PT3 Catapang

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Catapang, Cathlene Jane C.

Gr 10-St. Faustina Kowalska

Tectonic Plate Theory
Continental Drift Theory
The scientist Alfred
Wegener is most closely
associated with the concept
of continental drift.
Wegener wrote a paper
outlining his theory that the
Plate Tectonic Theory Sea Floor Spreading
continents were "drifting"
At divergent plate
According to the scientific across the Earth,
boundaries, seafloor
theory of plate tectonics, occasionally crashing
spreading takes place. The
the Earth's lithosphere is through oceans and into one
mantle's convection currents
made up of several sizable another, in the early 20th generate heat that makes the
tectonic plates that have century. crust more plastic and less
been gradually moving dense as tectonic plates
since about 3.4 billion years slowly drift apart from one
ago. The model is based on another. Less dense material
the idea of continental rises, frequently creating
drift, which was developed mountains or elevated
seafloor regions. The crust
in the early 20th century.
eventually fractures.
According to the Each mid-ocean ridge
scientific theory of plate exhibits a different pattern of
tectonics, the Earth's seafloor spreading. Tall,
lithosphere is made up of slender underwater cliffs
and mountains are found on
several sizable tectonic
slowly extending ridges.
plates that have been
Rapidly dispersing ridges
gradually moving since Albert Wegener have significantly softer
about 3.4 billion years slopes. For instance, the Mid-
Wegener was a German
ago. The model is based meteorologist, geophysicist, and Atlantic Ridge is a slowly
on the idea of continental polar researcher. In 1915 he spreading center. It creates
drift, which was published 'The Origin of an ocean trench about the
Continents and Oceans', which size of the Grand Canyon
developed in the early
outlined his theory of and spreads 2-5 centimeters
20th century. Continental Drift. Wegener's
(.8-2 inches) annually.
theory was largely rejected
because he offered no
explanation for how the
continents might move. He
believed that the spin of the
Earth could move continents, but
geologists know that rocks are
too strong for this to be true.

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