ProjManager PRF Chklist

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Project Manager’s Review of 1st Pages


Upon receipt from service:

• Check that transmittal is complete:
Transmittal documents, including due date for complete review
Page proof (correct color and quality), with corresponding foul materials
(current art pass, copyedited art and manuscript) needed to perform review
• Evaluate page proofs based on instructions to production service:
Has production editor answered comp/production queries?
Are editorial/author queries clear and appropriate?
Are technical proofread marks present? (e.g., figure references and cross-
references slugged in margins, long/short pages indicated)
• Perform cursory page review:
All pages in chapter accounted for. Pagination sequential. Folios sequential
from one chapter to next (check previous batch as applicable).
Review headers and tabs to be sure that they are set according to manuscript and
are in the correct locations, per design.
Figures/photos (approved or FPO) accounted for and in sequential order.
Review for adherence to design.
Review for art/text integration and adherence to project page make-up
Review for compliance with project-specific needs, identified at project onset.
• Make note of chapter length in relation to projected book length; identify specific ways
to shorten chapter with author when needed.
• Provide performance feedback to service.
• Check that Production Editor at full service has sent out for micrograph magnification
• Check that Production Editor at full service has sent out for accuracy checks.
• Check that Production Editor at full service has sent out to author.

• Check pages against approved design to be sure pages are set per design; identify
major or repeated problems.
• Check that elements that should bleed, are set to bleed.
• Review page spreads to make sure page layout works well across spreads and that
design is maintained.
• Check that media icons and logos are in correct locations and consistently set and that
all icons needed for media or QR codes, are present, against manuscript list. Fill in
media references.

Production Supervisor’s review of 1st pages 8/27/07 1

• Review comp. queries; answer production- and editorial-related queries, make sure
author queries are clear and identified appropriately, add new queries to author if
• Scan pages for miscellaneous typesetting problems: bad rag, unwanted hyphenation,
widows, bad spacing, poor line breaks in heads, etc.
• Review chapter opener for references to content preceding, following, or within
• Review headers and tabs to be sure that they are set according to manuscript and are in
the correct locations, per design.
• Review art/text correlation. Check references to figure in text against content of figure.
Review cropping/sizing. Figure callout and related art should usually be on the same
spread; exceptions happen, but if too numerous, call to the attention of production.
• Verify that captions match figures.
• Review figures for content and consistency. If this is the first editorial review of
rendered art, whether in pages or loose proofs, carefully check each figure against
manuscript. Read captions, in-text references, and labels for consistency (Proofreader
should also be reviewing for consistency.)
• Check that figures align with text correctly, that no art is cropped by picture box.
• Check placement of floating elements. For example, are any features broken over a
page that shouldn’t be?
• Scan pages for math elements to check that comp. is generally following correct,
consistent math typesetting style. Check a few equations against manuscript.
• Review tables to ensure that they are laid out as was intended in the manuscript. Check
against previous edition to be sure they are well set, with consistent column headings
and row headings. Check that tables align across spread, when large.
• Fill in page cross-references (page and chapter) if feasible, or make sure they are called
out clearly on page if need to be inserted in later round.
• Address missing material, if any, and clarify when/how it will be added in.
• Review EOC to ensure that all elements are there, in the correct order, and that design
or hierarchy of the heads has been correctly interpreted.
• Search PDF for “00” to find any unmarked page references.
• Check chapter page count in relation to overall book length projection; discuss with
Acquisitions Editor if length is off track from plan.
• If applicable, collate corrections/revisions from other sources (e.g., author, accuracy
checker) onto editorial set and resolve conflicting instructions. Make sure all queries
are answered; answer or cross out queries. Make sure that instructions are clear and

Production Supervisor’s review of 1st pages 8/27/07 2

Before return of reviewed pages to service:
• Ensure corrections/instructions marked on proofs are clear and complete; eliminate
ambiguities and answer all unresolved questions.
• Evaluate author’s corrections and revision requests; discuss with author if revisions are
very extensive and/or have notable cost or schedule implications, or introduce new
issues for project as a whole.
• Evaluate nature of corrections/instructions to comp. and provide feedback on
quality/performance to service as appropriate.

Production Supervisor’s review of 1st pages 8/27/07 3

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