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The Hubble tension as a window on the gravitation of the dark matter sector

Cyril Pitrou1, ∗ and Jean-Philippe Uzan1, †

Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS UMR 7095,
Sorbonne Universités, 98 bis Bd Arago, 75014 Paris, France
(Dated: December 21, 2023)
A simple and minimal extension of the standard cosmological ΛCDM model in which dark matter
experiences an additional long-range scalar interaction is demonstrated to alleviate the long lasting
Hubble-tension while letting primordial nucleosynthesis predictions unaffected and passing by con-
struction all current local tests of general relativity. The theoretical formulation of this ΛβCDM
model and its comparison to astrophysical observations are presented to prove its ability to fit
existing data and potentially resolve the tension.
arXiv:2312.12493v1 [astro-ph.CO] 19 Dec 2023

Introduction. The Hubble tension questions the sta- history after recombination increasing H0 keeping rs un-
tus of the standard ΛCDM cosmological model. It arises changed while “early time solutions” modify it before
from the discrepancy between the model-dependent de- recombination changing both H0 and rs . While their
termination of H0 from the Planck analysis of the cosmic relative statistical merit have been compared [4, 5] it
microwave background (CMB) combined with baryon was pointed out [6] that models reducing rs can never
acoustic oscillations (BAO) and the Hubble diagram fully resolve the Hubble tension, if they are expected to
interpretation, in particular from the SH0ES experi- be also in agreement with other cosmological datasets.
ment [1], that is almost independent of physical assump- The minimal model presented in this letter will, as we
tions. The former leads to the value H0 = (67.49 ± shall demonstrate, keep rs identical to its ΛCDM value
0.53) km/s/Mpc [2] while the latter concludes that H0 = but with a higher H0 at the expense of a lower ΩD0 .
(73.04 ± 1.04) km/s/Mpc [3]. This results in a ≃ 4.8σ Hence we present a model that (1) does not change stan-
tension on H0 . This letter investigates a new road by fo- dard physics, (2) keeps the CMB physics unchanged.
cusing on the properties of gravitation in the dark matter This points towards a modification of the physics of the
(DM) sector and proposing a theory that offers a mini- DM sector around recombination that would play on
mal extension of the ΛCDM that avoids by construction (H0 , ΩD0 ).
the existing constraints.
Towards a minimal extension. We set ourselves the
The Hubble tension. Consider a Friedman-Lemaı̂tre constraints that the new theory should have no effect
spacetime with metric, ds2 = −dt2 + a2 (t)γij dxi dxj on primordial nucleosynthesis (BBN) and in all tests of
where γij is the spatial metric and a the scale factor. general relativity (GR) including violation of the weak
With a0 = 1, the redshift and Hubble function are equivalence principle (WEP) [7] and variation of the con-
1 + z = 1/a and H = (ln a). , a dot referring to a deriva- stants [8]. This implies that we need to avoid any new
tive with respect to the cosmic time. The H0 problem is interaction in the visible sector of the Standard model
often formulated [4] as a low/high-redshift tension. In- (SM) and that any new degree of freedom shall have a
deed, in first approximation, the key physical parameters negligible energy density so that it does not affect directly
are the (comoving) sound horizon the expansion history. While the window is small, we still
Z ∞ have the possibility to introduce a DM “fifth force”.
rs = cs E −1/2 (z)dz (1) We assume that DM enjoys a scalar-tensor (ST) theory
H0 z∗ while the SM sector is subjected to GR. This can be seen
as a subclass of models in which a light dilaton couples
where E(z) ≡ H/H0 and z∗ ∼ 1088 at recombination, non universally to the SM and DM fields but those are
and the comoving angular diameter distance, strongly constrained [9–11] by BBN and today, which our
Z z  model evades by construction. Indeed the DM sector will
1 −1/2 witness a time variation of its gravitational constant but
Rang = fK E (z)dz . (2)
H0 0 it cannot be measured directly and does not affect BBN
during which DM is subdominant. The DM density in
Since their ratio fixes the physical angular scales of the our local environment is estimated [12] to be between 0.4
acoustic peaks, most of the arguments on the H0 tension and 0.6 GeV/cm3 , too small a value to have observable
circle around the sound horizon with two main categories dynamical effects. To finish, the change in the strength
of models. “Late time solutions” modify the expansion of gravity in the DM sector shall alleviate the H0 tension.
It is clear that the new field will have fluctuations so that
we need to treat its background and perturbation effects
to consistently predict its cosmological effects.
† Definition. The theory for this minimal and sim-

ple extension of the ΛCDM is described by the action with Ωφ̇ = φ̇2 /3H02 and ΩV = 2V /3H02 . The first line
S = SGR + SSM + Sφ + SD with a new light scalar degree corresponds to the standard ΛCDM while the second
of freedom1 φ mediating a long-range interaction for DM. gathers all the effects of the scalar interaction.
The actions for the visible sector are
Generic properties of the model. For the sake of

R − 2Λ
SGR + SSM = d4 x −g + LSM [ψ; gµν ] (3) demonstrating the power of this model to fit the data,
16πG this letter is restricted to the minimal ΛβCDM that as-
sumes a massless (V = 0, hence Pφ = ρφ ) scalar field
while the DM sector is modeled by with A(φ) = 1 + 21 βφ2 . Fig. 1 confirms that in ΛβCDM,
d4 x √
Sφ = − −g [2g µν ∂µ φ∂ν φ + 4V (φ)] (4)
16πG 1.10

ρD0 a03

ρD a 3
d4 x −g̃LD [ψ; g̃µν ], 1.05
SD = (5)

with the DM-metric g̃µν = A2 (φ)gµν . LSM/D are the 0.006

Lagrangians of the SM, DM sectors. The free functions 0.004
V and A are the field potential and coupling to DM. 0.000
This theory is defined in the SM frame in which nothing 0.20

departs from GR for the SM with which all tests have 0.10
been performed so far. The equations of motion are fully 0.00
described in Ref. [14]. They are identical to GR, except 0.015

0 −

for the DM sector for which 0.005
µν (DM) σρ ν
∇µ T(DM) = α(φ)Tσρ g ∂ φ (6)
10 2
dV κ
2φ = (DM) µν
− α(φ)Tµν g (7) 10 4
dφ 2
where we have defined α(φ) ≡ d ln A/dφ. 10 6 CDM
10 8
Cosmological dynamics. At the background level, the 10 9 10 8 10 7 10 6 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 100
Einstein equations yield the Friedmann equation a/a0
2 K
3 H + 2 = κ(ρ + ρD + ρφ ) + Λ (8) FIG. 1. From top to bottom: ρD which exhibits a depar-
ture from pure dust between equivalence and recombination,
with κρφ = ϕ̇2 + 2V and κ ≡ 8πG. While the conser- the effective equation of state (12), the strength of the scalar
coupling α that shows that DM gravity is stronger at high z
vation equations in the SM sector remain unchanged, for
but similar as in the visible sector today, the CMB visibility
DM they become function, and the evolution of the energy densities in units
dV κ of 3H 2 (a)/8πG proving that φ remains subdominant at all
ρ̇D +3HρD = α(φ)ρD φ̇, φ̈+3H φ̇ = − − αρD , (9) times. All curves correspond to the best fit parameters of
dφ 2 the base+BAO(z > 1)+H0 dataset, i.e. Ωb0 h2 = 0.02250,
which gives ρD ∝ a−3 A so that Ωm = 0.2619, h = 0.7240, ln(1010 As ) = 3.0569; ns = 0.9741,
τreio = 0.0601, β = 0.2509 and φi = 0.7159.
GρD = GρD0 a−3 [1 + δA (φ)] ≡ Geff ρD0 a−3 (10) ρφ is negligible (it is at most 0.27% of the total matter
content around z = z∗ ), i.e. φ modifies the strength
with δA ≡ (A/A0 − 1). Hence φ triggers a dynam-
of gravity for DM but not the expansion history by
ical effective gravitational constant Geff . However, it
its stress-energy. It is thus not a dark energy model.
does not to correspond to what would be defined as
Then, the DM scalar force vanishes in the late universe
the gravitational constant in e.g. a Cavendish experi-
(α → 0) and saturates to α ≃ 0.12 in the early uni-
ment [13]. As usual, we define the cosmological fractions
verse, which corresponds to a change of the strength of
Ωi0 = 8πGρi0 /3H02 for the baryons (b), the radiation
gravity in the DM sector of 1.4% while Geff undergoes
(r), DM and ΩΛ0 = Λ/3H02 while ΩK0 = −K/3H02 is
a A∞ /A0 − 1 ∼ 6.4% variation roughly between equiv-
assumed to be 0, so that
alence and recombination. Phenomenologically this can
E 2 (z) = (Ωb0 + ΩD0 )(1 + z)3 + Ωr0 (1 + z)4 + ΩΛ0 be described by an effective DM equation of state from
Eq. (9) by ρ̇D + 3HρD [1 + weff (a)] = 0,
+ΩD0 (1 + z)3 δA (z) + Ωφ̇ + ΩV . (11)
1 d ln A
weff (a) = − . (12)
3 d ln a
1 We use the normalisation of ST theories [13]. Fig. 1 shows that it departs from 0 only between z = 10

600 CDM, base+H0 + BAO&RSD

200 A = 1 + 2 2, base+H0
[µK 2 ] 400
200 100 A = 1 + 2 2, base+H0 + BAO&RSD(z>1)
A = 1 + 2 2, base+H0 + BAO&RSD
0 0

200 100

400 difference with ΛCDM [Planck]

ΛCDM [Planck] residuals 200 0.84

8( m/0.3)0.5
6 20 0.80
[µK 2 ]

4 10
2 0.78
0 0
2 GC (68%)

4 10

6 20

8 13.6

10000 8 13.5
∆C`EE [10 −5 µK 2 ]

6 13.4
2 74
0 0 SH0ES (95%)

SH0ES (95%)
2 72

6 70
10000 8
2 10 30 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0.25 0.30 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84 13.5 13.6 13.7 68 70 72 74
` m 8( m/0.3)0.5 Age/Gyr H0
FIG. 2. Black: residuals of TT, TE and EE spectra of the FIG. 3. Statistical comparison of the ΛCDM and
ΛCDM best fit (from Planck data only) [2] with Planck data. ΛβCDM to cosmological data focusing on the 4 parameters
Red: Differences between our ΛβCDM best fit spectra (ob- (H0 , Ωm , S8 , tU ) in order to highlight the Hubble tension. See
tained with the base dataset+BAO(z > 1)+H0 ) and the for- Ref. [14] for a full analysis and details. Plots were performed
mer spectra. with GetDist [24].

and z = 105 making this minimal model similar to the are subsequently added to this baseline in two different
standard ΛCDM when structures form. The model does ways. First, we split BAO measurements into a low-z
not fall in the early/late categories; the scalar interac- dataset (z < 1), which consists in 6dF [20], SDSS DR7
tion being controlled by ρD naturally occurs shortly after [21], DR12 [22] and the luminous red galaxies (LRG) of
equivalence and before recombination. This is a generic SDSS DR16 [23], and a high-z dataset [23] from SDSS
feature of our models. The conservation equations im- DR16 emission line galaxies (ELG), quasistellar objects
ply that it can be interpreted as if ρD transfers to ρφ (QSO) and Lyman-α (Lyα) absorption lines. Whenever
that redshifts faster as a grows and even faster than ra- redshift space distorsions (RSD) are available, they are
diation at small z. This is a key difference with models added to these datasets. Either BAO data from all red-
of DM decaying into dark radiation that scales as a−4 shifts is considered, or only BAO data from the high-
at all times that generally predict a suppression of the z set, noted BAO(z > 1). Finally we add a prior on
matter power spectrum [4] avoided in our model. To fin- H0 from the latest SH0ES results [3]. All cosmological
ish, the key feature of ΛβCDM is that it keeps both rs parameters are varied in an Euclidean cosmology, along
and the distance to the last scattering surface (LSS) un- with β and the attractor initial value φi of the scalar
changed while having a higher H0 at the cost of a lower field.
ΩD0 at low-z, leading for the best fit to a younger uni- The results in the space (H0 , Ωm , S8 , tU ), where Ωm ≡
verse of 13.51 Gyr instead of 13.79 Gyr. Since Ωb0 /Ωr0 Ωb0 +ΩD0 and tU is the age of the universe, are presented
is fixed by BBN, the relative heights and shapes of the on Fig. 3. First, considering the base+BAO+H0 dataset
CMB peaks are almost unaffected, as confirmed in the alleviates the tension with SH0ES since for a ΛCDM the
residuals displayed in Fig. 2. average Hubble constant is h̄ = 0.687 whereas in the
ΛβCDM it is h̄ = 0.698. The change in the χ2 at the
Comparison to data. The model is implemented both posterior maximum, depending on the inclusion p or not
at the background and perturbations levels as a modifi- of H0 in the previous dataset, noted QDMAP ≡ ∆χ2
cation of the CLASS code [15] (see our companion arti- (see Refs. [4, 25] for the methodology), is QDMAP = 3.9.
cle [14] for details) in order to test its power on the H0 On the other hand the AIC criterium of ΛβCDM rela-
tension through a MCMC analysis with Cobaya [16]. We tive to ΛCDM is ∆AIC = −1.3 which indicates only a
consider a baseline dataset which consists in CMB data marginal improvement. However, we need to highlight
from Planck [17] (low and high ℓ temperature, polariza- that the low-z BAO are in tension with DES Y1 [18],
tion and lensing); weak lensing data from DES Y1 [18], favoring a rather high marginal value of matter fraction
and supernovae (SN) data from Pantheon [19]. BAO data today (Ωm = 0.388 ± 0.050) whereas the galaxy clus-

Model base+H0 + Ωm Ωb0 h2 h S8 Age (Gyr) H0 tension QDMAP ∆AIC

ΛCDM BAO 0.2965 ± 0.0044 0.02263 ± 0.00013 0.6877 ± 0.0035 0.801 ± 0.009 13.75 ± 0.02 4.4σ 4.8 0
ΛCDM BAO(z > 1) 0.2912 ± 0.0052 0.02270 ± 0.00014 0.6919 ± 0.0042 0.794 ± 0.010 13.73 ± 0.02 4.1σ 4.4 0
ΛβCDM BAO 0.2875 ± 0.0056 0.02249 ± 0.00014 0.6977 ± 0.0054 0.814 ± 0.010 13.67 ± 0.04 3.8σ 3.9 -1.3
ΛβCDM BAO(z > 1) 0.2666 ± 0.0073 0.02246 ± 0.00015 0.7187 ± 0.0076 0.807 ± 0.010 13.55 ± 0.05 1.8σ 2.0 -14.5

TABLE I. Comparison of the posterior marginals and success criteria of the standard ΛCDM and ΛβCDM. The H0 tension
is the Gaussian tension evaluated between the marginal constraint from the model with the dataset without SH0ES, and
the constraint from SH0ES alone. The ∆AIC is the difference in maximum χ2 between the model and the ΛCDM with the
considered dataset (hence including H0 from SH0ES).

tering and weak lensing from DES Y1 constrain it to minimal extension of the ΛCDM with only one extra-
Ωm = 0.248−0.017 , hence an approximate 2.5σ tension.2 parameter in which the physics of the SM sector remains
High-z BAO are however independently very consistent fully unchanged. It assumes that DM experiences ST
with a lower Ωm = 0.254 ± 0.030; see also Fig. 5 of gravity. Since ρφ is subdominant during the whole cosmic
Ref. [23]. Besides, the low-z BAO are also the most history, it implies that (1) BBN predictions remain fully
sensitive to the fiducial cosmology used in the analy- unaffected; (2) the low-z expansion rate is unchanged
sis. This motivates us to perform an analysis with the compared to the standard ΛCDM; and (3) it escapes by
base+BAO(z > 1)+H0 dataset; see Ref. [14] for a full construction all existing local constraints on the devia-
argumentation of this choice. This leads to h̄ = 0.719, tion from GR in the Solar system and in particular on
in very good agreement with SH0ES, while other criteria the variation of G since, again, SM fields are transparent
also improve substantially (QDMAP = 2.0 and ∆AIC = to the scalar interaction; there is no testable violation of
−14.5). As anticipated the marginal matter fraction, the WEP [7] or variation of a constant [8].
Ωm = 0.2666 ± 0.0073, is much lower than the ΛCDM We explored a minimal model in a fully consistent the-
constraint with the same dataset (Ωm = 0.2912 ± 0.0052) ory, assuming a massless scalar field and a quadratic cou-
so as to maintain the same Rang with a larger H0 . As pling. This allowed us to compute unambiguously cos-
a consequence, in the ΛβCDM model, the universe is mological predictions both at the background and per-
younger with tU = 13.55±0.05 Gy, an age consistent with turbation levels, going beyond many phenomenological
the value deduced from globular clusters (GC) [27, 28]. parameterisations of interacting DM [4, 5]. Note that the
Note also that S8 = 0.807±0.010, hence the tension with consistency of the theory, to which one shall attribute a
DES results improves slightly. credence compared to ad hoc or not fully predictive con-
Since our best fit model preserves the sound horizon structions, is not taken into account in model compar-
and the physical content before the matter/radiation isons [4, 5], as well as non-cosmological constraints, which
equality, the residuals with the CMB data are nearly as our model avoids. The MCMC analysis of the latest data
good as for the ΛCDM best fit; see Fig. 2. The reduction shows that the H0 tension reduces to 3.8σ and reaches
of DM density of order 5% due to the non-minimal cou- below 2σ when low-z BAO data are discarded while the
pling implies that in the matter era the universe expands ΛCDM remains marginally improved from 4.4σ to 4.1σ
slower than the ΛCDM that would begin in the same con- (see Table I). This confirms the insight of Ref. [31] that
ditions, but eventually it expands faster once the larger “new physics is not sufficient to solve the H0 problem.”
cosmological constant dominates, leading to the same co-
moving distance to the CMB surface, but with a larger Indeed, several models have already considered a cou-
H0 . This famous degeneracy line in the (Ωm , H0 ) plane pling of DM to a scalar field. Refs. [9–11, 32] argued for
is obvious on Fig. 3, but the relative heights of the acous- such a coupling from the swampland conjecture to alle-
tic peaks, which require a fixed ratio between DM, pho- viate the Hubble tension while Ref. [33] showed that a
tons and baryons around recombination, select only a coupling to DE is not able to alleviate the H0 tension.
region in it. By triggering the disappearance of DM, the In the model by Ref. [34] the transition occurs at too low
ΛβCDM model selects another region of this degeneracy a redshift. Several models [35–37] were also built with
line with a lower Ωm hence allowing for a larger Hub- scalar DM coupled to DE. We recall that a key ingredi-
ble constant. The small tension on Ωb h2 mentioned in ent of ΛβCDM is that φ never dominates and eventually
Refs. [29, 30] remains of the same order, since this model decays faster than radiation, so that it is not a DE model
is precisely built to avoid any alteration of BBN physics. and provides an efficient mechanism to extract part of
DM, while marginally imprinting the matter spectrum.
Discussion. The ΛβCDM model is a simple and Generically, the model allows the cosmology to have the
same sound horizon as a ΛCDM with a higher H0 and
a lower ΩD0 . The extra-parameter β controls when the
transition occurs with respect to equality, and A(φi ) de-
2 Note that DES Y3 results [26] are shifted upwards with Ωm =
termines the magnitude of this effect. It can be extended
0.339−0.031 . in many ways leading to a whole family of models de-

scribed and investigated in our companion article [14]. annihilation, possibly detectable at the LHC [45]. As
The physics of the dark sector occurs naturally around a conclusion, this encouraging new model gives a sim-
the LSS due to the coupling to DM so that it does not ple and minimal extension of the ΛCDM that is in good
fall in the “late/early” distinction [5, 38] as suggested in agreement with all cosmological data when SH0ES is not
Ref. [39]. Interpreted as a varying G model [40, 41], it taken into account ans that alleviate the Hubble tension
avoids by construction the difficulties with either BBN with SH0ES and H0lLiCow [46] while being compatible
and/or local constraints of GR. with all local experiments and BBN. It alleviates the H0
We have to stress that the microphysics of DM has tension to 3.8σ and resolves it to less than 2σ if we discard
not been discussed. A dark fifth force may lead to low-z- BAO data. As a fully consistent theory it goes
a non-vanishing effects in Eötvös tests that could be beyond any phenomenological parameterization, thus of-
probed [42, 43] in particular if DM interacts with SM fering the possibility to be tested in any environments,
fields. Such models are strongly constrained [44] and it e.g. DM haloes [47–51]. The study and constraints on
was suggested that the anomalies in the positron/electron the gravitation of the dark sector can lead to a better
spectra may arise from a dark force mediating the DM understanding of DM [52, 53].

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