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Pe d i a t r i c I m a g i n g • C l i n i c a l Pe r s p e c t i ve

den Harder et al.

Iterative Reconstruction Techniques for Pediatric CT

Pediatric Imaging
Clinical Perspective
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Hybrid and Model-Based Iterative

Reconstruction Techniques for
Pediatric CT
Annemarie M. den Harder 1 OBJECTIVE. Radiation exposure from CT examinations should be reduced to a mini-
Martin J. Willemink mum in children. Iterative reconstruction (IR) is a method to reduce image noise that can be
Ricardo P. J. Budde used to improve CT image quality, thereby allowing radiation dose reduction. This article re-
Arnold M. R. Schilham views the use of hybrid and model-based IRs in pediatric CT and discusses the possibilities,
Tim Leiner advantages, and disadvantages of IR in pediatric CT and the importance of radiation dose re-
duction for CT of children.
Pim A. de Jong
CONCLUSION. IR is a promising and potentially highly valuable technique that can
den Harder AM, Willemink MJ, Budde RPJ, be used to substantially reduce the amount of radiation in pediatric imaging. Future research
­Schilham AMR, Leiner T, de Jong PA should determine the maximum achievable radiation dose reduction in pediatric CT that is
possible without a loss of diagnostic image quality.

he number of CT examinations putational power of CT reconstruction work-
being performed is increasing stations [9]. In clinical practice, a fast and
rapidly. This increase has raised simple computational reconstruction tech-
concerns about the possible risk nique called filtered back projection (FBP)
of carcinogenesis after low radiation exposure was used instead. The downside of FBP is
in the context of medical imaging. Approxi- increased image noise when images are ac-
mately 6–11% of all CT examinations per- quired at a low radiation dose. Therefore, FBP
formed in the United States are examinations is not well suited for low-dose CT. Noise-re-
of children [1]. This number is worrisome be- ducing reconstruction algorithms such as IR
cause children are 10 times more sensitive to can ameliorate this problem. Advances in
the effects of ionizing radiation than middle- computing hardware performance have en-
aged adults because of the radiosensitivity of abled the commercial introduction of IR for
rapidly dividing cells [1, 2]. Children also clinical CT. IR algorithms reduce noise and
have a longer expected lifetime during which improve image quality [10] and have been in-
to develop harmful radiation effects [3]. troduced by all major CT vendors. Therefore,
Keywords: dose reduction, iterative reconstruction,
The awareness that CT may induce cancer IR allows either improving image quality at
pediatric imaging
in children has increased over the past decade routine radiation dose levels or reducing ra-
DOI:10.2214/AJR.14.12590 [4–6]. This awareness stimulated the develop- diation dose without compromising image
ment of guidelines for pediatric CT examina- quality [10]. The latter is especially impor-
Received January 23, 2014; accepted after revision tions, which resulted in a slightly decreased tant for pediatric CT. Another advantage of
June 14, 2014.
number of CT examinations performed in chil- model-based IR is the reduction of artifacts
The Department of Radiology of the Utrecht University dren over the past years [7]. Nevertheless, be- [11]. Here, we provide an overview of the lit-
Medical Center received research support from Philips cause of its strong diagnostic performance, CT erature and describe our experiences with hy-
Healthcare for this study. remains a commonly used technique; there- brid IR and model-based IR in pediatric CT.
fore, dose optimization is important. Simply
All authors: Department of Radiology, Utrecht University
Medical Center, PO Box 85500, E01.132, Utrecht, 3508
reducing the tube voltage and tube current can Iterative Reconstruction Techniques
GA, The Netherlands. Address correspondence to often decrease the radiation dose. However, IR algorithms reduce image noise, which
A. M. den Harder ( excessive dose reduction substantially affects results in the possibility of lowering CT ra-
image quality and diagnostic value. diation dose without affecting image qual-
AJR 2015; 204:645–653 The concept of iterative reconstruction ity. Full IR works with both forward and
(IR) was first described in the early 1970s backward projection steps. With backward
[8]. However, at that time, IR was not used projection steps, images are created using
© American Roentgen Ray Society for clinical CT because of the limited com- the projection data [12]. Conversely, with

AJR:204, March 2015 645

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TABLE 1: Overview of Published Studies Investigating Iterative Reconstruction (IR) Techniques in Pediatrics

Objective Subjective MDR CTDIvol DLP Effective Dose
Study Quality Quality (%) (mGy) (mGy × cm) (mSv)
No. of Standard- Reduced- Standard- Reduced- Standard- Reduced-
Reference No. (Year) In Vivo or Ex Vivo Subjects IR (Level) N CNR SNR Q N DQ A Dose CT Dose CT Dose CT Dose CT Dose CT Dose CT
Head CT
22 (2013) In vivo 305 ASiRa (30%) + + + + + + + 32 29.0 20.2 466.5 329.2 2.2 1.5
23 (2013) In vivo and ex vivo 24 ASiRa (20%)b + – – + + + + 24 28.8 22.4 444.5 338.4 NP NP
24 (2013) In vivo 44 iDosec (1–4) + – – + + + – NA 28.0 NA 514.4 NA NP NA
Chest CT
29 (2012) In vivo 26 ASiRa (50%) + – – + + + + 60 18.7 7.4 307.4 134.5 4.1 1.8
30 (2012) In vivo 43 iDose4c (1–7) + – + + – – + NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
31 (2013) In vivo 22 Veod + – + + – – – 92 1.8 0.1 63.5 4.6 NP NP
Cardiac CT
26 (2011) In vivo and ex vivo 10 ASiRa (20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, – – – + – – – 38 6.7 3.7 112.0 NP NP NP
80%, 100%)
43 (2012) In vivo 74 SAFIREe + + + + + + – NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
44 (2013) In vivo 40 IRISf and SAFIREe + + + + – + + 50 4 NP 63.0 NP 1.4 0.7
45 (2014) In vivo 28 SAFIREe + + + + – + – NA 0.5 NA 6.1 NA 0.3 NA
Chest and abdominal CT
33 (2012) In vivo 234 ASiRa (30%) + – – + + + + 46 8.1 5.0 327.9 216.8 NP NP
28 (2012) Ex vivo NA ASiRa (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, + + – – – – – 82 NP NP NP NP NP NP
den Harder et al.

60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%)

32 (2013) Ex vivo NA ASiRa (100%), Veod, iDose4c (6) + + – – – – – 86 7.1 0.2 NP NP NP NP
35 (2014) In vivo and ex vivo 26 ASiRa (40%)b – – + + + – + 31 4.2 (Ch), 3.1 (Ch), 141.0 (Ch), 93.0 (Ch), NP NP
4.1 (Ab) 3.1 (Ab) 193.0 (Ab) 112.0 (Ab)
27 (2014) In vivo 183 ASiRa (40%) + + – – – – – 72 19.9 (Ch), 5.2 (Ch), NP NP NP NP
21.2 (Ab) 19.0 (Ab)
36 (2014) In vivo 17 Veod and ASiRa (30%) + – – + – + – NA 3.1 NA 67.2 NA NP NP
37 (2014) In vivo 88 iDose4 (2–6) + – – + – + – NA NP NP NP NP NP NP
34 (2014) In vivo 25 Veod and ASiRa (100%) + – – + – – – 46 5.6 3.1 NP NP NP NP
Abdominal CT
38 (2011) In vivo 11 ASiRa (40%) + – – + + + – 37 6.8 4.3 275.8 185.0 NP NP
Note—MDR = maximal dose reduction, CTDIvol = volume CT dose index, DLP = dose-length product, N = noise, CNR = contrast-to-noise ratio, SNR = signal-to-noise ratio, Q = quality, DQ = diagnostic quality, A =
artifacts, plus sign (+) = reported, minus sign (–) = not reported, NP = not provided, NA = not available, Ch = chest, Ab = abdomen.
a Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction (GE Healthcare).
bASiR levels of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100% were used in the phantom study.
cPhilips Healthcare.
d Veo (GE Healthcare) is a model-based IR technique.
eSinogram-Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction (Siemens Healthcare).
fIterative Reconstruction in Image Space (Siemens Healthcare).

AJR:204, March 2015

Iterative Reconstruction Techniques for Pediatric CT

forward projection steps, projection data are 26 slices per second with FBP but this differ- cially available. Therefore, ASiR is the most
created using the image data. With forward ence is not clinically significant [13]. widely investigated IR technique in pediatric
projection, an assumption based on the char- IMR, a model-based IR technique, uses CT. With ASiR, it is possible to adjust the
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acteristics of the CT system is made about forward and backward reconstruction steps. amount of blending between ASiR and FBP.
the attenuation distribution in the scanned More detailed information about the IMR al- Vorona et al. [21] evaluated the use of ASiR
area. The assumed attenuation distribution gorithm is published elsewhere [16]. An ini- in pediatric head phantoms. In this phantom
is then compared with the measured atten- tial study showed improvements in diagnostic study, similar noise was found at standard-
uation distribution, and a more accurate as- confidence, perceived noise, and perceived en- dose FBP images compared with 20%-dose-
sumption based on this comparison is made. hancement compared with FBP [19]. A case re- reduced images with a blend of 20% ASiR.
The forward and backward projections are port showed that it was possible to perform pe- After the phantom study was performed, pe-
repeated until they do not change in subse- diatric chest CT with IMR at a radiation dose diatric head CT scans were obtained with
quent iterations or until the maximum num- approaching that of chest radiography with 20% dose reduction and were reconstructed
ber of iterations is reached. Subsequently, a diagnostic image quality [20]. In addition, a with 20% ASiR. These head CT scans were
final optimized image is reconstructed. Be- phantom study showed that the use of IMR al- compared with previous head CT examina-
cause of the iterations, IR is a computation- lowed dose reductions of 60–80%, 70–83% tions of the same patients. This study showed
ally demanding technique that requires lon- less image noise, and an improved low-contrast that diagnostic acceptability and noise were
ger reconstruction times than FBP. However, detectability compared with FBP [16]. comparable between 20%-reduced-dose
this increased reconstruction time does not The strengths of iDose4 and IMR are de- ASiR images and standard-dose FBP images.
result in a clinically significant delay [13]. fined in different levels of noise reduction in Ho et al. [25] investigated the use of differ-
All major CT vendors have developed their which a higher level indicates greater noise ent iDose4 levels in pediatric head CT in 44
own IR techniques. Most commercially avail- reduction. Seven levels of noise reduction are children at standard-dose levels. Improved
able IR algorithms are not fully iterative but available for iDose4 and three levels for IMR. image quality and a reduction in noise were
use a combination of IR and FBP. The com- The maximum dose reduction achievable found for iDose4 compared with FBP.
bination of IR and FBP is also known as hy- using IR depends on the scanned body area. Head CT images of an 8-year-old boy are
brid IR [14, 15]. Currently available hybrid Therefore, in this article the use of IR in pedi- shown in Figure 1. This figure shows that
IR techniques are Adaptive Statistical Itera- atrics will be discussed by body area. Table 1 model-based IR allows more detailed imag-
tive Reconstruction (ASiR, GE Healthcare), provides an overview of studies investigating es and better discrimination between gray and
Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction 3D (AIDR IR algorithms in pediatric CT and the associ- white matter than FBP images. These findings
3D, Toshiba Medical Systems), Iterative Re- ated radiation dose. IR in pediatrics has been are supported by the study of Ho et al. [25]
construction in Image Space (IRIS, Siemens mainly investigated using ASiR, and reported who described a subjective improvement in
Healthcare), Sinogram-Affirmed Iterative Re- dose reductions varied from 24% to 92% de- gray-white discrimination with IR compared
construction (SAFIRE, Siemens Healthcare), pending on the scanned body area [21, 22]. with FBP. With most IR algorithms, different
Advanced Modeled Iterative Reconstruction Effective dose calculations are based on age- noise reduction levels can be selected. Higher
(ADMIRE, Siemens Healthcare), and iDose4 and sex-specific conversion factors from pub- IR levels result in lower noise levels.
(Philips Healthcare). Two vendors have de- lication 103 of the International Commission One of the disadvantages of IR is the
veloped the following more advanced mod- on Radiological Protection [23]. smoother appearance of images in which de-
el-based IR algorithms that approach true IR: For the images in this article, two ho- tails sometimes have a blurred appearance,
Veo (GE Healthcare) and Iterative Model Re- mogeneous ROIs were drawn to measure especially images obtained with higher IR
construction (IMR, Philips Healthcare). Hy- the noise. Noise was defined as the SD in levels [26, 27]. An example of a head CT ex-
brid IR algorithms mostly use only one back- Hounsfield units of the mean density in a ho- amination of an 8-year-old boy is shown in
ward projection step, whereas model-based mogeneous ROI. The contrast-to-noise ratio Figure 2. To reduce IMR image blurring, dif-
IR techniques are based on both forward and was computed using the following equation: ferent kernels can be selected. Analogous to
backward projection steps [14]. The exact FBP, different kernels can be selected with IR
D(ROI1) − D(ROI2)
number of iterations for each IR algorithm is to make images appear less blurred. It is im-
unknown proprietary information. 1 portant to note that different tissues may ne-
× [SD(ROI1)2 + SD(ROI2)2]
The examples shown in this article were 2 cessitate the use of different reconstruction
reconstructed with a hybrid IR algorithm where D refers to density, and ROI1 and ROI2 filters for optimal evaluation. For instance,
(iDose4) and a prototype version of a mod- refer to the two homogeneous ROIs that were with the sharpest filter, bony structures are
el-based IR algorithm (IMR), and data were drawn to measure noise. better visualized, whereas for the assessment
acquired using a 256-MDCT scanner (Bril- of soft tissues a softer kernel might be more
liance iCT, Philips Healthcare) [16]. Neuroimaging appropriate. Therefore, it is important to se-
iDose4, a hybrid IR technique, filters noise The use of IR in pediatric head CT has lect the right combination of kernel and IR
iteratively in both the projection domain and been previously studied. Kilic et al. [24] in- level to achieve optimal diagnostic accept-
the image domain [17]. Dose reductions vestigated a blend of 30% ASiR in pediat- ability. Despite the noise reduction achieved
of up to 76% have been reported without a ric head CT and found that a dose reduction by IR algorithms, Figure 3 shows that the op-
loss of image quality [18]. A reconstruction of 29% was possible while maintaining di- timal combination of IR level and a sharp re-
speed of 18 slices per second can be reached agnostic acceptability. ASiR is one of the construction kernel results in low-noise imag-
using iDose4, which is slightly slower than first IR techniques that became commer- es with sharper edges than FBP images. The

AJR:204, March 2015 647

den Harder et al.

reduction of noise with IR leads to a sharper of dose reduction is dependent on the refer- by looking at dose in terms of CTDIvol, DLP,
image compared with FBP. ence protocol, and the volume CT dose index and effective dose.
Kilic et al. [24], Vorona et al. [21], and Ho (CTDIvol) of the reference dose varied large- All major vendors have developed their own
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et al. [25] found acceptable diagnostic im- ly from 4.1 to 21.2 mGy [29, 36]. IR algorithms that are all slightly different
age quality using IR at reduced-dose levels. An example of an abdominal CT exam- from each other. Therefore, the findings with
Because only ASiR and iDose4 have been ination reconstructed with FBP and IR is an IR algorithm of one vendor may not be ap-
investigated in pediatric head CT, other IR shown in Figure 6. This figure shows that the plicable to the IR algorithms of other vendors.
techniques should be investigated as well. use of IMR results in decreased streak arti- The two most mentioned disadvantages of
The findings with ASiR and iDose4 need to facts and decreased noise. IR are prolonged reconstruction times and a
be established for the other IR algorithms of blotchier image appearance. IR leads to lon-
the other CT vendors. Spinal Imaging ger reconstruction times because more com-
There are no prior studies that evaluated putational power is required; however, this
Chest Imaging and Cardiac Imaging the use of IR in pediatric spinal CT; howev- increase in time does not result in a clinical-
The chest is the most widely investigated er, the use of IR in spinal CT has been in- ly significant delay [13]. Although a blotchy
body part for pediatric IR. Although different vestigated in adults. At approximately 40% pixelated appearance has been reported for
IR algorithms were used and different dose dose reduction, the IR technique SAFIRE CT studies with IR of adults, this finding was
reductions were achieved, all studies to date provided better image quality for interverte- not reported for CT with IR of pediatric pa-
have concluded that IR allowed dose reduc- bral disks, neural foramina, and ligaments, tients [42]. An explanation could be that rela-
tion with improved image quality [22, 29–37]. but the image quality for nonspinal soft tis- tively few articles on the use of IR for pedi-
The achieved dose reductions varied from sues and vertebrae declined compared with atric CT have been compared with the use of
31% with ASiR up to 92% with the model- FBP at a standard dose [39]. Omoumi et al. IR for adult CT. Furthermore, Sing et al. [33]
based IR technique Veo [22, 27]. [40] also found that the image quality of soft suggested that radiologists may have a higher
Figure 4 shows chest CT images ob- tissues and trabecular bone decreased with acceptance of image noise and artifacts when
tained during inspiration and expiration in an SAFIRE. However, Geyer et al. [41] found interpreting studies of pediatric patients than
11-year-old boy with lung nodules and lung that the radiation dose could be reduced to a they do when interpreting studies of adult pa-
consolidation due to a pulmonary Aspergillus dose comparable to radiography with ASiR tients because it is more important to have a
infection. The use of model-based IR resulted without the loss of subjective image quality. low radiation dose in children than in adults.
in a substantial decrease in image noise. With Whether the achieved dose reductions Most studies investigating IR used hybrid
IMR, the extent of air-trapping is better vi- with IR in adult spinal CT are also possible IR techniques because model-based IR tech-
sualized and small lung structures are easier for pediatric spinal CT has not been investi- niques became available only recently. Mod-
to see compared with FBP. Furthermore, the gated to date. el-based IR techniques are more advanced
sharpness of the lung structures also improves than hybrid techniques and therefore are
with the right IMR kernel. This increased Discussion expected to reduce the radiation dose even
sharpness allowed by IMR is shown in Figure Radiation dose reduction for CT is espe- more. However, because only two studies
5, which shows chest CT images of a 7-year- cially important in children. IR is a highly used model-based IR in pediatrics [22, 37],
old boy with an immunodeficiency. promising technique that has recently be- some effects of model-based IR techniques
The smoothing effect of IR can potential- come available for clinical use and has the remain unclear—for example, the visibility
ly result in small structures not being visi- potential to reduce the radiation dose for pe- of small structures.
ble. However, in our experience, choosing diatric CT. All major CT vendors have devel- In conclusion, in our experience IR is a
the right kernel will allow small structures to oped hybrid IR algorithms, and some vendors promising and potentially highly valuable
be visualized adequately. Two other studies have introduced more advanced model-based technique that can be used to substantially
using Veo reported that model-based IR im- IR algorithms recently [16, 22]. Since the in- reduce the amount of radiation in pediatric
proved visualization of small structures such troduction of IR, substantial and clinically imaging. Future research should determine
as lung fissures and small vessels [22, 36]. relevant dose reductions have been reported the maximum achievable radiation dose re-
However, more studies are necessary to eval- for different pediatric CT protocols using IR duction in pediatric CT that is possible with-
uate the effect of model-based IR on the vis- [24, 30, 33, 38]. The reported maximal dose out a loss of diagnostic image quality.
ibility of small structures. reductions ranged from 32% to 92% [29, 36],
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(Figures start on next page)

AJR:204, March 2015 649

den Harder et al.

Fig. 1—Head CT images reconstructed using different

algorithms. Patient is 8-year-old boy. Imaging
parameters were 120 kVp and 198 mAs. Volume CT
dose index was 27.0 mGy, dose-length product was
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528.7 mGy × cm, and effective dose was 1.4 mSv.

A–D, CT images reconstructed with filtered back
projection (FBP) (A) and with model-based iterative
reconstruction (IR) (B–D). Model-based IR images
were reconstructed using IMR (Philips Healthcare)
at IMR level 1 (B), IMR level 2 (C), and IMR level 3 (D).
Model-based IR yields more detailed images than
FBP and allows better discrimination between gray
and white matter than FBP. Noise was 7.7 (A), 3.2 (B),
2.8 (C), and 2.4 (D). Contrast-to-noise ratio was 0.3
(A), 3.4 (B), 3.9 (C), and 4.5 (D).



Fig. 2—Head CT images reconstructed using

different algorithms. Patient is 8-year-old boy.
Imaging parameters were 80 kVp and 73 mAs. Volume
CT dose index was 2.8 mGy, dose-length product was
56.1 mGy × cm, and effective dose was 0.1 mSv.
A–D, CT images reconstructed with filtered back
projection (FBP) (A) and with model-based iterative
reconstruction (IR) (B–D). Model-based IR images
were reconstructed using IMR (Philips Healthcare)
at IMR level 3 “head routine” (B), IMR level 3 “head
sharp routine” (C), and IMR level 3 “head sharp
plus” (D). With sharpest filter (D), bones are better
visualized. Noise was 7.9 (A), 4.6 (B), 5.3 (C), and 13.4
(D). Contrast-to-noise ratio was 6.1 (A), 10.0 (B), 8.6
(C), and 3.4 (D).
A B (Fig. 2 continues on next page)

650 AJR:204, March 2015

Iterative Reconstruction Techniques for Pediatric CT

Fig. 2 (continued)—Head CT images reconstructed

using different algorithms. Patient is 8-year-old boy.
Imaging parameters were 80 kVp and 73 mAs. Volume
CT dose index was 2.8 mGy, dose-length product was
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56.1 mGy × cm, and effective dose was 0.1 mSv.

A–D, CT images reconstructed with filtered back
projection (FBP) (A) and with model-based iterative
reconstruction (IR) (B–D). Model-based IR images
were reconstructed using IMR (Philips Healthcare)
at IMR level 3 “head routine” (B), IMR level 3 “head
sharp routine” (C), and IMR level 3 “head sharp
plus” (D). With sharpest filter (D), bones are better
visualized. Noise was 7.9 (A), 4.6 (B), 5.3 (C), and 13.4
(D). Contrast-to-noise ratio was 6.1 (A), 10.0 (B), 8.6
(C), and 3.4 (D).


Fig. 3—Head CT images reconstructed using different algorithms. Patient is

15-year-old boy with skull fracture. Imaging parameters were 120 kVp and 149
mAs. Volume CT dose index was 10.1 mGy, dose-length product was 316.0 mGy ×
cm, and effective dose was 0.6 mSv.
A and B, CT images reconstructed with same reconstruction kernel using filtered
back projection (FBP) (A) and model-based iterative reconstruction (IR) (B).
Model-based IR image was reconstructed using IMR (Philips Healthcare) level 1.
Details of skull fracture are sharper with IMR compared with FBP. Noise was 10.6
(A) and 7.3 (B). Contrast-to-noise ratio was 5.0 (A) and 7.8 (B). Signal-to-noise ratio
was 0.1 (A) and 0.3 (B).

AJR:204, March 2015 651

den Harder et al.

Fig. 4—Chest CT images obtained during inspiration

and reconstructed using different algorithms.
Patient is 11-year-old boy with lung nodules and lung
consolidation due to pulmonary Aspergillus infection.
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Imaging parameters were 80 kVp and 70 mAs. Volume

CT dose index was 1.3 mGy, dose-length product was
38.4 mGy × cm, and effective dose was 0.4 mSv.
A–F, CT images reconstructed with filtered
back projection (FBP) (A and B), hybrid iterative
reconstruction (IR) (iDose4, Philips Healthcare) at
iDose4 level 4 (C and D), and model-based IR (IMR,
Philips Healthcare]) at IMR level 3 (E and F). Note
that streak artifacts in shoulder area that are present
with FBP have almost disappeared with IR. Noise
was 113.7 (A and B), 79.4 (C and D), and 15.3 (E and F).
Contrast-to-noise ratio was 0.6 (A and B), 0.7 (C and
D), and 3.0 (E and F).




652 AJR:204, March 2015

Iterative Reconstruction Techniques for Pediatric CT
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Fig. 5—Chest CT images reconstructed using different algorithms. Patient is 7-year-old boy with immunodeficiency.
A and B, CT images obtained during expiration and reconstructed using filtered back projection (FBP) (A) and model-based iterative reconstruction (IR) (B). Model-based
IR image was reconstructed using IMR (Philips Healthcare) level 2. Expiration CT shows that extent of air-trapping is better visualized with IMR than with FBP. Imaging
parameters were 80 kVp and 20 mAs. Volume CT dose index was 0.4 mGy, dose-length product was 9.6 mGy × cm, and effective dose was 0.1 mSv. Noise was 81.5 (A) and
20.3 (B). Contrast-to-noise ratio was 1.5 (A) and 2.9 (B).
C–E, CT images obtained during inspiration and reconstructed using FBP (C), hybrid iterative reconstruction (IR) (iDose4, Philips Healthcare) at iDose4 level 4 (D), and
model-based IR (IMR, Philips Healthcare]) at IMR level 2 (E). Imaging parameters were 80 kVp and 55 mAs. Volume CT dose index was 1.0 mGy, dose-length product was
29.7 mGy × cm, and effective dose was 0.3 mSv. Noise was 25.0 (C), 14.8 (D), and 12.5 (E). Contrast-to-noise ratio was 1.1 (C), 2.2 (D), and 2.7 (E).

Fig. 6—Abdominal CT images reconstructed using different algorithms. Patient is 3-year-old boy with splenic rupture. Imaging parameters were 80 kVp and 97 mAs.
Volume CT dose index was 1.9 mGy, dose-length product was 124.0 mGy × cm, and effective dose was 2.0 mSv.
A–C, CT images reconstructed with filtered back projection (FBP) (A), hybrid iterative reconstruction (IR) (iDose4, Philips Healthcare) at iDose4 level 4 (B), and model-
based IR (IMR, Philips Healthcare) at IMR level 3 (C). In FBP image, delineation of spleen is hampered by streak artifacts and noise, whereas images reconstructed with
IMR do not have these quality issues. Noise was 24.6 (A), 14.0 (B), and 4.2 (C). Contrast-to-noise ratio was 2.5 (A), 4.4 (B), and 14.8 (C).

AJR:204, March 2015 653

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