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O 8483854712/9860812712

, Dream house hostel, madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana

 Experience
MedXperts (Vollmond Innovations and Social Entrepreneurs Pvt. Ltd.)
05-07-2020 - 30-06-2022
Front End Developer(React and React Native)
MedXperts is the software company of creating Health care and Medical related

Winjit technologies pvt. ltd.

11-10-2022 - 09-01-2023
Software Engineer
I worked on BHIM APP in NPCI(Hyderabad), is client of winjit, providing services for eRupi new
feature implementation.

Bushel technology pvt. ltd.

20-02-2023 - 14-04-2023
Software Engineer
Bushel technology is a service based company, working with clients on warehouse application in
react native.

 Education
Rajiv Gandhi College of engineering Research and Technology, Chandrapur, Maharashtra
Nagpur University

Nav Bharat Junior Science College, Mul, Maharashtra

Nagpur Board

Nav Bharat Vidyalaya, Mul, Maharashtra

Nagpur Board

 Skills
Web Development : HTML5, CSS3, JAVASCRIPT (ES6+ADVANCE),DOM, ReactJs.

Mobile Development: React Native (Android and iOS)

Frameworks: Bootstrap, Material-UI, react-native-elements

Operating System : Windows and macOS

Javascript Libraries : ReactJs, RxJs, Jest and Enzyme, Redux(RTK), jQuery, Axios (RESTful API),
Formik, Websockets,Redux, etc.

Programming Languages: Javascript (ES5), ES6,ES7,etc

Version Control System : Git and GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket

Backend Technology: NodeJs, ExpressJs, SQLite etc.

 Projects
Project Name : Mock-Test Application(Institute project)

Environment :- ReactJs, jQuery, Bootstrap,REST-API, Axios, Json-Server,Redux( with RTK),


Project Modules : - Candidate Registration, Admin Section, QuestionPaper Loader, Candidate

Verification, Results Analysis etc. Project is Fully Dynamic and Total Based on Json server fake
API Application State manage by Redux Project Design Responsive

Description : This Application useful to Education Institute and Teachers as well as Students to
create own Question Paper and Examine Result Analysis.

Company Project : DOCSTETH Application

About :- This application is master app of all the company app, is similar as like as fb and LinkedIn
and This application builded in web platform as well as mobile platform.
This App mainly Builded for HealthCare Practiioner and Professionals.

Docsteth App where User can do below things,

post their Accomplishment certificate , photo with description

Create Article and post on Feed page (Homescreen Page)

Create Events and set a video(Webinar) of their Organisation

create Poll Questions,

bookmark, Like and Share the Post in Feed page- create their Organisation Account.

send a request for add connection and accept the request and as well as Chat with
connected Peoples

Server Side Redering the pages and open it into InAppBrowser and WebView library

Implemented Push Notification on like and comment using WebSockets

Event Video Conference using Twilio Library

Environment :- ReactJs, Material-Ui, Axios, Redux, KEYCLOAK, Formik etc.

Roles in project : Design and Integration of Organization, User Account, Feed page,
Security modules in project etc.
Worked on Twilio and Keycloak library

Used BitBucket for repository and Material-UI for design front end.

Worked on Formik library for form validation.

Worked on Twilio library to create Chat App.

Worked on OneSignal for push notifications for Mobile application.

 Professional Summary
I have 2.5 year Experience in Front End Development with ReactJs library and React
Native framework.

Strong Skills:

Front-End/UI development using HTML 4.0/5, CSS3, Bootstrap, MaterialUI, JavaScript, DOM,

JSON , ReactJs and React Native

Strong understanding of JavaScript library like ReactJs in developing reusable

components with JSX templating and ES6 syntax, React component lifecycle for DOM
manipulation, event handling.

Work with React-Router for routing- Used BrowserRouter for Web. Used Axios for making
HTTP calls.

Worked with third party react components. Having knowledge on Redux components called

Actions, Reducer, Store, useSelector and work with RTK also.

Worked on Websockets for notifications and chat application.

Used BitBucket as repository

Good Understanding of front end integration with back end data.

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