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Opinion TRENDS in Biochemical Sciences Vol.26 No.

7 July 2001 417

Enzyme catalysis: Reactions involving changes in noncovalent-bonding

There is a diverse range of biochemical processes that

a new definition involves reactant-like and product-like states

representing rearrangements in noncovalent-bonding
interactions (Table 1). Tabulated are reactions that:

accounting for (1) strictly involve noncovalent interactions; (2) are

mechanistically linked to the Gibbs free energy of ATP
or GTP hydrolysis, or to another thermodynamic

noncovalent driving force such as a solute gradient; and (3), for

example proteins such as GroEL and GroES, that
catalyze the noncovalent folding of other proteins. For

substrate- and reactions belonging to type (3), the energy of ATP

hydrolysis is used to expel unproductive folding
intermediates after a period of time determined by the

product-like states intrinsic rate of ATP hydrolysis4.

The case of ATP exchange with actin-bound ADP in
the presence of profilin illustrates an important
process that strictly entails changes in noncovalent
Daniel L. Purich bonding5. Profilin is an actin-regulatory protein that
accelerates the conversion of one long-lived
protein–ligand complex (actin–ADP) into another
Biological catalysis frequently causes changes in noncovalent bonding. By (actin–ATP) (Eqn 1):
building on Pauling’s assertion that any long-lived, chemically distinct interaction
is a chemical bond, this article redefines enzyme catalysis as the facilitated Actin–ADP + ATPsolution ↔ Actin–ATP + ADPsolution [1]
making and/or breaking of chemical bonds, not just of covalent bonds. It is also
argued that nearly every ATPase or GTPase is misnamed as a hydrolase and The following are indisputable facts about the
actually belongs to a distinct class of enzymes, termed here ‘energases’. By profilin-catalyzed exchange of actin-bound
transducing covalent bond energy into mechanical work, energases mediate nucleotide: (1) profilin enhances the nucleotide
such fundamental processes as protein folding, self-assembly, G-protein exchange rate by a factor of 150; (2) at catalytic
interactions, DNA replication, chromatin remodeling and even active transport. concentrations, profilin has no effect on the overall
equilibrium of the exchange reaction; and (3) profilin
Nearly half a century ago, the Enzyme weakens the interaction of actin with nucleotide and
Commission began the daunting task of stabilizes a nucleotide-free transition state5,6.
systematically classifying and naming enzyme- If profilin were to catalyze the ATP-dependent
catalyzed reactions1–3. Six reaction types transphosphorylation of actin-bound ADP, this actin-
(oxidation–reduction, group transfer, hydrolysis, regulatory protein would certainly fit the classical
group addition–elimination, isomerization and definition of an enzyme. However, the reaction
ligation) were used to classify enzymes in terms catalyzed by profilin only involves the breaking and
of attendant changes in covalent bonding. During making of noncovalent bonds. This prompts the
the preparation of a new treatise detailing the question: should profilin be regarded as an enzyme?
~4500 known enzyme-catalyzed reactions, I Consider the reaction coordinate diagrams for a
questioned whether all biological catalysts can classical enzymatic reaction and a factor-mediated
still be so neatly classified as oxidoreductases, ligand-exchange reaction (Fig. 1). Except for
transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases differences in their activation energies, both are
or ligases. The simple and succinct definition stepwise transformations that increase reaction rate.
of an enzyme as a biological catalyst implies The 102.5 rate enhancement observed in the presence
that an enzyme accelerates a chemical reaction of profilin is unquestionably paltry when compared
without altering its equilibrium. However, by with the 1017–1019 value for orotidine-5′-phosphate
limiting the term ‘chemical reaction’ to the decarboxylase7. The much higher rate enhancement
making or breaking of covalent bonds, the current factor for orotidine-5′-phosphate decarboxylase
Daniel L. Purich system excludes catalyzed reactions involving reflects the extremely low rate of the uncatalyzed
Dept of Biochemistry & substrate-like and product-like states that differ reference reaction7. Rearrangements in noncovalent
Molecular Biology, only with respect to their noncovalent-bonding bonding are faster than uncatalyzed rates of reactions
PO Box 100245, College of
Medicine, University of
interactions, and also classifies certain synthase- involving changes in covalency, and this is reflected in
Florida Health Science like enzymes as hydrolases. These considerations their respective activation energies. Whereas
Center, 1600 SW Archer suggest that the definition of enzyme catalysis enzymologists focus on the magnitude of
Road, Gainesville,
must be reconsidered in a manner that accounts enhancement factors, individual reactions within
FL 32610-0245, USA.
e-mail: dlpurich@ for reactions involving transformations of metabolic pathways need only be fast enough to
biochem.med.ufl.edu noncovalent bonds. prevent bottlenecks.

http://tibs.trends.com 0968-0004/01/$ – see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0968-0004(01)01880-1
418 Opinion TRENDS in Biochemical Sciences Vol.26 No.7 July 2001

Table 1. Catalyzed reactions involving substrate-like and product-like states of filament assembly mediated by profilin is
differing in their noncovalent bonding and/or position sufficient to maintain the fast rates of actin-based
Reaction type Examples cell motility, and any greater rate enhancement
offers no selective advantage.
Facilitated exchange of Profilin-promoted exchange of actin-
protein-bound ligands bound nucleotides
A more encompassing definition of enzyme catalysis
Exchange factors acting on G proteins
As there are so many instances in which biological
Chaperonin-mediated reactions Protein folding
catalysis is not attended by changes in covalent
Assembly of multi-subunit protein complexes
bonding, I offer a broader definition: enzymes
Molecular motors Myosin locomotion on actin filaments
catalyze the making and/or breaking of chemical
Kinesin and dynein locomotion on microtubules
bonds by promoting substrate and/or product access
Cytoskeleton self-assembly ATP-dependent actin filament assembly
to the transition state. (This statement deliberately
GTP-dependent microtubule self-assembly
avoids specifying how an enzyme promotes catalysis;
Polymerase processivity ATP-dependent clamp-loading onto DNA for example, by stabilizing enzyme transition states,
destabilizing the ground state, reorganizing active-
Contact-transfer polymerization of actin during
actin-based motility
site solvent molecules, enabling fluctuating motions
within protein domains, vibrationally coupling
Active transport Sodium and/or potassium ATPase
atomic motions, and managing entropic and/or
ATP synthase
enthalpic contributions.)
Carrier-mediated transport Sugar transport
Although this definition seems no more
Amino acid transport
encompassing than existing definitions of enzyme
catalysis, the crucial difference is the use of the
Motile cells have developed a motility complex phrase ‘chemical bond’ in place of ‘covalent bond’.
that uses profilin to mobilize actin–ATP in the form In his book The Nature of The Chemical Bond10,
of profilin–actin–ATP, thereby accelerating the actin Linus Pauling offered the following guiding
polymerization rate by a factor of 200–500. Again, comment: ‘We shall say that there is a chemical
profilin acts catalytically without any effect on the bond between two atoms or groups of atoms in case
equilibrium constant for actin filament assembly8. that the forces acting between them are such as
Actin-based cell crawling has a limiting rate of to lead to the formation of an aggregate with
1 µm s−1, corresponding to the addition of ~500 sufficient stability to make it convenient for the
actin monomers per second to the growing end of chemist to consider it as an independent molecular
each actin filament9. Based on the intracellular species.’ Because many protein conformational
concentration of actin monomers, the enhancement states and numerous protein–ligand complexes are
sufficiently long-lived to exhibit chemically
(a) X‡ (b) definable properties, their formation and/or
transformation must be considered as chemical
Uncatalyzed reactions. Thus, by admitting a more encompassing
definition of enzyme catalysis, it becomes clear that
profilin is a remarkably versatile enzyme, one that
speeds up two entirely different reaction types
attended by changes in noncovalent-bonding
Gibbs free energy

There are other special cases of enzyme catalysis,
Uncatalyzed including those agents that catalyze noncovalent
P‡ self-assembly of macromolecular and
Catalyzed F–P‡
supramolecular structures. In this context, catalysts
of protein folding and refolding, cytoskeletal filament
Catalyzed assembly and chromatin condensation should be
E+S E–P F–PT + D regarded as enzymes. With modest tinkering,
F + PD + T F–PD + T F + PT + D
E–S Pauling’s prescient comment can be extended to
include the persistent, chemically definable position
Progress of reaction
of a solute relative to the faces of a membrane. In this
way, the proposed definition of enzyme catalysis also
Fig. 1. Typical reaction coordinate diagrams for catalyzed and uncatalyzed reactions involving changes treats membrane transporters as specialized
in covalent or noncovalent bonding. Except for differences in the magnitude of the activation energy
(∆Eact), reactions involving changes in covalent and/or noncovalent bonding follow the same basic
enzymes. The Enzyme Commission now treats
reaction scheme. (a) Classical enzymatic process showing progress of the classical covalent bond- transporters as enzymes, recognizing that a change
altering reaction in the absence and presence of enzyme catalysis. (b) Facilitated ligand exchange, in the position of a metabolite with respect to a
showing progress of the ligand-exchange reaction. Abbreviations: D, nucleoside 5′-diphosphate;
membrane defines substrate-like and product-like
E, enzyme; F, exchange-promoting factor; P, nucleotide-binding protein; PD, protein–nucleoside
5′-diphosphate complex, P‡, protein with vacant nucleotide site; PT, protein–nucleoside states. Boyer’s binding change mechanism for ATP
5′-triphosphate complex; S, substrate; T, nucleoside 5′-triphosphate; X, reaction intermediate. synthase11 and the Mackinose–Jencks calcium pump

Opinion TRENDS in Biochemical Sciences Vol.26 No.7 July 2001 419

Table 2. Reactions and equilibrium constants for hydrolase-, synthetase- and

energase-catalyzed reactionsa
Catalyst Reaction Equilibrium constant

Hydrolase Releases ∆Ghydrolysis as heat Keq = [ADP][Pi]/[ATP]

ATP + H2O ↔ ADP + Pi
Synthetase Couples ∆Ghydrolysis to ∆Gbiosynthesis Keq = [Gln]/[Glu][NH3] × [ADP][Pi]/[ATP]
ATP + Glu + NH3 ↔ Gln + ADP + Pi
Energase Couples ∆Ghydrolysis to ∆Gconformation-change or ∆Gwork Keq = [state 2]/[state 1] × [ADP][Pi]/[ATP]
ATP + state 1 + H2O ↔ state 2 + ADP + Pi
aAbbreviations: ∆G, change in Gibbs free energy; Pi, inorganic phosphate.

model12,13 certainly reinforce the idea that stoichiometric coupling of tubulin incorporation and
transporter mechanisms are inherently similar to GTP hydrolysis occurs under normal physiological
other enzyme mechanisms. conditions, but is lost in the presence of colchicine,
which blocks microtubule self-assembly14,15. Tubulin
Energases: a distinct class of enzyme-catalyzed reactions only exhibits an enhanced capacity to hydrolyze GTP
Discoveries of the past two decades have convincingly in the presence of colchicine. Similar statements
demonstrated the pervasiveness of mechanochemical apply to the abilities of other uncoupling agents to
proteins that transduce the Gibbs free energy of increase the hydrolase activities of ATP synthase and
nucleotide hydrolysis into some form of useful work. other ATP-dependent transporters.
The product of these reactions can be described as a Another relevant example of energase action is the
form of translational movement, rotation or solute ATP-dependent clamp-loader that permits DNA
gradient. Under normal physiological conditions, polymerases to remain associated with the DNA
nucleotide hydrolysis is stoichiometrically coupled to template through many rounds of phosphodiester
the production of an increment of useful work. bond synthesis. Upon loading the lock-washer-shaped
‘Energase’ is offered as a new term that: (1) treats clamp, DNA polymerase cannot dissociate from its
these mechanochemical systems as a distinct enzyme DNA template, and the polymerase processively
class; (2) uses a root word (energy) known in all replicates several thousand bases before
modern languages; and (3) reinforces the idea that dissociating16–18. As the holoenzyme moves along the
the energy of changes in chemical bonding is replication fork, the polymerase continuously extends
transduced into mechanical energy. The term DNA on the leading strand; however, a second
energase also fits nicely alongside oxidase, reductase, polymerase molecule acting on the lagging strand
hydrolase, lyase, isomerase and ligase. releases its sliding clamp upon synthesis of each
The present Enzyme Commission classification Okazaki fragment. The polymerase must then return
does not explicitly account for the noncovalent ‘work to the advancing replication fork where it reattaches
steps’, thereby treating energases as hydrolases. That to another clamp that the clamp-loader has deployed
energases constitute a separate class becomes at an upstream RNA primer. The clamp-loader does
obvious when we consider equilibrium constants for not merely hydrolyze ATP, it is an energase that
three different ATP-dependent reactions (Table 2), accomplishes an increment of mechanical work as it
without specifying how metal ions are involved or how attaches the clamp around DNA.
protons are released. The fundamental nature of the The GTP-regulatory protein superfamily of
mechanical work step in energase reactions is GTPases19,20 represents yet another example of
illustrated by treating conformation-state1 as a energases that use the Gibbs free energy of GTP
substrate-like species and conformation-state2 as a hydrolysis to modulate the affinity of noncovalent-
product-like species. The relative abundance of these binding interactions. Effective G-protein-mediated
conformational states {i.e. [state2]/[state1]} must be regulation of hormone receptors stems from GTPase-
explicitly indicated when writing the chemical linked modulation of agonist and antagonist potency.
reaction and the equilibrium constant. Although the G proteins are enzymes that exist in at least two
quotient [ADP][Pi]/[ATP] is common to all three states (Eqn 2):
reactions, energases actually share much more in
common with synthases than with hydrolases. One [Interaction state1] G–GTP → [2]
simply cannot ignore the substrate-like and product- [Interaction state2] G–GDP + Pi
like species that differ only in the energetics of their
noncovalent interactions. in which the strength of noncovalent interactions
Ironically, the hydrolytic activities of energases depends on the energy difference between the
often become exaggerated when steps in an energase interaction sites.
reaction are uncoupled by various treatments or A characteristic feature of all catalyzed processes
agents. A good example is the tubulin GTPase. Strict is that the unmodified catalyst is regenerated after

420 Opinion TRENDS in Biochemical Sciences Vol.26 No.7 July 2001

related enzymes should be accorded two separate

Activated Enzyme Commission classifications, as is the current
R *R species practice for other bifunctional enzymes.
Receptor *
deactivation Step 3 Deactivated Concluding remarks
Step 2 species Although the systematic classification of enzymes on
*R–G*GTP GGDP the basis of organic chemistry was logical, modern
GTP *R R biochemistry has shown that metabolism necessarily
binds Step 4 includes many other reactions that must be written in
Step 1 Receptor
activation terms of changes in the strength of noncovalent
interactions. The involvement of molecular motors in
contractile processes, intracellular organelle trafficking
Step 5
Nucleotide-free Ready for and cell crawling constitutes just another branch of
form GDP release metabolism, as does the building up and tearing down
GDP of macromolecular and supramolecular structures. The
interested reader should note the recent classification
Fig. 2. Complete reaction cycle for the G protein GTPase reaction. GTP of ATP-driven nucleic acid helicases as coupling factors
binds to a complex of activated receptor (*R) and GTP-regulatory that transduce P–O–P bond-scission energy into the
protein (G) (Step 1), resulting in receptor release (Step 2). The
activated G protein G*GTP is then free to stimulate the activity of other
mechanical work of separating and rearranging
downstream signal transduction reactions. When GTP is hydrolyzed complementary strands of double-helical nucleic acids23.
(Step 3), the resulting GDP-containing G protein is deactivated; its The underlying principles of biological catalysis
reactivation must await the binding of activated receptor (Step 4),
apply equally well to the breaking and making of
which is followed by GDP release (Step 5).
covalent bonds, coordinate covalent bonds and the
much weaker noncovalent bonds. The induced-fit
each reaction cycle. Although the processes presented hypothesis24 provided an early impetus for learning
above do not exhibit the high turnover numbers how binding of substrate reorients otherwise
observed with many enzymes, each of these systems functionally inactive groups on an enzyme to form an
participates in what can be regarded as a long-lived active catalyst. Initial active-site reorganization and
catalytic cycle. This is illustrated in Fig. 2 for later steps in catalysis involve noncovalent-binding
receptor-mediated nucleotide transformations interactions in the form of conformational changes.
associated with G-protein-coupled receptors. In this Although most enzymes employ noncovalent
scheme, the activated receptor (designated *R) binds interactions to facilitate covalent bond scission, the
to the G protein and reloads the nucleotide-binding ‘energases’ use ∆Gcovalent-bond-scission (the change in the
site with GTP. In this respect, unless *R is available, Gibbs free energy during covalent-bond-scission) to
the catalytic cycle of the G protein is arrested at the modify noncovalent interactions. Energases are
GGDP stage. endowed with the capacity to accomplish mechanical
work by transducing covalent bond energy into
Energases that modify enzyme performance substrate-like and product-like conformational
The free energy of nucleoside 5′-triphosphate states. In both cases, the greatest challenge for the
hydrolysis can also produce substrate-like and enzyme mechanic is to establish unambiguously the
product-like conformational states that alter an role of noncovalent interactions in catalysis.
enzyme’s ability to catalyze a reaction. Two notable Finally, as teachers, we must seek better ways to
Acknowledgements examples are ATP sulfurylase (ATP + sulfate → promote student comprehension of biochemistry’s
I am indebted to the
AMP–sulfate + pyrophosphate), which transduces the organizing principles. The current classification system
following for examining
the manuscript and energy of GTP hydrolysis to modulate both substrate obscures salient differences between hydrolase and
offering valuable advice: binding and catalytic performance21, and nicotinate ‘energase’; we should therefore embrace a more
Linda Bloom, Robert phosphoribosyltransferase (nicotinate + encompassing definition that treats structural
Cohen, Perry Frey, Herbert
Fromm, Benjamin
phosphoribosylpyrophosphate → nicotinate D- metabolism as an integral component of cellular
Horenstein, Giulio Magni, ribonucleotide + pyrophosphate), which hydrolyzes metabolism and reinforces the idea that enzymes are
Dexter Northrop, Dale ATP for similar reasons22. Any change in substrate the universal mediators of metabolism. This new
Poulter, Silverio Ruggieri,
affinity alters the Michaelis constant, thereby definition of enzyme catalysis erases many of the
David Silverman, Peter
von Hippel and Richard altering one or more of the other parameters in the artificial barriers between biochemistry and cell
Wolfenden. Haldane relationship (Keq = VfKmr/VrKmf). These and biology, thereby expanding the dominion of enzymology.
References Committee of the International Union of exchange factors. In Handbook of Biochemical
1 Hoffmann-Ostenhof, O. (1953) Suggestions for a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Academic Kinetics, pp. 519–520, Academic Press
more rational classification and nomenclature of Press 6 Kinosian, H.J. et al. (2000) Interdependence of
enzymes. Adv. Enzymol. 14, 219–260 4 Wang, J.D. and Weissman, J.S. (1999) Thinking profilin, cation, and nucleotide binding to
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1992: Recommendations of the Nomenclature 5 Purich, D.L. and Allison, R.D. (2000) Nucleotide enzyme. Science 267, 90–93

Opinion TRENDS in Biochemical Sciences Vol.26 No.7 July 2001 421

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Insulin-degrading Therefore, cells must have developed mechanisms to

eliminate amyloidogenic species before their
aggregation. One such mechanism involves molecular

enzyme: embarking chaperones, which promote proper protein folding and

prevent the aggregation of misfolded proteins.
However, amyloid-forming proteins are inherently

on amyloid unfolded and cannot be refolded by the action of

chaperones. Another mechanism requires the
proteasome, which eliminates improperly folded

destruction proteins that are prone to aggregation3. However, the

involvement of proteasomes in the selective
elimination of the subset of misfolded proteins that
form amyloid fibrils has yet to be demonstrated.
Igor V. Kurochkin Recent reports suggest that the removal of amyloid-
forming proteins, particularly small proteins, is
performed by an intracellular protease called insulin-
Several human disorders are caused by or associated with the deposition of degrading enzyme (IDE) (Table 1)4–8.
protein aggregates known as amyloid fibrils. Despite the lack of sequence
homology among amyloidogenic proteins, all amyloid fibrils share a common IDE: an evolutionary conserved metalloendoprotease
morphology, are insoluble under physiological conditions and are resistant to with an unusual zinc-binding motif
proteolytic degradation. Because amyloidogenic proteins are being produced IDE, also known as insulysin or insulinase, is a thiol-
continuously, eukaryotic organisms must have developed a form of proteolytic metalloendopeptidase, active at neutral pH, that was
machinery capable of controlling these aggregation-prone species before their first postulated to be responsible for insulin proteolysis
fibrillization. This article suggests that an intracellular metalloprotease called in vivo more than 50 years ago9. IDE has been purified
insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) is responsible for the elimination of proteins from several mammalian tissues, including red blood
with amyloidogenic potential and proposes a mechanism for the selectivity of cells, skeletal muscle, liver and brain10,11. The purified
the enzyme. In this respect, IDE can also be referred to as ADE: amyloid- enzyme consists of a single polypeptide chain with a
degrading enzyme. mass of 110 kDa on denaturing polyacrylamide gels.
Under nondenaturing conditions, IDE has an apparent
Fibrillar protein deposits, known as amyloid plaques, molecular weight of 300 kDa, suggesting that it exists
accompany or cause several medical disorders, the as a dimer or trimer. Purified IDE has a very high
most notable of which are Alzheimer’s disease, type 2 affinity for insulin (Km = ~20 nM)11. Isolation and
(non-insulin-dependent) diabetes and the spongiform sequencing of the degradation products generated from
encephalopathies such as Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease1. insulin by the action of IDE indicate that the enzyme
Although the primary sequences of the protein cleaves the A chain of insulin at two sites and the B
constituents of amyloid fibrils differ substantially chain at seven sites12. Numerous observations suggest
Igor V. Kurochkin
from one disease to another, all of the fibrils are that IDE is the principal enzyme involved in insulin
Chugai Research Institute remarkably similar morphologically: all amyloid processing in cells; for example: (1) insulin breakdown
for Molecular Medicine, fibrils contain a β-sheet structure in which the peptide products found in vivo can be generated by purified
153-2 Nagai, Niihari,
strands run perpendicular to the fibril axis2. Once IDE; (2) microinjection of monoclonal antibodies
Ibaraki 300-4101, Japan.
e-mail: igork@ insoluble amyloid fibrils have formed, the process is directed against the enzyme inhibits cellular
cimmed.com effectively irreversible under physiological conditions. degradation of insulin; (3) inhibitors of purified IDE

http://tibs.trends.com 0968-0004/01/$ – see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0968-0004(01)01876-X

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