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1. What must be the reasons why Maute, extremist group caused war
in Marawi?
The Maute group, also known as the Maute ISIS, is an Islamist extremist group based in
Mindanao, Philippines. The group gained international attention in 2017 when it led an
insurgency in Marawi City. Several factors contributed to the conflict:

Historical grievances: Mindanao has a history of ethno-religious conflict and separatist

movements. The predominantly Muslim population in the southern Philippines, including
Mindanao, has long-standing grievances related to economic disparities, marginalization,
and perceived neglect by the central government.

Extremist ideology: The Maute group is known for its association with radical Islamist
ideology, particularly with the Islamic State (ISIS). The group's leaders pledged
allegiance to ISIS, and their actions were driven by a desire to establish an Islamic
caliphate in the region. This ideological motivation fueled their willingness to engage in
violent conflict.

Recruitment and radicalization: The Maute group, like other extremist organizations,
engaged in recruitment and radicalization efforts. They targeted disaffected individuals,
often young men, exploiting grievances and offering a sense of purpose and identity
through their extremist ideology. Poverty and lack of opportunities in the region also
made some individuals susceptible to radicalization.

Weak governance and corruption: Issues related to governance, corruption, and weak
institutions in certain areas of Mindanao contributed to the rise of militant groups. In the
case of Marawi, there were reports of local officials being involved in the illegal drug
trade, which may have indirectly contributed to the growth of extremist elements.

Foreign influence: There have been reports of external influences and funding
supporting extremist groups in the Philippines. Foreign fighters and funding from
international terrorist networks may have played a role in strengthening and sustaining
groups like Maute.

Lack of inclusive dialogue: The failure of the government to address the root causes of
the conflict through inclusive political dialogue and addressing the concerns of
marginalized communities also played a role. Effective conflict resolution often requires
addressing the underlying social, economic, and political issues that contribute to the
grievances of affected communities.

The Marawi conflict in 2017 resulted in a significant loss of life and infrastructure. The
Philippines government, with the support of international partners, took military action to
suppress the insurgency and regain control of the city. The situation underscores the complex
interplay of historical, social, economic, and political factors that contribute to the emergence
and persistence of extremist groups in certain regions.
Do you think that they have the full right in fighting for the group’s

It's important to distinguish between the right to express grievances and pursue political goals
through peaceful means, which is generally recognized, and the use of violence or terrorism,
which is widely condemned under international law.

Right to Expression and Advocacy: Individuals and groups have the right to express their
grievances and advocate for their principles through peaceful means, such as political dialogue,
social activism, and participation in democratic processes. This is a fundamental aspect of
freedom of speech and association.

Use of Violence: However, the use of violence, especially against civilians, is generally
considered unacceptable and illegal under international law. Terrorism, which often involves
deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on non-combatants, is universally condemned. Resorting to
violence undermines the principles of human rights, humanitarian law, and the rule of law.

In the context of groups like the Maute, their association with extremist ideologies and the use of
violence, including terrorist acts, have led to their classification as a threat to peace and security.
Governments and the international community typically respond to such groups with measures
aimed at restoring security and addressing the root causes of their grievances.It's crucial to
recognize the importance of addressing legitimate grievances and root causes of conflicts
through peaceful and inclusive means. Violent methods, especially those that cause harm to
innocent civilians, are generally not considered acceptable or justifiable by the international
community. The pursuit of principles should ideally be done within the framework of respect for
human rights, the rule of law, and peaceful resolution of disputes.

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