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MANUAL FOR SELF CONCEPT QUESTIONNAIRE (S C Q) INTRODUCTION Self-concept is a dominant element in personality pattern, therefore, the measurement of self-concept becomes essential. A variety of methods and techniques have been developed to measure self-concept. The problem of measuring the self-concept to a large extent still remains unsolved. The difficulty in conducting research in such an area is that the concept of self is not very well defined and is in a state of flux. There are several terms that are virtually synonymous with self-concept among them are “Self-image", the “Ego” “Self-understanding”, “Self-perception” and “Phenomenal Self”. Self-concept has been referred by Lowe (1961) as one's attitude towards self, and by Paderson (1965) as an organized configuration, of perceptions, beliefs, feelings, attitudes and values which the individual views as a part of characteristics of himself. Rogers (1951) defined self-concept as “An organized configuration of perceptions of the self which are admissible to awareness. It is compared of such elements as the perceptions of one’s characteristics and abilities, the percepts and concepts of the self in relation to others and to the environment, the value qualities which are perceived as associated with experiences and objects, and the goals and ideals which are perceived as having positive or negative valence.” Saraswat and Gaur (1981) described self-concept as “The self-concept is the individual's way of looking at himself. It also signifies his way of thinking, feeling and behaving” Gepending upon purpose and interest of investigators characteristics. Description of Self-Concept Inventory The self-concept inventory provides six separate dimensions of self-concept, viz., physical, Social, Intellectual, Moral, Educational and Temperamental Self-concept. It also gives a total Self-concepi score. The Operational definitions of ‘self-concept cimensions measured by this inventory are: 1. Physical — Individuals’ view of their body, health, physical appearance and strength. 2. Social —Individual’s sense of worth in social interactions. 3. Temperamental— Individuals view of their prevailing emotional ‘State or predominance of a particular kind of emotional reaction. - 4 | Manual for S.C 4, Educational — individual's view of themselves in relation to school, teachers and extracurricular activities. 5. Moral—Individual's estimation of their mora! worth; right and wrong activities. 6. Intellectual— Individuals’ awareness of their intelligence and capacity of problem solving and judgements. Table 1 indicates item numbers included in different self-concept dimensions. ct TABLE 1 Se/f-concept Dimensions Alongwith their item Numbers Selt-concept Dimensions | Code No. Item Numbers Physical A 2,3, 9, 20, 22, 27, 29,31 Social B 37. 40, 43, 46, 48 Temperamental c 4,10. 14, 16, 19, 23, 24, 28 Educational D 5,13, 15, 17, 25, 26, 30, 32 Moral E 6, 34, 35. 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, Intellectual F 7, 11, 12, 18, 93, 96, 38, 39 The inventory contains 48 items. Each dimension contains eight items. Each item is provided with five alternatives. Responses are obtained on the test booklet itself. There is no time limit but generally 20 minutes have been found sufficient for responding allthe items. Instructions for the time of administration of the inventory are also given on the test booklets. Instructions for Administering the Inventory 4, Lethe students be seated with proper seating arrangement. 2. Before the test starts, let all books and note-books be kept aside or inside the desks. 3. 4 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 11 12. Make sure that the respondent has a pencil or pen. Tell students the purpose of the test. Assure students that the responses obtained on the test will be kept secret Any doubts raised by the students should be answered frankly. Distribute the test booklet of Self-concept inventory to the students. Let all the entries of the response booklet be filled in one by one. Read the instructions clearly from the test booklet, while the individuals read silently. Ensure that the instructions have been understood correctly. Invite doubts or querries and clear them before they start responding the items. Supervise the group, i. e. take rounds in the room and make sure that all are responding in a desired way. If someone needs to know the meaning of certain words, he/she should be told. However the responses have to be decided independently by the candidates themselves. Count the test booklets at the end of the testing and be sure that all the test booklets have been returned. Instructions to Students Read the following instructions from the inventory in Hindi of English as the case may be— “The is a self-concept inventory. There are 48 items in it. Against each item there are five responses. You have to read each item carefully and respond to it by marking a tick ( ¥) on any one of the five responses given against that item, which you think describe you well 6 | Manual for $C Q There is no right or wrong answer. The right answer is only what you feel about yourself. Try to give your responses according to what you feel about yourseif with reference to that.a statement. Your answers will be kept confidential.” After the above instructions, administrator should explain the EXAMPLE given on the inventory. Scoring Method The respondent provided with five alternatives to give his responses ranging from most acceptable to least acceptable description of his self-concept. The alternatives or responses are arranged in such a way that the scoring system for all the items will remain the same /.e. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 whether the items are positive or negative. if the respondent put ( v ) mark for first alternative the score is 5, for second alternative the score is 4, for third alternative score is 3, for the fourth itis 2 and for the fifth and last alternative the score is one. The summated score of all the forty-eight items provide the total self concept score of an individual. A high score on this inventory indicates a higher self-concept, while a low score shows low self-concept. Transfer the score of each item on the front page ag ist that iter. Now add all the scores of eight items given in that column, this will give you score for that particular dimension of Self-concept ( Alternative No. | 7 2 3 4 5 le Score 5 4 3 2 1 Reliability Reliability of the inventory was found by test-retest method, and it was found to be .91 for the total self-concept measure. Reliability coefficients of its various dimensions varies from .67 to .88. The following table shows the test- retest reliability for each dimensions. be b pee Manual torSC.Q | 7 feel TABLE 2 Bi Test-Retest Reliability of the Self-concept Inventory (Code No.| Seit-concept Dimension | No. of tems | Reliability Coefficients Ee A Physical 8 77 B Social 8 83 Cc Temperamental 8 79 [-. Educational eit |S 88 ho E Moral 8 87 ES F Intellectual 8 79 jor s Total Self-Concept 48 91 5) pe Validity 2 er Experts opinion were obtained to establish the validity of the inventory. 100 2 items were given to 25 psychologists to classify the items to the category to which all it belongs. Items of highest agreement and not less than 80% of agreement were p ‘selected. Thus the content and construct validity were established. P Standardization and Norms The Self-concept Questionnaire was standardized on 1000 students of 20 # Higher Secondary school of Delhi pertaining to Delhi Administration and Central Schools. The students were from IXth and Xth classes ranging from 14 to 18 years of both the sexes. TABLE 3 Interpretation and Classification of Raw Scores for all Dimensions Self-concept Diménsion Score Interpretation (Category) 33t0.40 High Selt-concept 251032 ‘Above Average Self-concept 17to24 Average Self-concept 9t0 16 Below Average Self-concept Upto 8 Low Self-concept dim ite its re: In 8 | Manual forSCQ TABLE 4 Interpretation and Classification of Raw Scores tor Total Self-Concept 193t0 240 High Self-concept 145to 192 Above Average Self-concept 9710 144 Average Self-concept 49096 10 48 Below Average Self-concept Low Self-concept REFERENCES Lowe, C. M. (1981). The Self-concept : Fact or artifact ? Psychological Bulletin, 58, 325-326. Lynche, M.D. ; Norem-Hebeisen, A.A. and Gergen, K.J. (1981). Seif Contemplations-self-concept, Advance in Theory and Research, Cambridge, Mass Ballinger. Pedersen, D. M. (1965). Ego strength and discrepancy between conscious and unconscious self-concept. Perceptual and Motor skills, 20, 691-682. Rogers, C. R. (1951). Client Centered Therapy —its current Practice, Implications and Theory. Boston, Houghton. Saraswat, R. K. and Gaur, J.S. (1981). Approaches for the measurement of self- concept — An Introduction. Indian Educational Review, 16(3), 114-119. © 2011 Ai rigits reserved. No portion ofthis inventory material should be reproduced in any form without the writen permission ofthe publicher, Manual fr Slt Concept Questonnae (SCC) Consumable Booklet of x or -S opr ing No BA racBe Bt 18.508 SCQ ; Dr. R. K. Saraswat (New Delhi) (English Version) Please fill up the following informations : Date (ERE Name. Age——_______Sex: Male [~] Female [_] Caste ——__——_—_ Religion. School Class —___________ Section ____________Roll No. Area : Rural [~] Urban Father's Name Father's Occupation Scoring Table Level of Self Concept www.npeindia.com Estd. 1971 ‘@:(0562) 2601080 NATIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CORPORATION UG-1, Nirmal Heights, Near Mental Hospital, Agra-282 007 All persons are no + equal. Every person has some characteristics which differentiate him from others. These characteristics form the basis of different nature ofpersons. Here are some questions regarding these characteristics. You mighthave these qualities in varying quantities. Lwantto know how these qualities affect different aspects of your life. The success of this objective depends on your cooperation. | assure you that yout answers would be kept secre unhesttatingly. et. | request you to answer INSTRUCTIONS On the following pages there are some questions ‘and their probable answers given against them. Your read them carefully and whichever suits, you, puta tick fin the plank space given against. Youhave to mark only one answer Anillustration is given tpelow. There is no time limit fort but ou should answer 38 soonas possible. Mustration Ifyou think that you have beautifulteeth, you tick Win the space given below th Consumable Booklet of SCQ- -s| 3 41. | Do yourtriends come } Always 0 you for advice ? Never | Obtained Howdoyoufindyour | very | Strong Very self in doing physical | Strang Dolicate How do you find your | Always | Cheertul i Always, temperament ? cheertut ‘Unhsppy How do you like | Very Good i | Not Good itscaess | {om oe a eae = Do you believe in Very Usually | Normally ‘Never religious customs | Much times and traditional ? pene} _ Do you participate in | atways | Mostly | Generally | Not Usually] Never enticising others ? lt f TT F Do you express your | Always | Mostly } Normally ever ideas frankly in the presence of other 7 [ | How do you ke your |v. | Beautiful) Normal | NotSo complexion? ttl ‘Do you think yourself Mostly one of the cheerful persons ? 4 | Consumable Booklet of SCQ-s 11.| Do you behave abnor- | Always ‘mally also ? 12.| Doyouthink yoursetfan ‘experienced porson ? Usually | Average | Less Ex- | without any Experience 13.| Do you think about | aiways | Mostly | Normaity | Usually Not| Never your teachers ? I 14.| Do you think yourselt Average Much to bea cool-tempered man? 418, | Are you reguiar in do- ing your home-work assignments ? Always | Mostly | Normally Never 16.| Do you insult others ? Usually | Mostly | Always =| ee | Generally | Often Feei | Usually Fool Difficulty | Difficulty [aaa] 17. | Doyouhavedifficuttyin understanding some- thing when the teacher ‘explains in the class ? 18.| Doyouthinkityouget |perintely] ttost | Probably | Doubitul | Not st al an opportunity you Probably can discover some- [ 1 thing new ? r 19.] Do you feet irritated # | Never | Usually | Some. usualy | Always somebody finds fault Not times with your work. 1 3 20.| How de youfind your | ttost | Attractive) Normal un | Totally Un personailty 2 Attractive attractive | attractive L ae Total Score Page 4[___| F hr Consumable Booklet of SCQ-s| 5 Sometimes Never | Obtained Dislike Like RS. 22.| How much are | Fully | Satistieg | Usually | Not So Un- satisfied with your |satistiea Satisfied | Satistied | satistiod weight 2 EES ] 23.| Do you tel irritated |Not at AN| Mostly | Generally while you face petty Not Not times difficulties ? [ E=] f=} aes || || errs Are you coward by |Not at Ail] Not Much] Normal | Usually | Very Much nature ? 21.| How do you like the | Always ‘company of others ? | Good Usually Good Some- .| How much are you Satisfied with the | toy | what Comple- Dis- present position of | Satistied| Satisfied satisfied yourstuciesinciass ? | [~_] | [_ Tht oO 26.|How do you like |tike Wostly | Generally school examination? | Much | Like Like Like Like 27.| Howls your voice? (very Good | Normal fant [ es 28.| Are you curfous to | Always | Usually | Normaity | No Net at know the end while at reading a novel or [=a fe] socing a movie ? 29.| How do you find your |Very Goes| Good | Average | Wook | Feeble health 2 1 1; oF 30.) How is your atton- | aiwaye | Ussaily | average sway dance in the class? | Present | Pre ‘Absent Total Score Page 5 6 | Consumable Booklet of SCQ-s 31.| How much are you | Fi Satistied | Nor: Somewhat satisfied with your | Satistied Dissatistied| si helght ? Obtained RS. Fully Dis- fied 32.| Do you try to get first | Always | Usustly | Generaity | Often Not | Never position in the tosts given in the class ? [ 33.| Do you take care of | Always | Usuelly | Generally | Usually | Never the merits and Hit demerits of a work 8 x before doing it? 34.| Where do you place | Always | Usually | Gonorally | Usually your self while | Speak | Speak | Speak | Hesitate in| have to ‘speaking truth ? Truth | Truth Truth | Speaking | Resort to Truth | Falsehood | Jy ie 3 gates | ter] ace epee | et el eg res evn et hare ai ers places, like road, Park, railway station at Are you more intel gent than your | Moro colleagues ? 37.| Do you take part in | Always | usually | Generally | Usually | Never organizing it when your classmates go to picnic etc. ? | | 38.1 Doyousolveyourselt | Always | Usually | Generally the difficulties and | Seve | Solve | Solve problems of your studies 2 39.| How muchdoyouatt. [Give Very] Give Give Give end toartistic aspect | Much | tuch | Average | Some of the photograph Attention} Attention | Attention | Attention SOO me Consumable Booklet of. scQ-s| % Gratuit you do fryou are doh ‘gome important work and your trends ask you toaccompany thern fora walk ? Will start immediately will go after thinking for sometime Wil keop silent Will not go after thinking for sometime Will fuse at once. 'a1.| While taking the examination you are not able to answer some question and a book of the same subject is lying near you, will ‘you take help of the book 7 Will never do such thing Do not have the courage to do inspite of will Generally do not do this Will use the book if get an opportunity Will immediately use the book. Ifyou get an opportunity to drink water in the house of so called low caste persons, what will you do? ‘Shall take water Will take water after some consideration ‘Will care for cleanliness Will take water but would tell nobody Ja Will not take water. Do you hesitate in mixing with persons of opposite sex ? Do not hesitate at all ‘Sometimes hesitate Generally do not hesitate Usually hesitate Always hesitate. You are standing in the bus que for a long time when bus comes, Fe eee s O pessegcrs and stop at Your ti becau no 5} 2 a space in the bus, what will you do in these Will wait for the next bus Will request the conductor Will run and try to board the bus Will push the other passengers and try to board the bus Will make a noise 42, Total Score Page 7 [| ee 8 | Consumable Booklet of SCQ-s 48. What will you do if you come to know of immoral character of your friend ? Will completely break the friendship Will lessen the friendship Will continue friendship but will try to make him understand Will continue friendship as it was Will strengthen the frienship Obtained '46.| You have to do four tasks — (4) you have to call the doctor to show your sick brother (b) you have to do the preparation for going out the next day (c) you have to read novel (d) the friend is going away, you have to go to see him. What will you do in the first place ? ‘Will call the doctor to show the sick brother Will prepare for going out Will read novel Will go to see the friend Will not do any of the above mentioned work. ii 47.| Your friend gives you one thousand rupees to keep when you count they are eleven hundred. What will you do ? ‘Will return one hundred rupees to the friend at once Will tell the friend at once: fecal Will return 1100 rupees while retuming them ral Itthe friend does not come to know, \will take out one hundred rupees if | |) possible Shaii take out one hundred rupees es) Tae.| Do you like to do the work keeping in mind the desire of other ? Always do the work keeping in mind the desire of others Usually do the work keeping in mind the desires of others Ex} Generally do the work keeping in mind the desires of others ‘Sometimes do not care for the liking of other fea Always do according to one's wil | [ Total Score Page 8

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