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Test I: Multiple Choice

1. Who said that curriculum is a planned and guided set of learning experiences and 7. He believes that curriculum is all the experience in the classroom which are planned
intended outcomes, formulated through the systematic reconstruction of knowledge and created by the teacher and learned by the students.
and experiences under the auspices of the school, for the learner’s continuous and
willful growth in personal social competence? a. Marsh and Willis

a. Pratt b. Goodland and Su b. Caswell and Campbell

c. Tanner d. Grundy c. Smith, Stanley and Shore

2. Who said that curriculum is a written document that systematically describes goals d. John Dewey
planned, objectives, content, learning activities, evaluation, procedures and so forth?
8. He believes that curriculum is the children’s experiences under that teachers’
a. Goodland and Su b. Pratt guidance.

c. Grundy d. Tanner a. Marsh and Willis

3. Who said that curriculum is a programme of activities (by teachers and pupils) b. Caswell and Campbell
designed so that pupils will attain so far as possible certain educational and other
schooling ends or objectives? c. Smith, Stanley and Shore

a. Grundy b. Goodland and Su d. John Dewey

c. Pratt d. Tanner 9. He believes that education is experiencing.

4. Who said that curriculum is a tool that aims to bring about behavior changes in a. Marsh and Willis
students as a result of planned activities and includes all learning experiences
b. Caswell and Campbell
received by students with the guidance of the school?
c. Smith, Stanley and Shore
a. Goodland and Su b. Grundy
d. John Dewey
c. Tanner d. Pratt
10. He believes that curriculum is a permanent studies which the rule of grammar,
5. He is an essentialist and he believes that the mission of the school should be
rhetoric, logic, reading, and math emphasized in basic education.
intellectual training.
a. Robert Hutchins b. John Dewey
a. Robert Hutchins b. John Dewey
c. Arthur Bestor d. Joseph Schwab
c. Arthur Bestor d. Joseph Schwab

6. He believes that discipline is the sole source of curriculum.

a. John Dewey b. Robert Hutchins

c. Joseph Schwab d. Arthur Bestor

Test II c
_____________6. It is a dynamic process involving many different people and
1 -2. BASICS stands for?
_____________7. According to this model, the curriculum development model
B- alance emphasizes the planning phase. This is presented in his book Basic Principles of
Curriculum and Instruction.
A- rticulation
_____________8. According to this model, the teachers should participate in
S- equence developing a curriculum. As a grassroots approach, this model begins from the
bottom, rather than from the top as what Tyler proposed.
I- ntegration
_____________9. According to this model, the curriculum development as consisting
C- ontinuity
of four steps. Curriculum is "a plan for providing sets of learning opportunities to
S- cope achieve broad educational goals and related specific objectives for an identifiable
population served by a single school center."
3-5. What are the three ways of approaching a curriculum?
h 10. It is the total learning experience under the guidance of the teacher.
Content, Process and Product

a. Thematic Approach 1. Define curriculum in one sentence.

b. Topical Approach
c. Ralph Tyler Model - Curriculum is the “what” of teaching that guides the teacher in the teaching-
d. Pedagogical Content Knowledge or PCK learning process.
e. Concept Approach
f. Hilda Taba Model 2. Differentiate the curriculum in traditional and progressive point of view.
g. Curriculum development
h. Saylor and Alexander Curriculum Model - In a traditional curriculum, the focus is on standardized content and rote
i. Modular Approach memorization, with a teacher-centered approach. In contrast, a progressive curriculum
j. Curriculum emphasizes student interests, critical thinking, and experiential learning, with a student-
k. Essentialism centered approach that adapts to individual needs and promotes active engagement.
TEST III. l. Curriculum Implementing
3. As a future educator, what is the best philosophies in education that you will utilized
in the teaching-learning process?
_____________1. It is a type of approach that the content is based on knowledge, and
experiences are included.
i As a future educator, I plan to employ a blended approach that combines
_____________2. It is a type of approach that is a combination of concepts that Constructivism and Social Constructivism in the teaching-learning process. This philosophy
develop conceptual structures. places students at the center of their learning journey, encouraging active engagement
d through hands-on activities, critical thinking, and problem-solving while also fostering
_____________3.It is a type of approach that leads to a complete units of instruction. collaboration and discourse among peers. By recognizing the unique needs of each student
e and harnessing the power of social interactions, this approach aims to create a dynamic and
_____________4.It is a type of approach that has a fewer topics in clusters around
inclusive classroom environment where students construct their knowledge, share ideas, and
major and sub-concepts and their interaction, with relatedness emphasized
develop the skills needed for success in an interconnected world.
_____________5. It is the intersection of the content and process.

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