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Character: (Not the only Idea I have. But a character I've really been wanting to play.

Name: archides
Age: 25
Race: Rock Gnome
Class: artificer (homebrew by xp lvl 3) Willing to change and switch up things not trying
to break anything just like the idea of being an inventor and making stuff but open to
change -
Backstory (1-2 paragraphs):
-Lives deep in the mountains isolated the gnomes belived your status depended on how
well-known your families inventions contributed to the society also the council of elders
decides major village decisions all 5 elders have built a crazy invention
-From a young age Gimble would take apart things in the house and put them back
together his grandpa could see he was very talented even in a town full of advanced
tinkerers and inventors
-Antisocial/bad at talking to people and never was interested in playing with other kids
more in watching his grandpa tinker and invent things in their workshop where he learnt
the basics of tinkering
-Gimble's mum and dad died when he was too young to remember went to live with his
-He met his crush and best friend because they where neighbours who lived close and
they would always try to talk/hang out with him eventually he started to like having them
-His childhood friend stole an invention he made and killed his crush with it
accidentally when he was caught he blamed Gimble as the inventor
-He was blamed and felt like it was his fault and was outcasted from his home he
blamed himself and changed his name to Gimiurge
–He was forced to leave by the village his gramps didn't believe he did anything wrong
they hugged he gave him some last words, his tinkerer goggles and a gift
-Set off on his own not being very trustworthy of people and not wanting to get close to
anyone/not very social
-Fear of hurting others won't put anyone in danger if possible
-Motivation- looking for a sense of belonging and purpose and seeking redemption and
wanting to invent something that will make a positive impact on the world
-His personality quirk since his super antisocial and doesn't trust he talks to his
constructs a lot more than people
What are their beliefs about the world?: He wants to invent something that will help the
world he remembers a bit about his past but would be cool if he got flashbacks
throughout the campaign he believes in society's progression and that technological
advancements will help people throughout the world and bring peace doesn't put his
faith in gods/ or any other deities
Character art:
Things we know about gnomes
Hate kobolds as they were enslaved by them early in the centuries eventually becoming free
Very happy, and talkative
Live usually secluded in burrows
Those that do live in cities are very dedicated to there craft and are usally inventors, jewlers, blacksmiths,ect
Live life dont care about time and


-Archides was born a frale baby and not only that but his parents discovered 6 months later that he was partially blind
in his left eye making things look blurry his father worried how this would effect him so dedicated himself and spent
years on building a monicle so his son could see clearly as he feared how being blind could effect his sons future

-his parents went away on his 2rd birthday so he went to stay with his grandparents his dad left the monicle and a
letter saying (happy birthday son you are so smart and strong willed and me and youre mother know you will do so
much good for people and can wait to see the man you grow up and become we love you very much and are proud
of you love mum and dad and i hope this gift makes you happy) they never return and later were found killed
presumably by kobolds

-he stayed and lived with his grandparents and was given the gifts on his 3rd birthday to which his grandparents were
astonished when they saw him open the letter and read it not knowing he could read, he could remember his parents
and spent most the night crying eventually falling to exhaustion and falling asleep in his grandpas arms with the
monicle and letter close to his chest

-the next day he put the monicle on and could see clearly out of his eye he started to cry again as he was thankful his
mum and dad had left him with such a priceless gift and he was going to make good use of it now being able to see
clearly out of both eyes it helped him emensly and he dedicated himslef to his passion enventing and tinkering

-hes grandparents quickly relized archi was Nothing short of a genius he read at the age of 3, cast spells at 4, and
would build working contraptions even his grandpa couldnt build he got some of the other gnomes to come tutor the
boy but within weeks he would need to get someone else as the boy would surpass even the tutors skills,

-archides wasnt very social growing up and didnt live in big village in the mountain only about 250-300 gnomes he
didnt enjoying playing that much and dedicated himself to his craft until he got to the age of about 14 when he met
julien and venice eventually becoming good friends and hanging out regularly he gained feeling for venice but so did
julien they often bicard about who would take her hand and when they got to the age of 25 it was clear venice had
fallen for archi, julien was terribly angy about this one day stealing an invention archides was working on he took it to
venice claiming it to be his invention hoping to impress her but as he ran up to her he tripped causing the circlure
device to detonate and leaving them both gravily wounded they were rushed to the healers but venice couldnt be
saved julien however survived and claimed to the village elders it was archis doing he was cast out by the village not
even able to say his goodbyes to venice, or his grandparents all he had was his letter from his parents, his monicle
and his clothes/light armour his grandpa had made for him on his 20th birthday he was filled with emotions has he
wandered betrayal, loneliness, sadness he swore he would one day prove that he didnt do it and was a force of good
and he promised himself he wouldnt trust as easily again


Beliefs: ever since his parents passed away and he was carsed out by his village he dedicated himself to doing good
and inventing something revelutionarty he wants to make his parents,vencie, and grandparents proud

Flaws: usually gnomes are very joyfull he is but his a bit more serious still jokes but its alot harder for him to open up
as he doesnt trust as easy and fears getting to close to people

Goals: wants to prove his innocence and make everyone he loves proud, and invent something that does good
Distinguishing features as he walks in the room you see
-A Short man with almost glowing blue eyes on his left eye some half monicle half glasses contraption, he wears a
mix of blue and leather armour and leather wrapped around his wrist stopping just before his elbow tucked in there
are 2 dagged one on each side, tied back brown hair as he looks around the room alert and sits down to get a drink
-What did his parents die from he could potentay hold a grudge? Kobolds (enemy)
-where did he meet his friend and crush?
-how did his friend kill her what happens after ?
-bit more on his childhood?
-Whats His Hometown like
What is his eyepiece what cool things does it do

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