Expensive Taste British English Teacher

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1 Warm up

What’s your favourite restaurant? Why do you like it? Do you like all-you-can-eat buffets?

2 Key words

Read the sentences below and match the underlined words and phrases to their definitions:

1. At lunchtime, the restaurant is usually full of diners.

2. When food is free, it’s very easy to overeat.
3. Julia ate too much chocolate at the party. She felt very guilty later.
4. Kate knows how to manipulate her parents to get what she wants.
5. The bad economic situation will have a negative impact on small businesses.
6. The food at the restaurant was fantastic. The customers really appreciated it.
7. It’s unhealthy to consume less than 500 calories a day.

a. ashamed because you have done something wrong

b. control or influence someone in a clever way
c. customers in a restaurant
d. eat more food than your body needs
e. eat or drink
f. effect, influence
g. valued or recognised the quality of something

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3 Reading

You’re going to read an article about a scientific study on all-you-can-eat restaurant buffets. Decide
if the statements below are true or false, then read the text to see if you were correct.

1. Food is usually tastier if it is more expensive.

2. People eat more food if it is cheaper.
3. People feel that they are overeating if food is cheaper.
4. It is better to eat from more expensive buffets.
5. People consume more calories if they eat in dark places.

Diners believe that a meal is tastier if they pay more

for it, say researchers
Taste, the sense of overeating and guilty feelings can be controlled by the price of food.

Diners believe a meal is tastier if it is more expensive, according to academic research in the United
People who eat expensive food find that it is tastier than the same meal offered at a lower price, a
Cornell University study found. The researchers concluded that price can manipulate our taste and
how we feel about eating.
The study looked at the eating habits of 139 people in an Italian restaurant. The price of the food was
set by the researchers at either $4 or $8 for the all-you-can-eat meal.
The people who paid $8 for the food enjoyed their meal 11 per cent more than people who ate from the
"cheaper" buffet, although both ate the same amount of food.Participants who ate from the cheaper
buffet did not enjoy their meal as much. They reported frequent feelings of overeating and felt guilty
about filling their plates.
"It’s very interesting that pricing has little impact on how much we eat, but a big impact on how you
feel," said Brian Wansink, a professor at the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management.
"Simply reducing the price of food at a restaurant changes how customers evaluate and appreciate the
He added: "If you want to eat at a buffet, the best thing to do is eat at the most expensive buffet that
you can afford. You won’t eat more, but you’ll have a better experience."
In another experiment, scientists found that people who eat in darker places consume 175 less calories
than people who eat in bright areas.
Wansink said the study was "an example of how a really small change can transform how a person
interacts with food."

Adapted from The Independent, by Adam Sherwin, 04 May 2014

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4 Talking point

Do you think more expensive food tastes better than cheaper food? Why/why not?

5 Practical English - Giving opinions

We can report what somebody thinks or believes using different verbs and phrases. Look at the table


think (that) ... I think that there are many good restaurants in my

believe (that) ... Diners believe that a meal is tastier if it is more


find (that) ... People who eat expensive food find that it is tastier.

feel (that) ... I feel that restaurant food is too expensive.

According to ... According to researchers, people do not overeat when

food is cheaper.

In somebody’s opinion, In my opinion, expensive food isn’t always better.


Important points
1) After verbs like ‘believe’, ‘feel’, ‘think’, ‘find’, etc., we do not need to say that.
Diners believe a meal is tastier if it is more expensive. / Diners believe that a meal is tastier if it is more
2) We use according to to state another person’s opinion. We cannot usually say according to me.

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6 Practice

Match the people on the right with their opinion on the left.

1. The earth is getting warmer. a. diners

2. The food at the restaurant is a bit too spicy. b. doctors

3. It’s better to travel by train than by plane. c. many sportsmen

4. People aren’t eating a balanced diet. d. scientists

5. Students should review their notes more often. e. smartphone users

6. Mobile devices make life much easier. f. some travellers

7. Regular training is more important than talent. g. teachers

8. The criminal is a 30-year-old man. h. the police

Now try to use different verbs and expressions together with the opinions. Make full sentences like
in the example.

1. According to scientists, the Earth is getting warmer.

2. ...............................................................................................
3. ...............................................................................................
4. ...............................................................................................
5. ...............................................................................................
6. ...............................................................................................
7. ...............................................................................................
8. ...............................................................................................

7 Role play

Work in pairs or groups. Discuss one of the topics below and give your opinions. Ask questions like
‘What do you think of ...?’

1. modern music
2. the Internet
3. public transport
4. television
5. sport
6. fast food

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1. Warm up

Encourage a short warm-up discussion. Ask students what they think an all-you-can-eat buffet is. Provide the
correct pronunciation of buffet ( ’b2 f eI).

2. Key words

1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. f 6. g 7. e

3. Reading

Students can work individually and check in pairs. There is a subtle difference between statements 2 and 3
that students might overlook. Statement 2 means that people actually overeat if the food is cheaper, whereas
statement 3 implies that people FEEL they are overeating, regardless of whether they actually do overeat.

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F

5. Practical English - Giving opinions

Go through the table and elicit more examples.

6. Practice

Students can work individually and check in pairs. Do the first one as an example.

1. d 2. a 3. f 4. b 5. g 6. e 7. c 8. h
Possible answers:

2. Diners feel the food at the restaurant is a bit too spicy.

3. Some travellers believe it’s better to travel by train than by plane.
4. According to doctors, people aren’t eating a balanced diet.
5. Teachers think students should review their notes more often.
6. Smartphone users find that mobile devices make life much easier.
7. According to sportsmen, regular training is more important than talent.
8. The police believe that the criminal is a 30-year-old man.

7. Role play

Demonstrate with a model student, e.g. by asking ‘What do you think about modern music?’ to elicit an opinion
using the target language from the lesson. Monitor the activity and write up any useful vocabulary on the board.
In groups, encourage all members to make an equal contribution to the discussion, e.g. by asking each other ‘And
what about you?’ Ask a member of each group to report the opinions of the group.

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