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A government is a group of people who rule the country.

There are three branches of government/arms of government.
a) Executive
b) Legislature
c) Judiciary
It’s a branch of government that ensures laws are executed or carried out.
Members of the executive are;
 The president
 The deputy president
 The cabinet secretaries

It’s a branch of government that makes laws for the country. The Legislature
consists of;
 Members of parliament (MPs).

A branch of government that punishes law breakers. Members of the judiciary
 Judges
 Magistrates

What’s a constitution?
A document that contains laws for the country.
Parliament-Makes laws for the country.

There are various types of governments, namely;
a) Democratic government
b) Monarchial government
c) Military government
d) Dictatorial /Authoritative government


-It is a type of government where people vote/choose their leaders.
-It’s also known as the government of the people, by the people for the people.
 There are elections that are after a specific period of time.
 There is a parliament that makes laws
 There is a constitution
 The people’s freedom and rights are respected
 A leader may be voted out if she/he does not perform.
Examples: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, USA,

This is a type of government that is ruled by a powerful leader.
 It is strict
 Citizens are never consulted by the government
 It is out dated
Example; Uganda during Idi Amin Dada’s time
Germany during Adolf Hitler’s time
Russia during Stalin’s time

-Type of government where a king or queen rules
-There are two types;
a) Absolute monarchy
 Type of government where a king or queen rules only.
b) Constitutional monarchy
 Type of government where a king or queen rules with the help of parliament
or a prime minister. Examples;
UK, Swaziland, Lesotho, Scotland

Type of government where the army rules.
 It is very strict
 It does not last for long
 The citizens are normally harassed
Examples-Uganda during Idi Amin Dada’s time.


Devolution-The transfer or delegation of power to a lower level, especially by
central/National government to local or regional administration .
-This will be studied in two main areas:
a) Executive structure
b) Administrative units.

a) Executive structure
-Focuses on government officials and their functions
i) The President (UHURU KENYATTA)
 He is the Head of state
 Commander in chief of the Kenya Defense forces
 Appoints and dismisses cabinet secretaries
 Appoints higher commissioners and ambassadors
 Receives foreign diplomats
 Represents the country in international meetings

ii) The Deputy President

 Assists the president in ruling
 Takes over the country when the president is not in.

iii) Cabinet secretaries

 Assists the president in the day today running of the government.
 Answers all the questions raised in parliament regarding the ministries.

 Other offices include;

Attorney General (AG)

i) He is the legal advisor of the government
ii) Represents the national government in court

Director of public prosecution (DPP)

i) Undertakes criminal proceedings against any person in court.

Chief Justice (CJ)

He is responsible for representing the views of the judiciary to Parliament and the
government and for managing the affairs of the courts, including the training and
deployment of judges and the allocation of work.

b) Administrative Units
 This shows how the country is divided.
 Kenya has 47 counties
 A county is headed by a Governor
 The governor is assisted by a deputy governor.

Functions/Roles of the government

 Makes laws for the country-the legislature makes laws for the country.
 It protects the rights of its citizens
 It makes decisions for the country
 It maintains law and order
 It brings development in the country by building schools, hospitals and roads
 It gives the citizens a sense of direction

Importance of studying History and Government
 Helps us to know about the past events
 History helps us to know why we need a government
 History helps us to develop a sense of patriotism (love for one’s country)
 Leads to professions e.g. a lawyer, public administration and history teacher.
 Through man’s past experiences we are able to solve current and future
 Through learning man’s culture, we are able to appreciate and respect other
people’s culture.

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