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Lý Công Khanh ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn 3)


1. Types of holiday (Loại kỳ nghỉ)

1. camping (n.) 2. cruise (n.) 3. package tour 4. sightseeing (n.) 5. self-catering

cắm trại đi chơi biển tour trọn gói ngắm cảnh tự phục vụ ăn uống

2. Accommodation (Nơi ở)

1. accommodation (n.) 2. camper van (n.) 3. caravan (n.) 4. hotel (n.) /həʊˈtel/
nơi ở, chỗ ở xe tải cắm trại nhà lưu động khách sạn

5. five-star hotel (n.) 6. hostel (n.) /ˈhɒs.təl/ 7. resort (n.) /rɪˈzɔːt/ 8. tent (n.) /tent/
khách sạn 5 sao xe tải cắm trại nhà lưu động lều

3. Travel items (Vật dụng du lịch)

1. camera (n.) 2. brochure (n.) 3. luggage (n.) 4. money belt (n.)

máy chụp hình tờ gấp quảng cáo hành lý túi đựng tiền

5. passport (n.) 6. sleeping bag (n.) 7. sun tan lotion (n.) 8. tip (n.)
hộ chiếu túi ngủ kem chống nắng tiền típ, tiền boa
ThS. Lý Công Khanh ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn 3)
4. Holiday activities (Các hoạt động trong kỳ nghỉ)

1. camping (n.) /ˈkæm.pɪŋ/ 2. clubbing (n.) /ˈklʌb.ɪŋ/ 3. diving (n.) /ˈdaɪ.vɪŋ/ 4. hiking (n.) /ˈhaɪ.kɪŋ/
cắm trại đi nhảy ở CLB lặn đi bộ đường dài

5. sightseeing (n.) 6. skiing (n.) /ˈskiː.ɪŋ/ 7. sunbathing (n.) 8. water sports (n.)
ngắm cảnh trượt tuyết tắm nắng các môn thể thao nước

5. Places in a city (Nơi chốn trong thành phố)

1. avenue (n.) 2. bridge (n.) 3. canal (n.) 4. catacomb (n.)

đại lộ cây cầu kênh đào hầm mộ

5. cellar (n.) 6. cemetery (n.) 7. district (n.) 8. tunnel (n.)

hầm chứa, hầm rượu nghĩa trang quận đường hầm, địa đạo

6. Holiday verbs (Các động từ về kỳ nghỉ)

1. book (v.) 2. check in (v.) 3. get lost (v.) 4. get on (a plane)

đặt chỗ, đặt vé làm thủ tục gửi hành lý bị lạc bước lên (máy bay)

5. give (a tip) 6. pay (the bill) 7. rent (a car) 8. unpack (your bags)
đưa (tiền típ) trả tiền (hóa đơn) thuê (xe ô tô) mở (túi của bạn)
ThS. Lý Công Khanh ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn 3)
1. Past perfect (Quá khứ hoàn thành)
Cấu Khẳng định Phủ định Nghi vấn
trúc u S + had + V3/V-ed u S + had not + V3/V-ed u Had + S + V3/V-ed?
Cách Dùng trong trường hợp 2 hành động cùng xảy ra trong quá khứ, ta dùng thì quá khứ hoàn
dùng thành cho hành động xảy ra trước và quá khứ đơn cho hành động xảy ra sau.
Ÿ I met her after she had divorced.
Ÿ We had had lunch when she arrived.
Dấu When: Khi
hiệu Ÿ When they arrived at the airport, her flight had taken off. (Khi họ tới sân bay, chuyến
bay của cô ấy đã cất cánh.)
Before: trước khi (Trước “before” dùng quá khứ hoàn thành, sau “before” dùng quá khứ đơn.)
Ÿ She had done her homework before her mother asked her to do so. (Cô ấy đã làm
bài tập về nhà trước khi mẹ cô ấy yêu cầu cô ấy làm như vậy.)
After: sau khi (Trước “after” dùng quá khứ đơn, sau “after” dùng quá khứ hoàn thành.)
Ÿ They went home after they had eaten a big roasted chicken. (Họ về nhà sau khi đã
ăn một con gà quay lớn.)

2. -ing/-ed adjectives (Tính từ -ing/-ed)

–ed adjectives (các tính từ -ed) –ing adjectives (các tính từ -ing)
- Chúng ta sử dụng các tính từ –ed để mô tả một - Chúng ta sử dụng các tính từ –ing để mô tả tính
người cảm thấy thế nào. chất, bản chất của một địa điểm, người hoặc vật.
Ÿ They were amazed by the quality of the Ÿ London is an exciting city. (Luân Đôn là
photos. (Họ đã bị kinh ngạc bởi chất lượng của một thành phố thú vị.)
những tấm ảnh.) Ÿ Digital cameras are amazing inventions.
Ÿ He was excited to see his friends. (Anh ấy (Các máy ảnh kỹ thuật số là các phát minh
đã rất hào hứng để gặp bạn bè của anh ấy.) đáng kinh ngạc.)

3. Subject questions (Câu hỏi chủ từ)

- Trong câu hỏi chủ từ (subject questions), từ để hỏi Wh- (who, what, which, whose, how much/many)
là chủ ngữ của động từ. Thứ tự sắp xếp của các từ tương tự như câu khẳng định.
Ÿ Who cancelled the flight? → Paul cancelled the flight.
Ÿ (Ai đã hủy chuyến bay? → Paul đã hủy chuyến bay.)
- Chúng ta không thể hình thành câu hỏi chủ từ với các các từ để hỏi: where, when, why, how.
Ÿ Where did you go on holiday? (not Where they went on holiday?)
Ÿ How does she travel? (not How she travels?)

C. SPEAKING: Unit 9 (Holidays)

1. What do you want to do first when you first travel to a place?
2. What do you do in Christmas day?
ThS. Lý Công Khanh ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn 3)
D. MULTILPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Vocabulary (Unit 9: Travel and holidays)
1. This is a holiday on a big luxurious boat.
A. cruise B. package tour C. camping D. self-catering
2. This is a holiday where you travel and hotel are organized for you by a travel agent.
A. sightseeing B. self-catering C. package tour D. cruise
3. In this type of accommodation, there are cooking facilities so you don’t have to eat in restaurants.
A. camping B. self-caterting C. cruise D. package tour
4. This is a small amount of money you give to waiters, taxi drivers or hairdressers.
A. price B. bill C. change D. tip
5. You use this in the replace of sheets and blankets, especially when you go camping.
A. sleeping bag B. luggage C. money belt D. passport
6. When you go camping, this is like a little house and it protects you from the weather outside.
A. tent B. umbrella C. raincoat D. sun tan lotion
7. This is a thin book that gives information, or advertises something.
A. manual B. brochure C. flyer D. leaflet
8. This is a general word for somewhere to stay.
A. caravan B. camper van C. accommodation D. hostel
9. This is a man-made river that boats travel on.
A. avenue B. bridge C. canal D. district
10. This is a long wide road with trees down both sides.
A. catacomb B. tunnel C. cellar D. avenue
11. This is what it is called when tourists visit interesting places.
A. sightseeing B. skiing C. clubbing D. diving
12. This is where dead people are buried.
A. avenue B. cemetery C. canal D. tunnel
13. This adjective means ‘extremely interesting’.
A. boring B. fascinating C. dull D. tedious
14. This adjective means ‘very old’.
A. innovative B. modern C. ancient D. up-to-date
15. This adjective means ‘something you will always remember’.
A. ordinary B. unremarkable C. unmemorable D. unforgettable
16. This adjective means ‘there is only one’.
A. luxurious B. spectacular C. stunning D. unique
17. This adjective means ‘very famous’.
A. fascinating B. unforgettable C. legendary D. ancient
18. This adjective means ‘attractive or beautiful’.
A. unappealing B. stunning C. ugly D. unpleasant
19. This adjective means ‘very expensive and comfortable’.
A. luxurious B. reasonable C. painful D. inconvenient

ThS. Lý Công Khanh ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn 3)
E. MULTILPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Grammar (Unit 9: Past perfect; -ing/-ed adjectives)
20. When we finally __________ at the airport, we had missed our flight.
A. arrive B. have arrived C. arrived D. had arrived
21. I wanted to get a cheap package holiday, but they __________ out by the time I looked online.
A. sell B. have sold C. sold D. had sold
22. I had always dreamt of going on a cruise for my honeymoon but instead we __________ camping
in Wales.
A. go B. have gone C. went D. had gone
23. I __________ surprised when I saw how beautiful the island was because I had heard it was a
fantastic place.
A. am not B. wasn’t C. haven’t been D. hadn’t been
24. When we get to the hotel, it looked like they __________ it for a year.
A. don’t clean B. didn’t clean C. haven’t cleaned D. hadn’t cleaned
25. It __________ a horrible day at work and when I got home I just wanted to forget all about it.
A. is B. was C. has been D. had been
26. When I met my cousin from Australia last year, we __________ each other for more than twenty
A. hadn’t seen B. haven’t seen C. didn’t saw D. don’t see
27. The waiter __________ a tip because he had been rude and unhelpful.
A. hadn’t got B. hasn’t got C. didn’t get D. doesn’t get
28. I couldn’t see the teacher because he __________ before I arrived the school.
A. had left B. has left C. left D. was leaving
29. He __________ very tired because he had carried the bags upstairs.
A. has been B. had been C. was D. were
30. I was starving when I arrived home. I ____________ anything for two days.
A. didn’t eat B. wasn’t eaten C. hadn’t eaten D.
31. He asked me to give his book back but I ____________ it.
A. have lost B. had lost C. was lost D. lost
32. It rained every day on our holiday which was really __________.
A. pleasing B. pleased C. annoying D. annoyed
33. Have you seen any __________ films recently?
A. interesting B. interested C. disgusting D. disgusted
34. We met this really __________ couple in France who wouldn’t leave us alone.
A. interesting B. interested C. boring D. bored
35. My dog was very __________ the first time he saw snow.
A. exciting B. excited C. boring D. bored
36. We were very __________ after the long flight to Australia.
A. energizing B. energized C. tiring D. tired
37. I am very __________ because my grandmother is sick in hospital.
A. worrying B. worried C. releasing D. released
ThS. Lý Công Khanh ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn 3)
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
Although some groups of people have always lived outdoors in tents, camping as we know it today
only began to be (1)……………….about 50 years ago. The increase in the use of cars and
improvements in camping (2)……………………….have allowed more people to travel longer
(3)………………into the countryside and to stay there in greater comfort.
Many campers like to be (4)…………. themselves in quiet areas, so they (5) …………their tents
and food and walk or cycle into the forests or the mountains. Others, preferring to be near people,
drive to a public of privately-owned campsite (6)…………….has up-to-date facilities,
(7)…………….hot showers and swimming pools.
Whether campers are (8)………….in the mountains of on a busy site, they should remember to
(9)………….the area clean and tidy. In the forests, they must put out any fires and keep food hidden
to avoid attracting (10) ……………..animals.

1. (A) famous (B) popular (C) favourite (D) current

2. (A) tools (B) baggage (C) equipment (D) property
3. (A) way (B) directions (C) voyages (D) distances
4. (A) on (B) by (C) at (D) of
5. (A) take (B) make (C) pick (D) do
6. (A) where (B) who (C) which (D) when
7. (A) such (B) like (C) as (D) just
8. (A) lonely (B) single (C) separate (D) alone
9. (A) remain (B) stay (C) leave (D) let
10. (A) wild (B) natural (C) loose (D) free

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
I=Interviewer, Z=Zoltan
I: Zoltan, you’re a (11) __________ which means you study snakes all around the world. So you
have to travel a lot. Do you ever (12) __________ holidays?
Z: No, not often. My work is also my hobby so I’ve been to Paris, to Rome, to the Pyramids and I
went (13) __________ there but it was always because my work took me there. For my last trip I
was in the Sudan and I went looking for (14) __________.
I: But you must take a holiday sometimes?
Z: Well, once or twice I have travelled to places not connected to snakes. For example, I spent a
holiday in the Seychelles with some friends. They enjoyed the beach and the markets while I went
diving with my underwater (15) __________.
I: Is that your most important item when you travel - your camera?
Z: Yes, my camera and my sleeping bag. With a sleeping bag, you can (16) __________ anywhere
you want.
I: So, do you ever stay in (17) __________?
Z: If I go with friends, I might stay at a luxury hotel or a resort but normally I’m on my own so I
(18) __________ book a hotel in advance.
I: What about when you were a child? Did your family take holidays?

ThS. Lý Công Khanh ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn 3)
Z: Yes, but I have been interested in snakes since the age of (19) __________. So, when we
travelled, I looked for snakes and took them home. For me, a holiday has always been about
(20)__________ - about finding beauty and the unknown.

11. (A) entomologist (B) herpetologist (C) ornithologist (D) botanist

12. (A) get (B) go (C) take (D) do
13. (A) skiing (B) clubbing (C) sunbathing (D) sightseeing
14. (A) butterflies (B) snakes (C) birds (D) plants
15. (A) camera (B) sleeping bag (C) computer (D) laptop
16. (A) study (B) work (C) sleep (D) eat
17. (A) trees (B) hotels (C) caves (D) rivers
18. (A) always (B) usually (C) often (D) rarely
19. (A) eighteen (B) fourteen (C) four (D) two
20. (A) exploration (B) explanation (C) excavation (D) relaxation

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
How to Plan a Trip

Traveling can be tricky for a newbie. If you want to take a trip to a new place abroad or which is far
away from where you live, you may need to make a good plan in order to avoid troubles during the
trip. So once you know where you want to go, you should decide when and how you are going to
go there.

Many people take a trip during holidays because that is the time when they can take a break from
work or studies. Unfortunately, traveling during holiday season may not be a good choice as prices
for flight tickets and hotel rooms are usually higher than the off-season period when tourism is not
booming. If you have a limited budget, you may consider taking a day off work during the off-
season when prices are lower and discounted.

Your budget will also determine what means of transportation you are going to use. Taking a road
trip might be cheaper, but you should be in good shape and prepare your car for a long trip. If you
choose to fly, you may have to take public transportation to get around in your holiday destination.
Whether you take a taxi, subway or bus, you should know where you are going based on the itinerary
that you have planned before and make sure you know the routes and the fares.

Next, calculate your costs. What kind of accommodation do you want? If you take a road trip, you
may prefer to stay in a motel. Hostels are cheaper, but today you can search online and find hotels
offering rooms with low rates. If the costs are more than you can afford, make cuts where you can.
You may cut expenses for eating out or even cut the trip short and get back before the holiday season

Once you are exactly sure of where and when you want to go, how you will get there and where you
are going to stay, make your reservations. You can book your flight and accommodation online and
even many attractions have ticket sales online so you can skip the lines and enjoy the attraction right
in. You may also consider taking travel insurance. You will have some protection in case you could

ThS. Lý Công Khanh ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn 3)
not travel during the time your tickets are booked for. If you plan to travel internationally, keep your
passport, travel documents, visas and similar items in one place to ease you in accessing them.

Lastly, pack light. Heavy luggage will only restrict your movement and cause discomfort. A few
basic shirts and pants or shorts will do and roll them when packing to save room for souvenirs.

1. When is the best time to take a cheap trip?

(A) During the holiday season.
(B) During the off-season.
(C) During the peak period.
(D) During the day off.
2. What is the advantage of taking a road trip compared to flying?
(A) A road trip is longer.
(B) A road trip could be dangerous.
(C) A road trip is usually cheaper.
(D) A road trip requires you to be in good shape.
3. If your budget for accommodation is very limited, you can do the following, EXCEPT:
(A) Stay in a luxury hotel.
(B) Stay in a hostel.
(C) Cut your trip short.
(D) Find a low rate hotel room.
4. What is travel insurance for?
(A) To protect your health during the trip.
(B) To give protection if you lose your luggage.
(C) To give protection when traveling.
(D) To give protection if you should cancel your booking.
5. Why should you bring light luggage?
(A) To restrict your movement.
(B) To save your energy.
(C) To ease you in moving around.
(D) To give space for camping equipment.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.

Travel is something which people do every day. It is very difficult to avoid the need to travel. It may
be a trip to school, university or to work. Travelling can often take a long time, especially when
great distances need to be covered. People often enjoy travelling abroad for holidays. But for some
people travelling is not fun at all. Some people suffer from travel sickness. This means that they will
become very unwell each time they travel.

Travelling can be either affordable or costly. It often depends on how far you want to travel and the
choice of transport. Using a bicycle will not cost anything as you power it by using your legs.
However, the use of a bicycle can be hard work and can take a lot of time to travel long distances.

ThS. Lý Công Khanh ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn 3)
Cars and motorcycles are faster modes of transport, but are more expensive to use as gasoline is
needed for them to work. It can usually be assumed that the longer you wish to travel, the more
expensive and time consuming it will be.

The use of a plane is necessary for people wanting to travel very long distances. A pilot will fly a
plane from an airport for many thousands of miles to take people to places far away. Although traffic
is rarely a problem for airplanes, it can take a lot of preparation to travel by plane. People often need
to arrive at the airport three hours prior to departure.

A train is another mode of transport which is ideal for travelling long distances within the same
country, or between countries which are connected by land. A train driver will stop at train stations
on route to allow passengers wishing to proceed to the scheduled destination to board the train.

A number of destinations can be travelled to by using the sea. People often depart from a harbour
in a ferry which is driven by a captain. If the journey is a long distance, people may choose to sleep
on the ferry while they wait to arrive at their destination. Some people choose to go on a cruise for
their holiday, which would involve stopping at many different city ports for a short amount of time.
People who need to travel short distances may choose not to use any transport at all. People often
rely on their legs to take them to places nearby. This is often encouraged as certain modes of
transport have been said to produce harmful emissions and damage the environment.

6. Which mode of transport does not cost money?

(A) Train
(B) Car
(C) Walking
(D) Bus
7. Why do some people not enjoy travelling?
(A) They find it a waste of time
(B) It is not comfortable
(C) It is expensive
(D) They become unwell
8. Name the mode of transport which is controlled by a pilot and stops at an airport.
(A) Train
(B) Airplane
(C) Car
(D) Bus
9. Name the mode of transport which is controlled by a captain and stops at a port.
(A) Train
(B) Car
(C) Ship
(D) Airplane
10. Which mode of transport is ideal for travelling between countries connected by land?
(A) Bicycle
(B) Train
(C) Airplane
(D) Car

ThS. Lý Công Khanh ENGLISH 3 (Anh văn 3)
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
Story 1 Story 2
A: So where did you go exactly? A: Where did you stay?
B: On the River Nile from B: In a hotel near the train station. But it was a mistake. My bag
Aswan to Luxor. was stolen from the reception desk!
A: Wow! How long did it take? A: Oh no! When did it happen?
B: Well, the cruise took about B: Just after we’d arrived.
four days in the end, but we A: Who took it?
stopped in lots of places. But on B: A man outside the hotel. He’d followed us into the hotel.
the first day, just after we’d left Fortunately, the hotel receptionist ran after him and got it back.
Aswan, the boat’s engine After that it was fine. We went sightseeing, visited a couple of
stopped working. museums—you know, all the usual things. But then, on the very
A: Oh no! What happened next? last night, there was no electricity in the hotel.
B: Well, eventually they fixed A: So, what did you all do?
the problem but we spent an B: Well, first I went to look for the manager but she’d already
extra day on the ship, which was left. The person at the front desk had some candles, and all the
fine. It was relaxing watching guests sat together in the bar area and sang songs. Actually, it
day-to-day life on the river. was a lot of fun in the end. That was probably the best part of the

11. In story 1, what was the accommodation? 14. Who got the woman’s bag back for her?
(A) a camping site (A) a hotel guest
(B) a ship (B) a man who had followed them
(C) a luxurious hotel (C) the woman herself
(D) a camper van (D) a hotel employee
12. What is the advantage of taking a road trip 15. What did they enjoy most of all?
compared to flying? (A) sightseeing
(A) one (B) the museums
(B) two (C) the last night
(C) three (D) the arriving day
(D) four
13. In story 2, where was the woman’s bag stolen
(A) inside the hotel
(B) the train station
(C) just outside the hotel
(D) inside the museum


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