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The Bishnoi Sect was started by Guru Jambeshwar of Bikaner

in the 15th century after a drought in Marwad region of
Rajasthan. He set down 29 tenets which direct the community
to protect nature and animals as well as worship lord Vishnu.
One of his 29 principles states “jeev daya palni, runkh lilo nahi
dhave” which means to protect trees and animals. Thus, killing
of animals and felling of
trees are grave sins for the
Bishnoi Movement.
In 1730 A.D., Maharaja Abhaya Singh of Jodhpur
ordered cutting of trees in large numbers to provide
timber for building a fortress. He sent soldiers to
Bishnoi villages to cut down Khejari trees growing in
that area. When soldiers applied the axe, the Bishnoi
villagers pleaded to spare the trees. When the soldiers
did not relent, they hugged the trees and as many as
363 laid down their lives to save the trees. They resisted
cutting of trees and advocated organized forms of
mobilisation to save and protect Bio-diversity. This was
referred to as Bishnoi Movement. It was founded by
Guru Maharaj Jambaji in 1485 A.D. in Marwad,
Rajasthan. This movement was started by sage Sombaji
around 1700 A.D. against deforestation. After that
Amrita Devi forwarded the movement.

The Bishnois worship nature in all its manifestations,

conserve tress and medicinal plants, provide food and
water to animals and are vegetarians in their diet, as
advocated by their Guru Jambaji. The Bishnois
successfully protected their village’s sacred Khejri
groove, even ensuring its protection by state law. The
Bishnois continue to practice their religion in the
Marwad region.

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