Chapter-2 MMW B

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Chapter 2: Mathematical

Language and Symbols

• Functions and Relations
• Word problem using Venn diagram
• Binary
- mathematical entities that give unique outputs to certain inputs.

They have three important parts

• Input
• Relationship
• Output

A function is generally denoted by f(x) where x is the

input. The general representation of a function is y = f(x).
- set of inputs and outputs, oftentimes expressed as
ordered pairs (input, output).

- It is also a rule which associates each element of the first

set (Set A) with at least one element in the second set
(Set B)
Determining if a Graph Represents a Function
If a vertical line drawn anywhere on the graph only intersects the graph at one point, then that graph
represents a function. If a vertical line can intersect the graph at two or more points, then the graph does not
represent a function.

Use the vertical line test to determine if the following graphs represent functions.

represents a function represents a function does not represent a function

Ordered pair examples:

Recall that in an ordered pair, the x-coordinate is the input value and the y-coordinate is the output value.
Therefore, we can look at each ordered pair as (input, output).

Is { (1,3), (2,4), (5,8), (2,7)} a function?

Since input 2 is listed two different times, once it is paired with output 4 and once it is paired with output 7.
Therefore, no, it is not a function.

Is {(1,5), (2, 5), (3,5), (4,5)} a function?

While output 5 is given multiple times, each input value is only given once, and therefore each input value
has exactly one output value. Therefore, yes, it is a function.
Operations of Functions
Rules on performing operations on functions:

The sum of two functions, f and g: (f + g)(x) = f (x) + g(x).

The difference of two functions f and g: (f - g)(x) = f (x) - g(x).
The product of two functions f and g: (f*g)(x) = f (x)×g(x).
The quotient of two functions f and g: (f/g)(x) = f(x)/g(x). If g(x) = 0, the quotient is

The fifth operation is called the composition of two functions. The composition of the
functions f (x) and g(x) is symbolized this way: (f∘g)(x). It is equivalent to f (g(x)). It is read "f
of g of x." The concept is simple. First, the value of g at x is taken, and then the value of f at
that value is taken.

The sum of two functions

Given f(x)= 5x + 8 and g(x)= x – 9 Given f(x)= x^2 + 19x + 1 and g(x)= 3x + 8

Find f(x) + g(x) Find f(x) + g(x)

(f + g)(x) = f(x) + g(x) (f + g)(x) = f(x) + g(x)

= (5x + 8) + (x – 9) = (x^2 + 16x – 7) + (3x + 8)
= 5x + 8 + x - 9 = x^2 + 16x – 7 + 3x + 8
= 6x - 1 = x^2 + 19x + 1
The difference of two functions

Given f(x)= 2x + 3 g(x) = 5x + 1 Given f(x)= 3x^2 – x + 4 g(x) = x^2

Find f(x) - g(x) Find f(x) - g(x)

(f - g)(x) = f(x) - g(x) (f - g)(x) = f(x) - g(x)

= (2x + 3) – (5x + 1) = (3x^2 – x + 4) – (x^2)
= 2x + 3 – 5x – 1 = 3x^2 – x + 4 – x^2
= -3x + 2 = 2x^2 – x + 4

Tips for adding and subtracting functions:

• Write the given first inside parenthesis
• Be mindful of the signs when subtracting functions
• Combine like terms
The product of two functions

Given f(x)= 2x g(x) = x^2 Given f(x)= 2x g(x) = x + 3 Given f(x)= 2x + 1 g(x) = x - 3

Find f(x) * g(x) Find f(x) * g(x) Find f(x) * g(x)

(f * g)(x) = f(x) * g(x) (f * g)(x) = f(x) * g(x) (f * g)(x) = f(x) * g(x)

= (2x)(x^2) = (2x)(x + 3) = (2x + 1)(x - 3)
= 2x^2 = 2x^2 + 6x = 2x^2 - 6x + x - 3
= 2x^2 - 5x - 3
The quotient of two functions

Given f(x)= 2x g(x) = x^2 Given f(x)= 2x g(x) = x^2 Given f(x)= 5x^2 – 10x + 15 g(x) = 5x

Find f(x) / g(x) Find g(x) / f(x) Find f(x) / g(x)

(f / g)(x) = f(x) / g(x) (g / f)(x) = g(x) / f(x) (f / g)(x) = f(x) / g(x)

= (2x)/(x^2) = (x^2)/(2x) = (5x^2 – 10x + 15)/(5x)
= 2/x = x/2 = x – 2 + (3/x)

Tips for multiplying and dividing functions:

• When multiplying terms with the same variable, add exponents
• When dividing terms with the same variable, subtract exponents
• Distribute and Combine Like Terms
• Simplify
The composition of two functions

Given f(x)= 2x + 3 g(x) = x^2 Given f(x)= 2x + 3 g(x) = x^2

Find f(g(x)) Find g(f(x))

(f ∘ g)(x) = f(g(x)) (g ∘ f)(x) = g(f(x))

= 2(x^2) + 3 = (2x + 3)^2
= 2x^2 + 3 = 4x^2 + 12x + 9
Here are some examples given x has a specific value

Given f(x)= 2x g(x) = x^2 Given f(x)= 2x g(x) = x^2

Find f(4) + g (10) Find f(3) – g (2)

f(4) + g (10) = (2x) + (x^2) f(3) – g (2) = (2x) – (x^2)

= 2( 4) + (10^2) = 2(3) – ( 2^2)
= 8 + 100 =6–4
= 108 =2

Given f(x)= 2x g(x) = x^2 Given f(x)= 2x g(x) = x^2

Find f(3) * g (2) Find f(9) / g (3)

f(3) * g (2) = (2x) * (x^2) f(9) / g (3) = (2x) / (x^2)

= 2(3) * (2^2) = 2(9) / (3^2)
= 6*4 = 18 / 9
= 24 =2

Example 1:

In a survey of 36 college students, they were asked about their preference for
platforms: Facebook and Instagram. Out of these students, 30 use Facebook, 20 use
Instagram and 15 use both Facebook and Instagram.

1. How many students use only Facebook?

2. How many students use only Instagram?
3. How many students do not use any of the two platforms?
Let F be the set of U
students who preferred Venn diagrams provide a
F I clear and visual way to
Let I be the set of represent the relationships
students who preferred between different sets or
groups of items. This visual
Instagram 15 15 5 representation can make it
Let U be the set of all
students surveyed easier for individuals to
understand and solve
complex word problems.

1. To find the number of student who uses only Facebook, subtract the number of student who uses both Fb and Ig to
the number of students who uses Facebook. n(F) - n(F and I) = 30 – 15 = 15 students
2. To find the number of student who uses only Instagram, subtract the number of student who uses both Fb and Ig to
the number of students who uses Instagram. n(I) - n(F and I) = 20 – 15 = 5 students
3. To find the number of students who doesn’t preferred any of the two platforms, subtract the number of students
who preferred Facebook or Instagram to the total number of students surveyed. n(U) – n(F or I) = 36 – 35 = 1
Example 2

In a survey of 100 students, they were asked about their pets. You have the following

60 students have dogs

45 students have cats
30 students have birds
25 students have dogs and cats
15 students have cats ad birds
10 students have dogs and birds
5 students have dogs, cats and birds

1. How many students who only have cats as pets?

2. How many students who have dogs and birds as a pet but doesn’t have cats?
3. How many students who doesn’t have pets?
Let B be the set of
students who have birds
as pets
30 20 10
Let C be the set of
students who have cats as
pets 5
Let D be the set of 5 10
students who have dogs
as pets
Let U be the set of all 10
students surveyed

In order for us to visualize the answer to the questions, we will make a Venn diagram based from the given

1. 10 students
2. 5 students
3. 10 students
- Base 2 number that uses only 2 digits, 0 and 1 to represent all numerical values. It is
the most fundamental numbering system in computing.
- Each digit is called bit.

Binary to decimal conversion

Binary to decimal conversion is done to represent a number given in the Binary

Number System to its equivalent in the Decimal Number System.
Example 1: Convert the binary number 11012 to a decimal

Step 1: List out the exponents of 2 for all the digits starting from the rightmost position. The first power
would be 20 and as we move on to the left side it will be 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,... In the given example, there
are 4 digits, therefore, starting from the rightmost digit, the weight of each position from right to left is
20, 21, 22, and 23
Step 2: Multiply each digit in the binary number starting
from the right with its respective weight based on its
position and evaluate the product.
1 * 20 = 1
0 * 21 = 0
1 * 22 = 4
8 4 2 1
1 * 23 = 8

Step 3: Finally, sum up all the products obtained for all the digits in the binary number, which gives the
decimal equivalent of the given binary number. 1+ 0 + 4 + 8 = 13

11012 = 13
1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1


1. 101012 = 16 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 21
2. 10110012 = 64 + 0 + 16 + 8 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 89
3. 1010012 = 32 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 41

Decimal to Binary
Using the numbers above, find numbers in which the given decimal can be
represented as a sum. Mark the numbers as '1' if they can be represented as a sum
and '0' if they cannot. For example, if the decimal is 24, and you can represent it as
1. 24 = 110002
the sum of 16 and 8, then you would put two 1 with three 0's. Be sure to use a
2. 57 = 1110012
base-two representation.
3. 17= 100012
Thank you.

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