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Case Scenario for Robbery

Mario, Luigi and Maricel planned a heist against Metropacific Bank whose manager was
Mario’s girlfriend. They were able to successfully robbed a bank for the amount of Php5M at
around 9:30AM. They used masks to hide themselves and guns to intimidate the bank
personnel and the depositors. No one was hurt. During the heist, Luigi and Mario got angry
with a depositor, an old lady, who was very talkative. Unafraid of the robbers, this old woman
named Maritess, slapped Mario on his face which resulted to Mario’s mask being removed.
However, Mario immediately put back the mask. Nevertheless, the CCTV footage did not catch
his face but only his back. The robbers were accustomed to the CCTVs and even the vault. They
knew who had the code to open the vault and even identified the manager of the bank without
asking. Mario and the bank manager, Maria, seemed to be looking at each other as noticed by
the bank security guard, Cholo.

During the post investigation, a picture frame was found at the manager’s table with a
man who looks like Mario, except that the guy with the manager on the photo had beard and
hair. The robber Mario was without beard and was bald. When shown to the old lady, she
immediately identified the one on picture as one of the robbers. The manager did not admit
and denied that the robber was the same as that on the picture. She insisted that her boyfriend
did not have a mole on the nose.

Your witness now for the mock trial is the old lady, Maritess. She is 80 years old. She
describes the robber as bald, without beard, medium built like on the picture, and with a flat
mole on the tip of his nose.

Gathered by the police investigator as evidence for the trial are as follows:
1. Picture with frame obtained from Maria’s table;
2. Affidavit of Witness of Maritess;
3. CCTV footage showing the back and built of Mario;
4. Mobile Phone of Maria which was subjected to Digital Forensic Examination;
5. Print-out of conversations between Maria and her boyfriend with the name “HONEY” on
her phone and contained the following information:
a. Conversation as to how much money usually is retained in the vault at the opening
of the bank;
b. Conversation that her boyfriend will withdraw all the money he has deposited;
c. Conversation that her boyfriend promised her that he would make her resign and
that they will just migrate abroad and have a wealthy life there;
d. Pictures of her and her boyfriend (full body) inside the bank, with her co-employees;
e. Picture of the bank’s vault.

Note: Produce your own exhibits.

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