

• Pop/rock stars
• Bands

• Film stars/actors

• TV performers

Slide 10
Identify nature of visit
ž Sports stars:

• Local/domestic and foreign

• Individuals

• Teams

• All types of sports


Slide 11
Identify nature of visit
ž Celebrities:

• Popular people
• People with certain fame or notoriety

• Competition winners

• Those with a high or prominent profile

• Anyone with a high-profile media presence


Slide 12
Identify nature of visit
ž Those who have received special honours:

• Knights
• Medal holders

• Award-winners

Slide 13
Identify nature of visit
VIPs may visit:

ž As a stopover which is part of a longer journey

ž To perform in a professional capacity

ž For holidays

Slide 14
Identify nature of visit
Additional details of VIP visit to identify include:

ž Dates of visit and arrival

ž Relevant times and duration

ž Entourage details

ž Special requests, arrangements, preferences and


Slide 15
Identify nature of visit
When identifying details about an upcoming VIP visit:

ž Record the details – never rely on memory and

never rely on others

ž Use a small notebook – it’s low-tech but very


Slide 16
Liaise with others
All VIP visits require ‘liaison’ with others:

ž Communication must be two-way

• VIP/entourage to you

• You to VIP/entourage/managers

ž Make sure you document all communications

Slide 17
Liaise with others
Liaison and communication may be required with:

ž Managers – tour managers/VIP managers and handlers

ž Local authorities

ž VIP staff and entourage

ž Security staff
ž Government/embassy staff

Slide 18
Liaise with others
VIP managers and handlers:

ž Not all VIPs have/travel with managers or handlers

ž They are responsible for arranging and organising the

ž They manage problems and issues on behalf of the VIP

ž There will be regular communication with them

Slide 19
Liaise with others
Managers/handlers will:

ž Provide you with standard requirements

ž Provide you with updates as they take place

ž Demand you communicate with them to advise of

issues, provide updates and confirm arrangements
ž Expect to be able to contact you easily 24/7

Slide 20
Liaise with others
Local authorities include:

ž Local politicians
ž Local council

ž Managers, department heads, heads of authorities and


Slide 21
Liaise with others
Local police will always be advised of a VIP visit:

ž For operational reasons

ž As a courtesy

ž Assist with security and crowd control

ž Facilitate traffic movement and management

ž Provide intelligence

Slide 22
Liaise with others
VIP staff and entourage will contact you to:

ž Advise of their individual needs

ž Communicate updates and changes

ž Find out arrangements already made with managers

and handlers
ž Seek local information and knowledge to facilitate the

Slide 23
Liaise with others
External security staff will communicate regarding:
ž Identifying security requirements
ž Integrating their service provision with yours
ž Determining on-site resources and systems
ž Providing details on previous arrangements and threats
ž Helping with pre-arrival activities
ž Rosters and staffing
ž Screening of staff

Slide 24
Liaise with others
The Government or the embassy is usually only involved
where VIP is Royalty or Politician.
They will liaise in relation to:

ž Development of programmes

ž Protocols
ž Security support

Slide 25
Liaise with others
Other topics which will be addressed as part of liaison and
communication with ‘relevant others’:
ž Arrival and departure arrangements
ž Side travel, trips and tours
ž Entertainment
ž Use of in-house facilities
ž Integration of venue services with entourage service

Slide 26
Liaise with others
ž Food and beverages

ž Timing issues
ž Media liaison

ž Personal preferences

ž Account settlement

Slide 27
Identify factors impacting VIP
When a VIP is going to visit:

ž Safety plans must be prepared

ž Safety plans must reflect identified factors
impacting on VIP safety during the visit

Slide 28
Identify factors impacting VIP
Sources of information on threats/safety issues:

ž The VIP
ž Managers and handlers

ž Authorities

ž Monitoring the media

Slide 29
Identify factors impacting VIP
Also consider:

ž Even a crowd which ‘loves’ the VIP can pose a risk

ž ‘Minders’ are usually very honest about the information
they provide

ž Many VIPs think they are ‘above the law’


Slide 30
Identify factors impacting VIP
ž The reputation of the venue hinges on how the visit
ž Prepare for the worst and hope for the best

ž Develop and maintain open, regular and honest

communication with the VIP and managers
ž Do your research

Slide 31
Identify factors impacting VIP
Your responsibilities are to:

ž Identify and address threats within the venue

ž Liaise and cooperate with external security providers

Slide 32
Identify factors impacting VIP
Possible threats and issues relate to:

ž Crowd control
ž Routes to be taken

ž Media coverage

ž Weather and time of day

ž VIP behaviours

Slide 33
Identify factors impacting VIP
In relation to ‘crowd control’ your responsibility is:

ž Access to the venue

ž Departure from the venue

ž Movement within the venue

Slide 34
Identify factors impacting VIP
‘Crowds’ pose the following threats and issues:

ž Blocked access
ž Risk of injury:

• To VIP

• To crowd/others
ž Delays

ž Demonstrations

Slide 35
Identify factors impacting VIP
Considerations relating to ‘routes to be taken’:

ž Physical hazards
ž Access points

ž Concealment opportunities

ž The shortest route is usually best

ž Privacy or publicity?

ž Line of sight coverage for CCTV and observation

Slide 36
Identify factors impacting VIP
In relation to ‘media’:

ž How many will there be?

ž Where will they be from?

ž What are their needs?

ž What is the attitude of the VIP to the media?

Slide 37
Identify factors impacting VIP
Threats/issues relating to ‘weather’ and ‘time of day’:

ž Keep up to date with weather forecasts

ž Different types of weather present (and/or eliminate)
different potential problems

ž Different times of day create (and/or eliminate) different

potential problems

Slide 38
Identify factors impacting VIP
Possible behaviour of the VIP must be considered:

ž Aim to handle issues ‘in house’

ž Liaise with authorities

ž Try to identify the possible unacceptable or

inappropriate behaviours and responses to same

Slide 39
Create safety plans
Safety plans must be developed for every VIP in order to:

ž Protect VIP against threats, problems and danger

ž Minimise adverse impacts on others

ž Meet expectations


Slide 40
Create safety plans
ž Protect reputation of venue

ž Encourage repeat business

ž Demonstrate ‘due diligence’

ž Discharge ‘duty of care’ responsibilities

Slide 41
Create safety plans
Points to consider when developing safety plans:

ž Every VIP visit demands a safety plan is created

ž Plans must be in writing

ž All identified threats/issues must be addressed

ž Some threats require multiple plans


Slide 42
Create safety plans
ž Involve and communicate with others when drafting the
safety plans
ž Refer to many previous safety plans for earlier VIP
visits and use and learn from them

ž Ensure ‘contingency plans’ are developed

Slide 43
Create safety plans
Safety plans must be developed based on knowledge of:

ž Name of VIP

ž Local attitude to them

ž Reason for visit

ž Timing

ž Duration

ž Weather

ž Local conditions


Slide 44
Create safety plans
ž Size and composition of entourage

ž Assistance available
ž Input from VIP, managers and entourage

ž Previous experience

ž Identified threats

Slide 45
Create safety plans
Specific requirements to address:

ž Preparing necessary procedures:

• ‘Prior to arrival’


Slide 46
Create safety plans
ž Preparing necessary procedures:

• ‘On arrival’ procedures

• ‘On arrival’ protocols


Slide 47
Create safety plans
ž Preparing necessary procedures:

• ‘During stay’ procedures

• ‘On departure’ procedures


Slide 48
Create safety plans
ž Preparation of running sheets:

• On arrival
• During stay

• On departure

Slide 49
Create safety plans
Safety plans should also contain Appendices:

ž Naming stakeholders
ž Providing stakeholder contact details

ž Detailing scopes of authority

ž Time zones
ž Country dialling codes

ž List of scheduled meetings

Slide 50
Create safety plans
Safety plans must include reference to ‘roles and
responsibilities’ for the following reasons:
ž Ensure authorised only access to VIP

ž Allocate staff

ž Facilitate staff screening

ž Allow VIP opportunity to reject allocated staff

ž Generate list for training, briefings and communication


Slide 51
Create safety plans
Roles and responsibilities need to be created for (as
ž Chefs and kitchen staff

ž Venue security

ž Room attendants and room service staff

ž Butlers/valets and personal assistants

ž Drivers
ž Managers and Department/Division Heads

Slide 52
Create safety plans
Safety plan issues relating to ‘communications’:

ž Dates, times and locations for meetings with list of

required attendees

ž Times/locations for daily briefings

ž Methods of communication
ž Communication protocols

Slide 53
Create safety plans
Safety plans must contain control actions:

ž Controlling ingress and egress

ž Security protocols:

• IDs and security tags

• Uniforms and equipment

• Screening

ž Emergency responses and evacuation procedures

Slide 54
Create safety plans
‘Insurance’ in safety plans:

ž Liaise wit management to determine requirements

ž Read existing policies to identify coverage

ž Determine if additional coverage is required

ž Meet with insurer to discuss needs

ž Take out coverage/pay premium

Slide 55
Identify resources required
Safety plans must be adequately resourced:

ž The plan must form the basis of resource need

ž Required resources must be provided unless a viable
alternate strategy can be identified

ž Resource requirements change between plans, VIPs

and visits

Slide 56
Identify resources required
Examples of resources which may be required to support
safety plans for VIP visits include:
ž Personnel:

• Internal and external including ‘specialist’ staff

• Rosters
ž Transportation:

• On arrival and departure and During stay


Slide 57
Identify resources required
ž Weapons

ž Barriers


Slide 58
Identify resources required
ž Internal protocols

ž Cash/funding
ž Operational documentation

ž Communication equipment

ž Electronic surveillance and detection equipment

ž Intelligence

Slide 59
Identify resources required
Operational documentation may include:

ž Venue maps
ž Local maps

ž Schedules and programmes

ž Staff rosters
ž SOPs and policies

ž Running sheets

Slide 60
Identify resources required
Running sheets may address:

ž Checking people and vehicles

ž Dog, physical and electronic sweeps and searches

ž Road closures and crowd control

ž Observing and monitoring activities

ž Escort, guard and loss prevention

Slide 61
Acquire surveillance and
communication equipment
Surveillance and detection equipment:

ž General systems – alarms, monitors and panels

ž Sensors – motion, heat and smoke

ž CCTV cameras, recorders and monitors


Slide 62
Acquire surveillance and
communication equipment
ž Access control technology

ž Binoculars
ž Hand-held cameras

ž Audio surveillance equipment

Slide 63
Acquire surveillance and
communication equipment
Comms equipment can include:

ž Hand-held radios
ž Headsets and earpieces/mics

ž Intercoms

ž Landline telephones

Slide 64
Acquire surveillance and
communication equipment
ž Cell phones

ž Pagers
ž PA systems

ž Megaphones

Slide 65
Acquire surveillance and
communication equipment
Options for acquiring equipment:

ž Buy
ž Borrow

ž Rent/hire

ž Lease

Slide 66
Acquire surveillance and
communication equipment
Prior to the VIP visit:

ž Establish a CCC room

ž Train staff as required

ž Prepare and supply required documents


Slide 67
Acquire surveillance and
communication equipment
ž Conduct tests and trials

ž Develop communication protocols

ž Patch into other systems as necessary

ž Conduct drills

Slide 68
Acquire surveillance and
communication equipment
Communication protocols may involve:

ž Checking operational status of items

ž Keeping lines open

ž Using designated channels

ž Sending and receiving messages

ž Using and knowledge of emergency terms and phrases


Slide 69
Acquire surveillance and
communication equipment
ž Reporting in

ž Not over-talking other transmissions

ž Using ‘Over’ and ‘Go ahead’

ž Identifying self and location

ž Not using bad or inappropriate language

ž Restricting transmission of sensitive issues/matters

ž Using phonetic alphabet

Slide 70
Select staff
Personnel required for VIP visit can include:

ž External security staff

ž Police

ž Internal security staff

ž Staff provided by VIP

Slide 71
Select staff
Security-related tasks for staff:

ž Security checks
ž Crowd control

ž Access control


Slide 72
Select staff
ž Background checks

ž Observation and monitoring

ž Liaison activities

ž Close escort duties

Slide 73
Select staff
‘Close escort duties are performed by ‘bodyguards’ or
‘CPOs’ . They may be:
ž Venue employees with special skills:

• Driving

• Martial arts
• First aid

• Firearms
ž Provided by an external security company

Slide 74
Select staff
Bodyguard responsibilities may include:

ž Undertaking planning of travel arrangements

ž Planning movement in the venue

ž Driving duties


Slide 75
Select staff
ž Conducting physical inspections and electronic
ž Undertaking background checks

ž Protecting the client

ž Accompanying the client

ž Facilitating carriage of items

Slide 76
Provide information to staff
Safety plans and information may need to be shared with:

ž Police
ž Authorities

ž External service/security providers

ž Managers, minders and handlers

ž Internal venue staff

Slide 77
Provide information to staff
Options for communicating safety plans and information:

ž Meetings and briefings

ž Distribution of documents

ž Email

ž Memos
Restrict release of information to optimise security.

Slide 78
Provide information to staff
Points to note regarding communicating plans and
ž Use a combination of approaches

ž Use languages appropriate to recipients

ž Develop a Distribution List

ž Record communication activities

ž Emphasise ‘confidential’/secret nature of information

ž Provide information on a ‘need to know’ basis

Slide 79
Provide information to staff
Points/issues to note when communicating information:

ž Changes to SOPs
ž Emergency and evacuation procedures

ž Special requests

ž Threat warnings
ž Drills


Slide 80
Provide information to staff
ž Prohibited actions (staff with VIP)

ž Specifications regarding interaction with the media

Slide 81
Establish media liaison
Before contacting media in relation to a VIP visit:

ž Identify orientation of VIP to media

ž Identify information/materials already
prepared and ready to give to media

ž Determine dates and times VIP will provide to

media for interviews and photos

ž Liaise with VIP managers and minders

Slide 82
Establish media liaison
Activities involved with media liaison:

ž Creating media room

ž Identifying and preparing interview room

ž Developing protocols and procedures for media contact


Slide 83
Establish media liaison
ž Nominating a media contact person from the venue for
the visit
ž Advising times, dates and locations available for
interviews and making bookings

ž Preparing media releases


Slide 84
Establish media liaison
ž Preparing and distributing media protocols for VIP visit

ž Determining media hospitality to be provided

ž Advising media of arrangements

ž Responding to media enquiries

Slide 85
Conduct drills
Drills of approved safety plans should be conducted to:

ž Demonstrate ‘due diligence’

ž Give staff experience with plan implementation

ž Prove the plan/s

ž Identify problems and issues with the plan/s

ž Verify responses and planned actions

ž Generate options and alternatives

Slide 86
Conduct drills
When conducting safety plan drills:

ž Involve all stakeholders

ž Notify authorities of the drills

ž Trial all details in the plans

ž Test communication, surveillance and detection

equipment and systems

ž Focus drills on identifies issues and threats


Slide 87
Conduct drills
ž Create ‘realistic’ scenarios:

• Conduct at different times

• Focus on threats

• Include possible problems


Slide 88
Conduct drills
ž Revise and re-circulate safety plans as required on
basis of drills
ž Record date and times of drills

ž Re-run drills as and when necessary

Slide 89
Summary – Element 1
When preparing for visits by VIPs:

ž Determine the nature of the visit

ž Research details of the visit and the VIP and their
ž Liaise with relevant managers, handlers and minders
as well as local authorities and agencies
ž Investigate and identify threats
ž Prepare safety plans
ž Identify and obtain resources to allow safety plans to
be implemented
Slide 90
Summary – Element 1
ž Document action taken as part of the planning and
ž Screen and select appropriate personnel to implement
the safety plans
ž Share security and safety information with nominated
internal and external personnel
ž Determine media requirements for the visit and
establish appropriate facilities
ž Conduct and review drills to practice implementation of
safety plans
ž Revise safety plans on the basis of drills and
redistribute revised plans as required

Slide 91
Implement plans for VIP safety
Performance Criteria for this Element are:

ž Apply pre-arrival preparations

ž Conduct final pre-arrival checks

ž Meet and escort VIPs

ž Maintain the safety of VIPs during stay

ž Facilitate departure of VIPs

Slide 92
Apply pre-arrival preparations
Pre-arrival preparations occur over a range of timeframes:

ž From 6 months out

ž 3 months out

ž Several days in advance

ž Within 24 hours
ž On the day

Slide 93
Apply pre-arrival preparations
Pre-arrival preparations can include:
ž Training staff:
• Systems and equipment use
• Cultural awareness
• Protocols to be applied
• Operational requirements
• Revisions to venue SOPs

Slide 94
Apply pre-arrival preparations
ž Providing food and beverages:

• Learning menu and product knowledge

• Identifying timing requirements

• Purchasing required items

• Trialing and testing recipes

• Determining service protocols


Slide 95
Apply pre-arrival preparations
ž Preparing and providing support facilities:

• Refurbishing areas
• Painting, service and maintenance

• Cleaning

• Replenishing supplies
• Closing areas to public


Slide 96
Apply pre-arrival preparations
ž Areas which need to be prepared can include:
• Toilets
• Make-up rooms
• Media rooms and interview rooms
• Change rooms
• Holding rooms
• Business support

Slide 97
Apply pre-arrival preparations
ž Controlling access:

• Closing/locking doors, gates and windows

• Positioning required signage

• Erecting barricades

• Cordoning off areas


Slide 98
Apply pre-arrival preparations
• Inspecting vehicles

• Screening – people, articles and luggage

• Issuing ID cards

• Positioning guards at pre-determined locations


Slide 99
Apply pre-arrival preparations
Addressing operational issues:

ž Reallocating staff
ž Drafting revised rosters

ž Advising staff of:

• Revised/new procedures
• Changed opening/operation times

• Expected impacts on other guests/service delivery

Slide 100
Apply pre-arrival preparations
It is important to implement pre-arrival preparation to:

ž Optimise safety and security

ž Meet expectations

ž Keep promises made

ž Enhance service delivery

ž Demonstrate the value and importance the venue
places on the VIP and their visit

Slide 101
Conduct final pre-arrival checks
Identified pre-arrival checks must be conducted. Points
relating to the timing and context of these checks are:
ž Comparing ‘actual’ venue preparations against safety
plan requirements

ž Conducting checks close to VIP ETA

ž Securing areas once checks have been completed


Slide 102
Conduct final pre-arrival checks
ž Collaborating with others is normally SOP for these
ž A checklist should be used to guide and govern the

ž Identified issues MUST be addressed

Slide 103
Conduct final pre-arrival checks
Examples of pre-arrival checks include:

ž Confirming operation of communications and other

technologies, systems and equipment

ž Keying off elevators

ž Conducting ‘sweeps’ of the area


Slide 104
Conduct final pre-arrival checks
ž Confirming identities

ž Checking locked areas

ž Confirming lines of sight

ž Confirming ‘other arrangements’

ž Issuing progressive ‘all clear’ notifications

Slide 105
Meet and escort VIPs
There may be a need to meet and escort VIPs and
entourage on arrival:
ž Previous discussions will identify what is required

ž Role may be ‘passive’ or ‘active’

ž Safety plan will form the basis for action

Slide 106
Meet and escort VIPs
Where venue has a ‘passive’ role:

ž Allow designated others to take the primary role, as


ž Work under direction of nominated other

security officers
ž Observe and monitor the arrival

ž Maintain integrity of established security

ž Provide back-up as required

Slide 107
Meet and escort VIPs
Where venue has an ‘active’ role:

ž Secure nominated areas

ž Identify VIP and party/entourage

ž Support work of external security staff


Slide 108
Meet and escort VIPs
ž Handle secure entry into venue

ž Monitor crowd
ž Observe environment for threats


Slide 109
Meet and escort VIPs
ž Maintain communications

ž Request assistance when and if required. Make the

decision to call for assistance quickly:

• Never simply respond – always ‘advise’ and ‘request


Slide 110
Meet and escort VIPs
ž Match on the ground actions and responses to required
level of security
ž Provide escort duties:

• Direct/close escort

• Handovers
• Responding to VIP requests

• Assimilating threats into action taken

Slide 111
Meet and escort VIPs
‘Situational Awareness’ = knowing:

ž What the situation is normally like when everything is

safe and secure

ž If it is changing

ž How it is changing
ž Why it is changing

ž The threat presented by changing circumstances

Slide 112
Meet and escort VIPs
Situational Awareness relies heavily on:

ž Keeping eyes and ears open

ž Analysing everything:

• What was it?

• Why did it happen?

• What does it mean?

Slide 113
Meet and escort VIPs
Situational Awareness is the basis for:

ž Determining threat situations

ž Identifying action needing to be taken

ž Identifying what is ‘normal’ and things are not normal

ž Prompt and effective responses

Slide 114
Maintain safety of VIP
When VIP has arrived the main aims are to:

ž Maintain safety and security of:

• VIP and their entourage

• Other guests

• Members of the public

ž Implement the safety plans, as agreed

ž Place safety of people above security of assets

Slide 115
Maintain safety of VIP
Activities to maintain safety and security of VIP:

ž Conducting ongoing visual and electronic sweeps

ž Conducting physical searches

ž Maintaining restricted access


Slide 116
Maintain safety of VIP
ž Confirming adherence to established safety and
security protocols
ž Checking IDs

ž Liaising with external security


Slide 117
Maintain safety of VIP
ž Maintaining guard duties

ž Checking vehicles
ž Protecting privacy

ž Restricting movement – where necessary

Slide 118
Maintain safety of VIP
‘Suspicious vehicles can be any shape, size, type, model
or colour. Indicators are:
ž Emits an odour

ž Does not ‘fit’ with surroundings

ž Missing license plates

ž Sagging on springs

ž Parked awkwardly or in unauthorised area


Slide 119
Maintain safety of VIP
ž Moves slowly and repeatedly through area

ž Has tinted windows

ž Left in one spot for unreasonable period

ž Is idling

ž Occupants observed leaving in a hurry or strange


Slide 120
Facilitate departure of VIP
There will always be responsibilities attached to instances
where VIP departs from venue.
‘Departure’ can refer to:

ž Departures where the VIP will return at a later

ž Final departure from the venue at the end of the

Slide 121
Facilitate departure of VIP
‘Points to note’ regarding VIP departures:

ž Use safety plans as basis for decisions and action

ž May be required to play ‘active’ or ‘passive’ role

ž May be required to arrange a host of associated

products or services
ž Will need to arrange and implement series of
pre-departure activities and pre-departure checks

Slide 122
Facilitate departure of VIP
Examples of possible activities to facilitate departures:

ž Key off lifts

ž Clear exit/departure routes

ž Conduct sweeps

ž Confirm IDs

Slide 123
Facilitate departure of VIP
ž Check locked areas

ž Confirm lines of sight

ž Conduct comms checks

ž Confirm personnel


Slide 124
Facilitate departure of VIP
ž Confirm security of nominated areas

ž Update staff regarding changes

ž Issue ‘all clear’

ž Liaise with external security


Slide 125
Facilitate departure of VIP
ž Handle secure departure

ž Monitor crowds and general environment

ž Update CCC

ž Request assistance when threat or issue

is identified

Slide 126
Facilitate departure of VIP
ž Match security actions to level of identified threat

ž Adapt as required or directed

ž Accompany/escort the VIP

ž Confirm security of departure location


Slide 127
Facilitate departure of VIP
ž Check vehicles

ž Remove unauthorised vehicles and persons

ž Hand over to others

Slide 128
Summary – Element 2
When implementing plans for VIP safety:
ž Follow the safety plans which have been prepared and
ž Make sure all actions identified in the safety plan are
ž Implement required pre-arrival preparations to venue and for
ž Conduct final pre-arrival checks
ž Liaise and cooperate with external authorities, stakeholders
and security providers
ž Be prepared to take an active/primary role or a
secondary/support role

Slide 129
Summary – Element 2
ž Provide guard, deterrent and escort services as
ž Monitor and observe crowds, individuals and vehicles
ž Report suspicions and observed activity
ž Adapt plans as necessary based on issues arising
ž Notify others regarding progress and changes to plans
ž Protect the VIP and their privacy during their stay
ž Undertake identified checks and activities every time
the VIP leaves the venue

Slide 130
Conduct evaluation of pans
following departure of VIP
Performance Criteria for this Element are:

ž Debrief staff who were involved with project

ž Analyse responses to breaches of safety that occurred

ž Prepare draft safety plans for future VIP visits on the

basis of feedback received and analysis undertaken

Slide 131
De-brief staff
Debriefings are Standard Operating Procedure after every
VIP visit and are held to:
ž Finalise the visit
ž Capture suggestions and input to improve
future visits
ž Learn lessons
ž Provide a stakeholder forum for discussion
ž Identify and resolve problems

Slide 132
Debrief staff
ž Obtain feedback

ž Address issues and complaints

ž Assist others with their evaluations

ž Gather information

ž Thank staff and others

Slide 133
Debrief staff
Keys to debriefings:

ž Schedule the debriefing sessions

ž Conduct debriefs shortly after visit has completed

ž Consider daily sessions


Slide 134
De-brief staff
ž Face to face sessions are best but not always possible

ž Notify others of time and date/time for debriefing –

encourage attendance

ž Allocate sufficient time


Slide 135
De-brief staff
ž Involve all stakeholders

ž Prepare and circulate an agenda

ž Record the session


Slide 136
De-brief staff
ž Facilitate ‘evidence-based’ discussions and analysis

ž Take charge of the session

ž Ask lots of questions

ž Thank contributors and follow-up on contributions

Slide 137
Analyses responses to breaches
Responses to breaches of safety and security which
occurred as part of a VIP visit must be analysed as part of
the evaluation process in order to:

ž Identify causal factors

ž Assess responses
ž Evaluate planning

ž Prevent recurrence

Slide 138
Analyses responses to breaches
ž Improve future responses

ž Demonstrate ‘due diligence’

ž Discharge ‘duty of care’

ž Demonstrate professionalism

Slide 139
Analyses responses to breaches
Analysis should address:

ž Planning stage
ž Implementation phase – context of breach

ž Actual response

Slide 140
Analyses responses to breaches
General context for analysing breaches:

ž Use a combination of approaches – seek 360˚ analysis

ž Use a ‘no blame’ policy

ž Ensure the extent of the analysis reflects the nature and

severity (consequence and/or potential) of the breach

Slide 141
Analyses responses to breaches
Standard analysis techniques include:

ž Watching videotape
ž Interviewing staff

ž Speaking to those who were impacted

ž Interviewing offenders

Slide 142
Analyses responses to breaches
ž Visiting and investigating ‘the scene’

ž Using input from external stakeholders

ž Seeking answers to standard questions

Slide 143
Prepare draft plans on basis of
feedback and analysis
Activities in documenting ‘lessons learned’ from evaluating
VIP visits:
ž Capturing information in written form

ž Including relevant support material or documentation

ž Recording basic data for the visit

ž Communicating lessons learned

ž Filing materials for future reference

Slide 144
Prepare draft plans on basis of
feedback and analysis
Ways to incorporate lessons learned into future plans and
ž Circulate information

ž Integrate lessons into in-house training

ž Revise policies and procedures

ž Hold special staff-management meetings


Slide 145
Prepare draft plans on basis of
feedback and analysis
ž Make it mandatory for managers to review previous VIP
visits prior to subsequent VIP visits
ž Amend existing safety plans. Use them as the basis for

Slide 146
Prepare draft plans on basis of
feedback and analysis
Ways to share information after evaluation:

ž Make verbal report

ž Do formal presentation

ž Distribute updated safety plans


Slide 147
Prepare draft plans on basis of
feedback and analysis
ž Circulate formal report

ž Meet with internal stakeholders and discuss findings

ž Share findings with external stakeholders

Slide 148
Summary – Element 3
When conducting evaluation of plans following departure of VIP:

ž Schedule the evaluation

ž Notify relevant stakeholders in advance of time, date and

location/venue for the evaluation

ž Try to achieve face to face debriefing sessions

ž Support face to face evaluations and de-briefings with

alternative options for stakeholders to make input
ž Explain reasons for the evaluation process
ž Use established safety plans as the basis for evaluation

Slide 149
Summary – Element 3
ž Involve internal and external stakeholders
ž Ensure reviews and analysis is evidence-based
ž Analyse responses to security and safety breaches
ž Strive to identify ‘lessons learned’ from the visit
ž Incorporate lesions learned into draft safety plans for
future VIP visits
ž Communicate findings of the evaluation
ž Circulate revised and new safety plans
ž Integrate lessons learned into standard venue

Slide 150

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