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Environ Monit Assess (2016) 188: 452

DOI 10.1007/s10661-016-5457-2

Changes in vegetation cover and composition in the Swedish

mountain region
Henrik Hedenås & Pernilla Christensen &
Johan Svensson

Received: 14 December 2015 / Accepted: 27 June 2016 / Published online: 7 July 2016
# Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

Abstract Climate change, higher levels of natural re- any changes in these characteristics. We found that
source demands, and changing land use will likely the extension of the alpine and the mountain birch
lead to changes in vegetation configuration in the forest areas has not changed between the inventory
mountain regions. The aim of this study was to phases. However, the total tree canopy cover in-
determine if the vegetation cover and composition have creased in the alpine area, the cover of graminoids
changed in the Swedish region of the Scandinavian and dwarf shrubs and the total cover of field
Mountain Range, based on data from the long-term vegetation increased in both the alpine area and
landscape biodiversity monitoring program NILS the mountain birch forest, the bryophytes de-
(National Inventory of Landscapes in Sweden). creased in the alpine area, and the foliose lichens
Habitat type and vegetation cover were assessed decreased in the mountain birch forest. The ob-
in 1740 systematically distributed permanent field served changes in vegetation cover and composi-
plots grouped into 145 sample units across the tion, as assessed by systematic data in a national
mountain range. Horvitz–Thompson estimations and regional monitoring scheme, can validate the
were used to estimate the present areal extension results of local studies, experimental studies, and
of the alpine and the mountain birch forest areas models. Through benchmark assessments, monitor-
of the mountain range, the cover of trees, shrubs, ing data also contributes to governmental policies
and plants, and the composition of the bottom and land-management strategies as well as to di-
layer vegetation. We employed the data from two rected cause and effect analyses.
subsequent 5-year monitoring periods, 2003–2007
and 2008–2012, to determine if there have been Keywords Alpine vegetation . Climate change . Land
use . Monitoring . Mountain birch forest . Vegetation
H. Hedenås (*) : P. Christensen
Department of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University
of Agricultural Sciences, Skogsmarksgränd, 901 83 Umeå,
Sweden Introduction

H. Hedenås It has frequently been argued that climate change,

e-mail: higher levels of natural resource demands, a greater
diversity of stakeholders, and changing land-use
J. Svensson
Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies,
policies will lead to changes in vegetation cover and
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 901 83 Umeå, composition (e.g., Körner et al. 2005). Mountain vege-
Sweden tation in particular is anticipated to change to a
452 Page 2 of 15 Environ Monit Assess (2016) 188: 452

significant degree (Theurillat and Guisan 2001; absence of grazing livestock (Speed et al. 2012).
Callaghan et al. 2013; Field et al. 2014). Vegetation Further, higher pressure from tourism and its as-
models and heating and snow manipulation experi- sociated infrastructure might lead to both direct
ments indicate that large-size graminoids, shrubs, vegetation changes through disturbance of ground
and trees will be favored and expand in the mountains surface vegetation, and to indirect changes due, for
on the expense of small-size graminoids, lichens, and example, to altered grazing pressure by reindeer as
mosses, but the results of these experiments are not reindeer might avoid areas with frequent tourism activ-
unequivocal (Arft et al. 1999; Cairns and Moen 2004; ities (Emanuelsson 1984; Van Bogaert et al. 2011;
Moen et al. 2004; Kaplan and New 2006; Walker et al. Callaghan et al. 2013).
2006; Bokhorst et al. 2009; Olofsson et al. 2011; Expected changes in vegetation cover and composi-
Pearson et al. 2013). However, the responses of vegeta- tion might generate major impacts on ecological func-
tion to climate change might be modified by herbivores tions, ecological processes, and ecosystem services in
such as reindeer, voles, lemmings, moose, hares, and the mountain regions (ACIA 2005; Körner et al. 2005).
geometrid moths (Wielgolaski 2005; Jepsen et al. 2008; For example, the mountain birch forest—which is an
Olofsson et al. 2009; Van Bogaert et al. 2011; Callaghan important land-cover type in the reindeer husbandry
et al. 2013). For example, grazing by reindeer may system—might become denser and for that reason
hamper the expansion of shrubs and trees in the alpine avoided by reindeer (Wielgolaski 2005), and the forag-
tree-line ecotone (e.g., Olofsson et al. 2009). Further, ing qualities in the alpine area might decrease owing to
intense reindeer grazing might also induce a transforma- decreases of palatable, nutritious plants that occur in
tion from dwarf shrub-dominated heaths to graminoid- snow-bed vegetation (Edenius et al. 2003; Hedenås
dominated field vegetation (Olofsson et al. 2001). The et al. 2011). This will directly affect the prerequisites
magnitude of outbursts of geometrid moths might in- for a sustainable livelihood for local indigenous people
crease with a warmer climate, which may limit the and the long-term survival of the Sámi culture in the
expansion and growth of trees and shrubs (Jepsen northern half of Sweden (cf. Sandström 2015). Changes
et al. 2008; Callaghan et al. 2013). However, the mag- in the vegetation cover might also negatively influence
nitude and regularity of vole cycles might decline in the amenity values of the Swedish mountains for tourists
response to warmer winter climate (Hörnfeldt 2004; Ims who commonly are attracted by the magnificent and
et al. 2008), which in turn may release the growth of the continuously open alpine areas (Bäck 2002; Heberlein
vegetation (Olofsson et al. 2009; Callaghan et al. 2013). et al. 2002). Thus, ongoing and potential future changes
Hence, the main characteristics and predictions of in the mountain vegetation are of great policy concerns
changes in vegetation cover and composition are com- for governments (Beniston 2003), as emphasized by the
plicated owing to multiple and interacting drivers and Government of Sweden in its environmental objective
feedback responses as well as to stochastic events ‘A Magnificent Mountain Landscape’ (Government
(Callaghan et al. 2013). Offices of Sweden 2004; SEPA 2014).
It is also generally assumed that changes in the dis- Until now, most evidence for changes in vegetation
tribution and composition of the mountain vegetation cover and composition in alpine areas have been based
should be expected due to changes in land use over the on re-inventories of old vegetation studies on a very
past century (Emanuelsson 1987; Theurillat and Guisan limited geographical range (e.g., Walther et al. 2005;
2001; Körner et al. 2005; Tasser and Tappeiner 2009). Moen and Lagerström 2008; Van Bogaert et al. 2011;
One example is the mountain birch forests adjacent to Wilson and Nilsson 2009; Kullman 2010; Virtanen
settlements and seasonal mountain holding, which his- et al. 2010; Hedenås et al. 2011, 2012; Rundqvist et al.
torically were more open due to a relatively large out- 2011; Callaghan et al. 2013; Wipf et al. 2013) and on a
take of firewood and to more stationary grazing by few standardized monitoring programs (Pauli et al.
domestic animals. As these types of land use decrease 2012). One problem with re-inventories of old vegeta-
those lands naturally may undergo forest regeneration tion studies is that these plots have been selected for a
succession (Kullman 1979; Olsson et al. 2000; Bryn and specific purpose and hence do not represent random or
Daugstad 2001; Karlsson et al. 2007; Östlund et al. systematic sample points. For example, many study
2015). It has also been suggested that many plants might plots are biased towards sites where changes in vegeta-
expand into and colonize higher altitude areas in the tion were expected to be evident, and thus any
Environ Monit Assess (2016) 188: 452 Page 3 of 15 452

extrapolation of such data over larger areas might environmental quality goals and also contributes
overestimate the actual vegetation change (Chytrý with generic baseline information for directed cause
et al. 2014). In this respect, it has been argued that and effect analyses.
long-term data series provided by large-scale moni-
toring schemes have an important role for baseline
assessments and as background data for policy de- Methods
velopment and as input to regional and national
environmental evaluation frameworks (Lovett et al. NILS design
2007; Lindenmayer and Likens 2010). The National
Inventory of Landscapes in Sweden (NILS) was NILS is a sample-based monitoring program that covers
designed to provide possibilities for baseline assess- all terrestrial land-cover types in Sweden. Its core pur-
ments in habitat and landscape changes (Ståhl et al. pose is to assess conditions and changes in landscape
2011). NILS covers all terrestrial land-cover types in biodiversity and to provide land-use data as background
Sweden. The field inventory protocol encompasses a information for the evaluation of environmental objec-
wide range of variables and groups of variables that tives, international environmental reporting, applied re-
provide valuable information about the status of the search, and land-use policy development (Ståhl et al.
biophysical mountain landscape and how it might 2011). In the NILS system, the land surface of Sweden
change over time. The NILS program covers data is divided into ten strata wherein a total of 631 sampling
collected from 2003 and onwards. With a 5-year units (5 × 5 km) were selected in a systematically pattern
phase for a complete national sample, the data series based on a random start unit. The mountain region is
now allows for change analysis between two subse- defined as stratum 10 with an eastern border that follows
quent time periods (2003–2007 and 2008–2012). the mountain boundary defined by the Swedish Society
The main aim of this study was to assess for Nature Conservation (SSNC) (von Sydow 1988;
regional-scale vegetation conditions and changes in Fig. 1) and with a western extension to the Norwegian
the alpine area and mountain birch forest in the border. In total, stratum 10 includes 145 systematically
Scandinavian Mountain Range in Sweden. The data distributed sampling units with 12 systematically placed
used in the study are based on field inventory data 20-m radius circular field sample plots in each unit. The
from the NILS program. sample plots are permanent and are divided into sub-
This study addresses the following four key ques- plots if there are clearly defined compartments with
tions: (1) What are the areal extensions of the alpine different land use, vegetation structure, etc. (Esseen
area and mountain birch forest in Sweden? (2) Has et al. 2007; Christensen and Ringvall 2013). The com-
the areal extension of the alpine area and mountain partment division points are registered along the periph-
birch forest changed between the initial NILS inven- ery of the circular plots which makes it possible to
tory phase (2003–2007) and the first re-inventory calculate the area of the subplot. Since each subplot is
phase (2008–2012)? (3) What are the compositions described separately, it is possible to make precise var-
and coverage of the tree, shrub, field, and bottom ious statistical estimates, e.g., areal extension of a cer-
layers in the alpine area and mountain birch forest? tain habitat type or vegetation coverage in a specific
(4) Has the composition and coverage of the vege- habitat type. The variable list consists of 269 field
tation in the alpine area and mountain birch forest variables, and it is constructed to both document spatial
changed between the two inventory phases? To our patterns on broader geographic scales as well as to
knowledge, this is the first study that compiles and provide detailed habitat and species data for multiple-
analyzes data from permanent field plots in a sys- scale analyses of natural and land use-induced changes
tematic monitoring design over such a large geo- in landscape biodiversity (Fig. 1). A proportion of these
graphic area, to report on the status and change of variables provide information about configuration on
the areal extension of main habitat types in the habitat level, while others are more specifically oriented
Scandinavian mountain range and their vegetation towards the abundance of individual species or groups
characteristics. We foresee that the results will pro- of species (Ståhl et al. 2011).
vide a benchmark for strategic and operational land- The analyses in this study are based on a selection of
use policies in relation to the national and regional the data set from the first (2003–2007) and second
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Fig. 1 The map shows the location of stratum 10 (gray), i.e., the in these plots. Canopy cover is estimated in the 20-m radius plot,
Swedish mountain region, and the 145 systematically placed and shrub cover, cover of field vegetation, and cover of the bottom
5 × 5 km sample units (red). The 12 circular sample plots is in layer are estimated in the 10-m radius plot. The sample plot is
the center of the sample unit with a distance of 250 m between the divided into subplots if the sample plot contains distinct areas of
centers of each plot and a distance of 2125 m between the centers different types of land use or land cover etc. (Esseen et al. 2007).
of each plot and the edge of the 5 × 5 km2. Each plot consists of The figure also shows a list of the field variables used in this study
two concentric circular plots, and different variables are recorded sorted size of the circular sample plots

(2008–2012) 5-year NILS inventory phases for the land’. Each plot and/or subplot, henceforth collec-
mountain region (stratum 10), i.e., each plot is re- tively termed ‘plots’, was treated as a separate unit
measured every 5 years, thus plots inventoried in 2003 in the analyses. There were 1613 plots in the classes
were re-inventoried in 2008 and plots inventoried in ‘terrestrial/semiaquatic’, ‘glacier’, and ‘permanently
2004 were re-inventoried in 2009 etc. See Ståhl et al. snow-covered land’, and these were grouped as ter-
(2011) and Christensen and Hedström Ringvall (2013) restrial plots.
and the field manual by Esseen et al. (2007) for more In the second step, the terrestrial plots were clas-
details on the NILS program. sified as ‘alpine’, ‘mountain birch forest’, or ‘other’
(Fig. 2). In this study, we refer to these classes as
Preparation and organization of the data variables ‘habitat types’. The alpine area was defined as the
area above the alpine forest line, defined as the
First, a total of 1917 field inventory plots and/or border for trees higher than 2 m with a canopy cover
subplots from the initial inventory phase and 1919 of more than 10 %. This definition corresponds to
plots and/or subplots from the re-inventory phase the border for alpine vegetation zone as defined by
were classified in the field into one of the following Sjörs (1967, 1999) and Ahti et al. (1968), which
four main land-cover types: ‘terrestrial/semiaquatic’, thus includes several different vegetation types such
‘aquatic’, ‘glacier’, and ‘permanently snow-covered as heaths, meadows, wetlands, substrate ground (barren
Environ Monit Assess (2016) 188: 452 Page 5 of 15 452

Fig. 2 Photographs of the alpine

and mountain birch forest
habitats. Photographs were taken
by NILS field staff

ground), and glaciers (Nordiska ministerrådet 1984; predominantly shrub-formed trees or stumps of co-
Carlsson et al. 1999; Gardfjell and Hagner 2012) niferous trees (Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris)
within the alpine zone at high altitudes. The moun- must be very few (at least 50 m between individual
tain birch forest has traditionally been considered as trees and stumps).
a part of the subalpine vegetation zone (Sjörs 1967) The degree of vegetation cover (in percent) is
but has more recently been considered as a part of recorded with 1 % resolution based on a visual
the northern boreal vegetation zone (Sjörs 1999). estimate, which was selected as standard instead of
The two dominating vegetation types in this zone estimates into classes. Two cover estimations were
are heath and meadow forested habitats types dom- used in the NILS system—diffuse cover and strict
inated by mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. cover. Diffuse cover estimations include all parts
czerepanovii) forest (Nordiska ministerrådet 1984; of, for example, a tree within the outer perimeter
Carlsson et al. 1999). The mountain birch forest is of the tree canopy. Strict cover considers the veg-
defined as a non-productive forest woodland (i.e., etation according to a strict vertical projection, i.e.,
forest with a forest stock growth less than 1 m3 per sections within, for example, a tree’s canopy area
year and hectare and where the trees have reached that are not covered by flowers, leaves, branches,
2 m in height and have a canopy cover exceeding or trunk are not included. The degree of diffuse
10 %). According to the definition applied in the cover is therefore higher than the degree of strict
NILS program (Esseen et al. 2007), occasional cover. NILS provided training for field staff in
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estimating cover in order to reduce the variation within a 10-m radius circular sample plot (Esseen et al.
between observers. This was done both in pre- 2007). (1) ‘Foliose lichens’ included both foliose lichens
inventory training with practical exercises and on the ground and those on stones, boulders, and bed-
computer calibration programs with true cover cal- rock. (2) ‘Reindeer lichens’ consisted of Cladonia
culated from digital images (Gallegos Torell and arbuscula, Cladonia rangiferina, Cladonia stellaris,
Glimskär 2009) and during the field inventory and Cladonia stygia. (3) ‘Other fruticose lichens’ in-
with a more experienced person in the field team cluded all other forest-floor fruticose lichens except the
together with a less experienced person. reindeer lichens. (4) ‘Sphagnum spp.’ consisted of all
The total canopy cover of living trees, regard- Sphagnum species. (5) ‘Other bryophytes’ consisted of
less of height, was visually estimated as diffuse all bryophytes except the Sphagnum spp. (6) ‘Humus
cover within the 20-m radius circular sample plot. and peat’ included exposed humus or peat surfaces. (7)
In addition, the canopy cover of each tree species, ‘Mineral soil and gravel’ included exposed mineral soil,
i.e., birches (Betula spp. mainly Betula pubescens sand, or gravel with grain size ≤20 mm. (8) ‘Stones,
subsp. czerepanovii), all other deciduous trees, Norway boulders, and flat rocks’ (grain size >20 mm) included
spruce (Picea abies), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), and surfaces with no humus or plant cover, but crustose
all other conifers, was estimated separately. lichens might occur. (9) ‘Other’ included water, litter,
The total cover of living shrubs, regardless of height, branches, and logs as well as ground that deters plant
was visually estimated as diffuse cover within the 10-m growth, e.g., asphalt, gravel, or concrete.
radius circular sample plot. In addition, the cover of Cover of the above-mentioned species or groups
each shrub species (i.e., dwarf birch (Betula nana), of species was estimated separately for each plot.
juniper (Juniperus communis), willows (Salix spp.), If trees, shrubs, or any of the components of the
and other shrub species) was estimated separately. field vegetation were present in small quantities,
Here, we only present data for shrubs for the i.e., with a maximum cover of 0.4 %, the total
2008–2012 re-inventory phase because the stan- vegetation cover, the total cover of shrubs, and the
dard to estimate diffuse cover also on shrubs was total cover of the field vegetation, respectively,
established after the 2003–2007 phase when strict were always noted separately as 0.2 %. Similarly
cover was used. for each individual species and substrate group, if
The total cover of the field vegetation was visu- a group was present in small quantities, defined as
ally estimated as strict cover of all living herbs, with a maximum cover of 0.4 %, the cover value
dwarf shrubs (Ericaceous species), graminoids, was always noted as 0.2 %. The five bottom layer
ferns, and fern allies (i.e., Equisetum spp. and spe- groups were noted as 0 % if they were absent but
cies belonging to the class Lycopodiopsida) within also if their observed cover did not exceed 0.4 %.
the 10-m radius circular sample plot (Esseen et al. Vegetation data were not recorded in the field
2007). In addition, the cover of the above species inventory for plots on glaciers and permanently
groups was estimated separately for each group. snow-covered ground. For such plots, vegetation
Data on field vegetation were lacking for 42 plots cover was set to 0 % prior to analysis. Similarly,
in 2003. To allow a complete data set we incorpo- tree and shrub covers were set to 0 % after a
rated the data from the same plots in 2008, thus visual control in aerial photos for plots located
creating proxy data indicating a no-change plot. on too steep or impassable terrain.
The species Marsh Labrador tea (Rhododendron The taxonomy follows DYNTAXA (2015).
tomentosum) was noted as a shrub in 2003 but
was included in the field vegetation as a dwarf
shrub in the NILS monitoring standard from 2004 Analyses
and onwards. For the 2003 data, the cover of this
species was added both to the total cover of the We assessed changes based on the two 5-year inventory
field vegetation and to the cover of dwarf shrubs phases in vegetation cover and composition in the alpine
prior to the analysis. area and mountain birch forest separately. These two
The cover of five bottom layer species groups and habitat types were found only in stratum 10 and not in
four substrate groups is in NILS estimated separately other NILS strata.
Environ Monit Assess (2016) 188: 452 Page 7 of 15 452

Only plots classified as terrestrial (including the 95 % confidence interval was calculated. Differ-
NILS main habitat types of terrestrial/semiaquatic, ences were, thus, considered significant at a 5 %
glacier, and permanently snow-covered land) were error level.
included in the analyses. Thus, water surfaces
were not included. As a consequence, estimates
of the cover of the vegetation in a certain habitat Results
type in the mountain were calculated as the mean
cover of the vegetation on the terrestrial area in The areal extension of the alpine area was estimat-
that habitat type. ed to be 3.19 Mha for both inventory phases and
The total terrestrial areas of the alpine vegetation to be 1.09 and 1.10 Mha for the mountain birch
and mountain birch forest were obtained separately forest for the first and the second inventory
in two steps. First, the Horvitz–Thompson estimator phases, respectively. No significant changes in area
was used to estimate the mean ratios, i.e., the ratio estimates could be detected between the 5-year
between the area of the focal mountain habitat type intervals. The standard errors of the estimates were
in the sample units (i.e., the sample size was 145 ±0.34 Mha for the alpine area for both inventory
separate 5 × 5 km2 in the mountain region) and the phases and ±0.17 Mha for the mountain birch
sample unit area with its variance (Horvitz and forest for both inventory phases.
Thompson 1952; Särndal et al. 2003; Christensen The total canopy cover in the alpine area in-
and Ringvall 2013). The Horvitz–Thompson estima- creased significantly between the initial inventory
tor is widely used to analyze design-based monitor- and the re-inventory from 0.55 ± 0.16 % to
ing programs (e.g., Magnussen et al. 2007; Bafetta 0.71 ± 0.19 % (Fig. 3). The total canopy cover in
et al. 2011; Fridman et al. 2014). Second, the total the mountain birch forest showed no significant
terrestrial areas for alpine vegetation and mountain change, ranging from 37.28 ± 2.13 % to
birch forest were obtained by multiplying the esti- 38.25 ± 1.73 %. Birch (mainly Betula pubescens
mated ratios with the total land area in stratum 10. subsp. czerepanovii) was the most abundant tree
Similarly, Horvitz–Thompson estimations were used species in both the alpine area and in the mountain
to estimate the cover of trees, shrubs, and plants as birch forest. There was no significant change be-
well as characteristics in the bottom layer. The var- tween the initial inventory and re-inventory in can-
iances of the estimations are presented in the tables opy cover of individual tree species in either the
as a standard error (SE) and a relative standard error alpine area or the mountain birch forest (Fig. 4).
(RSE). The estimations were performed using the R The total shrub cover was 17.9 ± 2.4 % in the alpine
statistical package (version 2.15.1) and the svyratio area and 24.7 ± 2.8 % in the mountain birch forest
function in the Survey package (version 3.29; (Fig. 3). Dwarf birch was the most abundant shrub
Lumley 2004, 2010). species in both the alpine area and in the mountain birch
The Horvitz–Thompson estimator was also used forest (Table 1).
to estimate the change in areal extension of the There was a significant increase in field vege-
two focal habitat types, as well as the change tation cover between the initial inventory and the
between the inventory phases in cover of trees re-inventory for both the alpine area and the
and plants and the characteristics of the bottom mountain birch forest (Fig. 3). The total cover of
layer. The magnitude of the change was deter- the field vegetation increased from 35.98 ± 2.22 %
mined as above with the svyratio feature in the to 43.30 ± 2.71 % in the alpine area and from
Survey package, which calculates the change as 47.97 ± 2.56 % to 53.57 ± 2.40 % in the moun-
the difference between the mean value of vegeta- tain birch forest. Dwarf shrubs dominated the field
tion coverage from the first inventory and the vegetation in both the alpine area and the moun-
mean value of vegetation coverage from the re- tain birch forest (Fig. 5), and both graminoids and
inventory. The variance was estimated as the sum dwarf shrubs increased significantly in the alpine
of the respective estimation variance −2 multiplied area and mountain birch forest.
by the covariance using the svycontrast function in Bryophytes dominated the bottom layer in the two
the Survey package. Based on the variance, a mountain habitat types (Table 2). Bryophytes and
452 Page 8 of 15 Environ Monit Assess (2016) 188: 452

(a) Alpine area (c) Alpine area

(b) Mountain birch forest (d) Mountain birch forest

Fig. 3 The estimated total canopy cover, total cover of shrubs, and phases. The estimates of cover are presented with a 95 % confi-
total cover of field vegetation, during the initial inventory (2003– dence interval. (c) shows the change in cover in the alpine area and
2007) and the re-inventory (2008–2012) in the alpine area (a) and (d) shows the change in cover in the mountain birch forest between
in the mountain birch forest (b). We only present data for shrubs the two inventory phases. The estimates of the change of cover are
for the 2008–2012 re-inventory phase because the methods esti- presented with a 95 % confidence interval. Note the different
mating cover of shrubs was changed between the inventory scales on the axes

humus and peat decreased significantly in the alpine 2010; Virtanen et al. 2010; Hedenås et al. 2011, 2012;
area, while foliose lichens decreased significantly in Rundqvist et al. 2011; Wehn and Olsson 2015). This
the mountain birch forest. study, which is based on a regional set of a systemati-
cally sampled national monitoring data, is the first com-
plete compilation of the areal extent and vegetation
Discussion status—as well as changes in these aspects—in the
alpine area and mountain birch forest on the Swedish
Until now, most evidence on changes in vegetation side of the Scandinavian Mountain Range. The results
cover and composition in the Swedish mountains presented here can be used as a baseline for vegetation
has been based on re-inventories of old vegetation in the Scandinavian mountain range, towards which
studies that are representative for a specific loca- observed vegetation changes in specific studies can be
tion or only cover a limited geographical range compared, as input data in forecast models based on
(e.g., Moen and Lagerström 2008; Van Bogaert anticipated change, as background for land-use and
et al. 2011; Wilson and Nilsson 2009; Kullman environmental policy development, and also to
Environ Monit Assess (2016) 188: 452 Page 9 of 15 452

(a) Alpine area (c) Alpine area

(b) Mountain birch forest (d) Mountain birch forest

Fig. 4 The estimated canopy cover of birch (Betula spp., mainly presented with a 95 % confidence interval. (c) shows the change in
Betula pubescens subsp. czerepanovii), other deciduous trees canopy cover in the alpine area and (d) shows the change in
(other dec), pine (Pinus sylvestris), spruce (Picea abies), and other canopy cover in the mountain birch forest between the two inven-
coniferous trees (other con) during the initial inventory (2003– tory phases. The estimates of the change of canopy cover are
2007) and the re-inventory (2008–2012) in the alpine area (a) and presented with a 95 % confidence interval. Note the different
in the mountain birch forest (b). The estimates of canopy cover are scales on the axes

generate hypothesis in directed cause and effect corresponds well with the 3.3 Mha of alpine vegetation
oriented studies. reported by Carlsson et al. (1999). However, our
estimated area of mountain birch forest (1.1 Mha)
Areal extension of alpine vegetation and mountain birch was about half as large as the mountain birch
forest forest area presented by Carlsson et al. (1999).
Our estimated area of mountain birch was also
We found that the areal extension of these two lower than the estimated 1.4 Mha of mountain
habitat types has not changed significantly be- birch forest reported as part of the 2013 Natura
tween the two inventory phases, which might be 2000 annex I habitat types article 11 report (Eionet
expected with only a 5-year time span. Previous 2014; Eide 2014). The difference between our
studies that have detected changes in the areal estimated area of mountain birch forest and the
distribution of mountain birch all covered longer area reported in the other studies is probably ex-
time spans (Kullman 2002; Van Bogaert et al. plained by the different definitions of mountain
2011). Our measure of the areal extension of the birch forest. The definitions applied in the other
alpine area in Sweden was 3.2 Mha, which studies allow a higher occurrence of occasional
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Table 1 Total cover of shrubs and cover of shrub species in the (although there is a strong trend) over the 5-year time
alpine area and in the mountain birch forest
span reported here. The discrepancy between the esti-
Estimation of the cover mates showing an increase in the total tree crown cover,
Inventory 2008–2012 but not in the crown cover of mountain birch, might be
explained by the fact that these estimates are based on
Cover SE RSEa
Shrub species % % % data collected separately from each other in the field
inventory. Thus, it is possible that this is a method-
Alpine ological artifact in the monitoring scheme that will
Betula nana 12.7 1.9 15.0 be adjusted for over time as a longer time series of
Juniperus communis 1.2 0.3 23.4 data becomes available. This finding implies, how-
Salix spp. 3.9 0.6 15.1 ever, that care has to be taken before far-reaching
Other shrub species 0 0 - conclusions are made. Our results indicate, though,
Total shrub cover 17.9 2.4 13.6 that the pattern of increasing canopy cover in the
Mountain birch forest alpine area and in the mountain birch forest that
Betula nana 10.4 2.1 20.0 have been observed in local studies covering longer
Juniperus communis 7.8 1.1 14.6 time spans might be indicative of a general pattern
Salix spp. 6.5 1.2 17.8 over the whole Swedish mountain range.
Other shrub species <0.1 <0.1 97.7
Total shrub cover 24.7 2.8 11.2 Changes in coverage and composition of the shrub,
field, and bottom layer vegetation
Relative standard error (RSE)
Further, we observed an increase in the cover of
conifers (Carlsson et al. 1999; Gardfjell and Hagner graminoids and dwarf shrubs as well as an increase
2012) than the NILS definition (Esseen et al. 2007) that in the total cover of the field vegetation both in the
was used here. alpine area and the mountain birch forest, while the
cover of mosses and lichens decreased. This is in
Changes in vegetation coverage and composition congruence with previously reported warming ex-
periments that suggest that graminoids and dwarf
Changes in coverage and composition of the tree layer shrubs might increase with increasing temperatures
while lichens and bryophytes might decrease
We showed that the coverage and composition of both (Walker et al. 2006). Increased cover of graminoids
the tree and the field vegetation have changed for both might also be due to increasing reindeer grazing
the alpine area and the mountain birch forest. We ob- pressure (cf. Olofsson et al. 2001). However, such
served an overall increase in the total canopy cover in an interpretation is unlikely on the scale of the
the alpine area, which is in congruence with several results presented here for two reasons. First, the
observations over the last few decades (Kullman 2002; number of reindeer over the whole mountain region
Van Bogaert et al. 2011; Hedenås et al. 2011; Rundqvist fluctuates around a relatively constant number, al-
et al. 2011). The increase in canopy cover might be though there might be local changes in population
attributed to a combination of factors such as a delayed size (Moen and Danell 2003). Second, as an effect
re-expansion of trees following the BLittle Ice Age^ that of grazing, we should also have observed a decline
ended in the early twentieth century (see discussion in in dwarf shrubs along with the increase in
Rundqvist et al. 2011), stimulated growth and regener- graminoids (cf. Olofsson et al. 2001). Instead, we
ation of birch following recent climate warming also observed an increase in dwarf shrub cover.
(Callaghan et al. 2013), and/or a continued long-term
recovery from former land use such as large outtakes of Changing status of mountain vegetation: importance
firewood and grazing by livestock and reindeer (Östlund of long-term monitoring
et al. 2015; Sandström 2015). Our results show that the
cover of mountain birch, the absolutely dominating tree Long-term monitoring of essential functional compo-
species in the alpine area, has not increased significantly nents of ecosystems is important for detecting and
Environ Monit Assess (2016) 188: 452 Page 11 of 15 452

(a) Alpine area (b) Alpine area

(c) Mountain birch forest (d) Mountain birch forest

Fig. 5 The estimated cover of graminoids, herbs, dwarf shrubs, cover of graminoids and dwarf shrubs have increased significantly,
and ferns and fern allies (Ferns) during the initial inventory (2003– at the 5 % error level, both in the alpine area (c) and in the
2007) and the re-inventory (2008–2012) in the alpine area (a) and mountain birch forest (d) between the two inventory phases. The
mountain birch forest (b). The estimates of the cover of field estimates of the change of canopy cover are presented with a 95 %
vegetation are presented with a 95 % confidence interval. The confidence interval. Note the different scales on the axes

documenting the changing status of ecosystems (Lovett vegetation will affect the amenity values of the
et al. 2007; Keith et al. 2013). If the here observed mountain landscape. Further, changes in functional
tendency of increasing tree crown cover in the alpine groups in the field layer might indicate a shift in
area and changes in cover in functional groups in the grazing pressure (Olofsson et al. 2001), land use
field layer becomes more and more pronounced, this (Tasser and Tappeiner 2009), temperature (Walker
might have profound effects on ecosystem functions, et al. 2006), or snow cover (Olofsson et al. 2011).
services, and biodiversity in mountain ecosystems Changes in the composition of the bottom layer
(Chapin et al. 2005; Keith et al. 2013). For example, might also change with climate, land use, and grazing
tree recruitment and growth might affect the diversity of pressure (Walker et al. 2006; Callaghan et al. 2013).
vascular plants and cryptogams (Walker et al. 2006; We thus stress that the change in coverage and
Batllori et al. 2009), facilitate the thawing of permafrost composition of the tree, shrub, field, and bottom layers
(Johansson et al. 2006), and influence the regulation of are important attributes to monitor over the long term
CO2 (Heliasz et al. 2011), reindeer herding (Wielgolaski when assessing the change in status of mountain
2005), and tourism. Since tourists preferable are ecosystems. Christensen and Ringvall (2013) concluded
attracted to extensive open alpine areas with vast areas in their assessment of the statistical properties of the
to overlook rather than by dense mountain birch forests NILS program that with the exception of stochastic
(Bäck 2002; Heberlein et al. 2002), more and denser and cyclic events (Franklin 1989) and observation errors
452 Page 12 of 15 Environ Monit Assess (2016) 188: 452

Table 2 The cover of species and substrate groups in the bottom layer in the alpine area and in the mountain birch forest

Estimation of the cover Estimate of the differences

Inventory 2003–2007 Re-inventory 2008–2012 95 % CIc

Cover SE RSEb Cover SE RSEb Diff. Lower Upper

Species/Substratea % % % % % % % % %

Foliose lichens 2.06 0.42 20.53 1.74 0.30 17.09 −0.31 −0.87 0.24
Reindeer lichens 3.24 0.50 15.35 4.03 0.53 13.20 0.79 −0.19 1.77
Other fruticose lichens 6.74 1.08 16.01 6.61 1.14 17.18 −0.13 −2.06 1.80
Sphagnum spp. 5.34 1.42 26.62 4.81 1.18 24.60 −0.53 −1.33 0.27
Other bryophytes 36.61 1.79 4.88 33.33 1.72 5.15 −3.28 −6.39 −0.17
Humus and peat 5.21 1.04 19.96 2.23 0.65 29.07 −2.98 −5.34 −0.63
Mineral soil and gravel 3.35 0.67 20.04 4.20 0.86 20.40 0.85 −0.74 2.44
Stones, boulders, and flat rocks 19.01 2.33 12.26 18.54 2.43 13.13 −0.47 −2.08 1.15
Other 18.66 1.95 10.44 22.13 2.06 9.30 3.47 −1.18 8.13
Mountain birch forest
Foliose lichens 1.72 0.32 18.42 1.02 0.18 17.96 −0.70 −1.26 −0.13
Reindeer lichens 2.41 0.51 21.31 2.82 0.79 28.06 0.41 −1.04 1.85
Other fruticose lichens 2.19 0.60 27.35 1.86 0.53 28.30 −0.33 −1.42 0.75
Sphagnum spp. 8.46 1.84 21.76 8.35 1.74 20.78 −0.11 −1.95 1.74
Other bryophytes 58.39 2.46 4.21 53.99 3.38 6.26 −4.40 −8.92 0.13
Humus and peat 0.77 0.25 31.77 0.44 0.12 28.31 −0.34 −0.84 0.17
Mineral soil and gravel 0.21 0.10 47.71 0.15 0.08 55.73 −0.06 −0.20 0.09
Stones, boulders, and flat rocks 5.22 1.48 28.46 4.99 1.33 26.57 −0.23 −1.25 0.79
Other 20.93 2.44 11.67 25.03 3.12 12.48 4.10 −1.92 10.11

The change in cover was significant, at the 5 % error level, when zero was not included in the confidence interval. Italic text denotes
significant changes
Foliose lichens consist of foliose lichens on the ground and on stones, boulders, and bedrock. Reindeer lichens consist of the lichens
Cladonia arbuscula, Cl. rangiferina, Cl. stellaris, and Cl. stygia. Other fruticose lichens consist of all other fruticose lichens on the ground
surface except the reindeer lichens. Sphagnum spp. consists of all Sphagnum species. Other bryophytes consist of all bryophytes except
Sphagnum spp. Humus and peat are exposed humus or peat. Mineral soil and gravel include exposed mineral soil, sand, or gravel with a
grain size ≤20 mm. Stones, boulders, and flat rocks include material with a grain size >20 mm with no humus or plant cover, but crustose
lichens might occur. Other includes water, litter, dense field layer components, branches, logs, etc.
Relative standard error (RSE)
Confidence interval (CI), Lower = lower confidence interval level and Upper = upper confidence interval level

(Milberg et al. 2008), even quite small changes in com- 2013). Monitoring should be sensitive to the societal
mon variables such as total coverage of trees, shrubs, demand for environmental data and thus harbor
and field vegetation are detectable through a systematic adaptive capacity, including both altered standards
sample of relatively few sample units that together is as in the case of switching from strict to diffuse
representative for a larger geographic scales. In NILS, a cover of shrubs in NILS and adoption of new vari-
total of 145 sample units represent the mountain range. ables and methods. The NILS program, which is the
However, to detect changes of less common variables only national environmental monitoring program
such as the range of aspen expansion in alpine areas with a full coverage of the Swedish side of the
(cf. Van Bogaert et al. 2010; Rundqvist et al. 2011), Scandinavian mountain range, provide solid data
a higher sampling intensity or directed studies for generic biophysical data such as cover of main
would be necessary (cf. Christensen and Ringvall species and species groups. For a more focused use
Environ Monit Assess (2016) 188: 452 Page 13 of 15 452

in cause and effect analyses for climate change early inventories. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 18(1),
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were, however, no changes in the areal extension of change and stability over multiple decades in the
either the alpine area or the mountain birch forest. Swedish subarctic: complex processes and multiple
Although there are limitations in determining drivers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
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the underlying causes of observed vegetation
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istration in Dalarna, Jämtland, Västerbotten, and Norrbotten both analysis as a tool when designing a monitoring program:
for funding this study and for fruitful discussions. Thanks to the experience from a large-scale Swedish landscape monitoring
NILS field staff for their assistance. We also thanks M. Hogg at the program. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,
Semantix for improving the language. 185(9), 7279–7293.
Chytrý, M., Tichý, L., Hennekens, S. M., & Schaminée, J. H. J.
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