TPT Lab 4

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Species: Vigna radiata

Date of start of experiment: 6/11/2023

Type of germination: Epigeal

Pre-treatments: Soak with distilled water

Replicatio Day Day Day 7

n 3 5
A 5 10 5

B 4 7 6

C 3 5 2

Total 12 22 13

Av.% 4% 7.33% 4.33%

Replica Tota Fre Abno Dead De Tot
Rotte Dama
ti on l sh r mal seed ad al n g
nor not germ Emp see (a-
/mo -ed
ma l ger in ty d e) (h)
ger mi- a-tio (d) Full
mi n n (c) (e)
n-ati ati
on on
(a) (b)

A 2 11 1 3 8 24 4 1

B 4 9 2 8 16 32 2 0

13 30
C 0 0 6 14 3 0

Tot 6 33 3 17 38 86 9 1
Av. 2% 11% 1% 5.67% 12.7% 28.67 3% 0.3%

Table 1: Species: Vigna radiata

Remarks (unlined field)

Cal. Germ. %(i)

= (Total germination/ total seeds) x 100

= (6/75) x 100

= 8%

Living seed (ex. Empty seed)(j)

= (17/3) x 100
= 5.67%

Germination facility :Physiology lab

Germination substrate: Tissue

Germination temp.℃: 25-30 ℃
Method: Seed propagation
Time: 8 hours a day under white fluorescent lights
Temp. ℃: 25-30 ℃

Difference in germination % A-B-C (%): (4+ 7.33+ 4.33)/ 3= 15.67

= 15.67/ 3

= 5.22%

Max. difference (%): (Maximum - Minimum)

= (7.33-4)

= 3.33%

Statistics for seed germination

Range of seed germination (largest value - smallest value)

= (4-2) = 2

Estimated standard deviation (s.d.), for seed germination (Range seed germination/2.85*) *
represents the table value

= (2/2.85) = 0.70

Var. coefficient, seed germination (no. of seed x s.d.)/nr, where nr= no. of replicate

= (25 x 0.70)/3 = 5.83

Species: Zea mays

Date of start of experiment: 6/11/2023

Type of germination: Hypogeal

Pre-treatments: Soak with distilled water

Replicatio Day 3 Day Day

n 5 7
A 0 3 2

B 0 1 1

C 1 5 3

Total 1 9 6

Av.% 0.3% 3% 2%
Replic Tota Fres Abno Dead De Tot Rotte Dama
ati on l h r mal seed ad al n g

nor not germ Emp see (a- /mo -ed

ul- (h)
ma l ger in ty d e)
ger mi- a-tio (d) Full dy

mi n n (c) (e) (f)

n-ati atio
on n
(a) (b)

A 2 9 5 1 3 20 5 1

B 6 8 4 1 1 20 5 3

C 6 5 4 3 1 19 3 3

Tot 14 22 13 5 5 59 13 7
Av. 4.7 7.33 4.33 1.67% 1.67 19.67 4.33 2.3%
% % % % % %

Table 2: Species: Zea mays

Statistics for seed germination

Range of seed germination (largest value - smallest value)

= (6-2) = 4

Estimated standard deviation (s.d.), for seed germination (Range seed germination/2.85*) *
represents the table value
= (4/2.85) = 1.40

Var. coefficient, seed germination (no. of seed x s.d.)/nr, where nr= no. of replicate

= (25 x 1.40)/3 = 11.67

Remarks (unlined field)

Cal. Germ. %(i)

= (Total germination/ total seeds) x 100

= (6/75) x 100

= 8%

Living seed (ex. Empty seed)(j)

= (5/3) x 100


Germination facility: Physiology Lab

Germination substrate: Tissue
Germination temp.℃: 25-30 ℃
Method: Seed propagation
Time: 8 hours a day under white fluorescent lights
Temp. ℃: 25-30 ℃

Difference in germination % A-B-C (%): (0.3+3+2)/ 3= 5.3

= 5.3/ 3

= 1.76%

Max. difference (%): (Maximum - Minimum)

(2-0.3)= 1.7%

According to these practical results, both seeds species, mung bean (Vigna radiata) and corn
grains (Zea mays) were divided into 3 replicas of empty containers filled with cotton with each
species on it and being watered by 25 seeds placed in each container. All seeds require the
same components to effectively germinate.

Table 1 represents data for mung bean (Vigna radiata). On replica A it shows the growth on the
third day of 5 seeds plant then increasing on day-5 to 10 seeds but decreasing again to 5 seeds
at day-7. While on replica B, the amount of seed growth was large on the 5th and 7th day,
which was as many as 7 seeds on the day-5 and decreased to 6 seeds that grew on the day 7.
Same rate goes to replica C, which from 3 seeds germinated on day-3 to 5 seeds grew on day-5
then decreased to only 2 seeds germinated on day-7. In addition, the number of normal
germination replica A is 5, replica B is 6 and replica C is 2. The number of fresh seeds after 7
days is as many as 33 seeds with the highest number being replica C which is 13 seeds while
the least is replica B as many as 9 seeds. We also recorded the number of dead and mouldy
seeds in our data after 7 days with dead seeds in replicate. Replica A has 8 and in replicates B
has 16 and C has 18 dead seeds. Replica A has 4 mouldy seeds, replica B as many as 2 seeds
and replica C has 3 mouldy seeds. Range of seed germination is 2 followed by standard
deviation for seed germination is 0.70 and germination calculation is 8.00% with living seed
5.67%. The difference in germination is 5.22% by using the seed propagation method.

Table 2 shows the germination test on the corn grains (Zea mays) which is a type of hypogeal
germination. Replica A shows no growth on day-3 but on day-5 as many as 3 seed plants grow
on replica A then decrease to 2 seeds on day-7. While on replica B the amount of seed growth
is the same on day 5 and day 7 which is as much as 1 plant. For replica C, it shows the
increased rate of seed germination which on the third day there is 1 seed germinate then
increases to 2 seeds on day-5 and 3 seeds on day-7. In addition, the number of normal
germination replicas A is 2 and for replica B and C both are 6. The number of fresh seeds after
7 days are 22 seeds with the highest number being replica A which is 9 seeds while the least is
replica C of 5 seeds. We also recorded the number of dead and mouldy seeds in our data after
7 days with dead seeds in replicate A and replicate B being equal to 5 while replicate C was 3
dead seeds. The range of seed germination was 4.00 followed by the standard deviation for
seed germination was 1.40. Germination calculation is 8.00% with 1.67% living seed and
1.76% for difference in gemination.

There are several reasons why a seed might not germinate or develop by external elements.
Which is one of the reasons is insufficient or excessive watering. overwatering and improper
drainage. Without drainage holes at the container's bottom, the water would not be able to
escape, starving the seeds of oxygen and resulting in their final drowning. Adequate air
circulation around seedlings is crucial for preventing fungal diseases and ensuring proper gas
exchange. Stagnant air can lead to high humidity levels, which promote the growth of
pathogens and can cause damping-off, a fungal disease that affects seedlings. This is because
there is not enough moisture in the soil to soften the coat, the root, which is the first to
emerge, cannot break out when there is not enough water (Tazeen, 2023)

Besides, another problem that frequently affects seed germination is temperature. Temperature
will influence a cell's metabolism and rate of growth. Seedlings have specific temperature
requirements for optimal growth. Different plant species have different temperature
preferences, and deviations from the ideal temperature range can affect seedling development.
Extreme temperatures can inhibit germination, slow growth, or even cause damage to seedlings
(Humphries et al., 2018).

Apart from that, light also plays a big role that affects seed germination. Light is essential for
photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy to fuel
their growth. Adequate light intensity and quality are crucial for healthy seedling development.
Insufficient light can lead to weak and leggy seedlings, while excessive light can cause stress or
damage. (Brian, 2020).

There are also internal elements that affect the seed germination rate such as the presence of
auxin, completion of dormancy and the presence of gibberellin acid. During germination, a
chemical called auxin develops in the seeds, which stimulates germination. (A. Musa, 2021). In
addition, another substance known as heteroauxin develops in some seeds. Both auxin and
heteroauxin are called growth regulators. Ersek (n.d.)
Inhibit the growth of seed due to some internal causes even though the environmental
condition available for germination is called dormancy. So, during the dormant period of seed,
complete breaking of dormancy must be essential. (A. Musa, 2021).

Gibberellin acid plays a very important role in controlling and promoting germination in cereal
grains. Seed germination, stem elongation, meristematic tissue development and differentiation
of floral organs are highly dependent on the Gibberellin acid signalling system and mechanism.
Gibberellin acid is required to break seed dormancy leading to its germination. Seed
germination is a complex process, controlled by both physical and internal regulating factors.
(Gupta & Chakrabarty, 2013)


At the end of the experiment, the type of germination, percentage, and length of the
germination period has been identified. The objective was achieved because epigeal and
hypogeal can be compared. Researchers and practitioners are constantly improving and
developing germination test procedures in order to overcome obstacles and gain a deeper
understanding of the seed germination process. Agricultural development still depends on
germination testing to ensure good crop establishment, which is important for ecological
balance and global food security.

Tazeen, T. (2023, June 22). Seed germination: Definition, types, factors Affecting growth

- Embibe. Embibe Exams.



Musa, A. (2021). Basic 8 Factors affecting seed germination. Basic Agricultural Study.

Humphries, T., Chauhan, B. S., & Florentine, S. (2018). Environmental factors effecting

the germination and seedling emergence of two populations of an aggressive

agricultural weed; Nassella trichotoma. PLOS ONE, 13(7), e0199491.

Gupta, R., & Chakrabarty, S. K. (2013). Gibberellic acid in plant. Plant Signaling &

Behavior, 8(9), e25504.

Ersek, K. (n.d.). What are plant auxins? and how do they affect plant growth?


Libretexts. (2022b). 2.2: Introduction to seed germination. Biology LibreTexts.




Seed and seedling biology. (2012-b).

Barth, B. (2020, September 3). Can weather conditions affect seed germination? Garden



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