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Why Flutter?

Single Codebase for Multiple Platforms

Flutter allows you to write code once and deploy it on both IOS and Android platforms.
This significantly reduces development time and effort compared to maintaining
separate codebases for each platform.

Open Source
Flutter is open source, which means it benefits from a large and active community, and
there is a wealth of resources, packages, and plugins available.

Access to Native Features

Flutter provides plugins that allow you to access native platform features and APIs when
needed, ensuring you are not limited by its framework.

Native apps offer the best performance because they are optimized for the specific
platform's hardware and software. They can access device-specific features directly.

For native apps, making updates or changes requires separate work for each platform
which can be more time-consuming since you're managing two codebases.
Flutter Packages

 Easy localization
It provides an easy and efficient way to add multiple languages and
translations to our app, making it accessible to a global audience.

 Audio players
A plugin to play multiple simultaneously audio files, works for Android and

 video player
It allows us to play videos in our application.

 Dio Package
Dio is a package used for making HTTP requests to communicate with APIs
and fetch data from servers.

 Flutter bloc
The flutter bloc package is a Flutter-specific library that simplifies state
management using the BLoC (Business Logic Component) pattern within
Flutter applications, It also contains many features like
- Cubit which is a simplified version of the BLoC , It's a more lightweight
option for simpler state management scenarios which we use it in our

 Shared preferences
This package provides a simple way to persistently store key-value pairs on
the device. It's useful for storing user preferences, settings, or small
amounts of data.
 Firebase Auth
It is a package that provides authentication services using Firebase
Authentication. Firebase Authentication is a service offered by Google
Firebase that allows developers to add authentication to their applications
with ease. It supports various authentication methods, including
email/password, phone number, Google Sign-In, Facebook Login, and more.

 Google sign in
It is a package in Flutter is a plugin that facilitates Google Sign-In
functionality in your Flutter applications. It allows users to sign in using
their Google accounts.

 local_auth
this package is used for implementing local authentication mechanisms on
a device. This package supports biometric authentication methods like
fingerprint scanning, face recognition, or other biometric sensors available
on the device.


Flutter documentation:

Flutter pub dev:

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