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DIRECTIONS: Each of the following questions consists of a highlighted sentence and a paragraph from which the sentence

may have been taken. The paragraph has a total of five blanks numbered as (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Choose the number of
the blank where the highlighted sentence can best be reinserted and key in that number in the input box provided below the
question paragraph.If you think that the highlighted sentence is contextually unrelated or does not belong to the given
paragraphs, then key in the number 0 as your answer in the input box.

March of 1998 marked the start of a cult following and a lifestyle change for many people.

__________(1)__________ It was not the experts in cinema that kept this film alive, but the avid movie-goers who saw
something more than a lazy and lucky main character who lived in a constant haze. __________(2)__________ The Big
Lebowski has lived on thanks to these followers. It has become a cult movie, like Animal House and The Goonies before it,
revamping the love for a certain creamy cocktail and inspiring a whole new quasi-religion: Dudeism. __________
(3)__________ The followers of Dudeism practice Lebowski’s philosophy on life: to go with the flow and stay calm, no matter
what hits you. __________(4)__________ It is easy to list the ways Lebowski has influenced today’s culture, with White
Russian competitions and festivals that sport statues of The Dude. __________(5)__________ But going further than just the
tangible evidence, this Coen brothers’ masterpiece has given us a definitive make-or-break in relationships. If they don’t like
The Big Lebowski, it’s safe to say they’re not a keeper.
If the first half is relatable, then the reader or listener will automatically make sense of the second half.

__________(1)__________ For antimetabole to be effective, it does not only have to be grammatically correct, but should
also be logical. __________(2)__________ People, after studying literature for a while, start thinking that they can churn out
antimetaboles with a snap of a finger. __________(3)__________ They fail to understand the fact that a sentence cannot
be called an antimetabole if it is not based on a logical theme. __________(4)__________ Antimetaboles are popular and
effective solely because they appeal to reason and are easy to remember. __________(5)__________ For example: “It is
not about the years in your life, but about the life in your years.” A sentence like this can be called an antimetabole because
it is appealing, correct (logically and grammatically) and has a message to convey to the readers.

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