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The use of climate change

mitigation scenarios for

financial sector target
setting, transition planning
and alignment assessment
2 October | Hybrid event
13:40 – 14:55 (CET)
Just released

Noels, J., et al. (2023), "Climate change

mitigation scenarios for financial sector
target setting and alignment assessment: A
stocktake and analysis of their Paris-
consistency, practicality and
assumptions", OECD Environment Working
Papers, No. 223, OECD Publishing,

Pouille, C., et al. (2023), "Paris-consistent

climate change mitigation scenarios: A
framework for emissions pathway
classification in line with global mitigation
objectives", OECD Environment Working
Papers, No. 222, OECD Publishing,
Proposed criteria for Paris-consistent climate mitigation scenarios
and resulting scenario envelopes
1. Limit warming to 1.5°C
in 2100
2. No or limited overshoot of 1.5°C
throughout the century
3. Keep global warming well-below
2°C throughout the century
4. Ensure short-term peaking of
GHG emissions
5. Achieve net-zero GHG emissions
before 2100
Source: Pouille, C., et al. (2023), "Paris-consistent climate change mitigation scenarios: A framework for emissions pathway classification in line with
global mitigation objectives", OECD Environment Working Papers, No. 222, OECD Publishing, Paris,
The use of climate mitigation for financial sector target setting and
alignment assessment: challenges and opportunities
Only very few of the selected Scenario providers: increase coverage and
scenarios comply with all five Paris granularity; fully disclose GHG emissions
Agreement consistency criteria and outcomes of scenarios

Limited geographical and sectoral Financial sector: select Paris-consistent

granularity require financial users to scenarios; consider more than one
make assumptions to address gaps scenario; standardise disclosure of
scenario-based targets and assessments
Users do not always have
information on uncertainties Climate policy makers: contribute through
relating to scenario assumptions national sector-specific scenarios; provide
and feasibility climate policy certainty and specificity
Source: Noels, J., et al. (2023), "Climate change mitigation scenarios for financial sector target setting and alignment assessment: A stocktake and analysis of their
Paris-consistency, practicality and assumptions", OECD Environment Working Papers, No. 223, OECD Publishing, Paris,

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