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Certified Mail No. 7015 0640 0001 2120 1977 oon 2120 4727 __. NOTICE 7015 Ob4 prouthe tol owiae Respondents: thomas james: brown-bey, Claimant Honorable Presiding Officer clo Nsiteres ses BROWNO®" / carlisle or current office holder in chambers eee ae yt UNITED STATES David Cetlinski, acting as DIRECTOR Detain iige, (482059908) POLICEMAN & FIREMAN RETIREMENT SYSTEM 500 WOODWARD AVE., SUITE 3000 DETROIT, MI 48226 Certified Mail No. 7015 0640 0001 2120 4977 ‘The Office of the Wayne County Clerk Cathy M. Garrett WAYNE COUNTY OFFICE OF CLERK 2 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MI 48226 PH:(313)967-6938 FAX(313)224-5565 Email: helpdesk O SE s OF DE Thep, May 13, 2023 RECEIVED Re: POLICE & FIRE RETIREMENT SYSTEM - Pension Fund # 207641 JUN 06 2023 NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL. MAYOR'S OFFICE NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT. » » erRoxt Dear Director and other Respondents: Please note that I have been informed the pension fund sold bonds and/or seeyrities bearing the name THOMAS JAMES BROWNO®™ under S.S.N.368-72-5162 without my knowledge and consent which I believe is securities fraud as well as a breach of your fiduciary duties. While | am not making such an accusation at this time, ! am giving you an opportunity to rectify the Aeon. Enclosed you will find G.S.A. forms OF90(Release of Lien on Real Property), OF 1 {Release of Personal Property from Escrow), SF28(Affidavit of Individual Surety); SFo4 (Bid Bond), SF25(Performance Bond), SF25A(Payment Bond), and an endorsed bill oe exchange. These bonds authorize you to order the release ofthe defendant/surety from prison and/or CAnultions of release. I demand to beset at liberty immediately. [also request that the record for Case Number(s) be amended to reflect the proper accounting 19 maintain the integrity of the data used in the national matching is my intent, through use ofthese goversment fares ne aespelated accounts. It is my understanding that the Defendant / Trust has been an ageney/essel of the United States (presumed to be in Cestui Que Vie) and a resident of the STATE OF MICHIGAN since October 4, 1958, Certified Mail No. 7015 0640 0001 2120 1977 MEMORANDUM OF LAW + 27CER, § 72.11 defines any type of offense / crime against any Federal or State codes as a commercial exercise (see Commercial Crimes). © 26US.C.§ 2652(b)(1) defines a trust as "any arrangement (other than an estate) which, although not a trust, has the substantially same effect as a trust”, © Title 12 U.S.C. § 1813 (L)(1) defines a deposit as “any note deposited in a demand deposit account becomes the equivalent of cash and is a cash proceed”. + Title 12 U.S.C. § 411 states that all Federal Reserve Notes may be redeemed for lawful money at any Federal Reserve Bank on demand, + UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE [MICHIGAN PUBLIC ACT 174 of 1962] (MCL 440.1101 THROUGH 440.11 102) 440.3104(E)[U.C.C. 3-104 (E)] An instrument is a ‘note’ ifit is a promise and is a ‘draft’ if it is an order. Ifan instrument falls within the definition of both ‘note’ and ‘draft’, a person entitled to enforee the instrument may treat it as either.” ¢ UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE [MICHIGAN PUBLIC ACT 174 of 1962] (MCL 440.1101 THROUGH 440.1102) 440.3419(B)[U.C.C. 3-104 (B)] An accommodation party may sign the instrument as maker, drawer, acceptor, or indorser and, subject to subsection (d),is obliged to pay the instrument in the capacity in which the consideration for the accommodation.” * “Silence can only be equated with fraud when there is a legal or moral duty to speak, when an inquiry left ere Id be intentionally misleading. ... We If this is the case, we hope our message is clear. This sor of deception will not be tolerated, and if this is routine, it sheclaee Corrected immediately.” (U.S. v. Tweel, $50 F2d 297, 299-300) [Maxim of Equity: “Where there is a wrong, there must be a remedy.” + insinuation Black’s Law Dictionary Sth and 8th editions) —In civil law, the act of depositing (an reper) with a public registry for recording. 2. A document that evidences a donation of property. + [Fed, Reserve Board 2046 balance sheet), (1.8.8. Form 104] instruction booklet pgs. 2,6, and 13], [LRS. 6209 decoding manual]. ‘The enclosed accepted bill of exchange is endorsed on the back showing thomas-james: brown- bey as payee and THOMAS IAMES BROWNG@™ as the Payor as ina check. Iam the teat ens officer for said trust, and no contracts are entered into without my signature. The ton the Court when, as co-fiduciary trustees, they represented the plaintiff’ principal(s) to be tte above listed plaintf® principals) knowing that the Securities acy Exchange Commission (S.E.C,) SQ/SA and 424bS prospectus filing(s) listed differers entity(s) ownership(s), and 1 2 Certified Mail No. 7015 0640 0001 2120 1977 believe that no evidence to the contrary exists. The above named Administrators, Executors, Representatives, and Fiduciary Trustees while acting in their official capacities agree to hold the Grantot/ Beneficiary,thomas-james: brown-bey, harmless from any liability or loss by indemnification and bond from any and all possible taxable terminations, transfers, distributions, direct skips originating from the Legal Estate of the Decedent THOMAS JAMES BROWNO®™ political commercial account No, 98-6089086. : : The expiration of 72 hours after your receipt of this Indenture Agreement and private Indemnity Bond, without the total and complete correction of the record, will constitute a breach of contract with a summary judgment and an international commercial Notice of lien on the real and movable property, malpractice bond(s) and non-performance bond(s) of each and every Co Fiduciary/ Trustee and Co-Administrator, and all others similarly situated, et al. This appointment will not be affected by the addition of additional Co-Administrators and Co- Fiduciary Trustees from time to lime by the Grantor Beneficiary thomas-james: brown-bey. {Beatty v. Guggenheim Exploration Co., 122 NE 378 (/9/9). 225 NY 380. 119 NE 575.223 NY 294 (/9/8). Land mark case all constructive trust) as they become known. Failure to correct the record and settle the account within seventy-two (72) hours will constitute a Trust ex maleficio and will result in a claim of Fiduciary Trust fraud for the wrongful conversion of beneficiary thomas-james: brown-bey's private beneficial interest including the conversion of counterfeited securities and obstruction of justice with a claim to the Criminal Tax Division of the Internal Revenue Service for criminal tax evasion of $500,000.00 including but not limited to many years in prison ( Trezevant v. City of Tampa) and 109901D and 1099C showing you as the recipient of the funds on this taxable instrument(s) and the international community for the execution of penalties for {Qunterfeit securities issued against the thomas-james: brown-bey and without any agreement oF lawful contract. Pursuant to this Private Settlement Agreement Judgment, IT IS DECLARED: There now exists a private contract between us and what l expect of the co-administrators and $0-Fiduciary trustees to remain on vour side of the Declaration of Rights that precedes and attaches to the STATE OF MICHIGAN corporation constitution and that you remain in the state Corporation constitution and out of my domain which is the declaration of the Bill of Rights and: 1. THAT any conducted court proceedings are intended to be of competent jurisdiction and; 2. THAT the Plaintiff is a corporation with DUNS # 792059453 and; 23 pen the Plaintiffs have failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted [12(b)(6) 4. THAT the act of criminal barratry will be charged to the clerk of court and/or the court administrator for any reassignment of fiduciary duty by the court administrator and/or denial Certified Mail No. 7015 0640 0001 2120 1977 i i fe lerk of court, and/or T the act of criminal barratry will be charged to the judge/agent, cl ae ees eatin for any controversy brought into this court in opposition to this Private Settlement Agreement and; Counterfeit Securities Pursuant to Title 18 U.S.C. § 4, of the commission of crimes Sopa 4@ court of the United States under Title 18 U.S.C. § S13 to wit: “S13(a) Whoever makes.. utters or possesses a counterfeited security of a State or politcal subdivision thereof or of an organization with intent to deceive another person, organization, or government, shall be fined not more than $250,000.00 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both. ‘See also Sections 2311 , 2314, and 2320 for additional fines and sanctions. Among the securities defined at 18 U.S.C. § 2311 is included “evidence of indebtedness” which, in a broad sense, may mean anything that is due and. owing which would include a duty, obligation, or right of action. 6. THATabuse of office and official misconduct will occur for any failure of the clerk of court and/or court administrator and/or judge/agent to place this Private Settlement Agreement into the evidence file and; 7. THAT standard judicial operating procedures (S.0.P.) can never overrule obstruction of justice or due process [Trezevant v. City of Tampa] and: 8. THAT any applicable damages shall be assessed at the rate previously set forth or ~ ,, otherwisestated by invoice / true bill from the Claimant / Attomey in Fact and: ~ 9 THATthe Administrators, Executors, and Fiduciary Trustees provide equal protection of the Taw as a Matter of Law and as a Matter of Record and: ~ 10. THATthe Administrators, Executors, and Fiduciary Trustees comply with Federal Congressional Legislation by not upholding recoupment and; ~ 11. THAT the act of criminal barratry, abuse of office, and/or official misconduct will be charged to the judge/agent, clerk of court, and/or court administrator for any failure to acknowledge and deliver this Private Settlement Agreement judgment pursuant to the tenante herein and; 12. THAT this judgment is acknowledged and entered with Prejudice by Plaintiffs and the Clerk of Court and; 13. THAT the bonds sold bearing the name of THOMAS JAMES BROWNC®™ were insinuated due to the fraud of secrecy. 14. THAT I have a right to redeem the bonds which the court and/or the Prison sold in the Defendanv/Inmate's name and social security number: therefore, I ary replacing those bonds With the enclosed bonds. I now own this case. The enclosed forms autheriee you, and indeed, order you to: Certified Mail No. 7015 0640 0001 2120 1977 a) recall all the bonds'securities which were previously sold with the name THOMAS JAMES BROWNO®™ and the above social security number and refund these monies to me as those funds belong to me; b) obtain your funding through the bonds enclosed; ¢) send a statement of account showing a zero (0) balance, and a check for all bond monies previously received on this account tothe above mail locator 4) release the Living Man held as surety from confinement and all conditions of imprisonment immediately. ©) discharge this matter and any financial obligations attached hereto. THESE FORMS ARE NOT SUBJECT TO THE DISCRETION OF THE COURT or other recipients. If the Plaintiff has reason to reject these forms, you are required to provide proof of claim via a sworn affidavit under penalty of perjury and assuming full commercial ~ fiablityas to why you are not required to accept the forms or advise me of any defect you may find in the forms and provide your bond in support of your position, Your failure to do co Will be certified as fraud on your part pursuant to U.S. v. Tweel. Please note that the court's comments are directed to Internal Revenue Service employees and apply equally to all government employees. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. [ understand it may take 60 days to process the enclosed bonds, ~ but I require @ good-faith letter ftom youwithim fifteen (15) days of the postmark om thie Gommunication, acknowledging receipt of the bonds and your good-faith intention to process ~ fis bonds and release meor, inthe alternative, vour affidavit and bond in support of ohn cin ofadefectinthe bonds. Iam also requesting copies of the 1099-OlDs whey wee (or should have been) originally filed in regard to this case as well as copies of LR'S. forms JO and 709 Which should have been filed, too. Your failure to respond within this time hae ont the real pegePulated will comprise your default and admission that there exists a ight of len on real property pursuant to this Private Settlement and judgment. GGfault will comprise your confession to holding all liability in the afore ‘matter, your stipulatic the above not has exhausted his/her administrative remedy Our consent to a sary collection procedures. As well, your default wil eomprise sour Gonfession to securities fraud, tax fraud, breach of fiduciary duty: and fa imprisonment and Certified Mail No. 7015 0640 0001 2120 1977 your bond and to the filing of criminal complaints and/or torts against any and all agents acting on behalf of the STATE OF MICHIGAN as piaintiffs referenced in the above-listed security CONFESSION OF JUDGMENT. Default will comprise your agreement to accept and pay certain fees. Your default is your agreement to pay a co-claimant fee as set forth in the attached invoice for the privilege of being joined as 4 co-Ciaimant against legal fiction THOMAS JAMES BROWNC®™ pursuant to each attempt to impair the Claim or stultify the Claimant (me) or Debtor (the Trust) and that any and all diplomatic immunity or other implied immunity from liability is void. SELF-EXECUTING POWER OF ATTORNEY. To facilitate your strict compliance with all of the terms of the Contract, if you fail to correct the default within ten (10) days, you give, by remaining silent, unlimited power of attomey to Claimant to sign and execute for you regarding ‘enforcement of your obligations under this Contract. In that event, you instruct and authorize the Claimant to execute Respondent’s signature(s) in representative capacity on a Self-executing Power of Attorney document. ESTOPPEL BY ACQUIESCENCE. Your default will comprise your agreement that all issues ~ pertaining to this Contact are deemed settled and closed res judicata, stare decisis,eollateral estoppel, and, as a result, judgment by estoppel, and therein you will be confessing to the criminal act of false imprisonment should you fail to release me WAIVER OF RIGHTS. CONFESSION OF JUDGMENT. Your Default will comprise your consent, agreement, and confession to waive any and all rights to raise a controversy, to appeal, object to, or to controvert administratively or judicially any of the terms and provisions in this Contract or the estoppel, as well as your consent to serving as a successor surety for all obligations, commercial and corporeal, atributed to the account. Upon Default, you and your agents may not argue, controvert, or protest ihe finality of the administrative findings to which you have agreed unless such Waiver of Rights which follows is declined in writing. Any such argument or controversy will comprise vour confession to Perjury, Enticement to Slavery and various crimes against humanity. The respondent's confession of judgment in the said amount is res judicata and stare decisis, DENIAL OF WAIVER OF RIGHTS Certified Mail No. 7015 0640 0001 2120 1977 CERTIFICATION AND RECORDING OF NON-PERFORMANCE FOR EVIDENTIARY PURPOSES. For your protection, non-performance will be certified and recorded in the public record as evidence that thomas-james:brown-bey has exhausted his administrative remedy and that you have elected to waive all rights to raise a controversy or claim immunity from collection proceedings, having declined the opportunity to plead Thank you for your assistance with this matter. Sincerely, THOMAS JAMES BROWNO®™ Government-created ens legis/trust By: thomas-james: brown-bey, living Natual Man _\ lao MS Authori _presentative Claimant, Attorney in fe nd subscribed 5 Signature USPS Tracking” Face > “ecking Nunber: Remove X 70150640000121204977 Copy Aad to Informed Dolor (tps/ Status Not Available The racking rumber may be incorect fe state update isnot ye aval, Plase vent your tracking mater an ty agan ater “Tracking Number: Leacon! 70150640000121204717 (Copy Ald to tformed Detvory (tps:/ormeddetvey.sps com) Latest Update ‘Your tom cous ot be diva or retuned to ender. 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