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How can energy


8 Energy and Its Forms


Lesson Plan
Unit Opener & Lesson 1 What are some forms of energy?
Activity Pages Time
• Unit Opener: Think! How does this runner use energy? SB p. 88 5 min
• Unit Opener: Identify and discuss the different kinds of energy represented. SB p. 88 10 min
Engage • Unit Opener: Discuss where the energy your body uses comes from. SB p. 88 10 min
• Think! How does the sun’s energy affect humans? SB p. 89 10 min
• Think! How does the cable car gain potential energy? SB p. 94 10 min
Explore • Digital Activity: Blog: Energy (ActiveTeach) TB p. 89 15 min
• Energy SB p. 89 20 min
• Household energy SB p. 90–91 30 min
Explain • Ways energy can be stored, change form, and travel SB p. 92–93 30 min
• How energy is transformed SB p. 94 15 min
• Got it? 60-Second Video TB p. 94 5 min
• Energy-Efficient Appliances Posters TB p. 90 30 min
• Science Notebook: Mechanical Energy TB p. 91 15 min
• Think! Do we hear all sound energy? TB p. 91 5 min
• Science Notebook: Food Chain Potential TB p. 92 15 min
• Potential or Kinetic? TB p. 93 15 min
• Think! How are potential and kinetic energy related? TB p. 93 10 min
• Science Notebook: Energy in Sports TB p. 93 10 min
• Go Green: Reduce Energy Usage SB p. 94 10 min
• Lesson 1 Check (ActiveTeach) TB p. 99a 10 min
• Assessment for Learning TB p. 94 10 min
Evaluate • Review (Lesson 1) SB p. 99 10 min
• Got it? Self Assessment (ActiveTeach) TB p. 99b 10 min
• Got it? Quiz (ActiveTeach) TB p. 99b 10 min

Lesson 2 What are heat and light energy?

Activity Pages Time

• Think! What causes the candles to melt? SB p. 95 5 min
Engage • Think! Can food fuel cars? TB p. 97 5 min
Explore • Digital Activity: Misconception: Heat (ActiveTeach) TB p. 95 20 min
• Thermal energy SB p. 95 15 min
• Heat and light SB p. 96 15 min
• Making electricity from light SB p. 97 15 min
• Got it? 60-Second Video TB p. 97 5 min
• Thermal Clothing TB p. 95 15 min
Elaborate • Science Notebook: Household Heat TB p. 96 15 min
• Flash Lab: Heat and Colors SB p. 97 10 min
• Lesson 2 Check (ActiveTeach) TB p. 99a 10 min
• Assessment for Learning TB p. 97 10 min
Evaluate • Review (Lesson 2) SB p. 99 10 min
• Got it? Self Assessment (ActiveTeach) TB p. 99b 10 min
• Got it? Quiz (ActiveTeach) TB p. 99b 10 min
Lab • Let’s Investigate! How does heat cause motion? (ActiveTeach) SB p. 98 30 min

T87e Unit 8 • Unit Overview • Lesson Plan

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Flash Cards
energy electrical energy mechanical energy Lesson 1

Key Words ELL Support

energy, Vocabulary: sports: go

electrical energy, jogging, do karate, run
mechanical energy, Present Tense Verb Forms
sound energy, with Adverbs: I go jogging
potential energy, every morning. I take karate
kinetic energy classes twice a week.
sound energy potential energy kinetic energy

Lesson 2

Key Words ELL Support

matter, particles, Conditional Statements

thermal energy, Using Present Tense Forms:
spacecraft, solar When we turn on a lamp,
thermal energy heat solar panel panel, generator electrical energy changes to
light energy.

Unit 8 • Unit Overview • Lesson Plan T87f

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Energy and
8 Its Forms

Energy and Its Forms
How can energy change?

I will learn
Unit Objectives 1 Look and label.
• about different forms of

Lesson 1: Students will identify different forms of

recorder smartphone light bulb energy.
candles sun solar panel • what heat and energy are.
energy and will explain that energy causes motion
and creates change.
Lesson 2: Students will explain how heat and light
affect matter and how heat and light can be produced. sun candles smartphone

Vocabulary: candles, recorder, smartphone,

solar panel

Introduce the
TH IG recorder light bulb solar panel

Big Question 2 What kinds of energy does each

object in the pictures represent?
Discuss with a partner.
T hi nk !
How can energy change? 3 Where does the energy your How does this
body uses come from? Discuss runner use
Build Background Explain to students that there is as a class. energy?
energy all around them, but they may never have noticed
it. Have them close their eyes and listen quietly for 30
seconds. Have students share what they hear. Elicit or 88 Unit 8

explain that they heard things because of sound energy.

Ask students to brainstorm other kinds of energy. Accept
SCI_SB4_U8.indd 88 28/01/16 16:57

all logical answers and write them on the board.

Think! Again!
Engage Revisit the question How does this runner use energy?

Invite pairs to share their answers with the class. (Possible
answer: Her muscles use energy to run.) Guide students to
describe how energy from the sun is transferred along a
Have students look at the picture. Ask them to describe what food chain and how the runner gets energy from food.
the woman is doing. How does this runner use energy? Ask
students to think about how they feel when they run or play ELL Content Support
hard. Explain that, when they do these things, they use a lot
of energy just like the runner. Then have pairs discuss how The food we eat changes to a form of energy that
the runner is using energy. the body can use through the process of digestion.
Mechanical digestion occurs in the mouth, as food
1 Look and label.
is chewed, and in the stomach, as food is massaged
Use the photos to elicit vocabulary and teach new by the muscular movements of the stomach. Chemical
words. Have students label the photos and check digestion occurs in the mouth, stomach, and small
answers in pairs. intestine. The food, now in fluid form, is absorbed
into the blood through the walls of the small intestine
2 What kinds of energy does each object
and is carried to the liver. Food needed right away
in the picture represent? Discuss with a
is used by the body for all its functions, including
movement. Food not needed right away is stored as
Have pairs discuss the kinds of energy represented in an energy source for future use.
each picture. Remind students that there may be more
than one type of energy represented in each picture.
Then have pairs discuss their answers with other pairs. ELL Language Support
Invite volunteers to share their answers with the class.
Have students write in their notebooks how they
3 Where does the energy your body uses think they use most of their energy. Write some
come from? Discuss as a class. adverbs and example sentences on the board for
students to use as a guide. I go jogging every
Point to the picture of the runner again. Activate prior
morning. I do yoga on Saturdays. I take karate
knowledge by asking Where does the runner get her
classes twice a week.
energy? Write students’ ideas on the board. (Possible
answers: food, nutrients, the sun’s energy/food chain)

T88 Unit 8 • Energy and Its Forms: How can energy change?

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Lesson 1
What are some Lesson 1 . What are some forms of energy? Key Words

forms of energy? 1 Read and circle any place you see energy in this photo. •

electrical energy
• mechanical energy
• sound energy
• potential energy

Objective: Understand what energy is. • kinetic energy

Vocabulary: energy, turn off the lights, be

responsible, blinds, use less energy, save energy,
work (n), light, fruit, vegetables, microwave, force,
source, canisters/containers, cause, effects 2 Read and complete the graphic organizer. Write
the effects of the sun’s energy. Then compare your
answers with a partner.
Digital Resources: Flash Card (energy), Explore
My Planet! Digital Activity
The ability to do work or to cause change is called
energy. Work is done when a force moves an object.
The sun is the main source of energy on Earth’s surface. T hi nk !

Unlock the Big Question Energy from the sun causes many effects. Energy from the
sun makes Earth a place where we can live. Light from
How does the
sun’s energy
the sun helps plants grow. Energy from the sun causes
affect humans?
winds to blow and water to move through the water cycle.
UNHE BIG Write the following text on the board: I will
T Effects
learn about different forms of energy. Cause
Winds blow.
Water moves through the water cycle.

Build Background Invite students to give an example of

something that uses energy to get them to school. (Possible Explore My Planet! Unit 8 89

answers: their legs, a bike, a car, a bus) Write their answers

on the board. Then have students think about where these SCI_SB4_U8.indd 89 28/01/16 16:57

different ways to come to school get their energy. Finally,

ask students which of the different ways they come to school 2 Read and complete the graphic organizer.
saves the most energy and to explain why. Write the effects of the sun’s energy. Then
compare your answers with a partner.
Explore Have students read and fill in the graphic organizer.
Pair students and have them compare answers.
Explore My Planet! Blog: Energy
Next, ask a volunteer to read aloud the definition of
Objective: Students will read a blog and write a blog
energy. Remind students that, in this unit, they will be
entry about saving energy.
talking about many different forms of energy.
Digital Resources: Explore My Planet! Digital Activity,
Finally, refocus students’ attention on the photo and
Explore My Planet! Activity Card (1 per student)
ask if there are other items they could circle. Display
• Show the Explore My Planet! Ask students to the energy Flash Card and remind students where the
compare Maddie’s and Jordyn’s blog entries and list runner gets her energy. Guide volunteers to explain
the kinds of energy they each try to reduce. that the food items in the pictures are sources of
• Have students complete the Activity Card. energy, too.

• Then invite volunteers to share their responses with
the class.
• Hold a class discussion about the kinds of energy How does the sun’s energy affect humans?
students included in their blog entries and why it is
Remind students what they learned about food chains.
important to save energy.
Invite a volunteer to the front to draw a simple food chain
on the board and another volunteer to read the caption.
Explain Then ask the question and have students discuss. Next,
1 Read and circle any place you see energy draw a noonday sun on the board and a stick figure below
in this photo. it. Ask students how the sun’s energy affects the person in
the picture. (Possible answers: The person is warmed by the
Focus students’ attention on the photo. Have students sun’s heat. The sun’s rays might burn their skin.)
name the items in the picture. Then have students
circle the items. Invite volunteers to share their
answers and explain why they selected an item. It
does not matter at this point if students did not select
any of the food items. If that is the case, return to the
exercise after students complete exercise 2.

Unit 8 • Lesson 1 What are some forms of energy? T89

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Lesson 1
What are some 3 Read and look at the pictures. With a partner, list five things that use

forms of energy?
electrical energy.

Energy at Home
You use many forms of energy every day in your home. The living and nonliving
things in the home below use many forms of energy.

Objective: Understand kinds of energy we use Electrical energy is the

movement of electric charges.
at home. It powers things that use
electricity, such as a lamp.
Vocabulary: electrical energy, light energy, heat, Things that use electrical

appliances, energy-efficient, carbon footprint, air energy:

1. Possible answers:
conditioner, furnace 2. television, electric guitar,
3. air conditioner, lamp,
Digital Resources: Flash Cards (electrical energy, 4. smartphone, refrigerator,
heat), I Will Know… Digital Activity 5. microwave, toaster, clock,
Light energy is energy
we can see. Light energy

Build Background Display the electrical energy and heat comes through windows
and brightens rooms.
Flash Cards. Ask students how they know the toothbrush Heat is the transfer of
uses electrical energy and how the candles represent heat. energy from a warmer
object to a colder object.
Then ask students to define electrical energy. Also solicit Heat is used to cook food
definitions for light energy and heat. Accept all logical in the kitchen.

answers and write the definitions on the board. 4 Read and draw an ✗
on three things that
use heat energy.

Explain 90 Unit 8 I Will Know...

3 Read and look at the pictures. With a

partner, list five things that use electrical
SCI_SB4_U8.indd 90 28/01/16 16:58

energy. ELL Vocabulary Support

As a class, look at the pictures and name as many
Divide the class into pairs. With books closed, have one
of the items as possible. Provide vocabulary support
student in each pair write as many items in a bedroom
as necessary. Read the first and second paragraphs
as they can that use energy, and the other student write
aloud. Then pair students and have them make their
as many items in a kitchen as they can that also use
lists. Have pairs share their lists with the class. Count
energy. Have pairs compare their lists and explain how
how many different items the class has found.
energy is used. Provide support as necessary.
4 Read and draw an on three things that
use heat energy.
ELL Content Support
Have students read the paragraphs on light energy
and heat. Have students complete exercise 4 and Explain to students that today there are efficient
compare their answers in small groups. Then ask appliances that not only help people save money,
questions related to individual items in the pictures. but also are good for the environment because they
Do all clocks use electrical energy? (Possible answer: save energy. The less energy we use, the lower our
No, some clocks are wind-up clocks.) How do we demand on power plants, which means less pollution.
use heat to make toast? (Possible answer: Heat
energy makes a cold piece of bread warm.) What
kind of energy do the flowers use? (Possible answer: Elaborate
Light energy from the sun!)
Energy-Efficient Appliances Posters
Explain that some people are trying to reduce the amount
I Will Know... of electrical energy they use by buying high-efficiency
Have students do the I Will Know… Digital Activity. appliances whenever possible. Then organize students in
pairs. Assign each pair a major appliance—air conditioner,
refrigerator, stove, washing machine, furnace, and so
on—to research on the Internet. Ask students to find three
different companies that make the appliance, identify
the most efficient model that each company makes, and
determine which of those three models is the most energy
efficient. Have students make a poster comparing the
brands and present the information to the class.

T90 Unit 8 • Energy and Its Forms: How can energy change?

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Lesson 1
What are some 5 Read and look at the four rooms in the house. 6 Mark (✓) the things

forms of energy?
Circle five things that use mechanical energy. that produce sound
Mechanical energy is energy that motion or position
gives to an object. You use mechanical energy every plant lamp
time you move or lift an object or use a machine with
✓ clock ✓ guitar
moving parts.
Objective: Learn about mechanical and sound Sound energy is energy we can hear. Musical bed ✓ recorder
energy. instruments produce sound energy.
✓ cat towel

Vocabulary: mechanical energy, sound energy, 7 With a partner, list

musical instruments some common forms
of energy used in

Digital Resources: Flash Cards (mechanical your school.

Possible answers:
energy, sound energy, electrical energy) mechanical energy,
electrical energy,
sound energy,
heat energy
ELL Vocabulary Support

Write the word mechanical on the board. Explain

8 Why is a simple
to students that mechanical means affecting or toothbrush considered
involving a machine. Activate prior knowledge about a machine? Discuss
as a class and write
machines by having students recall the six simple the answer.
machines and some examples of complex machines. Because it uses mechanical
energy to do work.

Build Background Display the mechanical energy Flash Unit 8 91

Card. Ask students what kind of machine it is. (Possible
answers: a complex machine, a can opener) Then display SCI_SB4_U8.indd 91 28/01/16 16:58

the sound energy Flash Card. See if students can identify

the instrument (recorder). Explain that students are going 7 With a partner, list some common forms
to learn about two additional kinds of energy in this of energy used in your school.
lesson, sound and mechanical energy. Pair students and have them make their lists. Have
them compare lists with another pair.
8 Why is a simple toothbrush considered
5 Read and look at the four rooms in the a machine? Discuss as a class and write
house. Circle five things that use mechanical the answer.
Point to the toothbrush in the picture and read the
Invite a volunteer to read the first paragraph question aloud. Have the class discuss. Students then
aloud. Then have students circle five things that use write their answers in their books individually. Finally,
mechanical energy. Invite volunteers to share their show the electrical energy Flash Card and have the
answers and explain how the items they selected use class discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
mechanical energy. using an electrical vs. a manual toothbrush.
Then display the mechanical energy Flash Card
again. Ask students how the can opener represents
mechanical energy. (Possible answer: It’s a machine BOOK

Science Notebook: Mechanical Energy

with moving parts.)
Divide the class into small groups. Have groups look at
6 ✗
Mark ( ) the things that produce sound the pictures again and make a list of as many items that
energy. use mechanical energy as they can. Then have groups
Invite another volunteer to read the second discuss which item would make a good choice to use as
paragraph aloud. Discuss answers as a class. a mechanical energy Flash Card and why. Have students
Encourage students to explain their answers. Only write a paragraph in their Science Notebooks explaining
the most likely answers are marked. Encourage their choice. Invite groups to present their selections and
students to think about other possibilities they may reasoning to the class.
not select. Can plants produce sound energy if the
wind makes them move? Have pairs look at the four Think!
rooms again and make a list of all the objects that
Do we hear all sound energy?
produce sound energy.
Ask the question and have students discuss. (Possible
answers: No, some sounds are too high or low to hear.
Some sounds are too soft.)

Unit 8 • Lesson 1 What are some forms of energy? T91

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Lesson 1
What are some 9 Read and answer the questions with a partner. 1. What kind of potential

forms of energy?
energy do you put
Stored Energy
inside your body in
Energy can be stored. As you stand ready to jump, order to live?
run, or snowboard, your body has stored energy.
chemical energy
Stored energy makes movement possible. Stored
energy is potential energy. Potential energy changes 2. How do you use the
Objective: Understand and identify forms of into another kind of energy if you use it to do work stored chemical energy
potential energy. or cause a change. in batteries?
A raised object has potential energy due to gravity. Possible answer: to use
Vocabulary: potential energy, gravity, For example, the snowboarder at the top of the hill
in the photo below has potential energy because of
my smartphone

snowboarder, stretching, compressing, spring, his high position. Potential energy is also gained from
fuels (n), fuel (v), strikes stretching or compressing objects. For example, you can
3. How do people use the
stretch or compress a spring to store potential energy.
stored chemical energy
Digital Resources: Flash Card (potential energy) The stored energy in food, fuels, and batteries is
chemical energy. Stored chemical energy can change
in fuels?
Possible answers: in their
Materials: a few balls, a few rubber bands,
into a form that can do work. For example, the stored
energy in food is released to help you move. It can cars, to cook their food, to
a battery, a battery-operated toy or other item also keep your body warm. heat their homes

Build Background If possible, take students outside;

alternatively, clear a small space at the back of the room.
Tell students they are going to run a race. Have students
line up and say Ready! Set! but stop there. Ask students
what it felt like waiting for the Go! signal. Have students Possible answers:
food, batteries,
line up again, but, this time, give them the Go! signal. firewood

Next, give a few students a ball and a few others a rubber 92 Unit 8
92 Unit 8

band each. Have the first group hold out the balls as if
they were going to drop them and the others stretch the SCI_SB4_U8.indd 92 28/01/16 16:58

rubber bands as if they were going to shoot them. Count 10 Write three examples of potential energy
ten seconds. Then allow students to drop the balls and shoot in your home.
the rubber bands. Repeat with other students until everyone
has had a turn. Finally, invite students to guess what today’s Have students write lists individually. Check answers as
lesson will be about. Accept all logical answers. a class. Ask questions to check comprehension. What
must happen in order for potential energy to change
Explain into another form of energy? (Possible answer: Potential
energy must be used to do work or cause a change.)
9 Read and answer the questions with What are some examples of stored chemical energy?
a partner. (Possible answers: food, gasoline, batteries)
Read the first paragraph aloud for students. Have
ELL Content Support
them say which exercise they did in the playground is
relevant to the paragraph. Then elicit how the stored The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy
energy they had when waiting for Go! changed in the is neither created nor destroyed. This law means that,
second race when they got the signal. when we use energy, it does not disappear. Instead,
Then have students read the second paragraph one form of energy changes into another form. For
and discuss how the balls and rubber bands had example, when a person holds a basketball before
potential energy. attempting a shot, the ball has potential energy. That
Next, hold up the battery and battery-operated toy. potential energy is changed to kinetic energy when
Have students explain what will happen when you the ball is released toward the hoop.
put the battery in the toy. Test their hypothesis by
putting the battery in the toy and turning it on. Then
allow students time to read the final paragraph. Elaborate
Finally, have students answer the questions. Check Science Notebook: Food Chain Potential
answers as a class and compare and contrast the Display the energy Flash Card again and have students
different kinds of potential energy treated in the discuss sources of food energy. Then have students turn to
questions. You may wish to compare the chemical page 45. Divide the class into small groups and have them
potential energy in the food that fuels our bodies to discuss how all of the items pictured are forms of potential
the chemical potential energy in the gasoline that energy. Invite each student to draw a food chain in their
fuels vehicles. Science Notebook and write a paragraph giving some
examples of how items in the chain are potential energy
and how that potential energy gets transformed into other
types of energy.

T92 Unit 8 • Energy and Its Forms: How can energy change?

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Lesson 1
What are some 11 Read and underline the words that tell you about

forms of energy?
kinetic energy.

Energy of Motion
Potential energy can change to kinetic energy, or
the energy of motion. A car moves when the chemical
energy stored in gasoline changes to kinetic energy.
Objectives: Understand how potential energy can Potential energy changes to kinetic energy when you

change into kinetic energy. release a stretched spring. The potential energy the
snowboarder has at the top of the hill in the photos
changes to kinetic energy as he moves down the hill.
Vocabulary: kinetic energy, snowboarder, release, He moves down the hill because gravity pulls him.
stretched spring, move down, hill Energy can be used to lift objects. When a
snowboarder carries a snowboard to the top of a hill,
Digital Resources: Flash Card (kinetic energy), he and the snowboard gain potential energy. They now have the potential to slide
to the bottom of the hill. At the bottom of the hill, the snowboarder may have
picture of a roller coaster, pictures of potential energy enough kinetic energy to lift him and his snowboard to the top of the next hill.
and kinetic energy 12 Read the paragraph and circle with different colors one cause and one effect.

How Energy Travels

Energy can travel from one place to another. Suppose
Build Background Ask students what sports and other a moving object strikes another object. Some kinetic
energy passes to the second object. Have you ever
activities they like to do. Write a list on the board. Elicit or gone bowling? When the bowling ball hits the group
suggest activities like gymnastics, diving, skateboarding, of pins, the ball slows down and the pins begin
moving. Before hitting the pins, the bowling ball has
skiing, going on a water slide, bowling, and so on. Ask all of the kinetic energy. The pins have no kinetic
What kind of energy do you have when you start (sliding energy. When the ball hits the pins, some kinetic
energy transfers to the pins. Heat is also produced,
down a slide)? which causes some energy to be lost. The total amount
of energy does not change.

Unit 8 93

11 Read and underline the words that tell you

about kinetic energy.
SCI_SB4_U8.indd 93 28/01/16 16:58

Have students look at the picture of the snowboarder. Elaborate

Ask What kind of energy does the snowboarder have Potential or Kinetic?
before moving down the hill? What kind of energy
Display pictures of potential and kinetic energy on the
does he have when he is moving down the hill? Is
board. Have volunteers write potential or kinetic under each
it the same kind of energy? Have students read the
picture. Guide students to explain the difference between
paragraphs and underline the words that describe
the two forms of energy.
kinetic energy. Have pairs check answers. Ask

questions for comprehension. What kind of energy
does a child at the top of a slide have? (Potential
energy.) What kind of energy does the child have Write the following question on the board and have pairs
when moving down the slide? (Kinetic energy.) discuss the answer: How are potential and kinetic energy
12 Read the paragraph and circle with related? (Possible answer: Potential energy is stored
different colors one cause and one effect. energy that can change to kinetic energy, which is the
energy of motion.)
Have students read the paragraph and circle a cause
and effect. Ask questions for comprehension. How is BOOK

some energy lost? How does the total amount of energy Science Notebook: Energy in Sports
stay the same? Divide students into groups. Have them discuss some of
the activities listed on the board and ways that energy
ELL Content Support changes from one form to another and how energy causes
motion while playing that sport or game. Invite students
Use a picture or board drawings of a roller coaster to consider, when relevant, what point during the activity
to explain the following. Energy can change from marks the most potential energy and what point marks the
potential to kinetic and back again. When a least. Finally, have each student pick their favorite activity
roller coaster is at the top of its track, it has more and write a paragraph in their notebook on the topic.
potential energy than when it is at the bottom. As Students should include illustrations that label changes
the roller coaster goes down the track, it moves in energy. They may include points of maximum energy
faster (accelerates) due to the pull of gravity. This where relevant.
changes the potential energy into kinetic energy. At
the lowest part of the track, the roller coaster is going
the fastest it will and has the most kinetic energy. As
it rolls back up, gravity slows it down and the kinetic
energy changes back into potential energy.

Unit 8 • Lesson 1 What are some forms of energy? T93

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Lesson 1
What are some 13 Read and complete the sentences with words from the box.

forms of energy?
Then check your answers with a partner.

Using Energy
Sometimes people use machines to change forms of energy. You
use kinetic energy to turn on a light switch, a common machine.
When the light switch is turned on, electrical energy changes to
Objective: Learn about using energy. light energy. A cable car, another machine, changes potential energy to kinetic energy.
An electric toothbrush is another machine. It has an electric cord that plugs into an
Vocabulary: light switch, cable car, electric outlet. Electrical energy is stored as chemical energy in the battery of the toothbrush.

toothbrush, electric cord, plugs into, outlet, gasoline The chemical energy changes back to electrical energy when the toothbrush is turned
on. The electrical energy then changes to kinetic energy as the toothbrush moves.

Digital Resources: Lesson 1 Check (print out 1 per Energy does not change completely from one form to another. Energy does not go
away, either. Some energy always produces heat. After you turn on a light bulb, it
student), Got it? 60-Second Video becomes warm. This is because some of the energy produces heat.

chemical potential kinetic light

Build Background Draw a four-column chart on the 1. When we turn on a lamp, electrical energy changes
to light energy.
board with the following headings: Chemical Energy, 2. When a cable car moves, potential
Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy, and Light Energy. Elicit energy transforms into kinetic energy.

examples of each kind of energy and write them in the 3. When we turn on an electric toothbrush, chemical
energy in its battery changes to electrical energy.
corresponding columns. 4. When the electric toothbrush moves, electrical energy
changes to kinetic energy.

Explain cable car T hi nk !

How does the
13 Read and complete the sentences with cable car gain
words from the box. Then check your potential energy?

answers with a partner. 94 Unit 8 Lesson 1 Check Got it? 60-Second Video

Have students read the paragraphs about using SCI_SB4_U8.indd 94 28/01/16 16:58

energy and complete the sentences. Have pairs

check their answers. Allow students time to clarify
any discrepancies.
Then write this sentence frame on the board: When I
_______, _______ energy turns into ________ energy.
Have partners make sentences using the frame as
a model to practice the concept of how energy can
be transformed. Students may rework the sentences
in the text to fit the frame as well as make up their
own sentences. Encourage students to come up
with sentences about all of the kinds of energy they
have learned about in this lesson. (Possible answers:
When I turn on a light bulb, some of the light energy
turns into heat energy. When I eat, the food’s
chemical energy turns into stored chemical energy in
my body.)
Think! Lesson 1 Check Assessment for Learning
Distribute the Lesson 1 Check and allow students sufficient
How does the cable car gain potential energy?
time to complete it. Check answers as a class. Then ask
Focus students’ attention on the photo at the bottom of students to grade their progress on the topic of different
the page. Invite a volunteer to read the question. Allow forms of energy from 1 to 3: 3 = I understand different
the class to freely discuss their answers. If necessary, forms of energy; 2 = I need to study more; 1 = I need help!
turn back to page 93 and review the description of the Encourage students giving themselves a 2 or 1 to describe
snowboarder. what they found difficult and need to study more.

Got it
? 60-Second Video
Review Key Words for Lesson 1 (see Student’s Book
page 89). Play the Got it? 60-Second Video to
review the lesson material.

T94 Unit 8 • Energy and Its Forms· How can energy change?

M08_SUS_TB_04GLB_4795_U08.indd 94 17/02/2016 09:15

Lesson 2
What are heat Lesson 2 . What are heat and light energy?

and light energy? 1 Read and circle T (true) or F (false). Then correct the false statements with a partner.

Thermal Energy and Heat Key Words

Matter is made of very small moving particles. Each matter

particle of matter moves because it has energy. The particles

energy of moving particles is called thermal energy.
Objective: Learn how heat and light affect matter Thermal energy is the kinetic energy and potential
• thermal energy
• spacecraft
and how heat and light can be produced. energy of particles in matter. Energy from the sun makes
• solar panel
the particles in objects move faster. The objects become
• generator
Vocabulary: infrared, thermogram, matter, warmer. That is why sunlight feels warm on your skin.
When the sun’s energy no longer reaches the matter, its
particles, thermal energy, sunlight, in the shade, pot particles slow down and the matter cools. That is why
you feel cooler when you are in the shade.
Digital Resources: Flash Cards (heat, thermal Heat is the transfer of energy from one place to
energy), Explore My Planet! Digital Activity another. Heat can take the form of thermal energy
traveling from warmer objects to cooler objects. When

Material: some thermal knit or insulated clothing you place a metal spoon into a pot of cooking food, heat
travels from the warmer pot through the cooler spoon. In
a short time, the top of the spoon will feel warm.
1. Thermal energy is produced when the particles of matter do not move. T/F

Unlock the Big Question 2. The sun’s energy makes the particles in objects move faster. T/F

3. Objects exposed to the sun’s energy get cooler. T/F

LOCK 4. Heat is produced when energy stays in one place. T/F

UNHE BIG Write the following text on the board: I will
know how heat and light affect matter and Th in k!
how they can be produced. What causes the
candles to melt?

Build Background Display the thermal energy Flash

Card. What happens when you put a metal spoon in Explore My Planet! Unit 8 95

hot water? (Possible answer: It gets hot.) Have you ever SCI_SB4_U8.indd 95 28/01/16 16:58

burned your mouth when eating something hot? Explain

to students that, in this lesson, they are going to learn Explain
more about heat and light energy.
1 Read and circle T (true) or F (false). Then
Explore correct the false statements with a partner.
Invite students to read the paragraphs, taking note of
Explore My Planet! Misconception: Heat
the highlighted words. Then pair students, have them
Objective: Learn about how heat is transferred. circle the answers, and correct the false statements.
Digital Resources: Explore My Planet! Digital Activity, (Possible answers: 1. Thermal energy is produced
Explore My Planet! Activity Card (1 per student) when particles of matter do move. 3. Objects
exposed to the sun’s energy get hotter. 4. Heat is the
• Display the heat Flash Card. Ask students what
transfer of energy from one place to another.) Have
kinds of energy they think are represented. (Possible
students underline the definition of heat.
answers: heat, light)
• Explain that students are going to watch a video
about how heat can move.
• Show the Explore My Planet! and have students What causes the candles to melt?
complete the Activity Card. Have pairs discuss their Display the heat and thermal energy Flash Cards. Read
answers. the question aloud and solicit answers. Guide students
to formulate their answers in scientific terms. (Possible
ELL Content Support answer: The heat from the flames is transferred to the
cooler wax, which makes the candles melt.)
An infrared camera is used to take images such as
the one of the house shown in the Explore My Planet!
These images are called thermograms. Areas that
have different temperatures have different colors in Thermal Clothing
the thermogram. The warm regions appear white Ask students if they have ever seen or used any thermal
and yellow, while the cool regions appear green knit clothing or insulated clothing. If possible, bring in
and blue. Thermograms are used to see objects in some of these items to show to the class. Have students
the dark. Another use for infrared cameras is by discuss in small groups how they think those items keep
firefighters, who use infrared cameras to find people them warm. Guide them to conclude that thermal knit or
in a dark or smoke-filled building. insulated clothing keeps them warm by trapping the heat
from their body.

Unit 8 • Lesson 2 What are heat and light energy? T95

M08_SUS_TB_04GLB_4795_U08.indd 95 17/02/2016 09:15

Lesson 2
What are heat 2 Read and underline three ways people can

and light energy?

heat their homes.

Heat and Light

When energy changes form, one result is
heat. For example, heat is produced when you
rub two objects together. You can investigate
Objective: Learn how heat is produced and ways heat by rubbing your hands together. Your hands

people heat their homes. warm up because kinetic energy is transformed

into thermal energy.

Vocabulary: rub, natural gas, solar panels, burn, Energy heats your home. Some people heat their
homes with natural gas. Some people use electricity. Other 3

campfire, matches, give off light, collect, marshmallow people use solar panels that collect energy from the sun.
When energy changes form, some energy is always
Digital Resources: Flash Card (solar panel), I Will given off in the form of heat. Think about light. Energy
Know… Digital Activity changes form when light is produced. This means that
sources of light are also sources of heat. campfires
Burning is a chemical change that can produce matches
light and heat. For example, candles, campfires, and
Build Background Have you ever sat in a car that’s matches give off light that helps heat the space around
them as they burn.
been sitting in the sun? Why does a car seat that has been
in the sun have more thermal energy than one that has
been in the shade? (Possible answer: Sunlight has made the
Possible answer: Because
particles move faster in the seat that has been in the sun than the kinetic energy is
in the seat that has been in the shade.) transformed
into thermal energy.

2 Read and underline three ways people can 96 Unit 8 I Will Know...

heat their homes.

SCI_SB4_U8.indd 96 28/01/16 16:59

Ask students to read the paragraphs on heat and light

silently and then underline three ways people can heat Elaborate
their homes. Check answers as a class. Ask students BOOK

how people cool their homes. (Possible answers: by Science Notebook: Household Heat
leaving windows open to catch breezes, with fans or Have students research how people heated and cooled
air conditioners that use electricity) their homes before the use of electricity, natural gas, and
solar panels. Ask students to write a paragraph in their
3 List three things mentioned that produce
Science Notebooks to summarize the information they
both light and heat.
find. Encourage students to consider the pros and cons of
Have students write their answers. Invite volunteers those methods. (For example, Burning coal produces a lot
to share their answers. Ask students to brainstorm of pollution; Burning wood uses a lot of trees; etc.)
other examples of things that produce both light and Alternatively, explain to students that a limitation of solar
heat. (Possible answers: light bulbs, firecrackers, the energy is that we haven’t invented efficient and cost-
sun) Invite students to explain in their own words why effective ways to store it. Have small groups research how
sources of light are also sources of heat. inventors are trying to develop ways to store solar energy.
4 Why might people rub their hands
together when they are cold? Discuss ELL Content Support
as a class, and write your answer.
Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Heat
Have students rub their hands together quickly to The thermal energy of matter is the total energy of
notice the heat that is produced and then have students all of the particles in a substance. The temperature
discuss. What other physical things do you do to get of matter is a measure of how hot or cold an object
warm when it’s cold outside? (Possible answers: Jump is. Heat is something that is noticed when there is
up and down. Rub your feet or face.) Why do these a difference in temperature between two objects.
things help you get warm? (Possible answer: Because Heat is the transfer of thermal energy from a warmer
kinetic energy is transformed into thermal energy.) object to a cooler object. Heat causes a gain in
thermal energy and usually a gain in temperature
in the cooler object.

I Will Know...
Have students do the I Will Know… Digital Activity.

T96 Unit 8 • Energy and Its Forms· How can energy change?

M08_SUS_TB_04GLB_4795_U08.indd 96 17/02/2016 09:15

Lesson 2
What are heat
and light energy?
Objective: Learn how electricity can be made 5 Read and circle the word that correctly completes
each sentence.
from light. Electricity can also be a source of light and heat.
Electricity makes the wire in a light bulb get so hot that it
Vocabulary: heat lamp, solar panel, spacecraft, gives off light. Bulbs in heat lamps can be used to keep
orbit, generator, flywheel, generate food warm.

Making Electricity from Light

Digital Resources: Lesson 2 Check (print out 1 per You know your home needs electricity. How do you
student), Got it? 60-Second Video think a spacecraft gets electricity?
While in orbit, a spacecraft spends part of its time in
Materials: sheets of black paper and sheets of sunlight. Solar panels gather light and change it to the
electricity used to run the ship. The spacecraft spends
white paper the rest of its time in the shadow of Earth, where there is
no sunlight. How does it get electricity then?
Spacecraft have generators that
make electricity. One kind uses a heavy
Build Background Ask How can scientists explore the wheel called a flywheel. While in sunlight, motors make
solar system? Focus students’ attention on the picture of the this wheel spin quickly. The kinetic energy from the spinning
generates electricity while the spacecraft is in the dark.
spacecraft. Explain that scientists use spacecraft to explore
the solar system. Do you think this space station needs 1. Sunlight / Solar panels get light from the sun and transform it into electricity.
2. Flywheels / Spacecraft are generators that produce electricity.
energy? What for? Where do you think this space station
3. Generators / Solar panels produce energy when there is no sunlight.
gets energy from? See if students can identify its solar
Lesson 2 Check Got it? 60-Second Video Unit 8 97

Explain SCI_SB4_U8.indd 97 28/01/16 16:59

5 Read and circle the word that correctly Think!

completes each sentence.
Can food fuel cars?
Have students read the text and then circle the
correct words in the sentences. Have students check Read the question for students and hold a class discussion.
answers in small groups. Students may have heard of some ways that food has
been used as fuel for cars, for example, cooking oil can
Then ask questions to check comprehension and
be reused to fuel specially adapted cars.
challenge students. What kind of energy does solar
energy turn into in spacecraft? Electricity. How does
a flywheel work? Why do spacecraft need a lot of
energy? Because they need to travel far into space. Lesson 2 Check Assessment for Learning
Distribute the Lesson 2 Check and allow students sufficient
time to complete it. Check answers as a class. Then ask
students to grade their progress on the topic of light and
heat from 1 to 3: 3 = I understand how light and heat
are produced and how they affect matter; 2 = I need to
study more; 1 = I need help! Encourage students giving
themselves a 2 or 1 to describe what they found difficult
Materials: and need to study more.

Got it
? 60-Second Video
Review Key Words for Lesson 2 (see Student’s Book
page 95). Play the Got it? 60-Second Video to
review the lesson material.

Unit 8 • Lesson 2 What are heat and light energy? T97

M08_SUS_TB_04GLB_4795_U08.indd 97 17/02/2016 09:15

Let's Investigate!
Let’s Investigate! Materials

In this unit, students learn about different forms of energy How does heat cause motion?
Spiral Pattern

and how energy causes motion and creates change. In 1. Cut out the spiral.
this lab, students will observe how heat can cause motion.

All rights reserved.

Inc., or its affiliates.
by Pearson Education,
Copyright ©
Spiral Pattern


Let’s Investigate! Lab How does heat cause

motion? lamp

Objective: Observe how heat can cause motion.

Materials: 1 set of materials per student or small 2. Tape one end of the string to the middle of

group of students: Spiral Pattern, lamp, string, tape, the spiral.

scissors 3. Predict what will happen if you hold the spiral

over the lamp before the bulb is turned on. Record.
Digital Resources: Spiral Pattern, Let’s Investigate! 4. Predict what will happen if the bulb is turned on.
Activity Card (1 per group) Record.

Advance Preparation: Print out Spiral Patterns (1 5. Test your predictions. Record your observations.

per student or small group). Motion of Spiral

Sample Sample
• Divide the class into small groups and predictions
data Observations

distribute materials. off Nothing will happen. Nothing happened.

• Have students cut out their spirals and tape Lamp The spiral will move away from
on the bulb. The spiral spun around.
one end of the string to the middle.
• Invite students to predict what will happen
98 Unit 8 Let’s Investigate! Lab
if they hold the spiral over the bulb before
the lamp is turned on and to record their SCI_SB4_U8.indd 98 28/01/16 16:59

predictions on the Activity Card.

• What will happen if the bulb is turned on? Class Project: Energy Inventions
Have students record their predictions on the
Materials: art supplies
Activity Card.
Instructions: Make a two-column chart labeled
• Then have students test their predictions and
Need and Energy Sources. Brainstorm with students
record their findings.
some of the needs for energy they discussed in this
• At the end of the activity, have students share unit and write them in the Need column. Elicit some
their observations with the class. of the kinds of energy used to respond to those needs
• Make sure students understand that, in the in the second column. (Possible answers: Need:
light bulb, electrical energy is converted into refrigerator, car, air conditioning, spacecraft; Energy:
light and heat energy. Much of the energy is electricity, reused cooking oil, solar energy, etc.)
released as heat, and the heated air above Divide the class into small groups or pairs. Have
the bulb rises. This movement of air causes the students define an energy need or problem and
spiral to spin. think of a solution. Encourage students to be
Teacher Time-Saving Option: Show the Let’s creative. For example, students might identify the
Investigate! Digital Lab as an alternative to the pollution cars create when they use gasoline. They
hands-on lab activity. might design a car that is powered by wind energy
or magnets.
The groups create a poster to present to the class.
Unlock the Big Question
LOCK Have students refer to the Big Question on the
T Unit Opener page. In pairs, have them discuss
what they know about forms of energy and how
they can change. Invite student pairs to share
their answers to questions 6 through 8 on the
Let’s Investigate! Activity Card.

T98 Unit 8 • Energy and Its Forms: How can energy change?

M08_SUS_TB_04GLB_4795_U08.indd 98 17/02/2016 09:15

Unit 8 Review Unit 8
How can energy change?
How can Lesson 1
What are some forms of energy?

energy change? 1 Match the sentence halves.

a) Electrical energy is used when objects are moved or lifted.

b) Mechanical energy is produced by musical instruments.

c) Sound energy powers things that use electricity.

Digital Resources: Print out 1 of each per 2 List three objects in your home that use or produce each form of energy below.

student: Got it? Self Assessment, Got it? Quiz Electrical Mechanical Sound
Possible answers: Possible answers: Possible answers:
television, microwave, blender, toaster, doorbell, telephone,
light bulb, computer toothbrush, fan television, stereo

Evaluate Lesson 2

What are heat and light energy?

Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
Strategies for Targeted Review

light sun heat

The following are strategies for providing targeted
a) Rubbing your hands together produces heat .
review for students if they encounter challenges with b) Candles and matches give off light heat .
the content. c) Solar panels collect energy from the sun .

4 Write two ways heat and light energy can affect matter.
Lesson 1 What are some forms of energy? Possible answers: Heat can cause food to cook. Light can cause
Question 1 matter to warm up.

If… students are having difficulty matching the Got it? Quiz Got it? Self Assessment Unit 8 99
sentence halves, then… direct students to pages
91 and 92 to review the passages on electrical, SCI_SB4_U8.indd 99 28/01/16 16:59

mechanical, and sound energy.

ELL Language Support
Question 2
If… students are having difficulty identifying objects Before students start working on the Review activities,
they use at home that use or produce each type of read each question aloud.
energy, then… direct students to the illustrations
on pages 91 and 92 and have them select items
that use or produce each type of energy and then
complete the review question. Got it
? Self Assessment
Immediately after students have completed
Lesson 2 What are heat and light energy?
the Review activities, distribute a Got it? Self
Question 3 Assessment to each student. Have students
If… students are having difficulty completing the complete the Stop! Wait! and Go! statements for
sentences, then… have students answer by process each lesson, allowing them to look back through
of elimination. Have them rub their hands together, the lesson material if necessary.
and ask what happens. Remind them what they
learned about spacecraft and ask them where
spacecraft get their energy.
Question 4
Got it
? Quiz
If… students are having difficulty writing how heat
Distribute a Unit 8 Got it? Quiz to each student.
and light energy can affect matter, then… ask
Quizzes may be used for assessing students’
questions. What is the heat doing to the candles?
understanding of unit concepts as well as for
grading purposes.

Unit 8 • Unit Review T99

M08_SUS_TB_04GLB_4795_U08.indd 99 17/02/2016 09:15

Unit Lesson 1 Check Unit Lesson 2 Check
8 8


Unit Lesson 1 Explore My Planet! Activity Card Unit Lesson 2 Explore My Planet! Activity Card
8 8

Blog: Energy
I use a lot of energy because it
makes my life easier. However,
I try to be responsible and use
less energy.
by Maddie
Wesley Chapel, I also turn off the lights when
Florida I leave a room. Sometimes I
want the lights on. Instead, I
open the blinds, so I do not
waste energy.
Hi, Maddie. My family and I
are also committed to using less
energy. I turn off my fan and
my radio before I go to school.
by Jordyn
Daytona Beach, I save more energy at school.
Florida Whenever our class leaves
the room, we turn off the lights.
It would save a lot of energy if
every class in the school
did that!

T99a Unit 8 • Digital Resources and Photocopiables

M08_SUS_TB_04GLB_4795_U08.indd 39 17/02/2016 09:16

Unit Let’s Investigate! Activity Card Unit Lessons 1 & 2 Got it? Self Assessment
8 8

Unit Got it? Quiz Unit Got it? Quiz

8 8

Unit 8 • Digital Resources and Photocopiables T99b

M08_SUS_TB_04GLB_4795_U08.indd 40 17/02/2016 09:16


Unit 8 Study Guide

How can energy change? Review the

Lesson 1
Big Question
What are some forms of energy? How can energy change?
• Energy is the ability to do work or cause Encourage students to answer the following
change. question in their own words:
• People use many forms of energy every day. How has your answer to the Big Question
• Some forms of energy include mechanical, changed since the beginning of the unit? What
chemical, light, thermal, kinetic, and are some things you learned that caused your
potential energy. answer to change?

Lesson 2 Make a Concept Map

What are heat and light energy? Have students make a concept map like the
one shown on this page to help them organize
• Things that give off light also give off heat. key concepts.
• Heat affects the temperature of matter.
• Heat is produced when objects rub against
each other.


Unit 8 Concept Map



potential kinetic sound chemical mechanical electrical light thermal


Students can make a concept map to help review the Big Question.

T99c Unit 8 • Study Guide

M08_SUS_TB_04GLB_4795_U08.indd 41 17/02/2016 09:16

Teacher’s Notes

Unit 8 • Teacher’s Notes T99d

M08_SUS_TB_04GLB_4795_U08.indd 42 17/02/2016 09:16

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