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A Research Paper Presented to the

Faculty of the Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College
Maloro, Tangub City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree

Casinto, Jr. Joseph

Moreno, Annie Lou B.

December 2022
Tangub City, 7214 Philippines


This research attached hereto, “FRATERNITY AND SORORITY

GADTC” prepared and submitted by Joseph T. Casinto Jr. and Annie Lou B. Moreno
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN
CRIMINOLOGY is hereby recommended for approval.

Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination.




Member Member
_______ _______
Date Date



This research is approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree


Dean, Institute of Criminal Justice Education


VP for Academic Affairs


Fraternities and sororities have developed in a timely and ongoing manner. It's a
renowned organization that created bonds of sisterhood and brotherhood. There are now
students who are involved members of this organization, and membership is open to
everybody. As they join and stay for a considerable amount of time, the members gain a
variety of experiences. The purpose of this study, "Fraternity and Sorority Membership:
Lived Experiences of Student Members in GADTC," was to ascertain the actual lived
experiences of students who belong to these organizations and to offer suggestions
regarding any negative aspects. Twenty (20) student members from fraternities and
sororities participated in the study. The descriptive qualitative method was used in this
study's theme analysis of data collection. The participants belonged to different Greek
organizations, according to the results. It displays their experiences—both good and bad
—their contributions to the group, their lives both before and after joining, and, finally,
their epiphanies. The members of the group have acquired diverse experiences that have
influenced their daily lives and overall well-being, given their strong devotion to the
organization. According to this survey, fraternity and sorority organizations still receive a
bad reputation from the public, which suggests that student members require special
attention from these organizations since they play a big role in maintaining their quality.

Keywords: Lived experiences, fraternity and sorority, contributions, positive, negative,



The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to the following

individuals who have contributed to the success of this research.

To Dr. Love H. Falloran, the dean of Institute of Criminal Justice Education; for

allowing the researchers to conduct the study;

To Dr. Jerson P. Alo, the research adviser, for uncomplainingly giving his time in

providing substantial suggestions, for the infinite encouragement and for sharing his

brilliant ideas to the researchers;

To the researchers’ instructor, Mrs. Lilibeth T. Sayson, MAed and Mrs. Ellaine Y.

Bandigan, for his constant guidance and supervision;

To Ms. Line Clar Real, the research editor, for the extensive commentaries and

recommendations which significantly contributed to the improvement of the study;

To the panel members, Mr. Redford M. Quiros and Ms. Preachy Mae S. Esin. for

their kindness and gentleness in giving their suggestions with their genuine desire to

enhance the study;

To the researchers’ beloved parents, friends and colleagues, for the undying

support financially, spiritually and morally, and for the words of encouragement which

spring sustaining strength to the researchers.

And most of all, to our Almighty God, for giving the knowledge, wisdom and

strength to the researchers and for his blessings that led to the success of this study.

- The Researchers


This research is lovingly dedicated to the researchers much loved parents,

Mr. Joseph S. Casinto Sr. and Mrs. Milenda T. Casinnto

Mr. Marlon S. Moreno and Mrs. Mercedita B. Moreno

And to our versatile research adviser

Dr. Jerson Alo

For sharing his brilliant ideas and most especially to our,

Almighty Father

For the strength, love and motivating the researchers to create this piece of work.













Background of the Study 1

Theoretical Framework 3

Statement of the Problem 4

Significance of the Study 5

Scope and Limitation of the Study 5

Research Methodology 6

Research Design 6

Research Setting 6

Research Participants 6

Research Instrument 6

Validation of Instrument 7

Data Gathering Procedure 7

Data Analysis 7

Ethical Considerations 8

Definition of Terms 8


Problem1 Lived experiences of students as member of Fraternity and

Sorority Organization

Theme 1: Organization belong and its length of being a member 9

Theme 2: Positive Influence 12

Theme 3: Negative Influence 13

Theme 4: Contribution to the communiy 15

Theme 5: Life before joining fraternity and sorority and life

Being a member 17

Theme 6: Realizations 18

Problem 2: Action/acticity plan to address the issue

Theme 1: Conduct awareness campaign 21

Theme 2: Strengthen policies with in the organization


Theme 3: Give focus on School related support 23

Structural Representation 24


Summary of Findings 25

Conclusion 26

Recommendations 26

Action/Activity plan 28





Figure Page

1 Structural Representation 24


Appendix Page

A Certification 32

B Letter of Permission 33

C Letter to the Participants 34

D Interview Guide 35

E Interview Transcript 37

F Certification of Similarity Checking 74


Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Fraternity or Sorority is a social organization that is fairly common now a day’s

mostly to college students. Those organizations are often composed of men but there

were also women that come together for a common goal, activities and interest despite of

having different perspective and beliefs. The members of this organization enter into a

lifetime commitment with one another unified by brotherhood/sisterhood bond.

Fraternities and sororities are known as a "helping hand" to community but most of the

time it was perceived negatively due to alcohol abuse, neglecting of studies, hazing and

other forms of initiation that leads to death of others for not surviving. With these the

members of it gained different experiences hence, it somewhat affects their well being

and daily basis since commitment to the organization is present.

Fraternities and sororities (Greek-life) gives numerous benefits to the members.

Greek-life presence has only expanded and developed; original method of initiation has

even applied. It exists to advance the welfare of its members and serves as a mentor or

role model for each younger member. (Knudson, K. 2022). College students joined

fraternities in order to feel a sense of belonging. Furthermore, their

brotherhood/sisterhood bond fell under the idea of ownership, alliances, friendship and

understanding of one another even though they might not get along with every

brother/sister in the fraternity; they always had each other’s back no matter what. (Clarke,

2015). Joining such organizations really strengthens one’s ability to get involved in

community services and cultivates one’s potential to lead the community. Regardless of

these benefits, there will always be drawbacks; hazing-related fatalities, alcoholism, and

sexual assaults, which undoubtedly caught the public’s attention, particularly that of the

media (Banks, S., & Archibald, J. 2020). According to Ordway, (2017), a

fraternity/sorority member participates in a lot of activities as a result of their devotion to

the organization. Students often neglect their academic obligations in favor of fulfilling

their obligation to the organization, which is clearly the cause of their poor academic

performance. Typically, they only choose classes that are easier. (Chiquito, M., & Cui C.

2018) stated that some fraternities are honored by society in voluntarily cleaning the

community and doing Philanthropic activities.

In Philippine’s some students are already a member of fraternity group such as

Alpha Phi Omega, Alpha Sigma Phi, Beta Sigma Omega Phi and many more. As such

organizations increases their popularity in this modern time, it encourages others to join

out of curiosity knowingly that it gives good benefits to the members and at the same

time not being totally aware of what might the negative side of being a member.

This particular study sought to determine the lived experiences of students as

members of Fraternity or Sorority. Researchers conducted this study to establish what

really are the lived experiences experienced by the students who are a member of

Fraternity and Sorority organizations as well as to provide recommendations worrying

the negative drawback that can be get as being a member and their concerns.

Theoretical Framework

This study is founded on the theory of Student Involvement Theory specifically

the framework “Inputs-environments-outputs “of Alexander Astin (Astin 1987). The core

concept of the theory is composed of three elements; first is the inputs, this is simply the

student contributed by different factors; this could be families, friends, race, prior

education and many more. Second element is the environment which accounts all of the

experiences of a student would have during the involvement. It can be the classes they

take, friends they make, activities they engage in, where the school is located, where they

live while attending school, and interaction with the other member. The third element is

the outcomes which covers student's experiences that have been gained from the

involvement. The way a student interacts with their environment can determine certain

outcomes; it could be ideally both positive and negative. Astin’s framework is especially

helpful for analyzing Greek Life culture and how does it influence the students based on

their experiences because it breaks up the contributing components. To conclude, the

theory of Astin point out the experiences of a students prior to the involvement, during

the involvement and after the involvement.

Duncan, I., & Oakley, M. (2017), stated that a student's involvement on campus

has a holistic impact on their lives throughout their college career. The quality and

quantity of a student's involvement on campus has a direct impact on the amount of

learning and personal development that the student experiences.

According to Ralph Heibutzki (2019), Joining and being a member of fraternity or

sorority, or Greek organization, involves a major commitment on the part of students.

Like many other college experiences, there are positive and negative aspects to this

lifestyle choice. Students can form lifelong friendships while living in fraternity and

sorority houses and participating in related Greek activities. On the other hand, the

reputation of fraternity brothers and sorority sisters as inconsiderate, hard-partying slobs


– along with the typically high cost of membership – may lead students to seek other

social outlets. Further some students attend college with a definite plan to join a fraternity

or sorority. Maybe they’ve heard about the benefits from their parents or older friends; or

maybe they already know that the social activities and philanthropy events of the Greek

system will allow them to have vibrant social life as an undergraduate. However, other

students harbor negative perceptions about Greek life, perhaps from rumors they have

heard or movies they have seen depicting fraternities and sororities in an unflattering

light. Whether you personally have a positive or negative view of fraternities and

sororities, it’s important to consider both the pros and cons before reaching a decision.

Rather than asking if sororities and fraternities are good or bad, you should ask if joining

one is right for you.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the lived experiences of students from being a

member of Fraternity or Sorority.

Specifically sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the lived experiences of Fraternity and Sorority members in GADTC?

2. Based from the responses, what action or activity plan to do to address the


Significance of the study

The result of the study will merit the following:

Students. Students will use the findings of this study by evaluating if being a

member of fraternity or sorority is good for them or not. Furthermore, this


study enable them to find out the negative and positive influence of being

a member.

Parents. This study provides another perspective to parents of what fraternity

and sorority actually is, as well as the influences of it to their college

daughters and son.

Community. This study serves as an eye opener for the community that only sees

the negative influence of Fraternity and Sorority.

Organization holder. It could be use by the holder of fraternity and sorority

holder as means of looking on the lapses and what serve as a way on

improving their organization

Scope and Limitation of the study

The researchers conducted the study within the Campus of Governor Alfonso D.

Tan College, located at Maloro, Tangub City. The collection of data conducted to

Governor Alfonso D. Tan college Criminology students who are a member of Fraternity

or sorority. To gather the information and outcome, the study was conducted through

interviews wherein the said participants was given interview questionaires. This study

was conducted during the academic year 2022-2023.

Research Methodology

This part presents the research design, research setting, research participants,

research instruments, data gathering procedure and data validation.

Research design. The researchers usde a qualitative descriptive research method.

According to Kumar (2011), “a study in which the main focus is on

description, rather than examining relationships or associations” The


researcher asks respondents about their knowledge relevant to a particular

phenomenon of the study.

Research setting. The study conducted at the school campus of Governor

Alfonso D. Tan College located at Maloro, Tangub City where students

taking up Bachelor of Science in Criminology who are member of

fraternity or sorority are the respondents. GADTC is a school with free

tuition fee. It offers six programs; Institute of Criminal Justice Education

(ICJE), Institute of Business and Financial Services (IBFS), Institute of

Teacher Education (ITE), Institute of Arts and Sciences (IAS), Institute of

Computer Studies (ICS), and lastly the Institute of Midwifery (IOM).

Research Participants. The participants of the study are the Governor Alfonso

D. Tan College students taking up the Bachelor of Science in Criminology

that are an active member of fraternity or sorority. Participants were

randomly selected, wherein there are 20 participants.

Research Instrument. To obtain information and data about the subject, the

researchers used thematic analysis and conducted interviews by giving

them interview guide questionnaires. In this study self-devised

questionnaire is utilized, it was done an open-ended type of questions

wherein respondents were asked to provide descriptive and explanatory

responses. In contrast to closed-ended questions, which only allow for a

yes-or-no response, open-ended questions encourage the respondent to

provide a thorough, meaningful, and deliberate response based on his or

her own knowledge, feelings, and experiences.


Validation of Instrument. The researchers utilized a interview guide

questionnaire as the tool for acquiring data and use it as a guide to gather

pertinent data for their study. The research adviser supplied with the

questionnaires for review and approval.

Data gathering procedure. In the data gathering, the researchers prepared first a

letter of request signed by the adviser and Institute dean of Criminal

Justice Education of Governor Alfonso D. Tan College (GADTC) as an

approval in allowing them to conduct the data gathering of the study.

During data gathering the researchers give the interview guide

questionaires to the respondents. Additionally, the respondents were given

the guarantee that all of the data they provide, including their profiles,

would remain confidential.

Data analysis. This study employed a qualitative approach using thematic

analysis. It is usually applied to a set of texts; such as interview

transcripts. The audio recorded data was transcribed by the researchers,

after transcribing, researchers employed thematic analysis. Themes were

formulated based on the responses of the participants during the interview.

Content validation from the interview transcripts was done on a record

sheet. The responses of the participants were also verbatimly recorded

using an audio recorder. This allows the researchers to go back and review

the interview, ensuring that no information was missing in the

transcription and description of the replies.


Ethical consideration. Prior to the conduction of study, the approval of request is

granted and secured. The research purpose and objectives has been explained to

the participants before asking their participation. The researchers informed

respondents that they were not subjected to harm and also guarantee that all the

information’s provided by them are remain confidential as well as their profiles or


Definition of terms

The terms below are operationally defined in this study.

Fraternity. Greek organization or social organization that refers to a man

member. A group of people brought together because of mutual interests.

Sorority. Greek organization that refers to a woman member, it is formed chiefly

for social purposes.

Greek life. Refers as the Fraternity and Sorority organizations. A community that

makes up Greek letter organizations. The group names composed of Greek

letters from Greek alphabet. Members had symbolic tattoos or burns in the

body as well as handshake.

Membership. The quality of belonging to a Fraternity or Sorority organization, or

a contract that enables someone to join the organization.

Lived experiences. Refers to the personal knowledge of Fraternity and Sorority

member gained through direct, first-hand involvement in everyday events

rather than through representations constructed by other people.


Philanthropic Activities. Refers to charitable acts or other good works that help

others or society as a whole. Philanthropy can include donating money to

a worthy cause or volunteering time, effort, or other forms of altruism.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the result of the study conducted by the researchers through

the given interview guide. There are twenty (20) selected student member of Fraternity or

Sorority in Governor Alfonso D. Tan College (GADTC) Maloro, Tangub City being

interviewed face-to-face. A number of questions were presented to them in relation to

their lived exeperiences as a member of Fraternity or Sorority organizations.

Problem 1: Lived experiences of student as a member of Fraternity or Sorority


Six (6) themes have evolved from the responses of the participants on the

question above. These are: Organization belongingness and its length of being a member,

positive influence, negative influence, organizations contribution to the community, life

before joining and now being a member as well as their realizations. These reasons were

shown in the answers of the participants as stated below.

Theme 1: Organization belong and its length of being a member


To be a member of Fraternity or Sorority organization makes someone to

feel the belongingness especially when you are a member for a longtime and still

active until the very end which could be a factor for its member to acquire some

attributes, attitudes or hobbys coming from the other members. Stated below are

the informations related to their responses.

“I am a TAU GAMMA PHI member and yes still active, four

years.” (Pt 1, 2, 3 & 4)

“I’m an ALPHA KAPPA RHO member not totally active but I

know what is being discussed because there are updates in the group chat;

Three years.” (P 5)

“ALPHA MU PHI Fraternity member and yes still active. Two

years.” (P 6)

“ALPHA TAU PHI active member; Three year.” (P7)

“Active member of GAMMA KAPPHA PHITwo years and nine

months.” (P 8)

“ALPHA SIGMA EPSILLON member for four years and active.”


“TAU GAMMA PHI active and has been a member of this

organization or three years.” (P 10)

“I have been a member of LEX PHI OMEGA for five years and

have been active until now.” (P 11)

“ALPHA MU OMEGA about six years.” (P12)

“Three years member of TAU GAMMA PHI.” (P 13)


“I am a member of ALPHA KAPPA RHO for three years and then

active.” (P 14)

“ALPHA KAPPA RHO; yes active, three years.” (P 15)

“ALPHA KAPPA RHO MEMBER buddy; yes I’m active member

for three years.” (P 16)

“I am an ALPHA TAU PHI member who has been active for three

years.” (P 17)

“I have been a member of TAU GAMMA PHI for about three

years.” (P 18)

“I belong to ALPHA MU PHI and I have been a member for two

years.” (P 19)

“ALPHA SIGMA EPSILLON, Four years member.” (P 20)

As shown in the responses of the participants, it revealed that they belong

to different Fraternity or Sorority organization: seven (7) out twenty (20) stated

that they belong to the organization of TAU GAMMA PHI; four of them are in

the organization for four years and three of them are member for three years. Out

of twenty (20) participants, four (4) of them are member of ALPHA KAPPA

RHO for three years. Two (2) out of twenty (20) participants belong to ALPHA

MU PHI for two years. One (1) out of twenty (20) is belong to GAMMA KAPPA

PHI 1962 for two years and 9 months. Two (2) out of twenty (20) are belong to

ALPHA SIGMA EPSILLON for four years. One (1) out of twenty (20) belong to

LEX PHI OMEGA for five years. One (1) out of twenty (20) belong to ALPHA

MU OMEGA for six years and lastly two (2) out of twenty (20) belong to

ALPHA TAU PHI for three years. One element of Strayhon's model stated that

belongingness of a person to an organization is one of the factors that driven

human behavior (Strayhons 2019).

Theme 2: Positive influence

Second theme which emerged from the participants’ responses as to what

is the negative influence they got being a member. In Greek organization they

build one of a kind relationship as they come together for a common goal.

Basically, one member can influence other members positively. From the

participants’ experiences these are the influences categorized as:

Helping other

"As a member, the positive thing is that you can help other

people.” (P1)

"So far, the positive thing is that I am participatuve in the

community especially when there are calamities." (P 4)

"I was influenced to help people who are really in need.” (P 8)

“Be helpful to other people." (P15)

“It influenced me to help those in need.” (P 16)

Boast Confidence

“Based on my experienced it helped me to boast my confidence

which is very useful when there are activities.” (P 3)


“I gained confidence specifically in communicating with other

people.” (P9)

“It influenced me to higher my self confidence.” (P 11)

Seven (7) out of twenty (20) participants shared several/common positive

influences based from their experienced. Five of them were influenced to help

other people and two of them were influenced to boast their confidence. (Asel,

Seifert, &Pascrell 2015) mentioned that student’s member is more likely to

engage on volunteering opportunities as well as building stronger relationships

with other students. On top of that a member acquires higher quality relationships

with their peers compared to non-members. In this sense it helps student members

on boasting one's confidence.

Theme 3: Negative influence

In contrast to the previous theme (2), being in a fraternity or sorority

organization one individual get attached with the other members despite the fact

of not being fully aware of what and who they were with but because they are in

the same group they give respect to them as well as trust. In regards to that, it can

also be a factor for a member to be influenced negatively. As stated by the

participants below are the following negative influences categorized as:

Engaged on vices (to drink and smoke)

“The negative is that because of other members who are into cigarettes,

there were times that I am tempted or enticed to smoke.” (P4)


"I was influenced to drink because they will invite me to drink, I can’t

refuse out of respect to them as my fraternity member". (P7)

“It can’t be denied that this is the first where I learned to drink.” (P 8)

“I tried to smoke a cigarette because if my co-members smoke I will do so

and this is where my cigarette smoking started.” (P10)

“I drink which has been a habit of mine because eventhough I don’t have

money, my friends will still include me.” (P13)

“This is where I learned to drink.” (P14)

“I was influenced to smoke and drink before but now I will only


"When I joined I asked them how it feels like to smoked cigarettes then

they jokily told me to find out for myself, by then I tried and I kind of like it" (P17)

Missed Classes

“Honestly I cut classes, since high school I am already a member and

this behaviour was instilled that I’m now in college especially when my friends

invites me ". (P 6)

“I missed my classes especially when my closest co-member will go for an

outing or bonding, I feel like I need to be there so I can't miss what they enjoyed."


Trouble makers

“There were some members whom are trouble makers that could

influence the other.”(P1)

"I was once a trouble maker because back then me and my friend got

bullied so it came to my mind to joined fraternity because I already knew that if

you are one of them they will back you up, so every time they touched us I have

the couraged to insult them". (P14)

Eleven (11) out of twenty (20) participants shared their sentiments

regarding the negative influenced. As mentioned above, you can see that being a

student member of fraternity or sorority really can go both ways it’s either in

negative or positive way. It was concluded in the study of Knudson, K. (2022)

that Greek life forms various development or outcomes for students. On the

findings of Shupe Sydney’s (2022) study stated that the likelihood of alcohol use

on a regular basis is influenced by a variety of personal and societal factors. A

member of a Greek group may be one of these environmental influences. A

definite connection between Greek groups and alcohol consumption is seen.

Sorority and fraternity members experienced different social influences on

smoking. Members were influenced by other members to smoke by sharing

cigarettes and smoking at parties. (Cheney MK, et al. 2015). In addition, members

are more likely to use alcohol and other substances, as well as smoke cigarettes.

Theme 4: Contribution to the community


Third theme shows the contribution of the member to the community

which is the most evident positive part of being a member. The participant’s

related responses are as follows:

“We helped the community a lot such as blood letting, clean-up

drive, free circumcision, and school maintenance week and others.” (P1)

“Our contribution is to give people what they need in terms of

calamity, we do feeding program, tree planting and other community

services that we can offer.” (P2)

“Obviously is feeding program and other community services.”


“Our contribution to the community is clean-up drive, feeding

program, free circumcision, and school maintenance week.” (P7)

“Every month we conduct community services like feeding

program.” (P 8)

“Our organization contributed a lot, first and foremost is feeding

program in barangay. Second are community services in barangay and in

churches.” (P12)

“Our organization has activities first is free circumcision and in

school maintenance week we are present in that time.” (P17)

“Every month or year we helped the PNP or LGU in doing

community services.” (P18)

“Of course I am proud to say that we do community services even

without salary.” (P19)


Obviously the participant’s responses are more likely about services

activities towards the community which is the most common contribution of any

farternity or sorority organizations that can be offer to the community. Fraternity

and sorority member’s involvement in civic engagement and service is a part of

their fraternity and sorority values and in some ways they are embodying those

values as stated by Heenehan (2020).

Theme 5: Life before joining fraternity and sorority organization and life being

a member

Fraternity and sorority organizations are one way of some people to feel

the sense of belongingness and to be able to find a support system in some aspect

of life. To be in a committed group with strong connection can changed one's life,

it’s either to have a "good change" or "bad change".

As mentioned below are some of the experiences shared by the participants.

“My life before was fine but when I became a newly pledged

member all was new to me because I learned to have vice and it was

introduced to me how does it feel like to smoke.” (P 4)

“It is the same but now that I’m a member it is more expenses and

responsibilities and also I met new friends.” (P 5)


“When I became a member I found new circle of friends and I met

other people unlike before I only have few circle of friends.” (P6)

“My life when I was not yet a member I am lonely and shy but

after I became a member my life was like full of happiness because I knew

no matter what happens I can count on them.” (P10)

“My life before was I don’t have any vices but now I drink.” (P14)

“I have vices like smoking and drinking but at present I only

drink.” (P16)

“I learned how to drink together with my closest co-members.”


“I have new friends and then before I have not tried cigarettes but

when I eventually became a member I tried to smoke.” (P 20)

From the participant’s statements Fraternity and sorority have impact on

their present well-being. Eighht (8) out of twenty (20) participants shared both

positive and negative experiences of their life before joining and as being a

member. It has been cited that fraternity and sorority membership as a gateway to

alcohol access (Sasso et al., 2020). From the point of view of Epps (2023), a

typical barrier for many students is the fact that Greek life organizations are

frequently linked to hazing and alcohol misuse. Thus, it gives bad reputation to

the organization.

Theme 6: Realizations

Members of Fraternity and sorority come into realization in their

organizations. It is considered as a factor why fraternity and sorority gets negative

perception coming from the non-member is due to poor satisfaction of the

member being in a certain group. Mentioned below are related to the respond of

the participants.

“I do have realization which is it is not easy to enter fraternity or

sorority organizations because another responsibility and expenses to

face. As student it is really difficult because I don’t have any work to

sustain the expenses.” (P2)

“I realized that fraternity and sorority organization lacks support

for the student member’s schooling.” (P3)

“I realized that it is not easy as what non-members of fraternity or

sorority thinks of. It is not easy because I am not financially stable student

member and then it has expenses to pay.” (P5)

“My realization is that organization like this should strengthen the

sanctions and to show that it is not awful because based on my

experienced I sometimes recieved saying that I am misbehaving that it

only inflict pain on myself as a result of joining fraternity.” (P 6)

"I realized that not all members of fraternity or sorority

organizations showed goodness but there were some who are most likely

to start troubles especially when they cosumed too much aclcohol.” (P 7)


“I am quite disappointed because organizations like this were

perceived as bad by some. Additionally it does not focus on school

matters.” (P 8)

“I realized that it is inevitable that non-members will say that this

is bad, that this is not helpful which is not true because the truth is it is

helpful when calamities occur.” (P11)

“I somehow regretted it because there are troubles and it requires

time and effort in short it is another resonnsibilty to carry.” (P13)

“It is not easy because you have to spend money once you become

a member.” (P18)

“All I can say is that it is not that as simple to enter, there is a lot

of process, additional expenses because ofcourse there is fines, donations

and projects to the community.” (P 20)

As to the participants responses, ten (10) out of twenty (20) shared

their realizations. Basing on the realizations given, it shows that organization was

disgraced because of thier own member, that it requires time and effort and

responsibility and expenses is added. Lastly, such organization shall expand their

concerned with regards to the student’s academic matters.

Joining a sorority generally comes with a price tag. Potential expenses of going

Greek listed by Bouchrika (2023) include registration and membership fees, social

expenses, miscellaneous expenses and fines. On the writings of "Role of


Sororities and Fraternities in College Life" (2022) it is indicated that being

committed to Greek organization takes a significant amount of time and effort.

Problem 2: What action or activty plan to do to adress the issue?

In this problem, three (3) themes emerged: These themes are to conduct

awareness campaign, strengthen policies within the organization and lastly to give

focus on school related support.

Their answers were conveyed as follows:

Theme 1: Conduct awareness campaign

In this theme, conducting awareness is one of the participant’s

suggestions. Since not everyone are fully aware of what fraternities and soririties

are about, participants as a student member would like to inform more people of

what it looks like to be in such organizations and what are their organizations


Stated below are thier responses:

“I recommend conducting symposiums, to give placards or flyers

to parents, students and youths that can give them awareness of what

really is the purpose of this organization.” (P10)

“I suggest conducting awareness since people perceived this

organization as not good. To add on they heard on the news on television

and social media that there are bad things happened involving

fraternities. ” (P18)

Organizations are only known and seen as a group who brings trouble and only do

bad habits. These perceptions were seen usually on media, (Trifiro, B. 2017) due

to the media’s significant influence on the public opinion it affects how the way

people think. With that, organization must make an action on educating

individuals about their group’s purposes and objectives by raising public

awareness campaign a vital role in influencing people’s perspective. (Borawska,

Anna 2017). It fosters environmental actions, positive changes in behavior and

general awareness among other things.

Theme 2: Strengthen policies within the organization

Suggestions in this theme are to strengthening policies within the organization.

Policies serve as organizations framework as it provide guidance on how should

an individual behave. The following are the participant’s responses:

“For me, it needs to implement hard sanctions and apply it

effectively. The purpose of this is for members to be afraid of doing

disgraceful acts.” (P2)

“Make a penalty policy that penalized that member who uses the

name of fraternity membership in making trouble while driven by

drunkenness.” (P7)

“To avoid conclusions that this organization is not good, holders

should build up the organizations management in order for members to

act accordingly.” (P11)


As to the responses it shows that theres’s a need of improving policies. According

to Knudson (2022) if Fraternity and sorority desire to survive they need to apply

substantial reform to its rules and procedures. Enhancing organizations policies by

implementing heavy sanctions could play a significant role on preventing

members to not commit acts that disgrace and give bad reputation to their


Theme 3: Give focus on school related support

In this theme, it pointed out that organizations must give more focus on their

student’s member as they need help in school related activities. The participants

suggested that:

“As a student member I hope that organizations like this would make an

action about this case regarding financial and I hope financial support related to

our school expenses is also included.” (P5)

“I hope as student member that they should give value to our studies or

even our expenses to pay in organization should atleast have discount.” (P8)

“In terms on studies I hope that they would raise another fund concerning

to our studies even just a small amount.” (P12)

“My suggestion is maybe to support student member regarding school

matters. Holders of organization should consider asking for support from other

succesfull organization". (P16)


Evidently the participants shared their concerned on the support that their

organization gives. They are calling out the organizations attention to give more

importance to them as they are struggling financially and that they are still

students. Fraternity and sorority members are expected to pay dues for various

expenses such as housekeeping, athletic programs, social events, and general

operations. High dues are one of the discriminating aspects of Greek society.

(Gamar, M. 2021)





1. Organization belong and its 1. Conduct Awareness

length of being a member Campaign
2. Positive Influence 2. Strengthen Policies with
H in the organization H
3. Negative Influence
E 3. Give focus on school E
4. Contribution towards the related support
M community M

E 5. Life before Joining and being E

S a member S
6. Realizations

Figure1. Structural Representation of Prevailing Themes on Frternity and Sorority

Membership: Lived Experiences of Student Members in GADTC



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations based on the results in Chapter 2.

Summary of findings

This study entitled "Fraternity and Sorority Membership: Lived experiences of

student members in GADTC" was conducted to explore the lived experiences of

student’s members of Faternity and Sorority. This study was done to the selected twenty

(20) students of Governor Alfonso D. Tan College (GADTC) who are members of

Fraternity and Sorority organization. A qualitative research method was used in the study

with the researcher – made interview guide as a tool in gathering the data.

Based from the findings of this study, it was found out that participants are a

member of different Greek organization and that they are a member of it for one year up

to six years as the longest. They also shared thier experiences being a member, as to the

positve influence it was revealed that they were influenced to help other people and boast

their confidence. Conversely, the negative influenced were to engage on vices such as to

drink, to smoke, in trouble and missed classes. In terms of realizations it revealed that the

reason why such organization was and still seen and percieved by other people negatively

is due to its own members’ behavior. However, it was also shown that Philanthropic

activities are their most evident contribution to the community. In terms of school

realated activities, student members shared thier sentiments concerning to their

organization's priorities specifically financial matters.


The researcher`s concluded that fraternity and sorority organization is one sector

of the community that has great contibution to the environment and it is also a way for

students to be participative in community activities. Regardless of the positive side of

being a student member, Greek organizations still have lapses respectively on school

related support and member’s behavior including the negative side. These imply that

student members need the organizations special attention. Greek organization holders

have the major part of keeping the organizations good, not to mention that until now

fraternity and sorority organizations still percieved by others negatively.


Based on the results of the study, the researchers would like to recommend the


1. Founder/holder of Fraternity or Sorority should do campaign awareness by

using any means (conducting symposiums and programs, using flyers,

medias) as gateway in closing negative misconception of students, parents and

non-members. Furthermore, conduct also an orientation to those who want to

be a member before accepting in order for them to know how and what

organization they are about to enter

2. Holder of the organization must strengthen the policies within the

organization by implementing hard sanctions and apply it effectivley. This

would prevent the members to do wrongful act, this way non-members would

think that fraternity and sorority is a good organization.

3. Holders of such organization should not only focus on community services

but they should also extend it to student members concerned which is school

related support. Moreover, they should make a fund for student’s member as a

way for students to have an "in case of emergency money" that will only be

use with their school expenses.

4. To organization holders, they should atleast give discounts to student

members in terms of the organization expenses.


5. Organizations holders should atleast asked for support from Local

Government Units and other succesfull organization as a way for their

organization to be well founded.

6. As to Local Government unit and other successfull organization should give

their cooperation and support to the Greek organization.

7. Future Researchers must widen the field of the study to provide informative

date about Fraternity and Sorority life.



After a through analysis of the results of the study, the researchers

proposed a possible activity/action plan to somehow address the findings of this study. As
to the results, participants gained both fine and unfavorable experiences (misconception
of the organization, member’s behavior, and support for student members on their studies
and expenses).With this unfavorable experienced must be address, thus researchers
proposed an idea that could help the participants concerns.

Persons Involved Time Objectives Programs


Organization Holder Long term To give  Conduct campaign

commitment awareness as an awareness
Fraternity and Sorority eye opener for  Strengthen the policies
student members people who (giving hard sanctions,
perceived it penalties, etc.)
Local Government negatively.  Raising funds for student
Unit Members to member and giving
behave discounts.
accordingly.  Organization and LGU
To give collaboration
assistance to
member’s of
fraternity and


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Appendix A


Appendix B

Letter of Permission

Appendix C

Letter to the Participants


Appendix D

Interview Guide

Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College

Maloro, Tangub City




I. Greetings.

II. The proponents will introduce themselves.

III. Discuss the purpose of the study.

IV. Provide structure of the interview.

V. Engaging Questions:

1. What Fraternity or Sorority organization do you belong? Are you still

active in your organization?

2. How many years have you been a member of this organization?

3. How are you being a member of it? Are there anyrealization or regrets?

4. How does it feel to be a member of Farternity and Sorority Organization?

VI. Key Questions:

1. As a member of Fraternity or Sorority, what are the positive and negative
influemce did you get from it?
2. How do Fraternity and Sorority affect you as a student?
3. In what way that being a member of Fraternity or Sorority helps you
academically excel?
4. What are the contributions of your Fraternity or Sorority organization to the
5. Can you please tell us how was your life before joining Fraternity or
Sorority organization and how does it differ now that you are already a
6. Does being a member change you positively or negatively? In what way?
7. Would you mind to share what are the benefits of being a Fraternity or
Sorority member?

VII. Ending Remark

a. Ask if he/she would like to see a copy of the results.

b. Thank the participants.

Appendix E
Interview Transcript

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority Member 1

Duration:7mins, 31secs
Session Number: 01
Time and Date of Interview:10: 00 am; March 20, 2023
Interviewed by: Joseph T. Casinto Jr.

Transcribed by :Annie Lou B. Moreno

Transcript Number: 1
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City
Utterances Analysis
Researcher 1: Good afternoon dong, I am Joseph Casinto from the
Institute of Criminal Justice Education currently conducting a
research entitled Fraternity and Sorority Membership: Lived
experiences of srtudent members in GADTC. I together with my
partner Annie Lou B. Moreno conducted this study in order to know
the experiences of student members of Fraternities and Sororities.
Ahmm pwedi ba namo ka ma interview as respondents?
Participant 1: Yes sir wala'y problema na.
Researcher 1. First question is onset man nag Fraternity or Sorority
organization na belong? Still active pa ba ka ana ga organization?
Participant 1: I am a TAU GAMMA PHI member sir and yes active
Researcher 1: Pila na pod ka years nga member ana dong?
Participant 1: Almost 6 years na sir.
Researcher 1: Dugay dugay naman pd diay no. How are you being a
member of it or kamusta man ang life as a member ana nga
organization? Naa ba kay realizations or pagmahay?
Participant 1: Okay ra pud biya sir, all goods ra and wala ra pd ko
nagmahay kay para nako makatabang lang kos katawhan bisag
ginagmay lang okay na kaayo nako na basta kinasing kasing lang
nga pagtabang.
Researcher 1: So how does it feel man nga member kag ing ana nga
Participant 1: For me sir nindot siya kay sa panahon nga
nanginahanglan kaayo ka andam sila or mi nga magtinabangay.
Researcher 1: So next question is onsa may positive og negative ba
kaha nga influenced nga imo nakuha as osa ka member ana nga
Participant 1: As a member sir ang positive is makabalo ka mo
tabang sa ubang tawo, ang negative kay naay uban member nga
badlungon nga maka angin sa uban member nga wa nag pabadlong.
Researcher 1: Daghan gyud diay badlungon pd, pwedi ba mag
follow up question ko dong for clarification lang like onsa nga klse
sa pagkabadlungon?
Participant 1: Kuan sir mangitag gubot samot nag naka inom na.
Naa pud uban sir nga maginisog kay lagi apil og frat kay lagi basta
apil og fraternities gahi na daw dayun ug dating.
Researcher 1: Kani nga organization is naka affect ba ni sya nimo as

Participant 1: Para nako sir kay wala man pd kay if ever naa mi
activities or meetings is ako man jd unahon ang School matters sir.
Researcher 1: In what way man nga ang imong pagka member ani
nga organization is nakatabang nimo to academically excel?
Participant 1: Somehow, mo ingon ko nga wala ni sya nakatabang
kay dili man ud pud ni obligasyon sa among organization ang pag
skwela namo pero I don't know lang pd gaha sa uban nga Fraternity.
Researcher 1: So ari tas community, onsa may contribution ninyo
ani towards sa commubity?
Participant 1: Daghan nami natabang sa community such as blood
letting, clean up drive, libring tuli brigada skwela og uban pa.
Researcher 1: Pwedi ba nimo ma share sa amoa og onsa man imong
life before joining fraternity or sorority organization and onsa man
ang kalahian niya karon osa naka ka member?
Participant 1: Before is gamay rakog kaila og barkada unya og mo
adto kog laing lugar like barangay naa nay naka ila nako unlike
Researcher 1: Being a member man does it changed you positively
or negatively? Sa onsa man nga pamaagi?
Participant 1: Pag sulod nako positive jd ako nakuha kay as a
member kabalo nako sa akong obligasyon. Pero naa ra pd na sa
member if magpa impluwensya ba syag mga negatibo from other
Researcher 1: Last question na gyud, Would you mind to share kung
onsa ang mga benefits ana nga organization?
Participant 1: Kuan makatabang sila nako especially atong nabahaan
mi, gitagaan mig sinina, bugas og mga sud an. Kana sila nga mga
butanga is gikan ra pod sa mga member ana nga organization.
Researcher 1: Follow up question lang, onsa may imo ika ingon sa
ika ingon advice or suggest sa imong organization as well as sa
uban nga gusto mo enter?
Participant 1: Sa nabantayan nako sir is dili pa gyud totally aware
ang uban about ing ani nga organization. Ang uban is ga apil apil
lang so akong ika suggest is patas an ang age recruitment to twenty
years and above tapos dapat college student na kay para nako high
school student is dili pa ready na nga ma part sa mga ing ani nga
Researcher 1: Thank you kaayo sa time mao rato mga questions
namo dako na kaayo ug tabang imong pag participate dong. Salamat
jd kaayo.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 2

Duration: 6 minutes

Session Number: 01
Time and Date of Interview:10: 30 am; March 20, 2023
Interviewed by: Joseph T. Casinto Jr.
Transcrbied by : Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcript Number: 2
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City
Utterances Analysis
Researcher 1: Good morning So first ako diay si Joseph Casinto
ang among interview is about Fraternities and Sororites
organization lived experiences nimo as a student nga member ana
nga organization. So onsa man ka nga organization na belong? Still
active pa ba kas organization nimo?
Participant 2: TAU GAMMA PHI member ko sir and yes active
Researcher 1: Pila na pd ka ka years nga member ana?
Partcipant 2: four years na pod sir.
Researcher 1: Onya as a member ana nga organization kamusta
man? wala ba kay regrets or realizations?
Participant 2: Okay ra pod biya sir wala rako'y pagmahay pero naa
koy realizations which is kuan sir dili lalim mu sud og fraternity or
sorority organizations kay another responsibilities and expenses
imo atubangon as a student lisod jd ni kay tungod wala pay work
para ma sustentohan ang mga baryunon.
Researcher 1: Onsa man sab imong na feel nga member ka anang
mga ing ana nga organization?
Participant 2: Happy sir and proud kos akong gi sudlan.
Researcher 1: Onsa may mga positive and negative influenced imo
nakuha gikan ana nga organization?
Participant 2: Ang positive nga akong nakuha kay angay jd ta mu
tabang sa laing tawo samot nag tabangonon jd kaayo then
cooperation pod kay groupo mani ako gi sudlan and sulod ani nga
group kay magtinabangay jd mi.
Researcher 1: How does it affect you as a student member?
Participant 2: Wala man sir kay gi sure man nako sa akong self nga
to be always fine and dili magpadala sa mga temtasyon.
Researcher 1: To academically excel in what way man nga
nakatabang ni nimo?
Participant 2: Ang akoa ra jd maingon regarding ani is naka tabang
ni siya to boast my confidence sa pakig socialize inside sa room.
Researcher 1: Sa community onsa may mga contribution ninyo?
Participant 2: Contribution jd namo ng to give other people what
they need in terms of calamity. Nagpa feeding program, tree

planting and other community services nga kaya namo ma offer.

Researcher 1: So before joining farternities or sororities onsa man
imo life kani adto and life karon, how does it differ karon nga
member naka?
Participant 2: Before ko na member kay gamay ra gyud kog circle
of friends karon kay ubay ubay na.
Researcher 1:As a member ana nga organization na change ba ka
ani positively or in negative way?
Participant 2: As a member it changed me positively gyud kay
tungod akong gi adopt ang organizations principle nga to always
do good and have discipline kay naa man gud uban nga di jd
malikayan nga magpabuyag.
Reseracher 1: Regarding anang magpabuyag, onsa man imo ika
suggest para maiwasan na?
Participant 2: Para nako kailangan gyud mag implement og lisod
nga sanction tas dapat I apply dayun effectively. Ang purpose ani
is para mahadlok ang ubang members nga mu buhat og di maayong
Researcher 1: Naa na jd tas last question, So Would you mind to
share kung onsa imo mga benefits nga nakuha sa imong
Participant 2: Benefits is naa kay dali madoolan kay sama atong
abunohan ug dugo akong papa kay nitabang silag donate.
Ressearcher 1: Thank you kaayo sa time.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 3

Duration: 7 minutes and 20 seconds
Session Number:01
Time and Date of Interview:1:00 PM , March 20, 2023
Interviewed by: Joseph T. Casinto Jr.
Transcribed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcript Number: 3
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City
Utterances Analysis

Researcher 1: Good afternoon I am Joseph Casinto and our study

is about Lived experiences of student members of Fraternities and
Sororities in GADTC. Ang first nako nga pangutana sa imo is
What Fraternity or Sorority organization do you belong and are
you still active? and pwedi ba mi makabalo og pila naka ka years
nga member ana nga organization?
Participant 3: TAU GAMMA PHI member ko sir, almost two
years na nga member and yes po still active.
Researcher 1: How are you being a member of it man?
Participant 3: Okay raman sir chill lang nga pagka member.
Researcher 1: Wa ra pud ka nagmahay? or onsa may realizations
Participant 3: yes wala ko nagmahay pero I do have realizations
Researcher1: Onsa man sab na? pwedi raba mi maka balo?
Participant 3: Narealized nako nga ang frat organization is kulang
og pag supporta sa pag skwela sa student member.
Researcher: Dugang nako pangutana, onsa may angay buhaton sa
organization ani or onsa imo ika ingon?
Participant 3: Ako ika ingon dapat ila i expand or extend ang
ilang priorites dili lang sa pagtabang sa community but also onta
and hoping nga tagaan pod ug attention ang student member sa
ilang studies kay not all oraganizations nga ing ani is ga hatag jd
ug pansin towards sa student members.
Researcher 1: How does it feel pd nga member ka ana nga
Participant 3: For me okay ra sir and malipayon kay naka sulod
kog organization nga ing ani knowing nga lisod jd ni sya sud lan.
Researcher 1:What are the positive or negative ba kaha nga
influnced imo nakuha from it?
Participant 3: Based on my experienced sir, naka tabang ni sya sa
pag boast ug confidence nga gamit kayo inig nay mga activities.
Researcher 1: In what way man nga naapektuhan ka ani as a
Participant 3: Wala man sir uy pero naga apil apil lang jd noon ko
if naay mga event nga buhaton among organization.
Researcher 1: In what way nga nakatabang ni nimo to
academically excell?
Participant 3: Sama sa ako gi ingon ganina sir tungod kay medyo
ni baga na akong nawong naanad nako nga mo actively
participate sa class activities.
Researcher 1: What are the contributions of your Fraternity or
Sorority organization to the community?
Participant 3: Kani noon daghan kaayo sir pinaka comon is
community services jd sir.
Researcher 1: How was your life before joining and how does it

differ now nga member naka?

Participant 3: before is pundo rakog balay tas sa balay ra pod ko
makapanghinlo pero sukad nga na member ko makapanghinlo
nalang pd kog laing lugar sir pareha sa skwelahan og mga brgy.
Researcher 1: Nakapa changed ba sa imoha negatively or
positively ang pagka student member?
Participant 3: Sa ginaingon nako sir self confidence jd pero naa
koy kaila sir nga sukad na apil siya og frat kay mag absent na sya
sa iyang klse sir then nadungagan iya bisyo.
Researcher 1: Onsa man mga benepisyo nga imo nakuha sa pagka
Participant 3: For me sir sa pagkakaron wala pa.
Researcher 1: Sige mao rato tanan namo pangutana salamat kaayo
sa time.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 4

Duration: 6 minutes
Session Number: 01
Time and Date of Interview: 2:00 PM; March 20, 2023
Interviewed by: Joseph Casinto Jr.
Transcribed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcript Number: 4
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City
Utterances Analysis
Researcher 1: Good afternoon, Ako diay si Joseph Casinto 4th year
student and nag conduct mig study about lived experiences sa mga
student nga member ug Fraternities and Sororities dayun kay ana
man ka ganina nga member ka so pwedi raba ka ma interview?
Participant 4: Sige sir bahalag ulaw.
Researcher 1: Onsa ka nga Fraternity or Sorority organization na
Participant 4: TAU GAMMA PHI ko nga frat member sir.
Researcher 1: Pila na pd ka years nga member?
Participant 4: Its been 4 years na sir.
Researcher 1: How are ou being a member, Is there any regrets or
Participant 4: Usahay sir okay ra usahay pd dili ganahan ra pd biya

kos akong organization nga gi apilan maong wala ra pd ko

Researcher 1: Onsa pod ang mga positive or negative influnces nga
imo nakuha sir as osa ka member?
Participant 4: So far ang sa positive kay na participative ko sa
community labaw na inig naay mga kalamidad ang negative kay
tungod sa ubang member nga ma bisyo kaayo naa jd times nga ma
angin ko or ma enganyo ka nga manigarilyo.
Researcher 1: How does it affect you pod as a student?
Participant 4: Sa tinood lang sir kay naay time nga napasagdaan
nako ako pag skwela kay mas gi una nako akong mga friends sulod
sa organization, naa man gud kas a sir nga tungod sa ako ka enjoy
sa pakig jam jam sa ila maski naay klase dili nako mu sud kay lagii
sir nalingaw nako atong mga panahona.
Researcher 1: In what way man nga it helps you to academically
Participant 4: Ako tubag sir kay wala jd pareha ras akong tubag
recently nga question sir.
Researcher 1: Onsa may contribution sa imong organization sa
Participant 4: Pina ka common na ng community service sir.
Researcher 1: How was your life before joining and after then how
does it differ noow nga member naka?
Participant 4: Akong kinabuhi before kay okay raman sir pero
atong fresh member ko nabag ohan jd ko sir kay nakakat on kog
bisyo and na introduce sa akoa ug onsay feeling manigarilyo.
Researcher 1: Does it changed you positively or negatively?
Participant 4: Pareho sir, na changed ko positively kay mu engaged
nako ug community bases activity, Negatively sir in a way nga naa
na jd koy mga bisyo nga tungod ana nakasab an nako sakong papa
kay sama sako gi igon sir napasagdaan nako akong pag skwela.
Researcher 1: Ing ana gyud diay na no, kani last nga pangutana kay
mge benefits nga imo nakuha sa organization and if ever naa pakay
gusto i share pwedi kaayo.
Particioant 4: Para sa akoa sir kay kana imong mga ka brad or ka
frat is mu tabang jd na sila nimo and ofcourse sa community abtik
kay na sila mo serbisyo.
Researcher 1: Thank you sa pag cooperate.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 5

Duration:7mins and 5secs
Session Number: 01
Time and Date of Interview:4:00 pm; March 20, 2023

Interviewed by: Jopseph T. Casinto jr.

Transcribed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcript Number: 5
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City

Utterances Analysis
Researcher 1. Good afternoon, Joseph Casinto diay nag conduct
mig study entitled Fraternity and Sorority Membership: Lived
experiences of student member in GADTC. Okay raman gaha ka
ma interview?
Participant 5. Okay ra sir wala man sab koy gibuhat pa.
Researcher 1. Okay first question is Onsa man ka nga organization
sa Fraternity or Sorority nabelong? Active member pa ba or dili
Participat 5: ALPHA KAPPA RHO not totally active sir pero
kabalo ko sa mga ginahisgutan kay sa gc naa may mga updates.
Researcher1: Pila naman pd ka ka years member?
Participant 5: Almost four years sir.
Researcher 1: Kamusta man ka as a member of it, are there any
realizations or regrets ba kaha?
Participant 5: I'm good ra pd biya sir, never reget nga ni apil ko but
then na realize nako nga dili sayon sama sa gina huna huna sa mga
di members of frat.
Researcher 1: Ngano naka ingon man ka nga dili sayon?
Participant 5: Dili sayon kay financially unstable man ko nga
pagka student member onya naa man mi mga expenses gastuhan.
Researcher 1: Para nimo sir onsa man gusto nimo or ika suggest
regarding anang mga gastuhon ninyo as osa ka member nga
Partcipant 5:As a student member hinaot nga onta organizations
sama ani kay actionan ni nila nga case regarding financial ug onta
apil nalang pd sa plano ang financial support related sa among
school expenses.
Researcher 1: How does it feel pod nga member kag Fraternity or
Sorority organization?
Participant5: at first sir kay medyo disappointed sir kay if mu sulod
ka ka naay mga balaryunon wala ko ga dahum nga ing ani diay.
Researcher 1: Onsa pod ang mga positive and negative nga imo
nakuha from being a member?
Participant 5: Ang negative kay nagpadala kos ako kauban nga
more on vices then ma ipluwensyahan sab ko, naa pd time nga
mapa trouble. Ang positive is kabalo ka makihalobilo sa uban kay

kug musud man gud kag ing ani broterhood and sisterhood bond is
naa jd na menti.
Researcher 1: How does it affect you as a student?
Participant 5: Para nako sir nakaapekto sya in a way nga unahon jd
ang among pag skwela and naa sab sa among frat chapter ang five
fingers mao ang una ang Ginoo, pamilya, studies, kaugalingon
ayha ang fraternity.
Researcher 1: In what way nga it helps you to academically excell?
Participant 5: Sa akoa sir is if naa kay gam unon sa school or nagka
struggle ka tas naa kay classmate nga same group of fraternity ra is
tabangan ka niya and vice versa.
Researcher 1: Contributions ninyo sa community?
Participant 5: Mang hinlo sa community sir.
Researcher 1: Before ka ni join onsa man imo life sauna og karon?
how does it differ now?
Participant 5: Mao ra man japon sir pero karon sir nga member
nako is more expenses , responsibilidad, and naka meet pod og bag
o nga mga kaila.
Researcher 1: Does it changed you positively or negatively? In
what way man?
Participant 5: Positively sir kay maski nadungagan ako
responsibilities is nakakat on ko on my own ug onsaon pag budget
tas apil na pd ang pag manage sa time.
Researcher 1: Adto tas mga benefits as being a member naa ba?
Participant 5: Naa sir usa na ana ang naa kay madoolan if
nanginahanglan kag tabang sagara na makita ni sir kanang
mamatyan mo, mabahaan or maapil mos calamity.
Researcher: Salamat kaayo sa pag tubag mao rato.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 6

Duration:7mins and 5secs
Session Number: 02
Time and Date of Interview: 9:am ; March 22, 2023
Interviewed by: Jopseph T. Casinto jr.
Transcribed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcript Number: 6
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City
Utterances Analysis

Researcher 1: Good morning, ako diay si Joseph Casinto para ni sa

among research nga about Fraternity and Sorority lived
experiences, pwedi ba tika ma interview if free lang ka ron?
Participant 6: Sure sir.
Researcher 1: Sige kay ni ingon mn ka ganina nga member ka so
firts question is onsa man ka nga organization na belong, still
active pa ba gihapon?
Participant 6: ALPHA MU PHI Fraternity member sir and yes
active gihapon.
Researcher 1: Pila na pod ka katuig nga member?
Participant 6: Almost 2 years na sir.
Researcher 1: How are you being a member of it naa ba kay
pagmahay or realizations?
Participant 6: As a member happy and proud kay makatabang mis
community. Realization nako kay mga organizations nga ing ani is
dapat ipa lig on pa ang mga sunctions og ipakita nga dili sya daotan
kay sa na experience nako na ingnan ko usahay nga badlungon kay
lagi ni apil kog frat nga ga sakit sakit ra daw kos akong
Researcher 1: How does it feel to be a member of that
Participant 6: Okay raman para nako, sakto lang sya.
Researcher 1: As a member of that fraternity or sorority onsa may
mga positive og negative influence nga imo nakuha?
Participant 6: To be honest kay naga cut kog klase. High school
palang ko member nako ani tas kato nako nga behavior nadala
nako usahay karon nga college nako samot nag agdahon kos akong
mga barkada, mo go ko perminti.
Researcher 1: Kung mo cut kag klase, asa or onsa pd imo or inyo
Participant 6: Usahay mag inom pawala sa problema, mang laag
usahay boarding house lang.
Researcher 1: How does it affect you as studyante?
Participant 6: As osa ka estudyante mu angkon jd ko nga tungod
nagpadala kos temptasyon naay usahay nga ma missed nako ubang
quizzes and oral nga maoy hinungdan sa akong pagkabagsak.
Researcher 1: In what way man nga it help you to academically
Participant 6: Ari nga question kay kuan sir if naa mi group activity
mo participate jd ko sir if makasulod ra pd ug klase tas matunong
nga naay mga activities.
Researcher 1: What are the contibutions of your organization
towards the community?
Participant 6: Pinaka obvious ani sir kay feeding program og uban
pa nga community services.
Researcher 1: How was your life before joining and how does it

differ karun nga osa naka ka member?

Participant 6: Sa na member nako kita kog new friends and naka
meet pd kog lain pang tawo dili pareha sauna nga gamay rakog
circle of friends.
Researcher 1: Does joining change you positively or negatively and
in what way?
Participant 6: Both sir.
Reseacher 1: Would you mind to share kung onsa ang mga benefits
of being a member?
Participant 6: As a student wala sir pero as to the community naa
sama sa community services.
Researcher: Thank you kaayo sa time.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 7

Duration:7mins and 5secs
Session Number: 02
Time and Date of Interview: 9:am ; March 22, 2023
Interviewed by: Jopseph T. Casinto jr.
Transcribed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcript Number: 7
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City
Utterances Analysis
Researcher 1: Maayong buntag I am Joseph Casinto nag conduct
mig study about Fraternity and Sorority student member’s lived
experiences. Naa lang mi gamay nga questions if okay ra ninyo.
Participant 7: Sige sir go.
Researcher 1: What Fraternity or Sorority organization do you
belong? Still active?
Participant 7: ALPHA TAU PHI sir. Active member.
Researcher 1: Pila na ka years nga member?
Participant 7: Three years na sir.
Researcher 1: How are you being a member of it? Are there any
regrets or realization ba kaha?

Participant 7: I realized nga dili tanan fraternity organization

member nagpakita og kaayuhan nay uban nga mao noon mag una
una ug gubot samot nag nasobraan na ang pag inom.
Researcher 1: Follow up question nako regarding anang imo gi
ingon is onsa man imo ika suggest para maiwasan na nga issue?
Participant 7: Mag buhat og penalty policy sa mga member nga
mo gamit sa ilang pagka frat member nga magitag gubot tungod
sa kahubog.
Researcher 1: How does it feel being a member?
Participant 7: Nindot sya kay sa panahon nga nanginahanglan ka
naa ray mu agak nimo.
Researcher 1: What are the positive or negative did you get from
Participant 7: Na impluwensyahan ko nga mu inom kay ila man
ko e invite nga mo inom, dili ko mu balibad kay as respeto nalang
pd sa ila isip ka brad.
Researcher 1: How does Fraternity or Sorority affect you as
Participant 7: Wala siya nakapekto kay if ma conflict ang
schedule sa akong klase ako man mag adjust.
Researcher 1: In what way that it helps you academically excell?
Participant 7: Wala kay dili obligasyon nila among pag skwela og
mas ng focus lang mi sa community onta gani dili lang sila sa
community outreach naga focus onta tagaan pansin ang student
member og onsay mas pabor sa ila.
Researcher 1: Contributions sa inyong organizations sa
Participant 7: Ang contribution namo sa community kay clean up
drive, lebring tuli og brigada skwela.
Researcher 1: Pwedi ba nimo ma share og onsa imo life before ka
na member and now nga na member naka?

Partcipant 7: Ako sa wa pa kasulod gamay rakog kaila pero karon

ug mu lakaw kog laing lugar daghan na maka ila.
Researcher 1: Does being a member change you positively or
Participant 7: Pag sulod nako positive nga changed sa akoa kay
nakakat on kog tabang sa uban ang negative changed kay nagka
bisyo ko.
Researcher 1: What are the benefits nga imo nakuha as member?
Participant 7: Benfits nga ako nakuha kay atong December nga ga
baha ni donate sila.
Researcher 1: Mao rato Thank you.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 8

Duration:8mins and 10secs
Session Number: 02
Time and Date of Interview: 9:am ; March 22, 2023
Interviewed by: Jopseph T. Casinto jr.
Transcribed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcript Number: 8
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City
Utterances Analysis
Researcher 1: Maayong buntag I am Joseph Casinto nag conduct
mig study about Fraternity and Sorority student member’s lived
experiences. Naa lang mi gamay nga questions if okay ra ninyo.
Participant 8: Sure sir.
Researcher 1: What Fraternity or Sorority organization do you
belong? Still active?
Participant 8:Active member of GAMMA KAPPHA PHI sir.

Researcher 1: Pila na ka years nga member?

Participant 8: Two years and nine months.
Researcher 1: How are you being a member of it? Are there any
regrets or realization?
Participant 8: Medyo disappointed tungod kay mga organizations
nga ing ani is gina lantaw nga dili mayo. Add on lang pod nako
kay wala gyud sya ingon nga nag focus sa school.
Researcher 1: Onsa man sab imo ika ingon about ana nga matter?
Participant 8: Kuan lang sir nga onta as student member tagaan
nilag bili ang pag skwela or maski sa expenses lang sa
organization nga amoton onta tagaan mig discount.
Researcher 1: How does it feel being a member?
Participant 8: Feel good ra pod biya kay naa rami ika ambag sa
Researcher 1: What are the positive or negative did you get from
Participant 8: Na impluwensyahan ko nga mo agap sa tawo nga
nanginahanglan gyud og tabang og di sab ikalimod nga diri gyud
ko una naka kat on og inom inom.
Researcher 1: How does Fraternity or Sorority affect you as
Participant 8:Paminaw nako sir kay wala man.
Researcher 1: In what way that it helps you academically excell?
Participant 8: Wala koy matubag ari sir.
Researcher 1: Contributions sa inyong organizations sa
Participant 8: Nag conduct mig community service kada bulan
sama anang feeding program.
Researcher 1: Pwedi ba nimo ma share og onsa imo life before ka
na member and now nga na member naka?
Partcipant 8: Always the same walay changes pero basin sa uban

naa sir.
Researcher 1: Does being a member change you positively or
Participant 8: Somehow na engaged kog inom.
Researcher 1: What are the benefits nga imo nakuha as member?
Participant 8: There is no benefits para nako sir.
Researcher 1: Mao rato Thank you.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 9

Duration:7mins and 55secs
Session Number: 02
Time and Date of Interview: 10:00 am ; March 22, 2023
Interviewed by: Jopseph T. Casinto jr.
Transcribed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcript Number: 9
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City

Utterances Analysis
Researcher 1: Good morning diay nag conduct mig study about
lived experiences sa mga student nga member og Fraternities or
sororities ako diay si Joseph Casinto pwedi raman kaha
makahulam sa imong time?
Participant 9: Pwedi ra sir.
Researcher 1: What Fraternity or Sorority organization do you
belong? Still active and pila na ka ka years nga member?
Participant 9: ALPHA SIGMA EPSILLON member for four
years og active sab.
Researcher 1: How are you being a member of it? Are there any
regrets or realization?
Participant 9: Okay ra kaayo sir wala ra gamahay.

Researcher 1: How does it feel being a member?

Participant 9: Happy ra pod biya sir kay naa koy mga bag ong
Researcher 1: What are the positive or negative did you get from
Participant 9: Naka gain kog confidence samot na sa pag
communicate sa laing tawo.
Researcher 1: How does Fraternity or Sorority affect you as
Participant 9: Wala ra ko na apektuhan man.
Researcher 1: In what way that it helps you academically excell?
Participant 9: Wala sir kay medyo sipaton man ta.
Researcher 1: Contributions sa inyong organizations sa
Participant 9: Kung naay calamity sir mga baha mo serbisyo mi.
Researcher 1: Pwedi ba nimo ma share og onsa imo life before ka
na member and now nga na member naka?
Partcipant 9: Ug onsa ko sauna mao raman ata gihapon ko ron.
Researcher 1: Does being a member change you positively or
Participant 9: Ahh dili nakay ko ulawon ron nga para nako
positive sya ug sa negative pod I think sa uban is bisyo nga inom.
Researcher 1: What are the benefits nga imo nakuha as member?
Participant 9: Benipisyo nga nakuha wala sir pero ug sa
community nga part naa gyud na number one na ang
Researcher 1: Thank you sa pagpa interview.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 10

Duration: 6 mins and 41secs
Session Number: 02
Time and Date of Interview: 1:00 pm ; March 22, 2023
Interviewed by: Jopseph T. Casinto jr.
Transcribed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcript Number: 10
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City

Utterances Analysis
Researcher 1: Good morning buddy pwedi ka namo ma interview
frat member man ka diba? Ako diay si Joseph Casinto nag
conduct mig study about Fraternity members lived experiences.
Pwedi raba ka namo ma disturb?
Participant 10: Pwedi ra buds.
Researcher 1: What Fraternity or Sorority organization do you
belong? Still active og pila na ka ka years nga member?
Participant 10: TAU GAMMA PHI buds active og three years na
nga member ani nga organization.
Researcher 1: How are you being a member of it? Are there any
regrets or realization?
Participant 10: Wala ra biya buddy kay malingaw man ko makig
sabay sako mga ka brad.
Researcher 1: How does it feel being a member?
Participant 9: Maka feel ko nga dili ko lonely nga pagkatawo kay
naa man ako mga kauban andam madoolan.
Researcher 1: What are the positive or negative did you get from
Participant 10: Naka try ko ug sigarilyo kay if manigarilyo ako
kauban mo sigarilyo pod ko diri na dayun ko nag start og

Researcher 1: How does Fraternity or Sorority affect you as
Participant 10: Wa siya naka apekto sa pag skwela maski tood
nakakat on kog bisyo.
Researcher 1: In what way that it helps you academically excell?
Participant 10: Siguro wala.
Researcher 1: Contributions of the organization sa community?
Participant 10: Ni tabang mis katawhan.
Researcher 1: Sa wa paka mi join ug sa na member naka onsa
man imong life?
Participant 10: Life nako sa dili pako member kay lonely tas
ulawon pero sa na member nako akong life kay murag puno og
kalipay kay kabalo ko nga maski onsay mahitabo naa ra sila
Researcher 1: Does being a member change you positively or
Participant 10: Same lang.
Researcher 1: What are the benefits nga imo nakuha as member?
Participant 10: Wala man para nako, mao akong mama nasuko
pagkabalo niya kay wa daw ni hinungdan pero sa tinood lang naa
mani purpose.
Researcher 1: So onsa man imo ika sulti nga kabalo man ta gina
criticize ni nga mga organization?
Participant 10: Ika recommend lang nako para ma aware ang
katawhan ilabi na sa mga parents og students mga batan on is
dapat magpahigayon og awareness like maghatag bag aha ug
symposiums, placards nga maka hatag idea og onsa gyud tumong
ani nga organization.
Researcher 1: Salamat kaayo buddy.
Participant 10: Sige buds.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 11

Duration: 7mins and 60secs
Session Number: 03
Time and Date of Interview: 9:30 am; March 27, 2023
Interviewed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcribed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcript Number: 11
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City

Utterances Analysis
Researcher 2: Good morning gang, I am Annie Lou B.
Moreno diay fourth year crim student. Ahhm nag interview
mi for our research about lived experiences sa mga
fraternities or sororities student members. Free ra raba ka
para ma interview?
Participant 11: Sure ma’am sa matubag lang nako ma’am.
Researcher 2: Sige gamg so rang first question is what
Fraternity or Sorority organization do you belong? Still active
og pila na ka ka years nga member?
Participant 11: Member ko sa LEX PHI OMEGA ma’am for
five years na ma’am and active hangtud ron.
Researcher 2: How are you being a member of it? Are there
any regrets or realization?
Participant 11: Na realized nako nga dili gyud malikayan nga
maka ingon ang non-members og daootan ni nga wala ni
ikatabang which is dili tinood kay ang tinood nakatabang
ning mga ing ani if naay mga kalamidad mahitabo.
Researcher 2: Onsa man sab ang mga rason ngano maka

ingon sila ana?

Participant 11: Sa pagkahibalo nako siguro tungod sa uban
members nga mga badlungon. Naa pod uban nga maski wala
nay kwarta kusog kaayo mo bisyo.
Researcher 2: How does it feel being a member?
Participant 11: Maka sad kay lagi gina conclude nga dili
Researcher 2: Para nimo onsa man ang way para ma wala na
nga pag lantaw sa mga tawo?
Participant 11: Para malikayan ng mga conclusion nga kani
nga organization is dili maayo dapat higpitan ang pamalakad
sa organization para ang mga members kay mo act na
Researcher 2: What are the positive or negative did you get
from it?
Participant 11: Naimpluwensyahan ko nga mas patas an pa
nako akong self confidence.
Researcher 2: How does Fraternity or Sorority affect you as
Participant 11: Wala raba gyud ma’am kay wala siyay
kalabutan sa akong pag skwela.
Researcher 2: In what way that it helps you academically
Participant 10: Siguro nagamit nako ang self confidence.
Researcher 2: What are the contributions of the organization
sa community?
Participant 11: Mo serbisyo sa community.
Researcher 2: Sa wa paka mi join ug sa na member naka onsa
man imong life?
Participant 11: Mas daghan akong friends karon compared sa
di pako member og before low kay akong confidence.

Researcher 2: Does being a member change you positively or

Participant 11: Positively ma’am.
Researcher 2: What are the benefits nga imo nakuha as
Participant 11: Well if mag struggle ka like financially og mo
share lang ka sa ila about ana naay times mag ambaagay.
Researcher 2: Mao rato gang salamat sa oras.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 12

Duration: 6mins and 50secs
Session Number: 03
Time and Date of Interview: 10:00 am; March 27, 2023
Interviewed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcribed by: Joseph T. Casinto Jr
Transcript Number: 12
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City

Utterances Analysis
Researcher 2: Good morning, I am Annie Lou B. Moreno
fourth year crim. Okay Raba interviewhon ka namo para sa
among gi conduct nga research about fraternities and
sororities members lived experiences?
Participant 12: Okay ra kaayo ma’am.
Researcher 2: First question is what Fraternity or Sorority
organization do you belong? Still active og pila na ka ka
years nga member?
Participant 12: ALPHA MU OMEGA member ma’am mga
six years na.

Researcher 2: How are you being a member of it? Are there

any regrets or realization?
Participant 12: Okay ra kaayo ma’am.
Researcher 2: How does it feel being a member?
Participant 12: Naka feel ko nga ani nga group is welcome ko
og gina pa feel nila sa akoa nga belong ko.
Researcher 2: What are the positive or negative did you get
from it?
Participant 12: Sa tinooray lang maka missed kog klase
tungod sa mga activities nga e held sa amo organization og
para nako panagsa rana mahitabo maong mo attend gyud ko.
Researcher 2: How does Fraternity or Sorority affect you as
Participant 12: As a student sa akong pag skwela kay wala
man na apektuhan.
Researcher 2: In what way that it helps you academically
Participant 12: Wala siya naka ambag kay di man priority.
Researcher 2: What are the contributions of the organization
sa community?
Participant 12: Daghan nag na contribute ang among
organization unang una ang pa feeding program sa brgy. Ika
duha ang pag community service sa mga brgy. Og Simbahan.
Researcher 2: Sa wa paka mi join ug sa na member naka onsa
man imong life?
Participant 12: Mao ra gihapon akong life man.
Researcher 2: Does being a member change you positively or
Participant 12: Naka mention ko ganina nga naka missed kog
klase so negatively pero naa man pod mga positive ata.
Researcher 2: What are the benefits nga imo nakuha as

Participant 12: Daghan ma’am. Tinabangay lang gyud pero in
terms sa pag skwela, I hope nga mag raise og lain nga fund
nga ang concern is para sa pag skwela maski ginagmay lang
nga amount.
Researcher 2: Mao rato tanan thank you.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 13

Duration: 6mins and 28secs
Session Number: 03
Time and Date of Interview: 11:05 am; March 27, 2023
Interviewed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcribed by: Joseph T. Casinto Jr.
Transcript Number: 13
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City

Utterances Analysis
Researcher 2: Good morning, I am Annie Lou B. Moreno
fourth year crim. Pwedi baka namo ma interview as
respondents sa among study which is about fraternity and
sorority lived experiences of student members?
Participant 13: Maulaw man ko ma’am pero sige laban lang.
Researcher 2: Question namo is what Fraternity or Sorority
organization do you belong? Still active og pila na ka ka
years nga member?
Participant 13: Two years nga member sa TAU GAMMA
Researcher 2: How are you being a member of it? Are there

any regrets or realization?

Participant 13: Regret gamay kay daghan og trouble tas nag
require pod siya og time and effort in short another
responsibilidad na sab.
Researcher 2: How does it feel being a member?
Participant 13: Feel disappointed.
Researcher 2: What are the positive or negative did you get
from it?
Participant 13: Sa negative lang ko naay ika hatag kuan maka
inom nga nahimo na noon nakong bisyo kay maski wa koy
kwarta naa man ako mga kauban kumbaga apilon lang
gihapon ko nila.
Researcher 2: How does Fraternity or Sorority affect you as
Participant 13: As studyante kay mabahin akong oras kay as
member pod need ka mu apil sa mga ipahigayon nga activity.
Researcher 2: In what way that it helps you academically
Participant 13: Wala siya naka tabang para sa akoa.
Researcher 2: What are the contributions of the organization
sa community?
Participant 13: Mura pod syag skwelahan nga mag pa
community extension.
Researcher 2: Before joining onsa man imo life sauna
kompara karon nga member naka?
Participant 13: Nanaghan akong friends karon.
Researcher 2: Does being a member change you positively or
Participant 13: Yes kay sama sa ako gi ingon naka learn og
Researcher 2: What are the benefits nga imo nakuha as

Participant 13: Naa koy madoolan og dali.
Researcher 2: Mao nato last question namo. Thank you sa

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 14

Duration: 7mins
Session Number: 03
Time and Date of Interview: 1:00 pm; March 27, 2023
Interviewed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcribed by: Joseph T. Casinto Jr.
Transcript Number: 14
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City

Utterances Analysis
Researcher 2: Good morning, I am Annie Lou B. Moreno
fourth year crim. Pwedi baka namo ma interview as
respondents sa among study which is about fraternity and
sorority lived experiences of student members?
Participant 14: Okay sir.
Researcher 2: Question namo is what Fraternity or Sorority
organization do you belong? Still active og pila na ka ka
years nga member?
Participant 14: Member ko og ALPHA KAPPA RHO for
three years ma’am dayun active.
Researcher 2: How are you being a member of it? Are there
any regrets or realization?
Participant 14: Kapoy ma’am nga lingaw.
Researcher 2: How does it feel being a member?

Participant 14: Good ra kaayo ma’am.

Researcher 2: What are the positive or negative did you get
from it?
Participant 14: Aherm…napa trouble gyud ko sauna kay ato
ako og akong amego ginabully mi so naka huna huna ko nga
mo apil og frat kay kabalo ko nga if osa ka ka myembro naay
mo laban nimo onya kada bully nila sa amoa naa nakoy lakas
nga insultuhon sila. Diri sab ko naka kat on ug tagay.
Researcher 2: How does Fraternity or Sorority affect you as
Participant 14: Naka apekto siguro wala.
Researcher 2: In what way that it helps you academically
Participant 14: Wala gihapon.
Researcher 2: What are the contributions of the organization
sa community?
Participant 14: Community services.
Researcher 2: Before joining onsa man imo life sauna
kompara karon nga member naka?
Participant 14: Life before kay wala koy bisyo maski osa
ma’am onya karon kay naga inom nako.
Researcher 2: Does being a member change you positively or
Participant 14: Na changed ko sama sa ako gi ingon ari ko
nagka bisyo og yes para nako negative sya ilabi na sa pang
lantaw sa ubang tawo.
Researcher 2: What are the benefits nga imo nakuha as
Participant 14: Benefits kay naa koy mga group t shirt
Researcher 2: Thank you sa responses.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 15

Duration: 6mins and 33secs
Session Number: 03
Time and Date of Interview: 2:15 pm; March 27, 2023
Interviewed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcribed by: Joseph T. Casinto Jr.
Transcript Number: 15
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City

Utterances Analysis
Researcher 2: Good morning, I am Annie Lou B. Moreno
fourth year crim. Okay lang ba nga ma interview as
respondents sa among study about fraternity and sorority
lived experiences of student nga member og fraternities or
Participant 15: Walay problema ma’am
Researcher 2: What Fraternity or Sorority organization do
you belong?
Participant 15: ALPHA KAPPA RHO ma’am.
Researcher 2: Still active?
Participant 15: Yes ma’am.
Researcher 2: Pila na ka ka years nga member?
Participant 15: Three years ma’am.
Researcher 2: How are you being a member of it? Are there
any regrets or realization?
Participant 15: Ahhh wala koy regrets ra pod.
Researcher 2: How does it feel being a member?
Participant 15: Okay ra man ma’am.
Researcher 2: What are the positive or negative did you get

from it?
Participant 15: Magmatinabangon sa uban tawo.
Researcher 2: How does Fraternity or Sorority affect you as
Participant 15: Wala ra siya naka apekto ma’am kay wala
man gud ga focus sagara diri ang among org.
Researcher 2: In what way that it helps you academically
Participant 15: Wala ma’am.
Researcher 2: What are the contributions of the organization
sa community?
Participant 15: Ang na contribute namo kay services para sa
Researcher 2: Before joining onsa man imo life sauna
kompara karon nga member naka?
Participant 15: Sauna wala kaayo koy friends.
Researcher 2: Does being a member change you positively or
Participant 15: Positively kay nalipay ko nga dili lang ko sa
school or sa balay naka pang hinlo pati na pod sa laing lugar.
Researcher 2: What are the benefits nga imo nakuha as
Participant 15: Naa ra koy ma dali dali og dool og mag
problema ko.
Researcher 2: Mao rato amo mga questions basin naa pa kay
ika share okay ra pod.
Participant 15: Ay wala na ma’am, klase na pod nako.
Researcher 2: Sige sige gang salamat sa time.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 16

Duration: 7mins and 45secs

Session Number: 04
Time and Date of Interview: 9:am; March 29, 2023
Interviewed by: Joseph T. Casinto Jr.
Transcribed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcript Number: 16
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City

Utterances Analysis
Researcher 1: Good morning buddy, I am Jospeh Casinto Jr.
and I know kaila naka nako. Pwedi raba ka mahimong
respondent s among study about lived experiences sa mga
student nga member og fraternities or sororities?
Participant 16: Sige buddy okay ra sayon raman gaha na nga
mga pangutana.
Researcher 1: Sa matubag lang nimo buddy mas mayo og
daghan kag ma tubag or share.
Participant 16: Sige buddy bira.
Researcher 1: First question buds kay what Fraternity or
Sorority organization do you belong?
Participant 16: ALPHA KAPPA RHO member buddy.
Researcher 1: Active member paka buddy og pila na pod ka
katuig member?
Participant 16: Yes active tas member ko for three years.
Researcher 1: How are you being a member of it? Are there
any regrets or realization?
Participant 16: Nakarealized ko nga kani nga organization is
more on community services, as osa ka studyante wala kaayo
sya ga hatag og katabang sa pag skwela.
Researcher 1: Kung naa kay ika suggest ana nga matter onsa
mana? feel free nga i ingon lang.

Participant 16: Suggestion nako siguro kay to support student

member regarding school matters mga holders ani kay I
consider nga mangayog support sa uban nga mga successful
pd nga organizations.
Researcher 1: How does it feel being a member?
Participant 16: Okay ra man buddy wala ra ko ga mahay.
Researcher 1: What are the positive or negative did you get
from it?
Participant 16: Naka imlpuwensya siya sa akoa nga mo
tabang sa nanginahanglan tas sa bisyo nako na
impluwensyahan ko sauna nga mo sigarilyo tapos inom pero
karon inom nalang.
Researcher 1: How does Fraternity or Sorority affect you as
Participant 16: As student kay wala pero onta ipalambo pa
ang ing ani nga mga organisasyon. Sama karon maka dungog
gihapon mig storya nga dili maayo ning among pag sulod ug
wala daw kini hinungdan.
Researcher 1: Onsa man imo ika sulti about ana nga matter
Partcicipant 16: Og akoy pa storyahon onta mga holders ani
or maski members kay mag gama og programa nga naay
ikatabang sa studyante about sa ilang pag skwela kay para
nako ang Makita ras ubang taw okay community service ra
gyud ang nindot ani.
Researcher 1: In what way that it helps you academically
Participant 1: Wala koy ma ingon ari nga part gyud.
Researcher 1: What are the contributions of the organization
sa community?
Participant 16: Matic community services gyud.

Researcher 1: Before joining onsa man imo life sauna

kompara karon nga member naka?
Participant 16: Nagka bisyo like manigarilyo og mo inom
pero karon kay mo inom nalang.
Researcher 1: Does being a member change you positively or
Participant 16: Siguro negative kay diri man ko nag sugod og
pag bisyo bisyo.
Researcher 1: What are the benefits nga imo nakuha as
Participant 16: Naa kanang mga emotional support benefits
nakay na.
Researcher 1: Mao rato mga pangutana namo buddy basin
naa kay ika dugang.
Participant 16: Mao ra tali to buds.
Researcher 1: Sige salamat kay buddy ha.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 17

Duration: 7mins and 13secs
Session Number: 04
Time and Date of Interview: 9:am; March 29, 2023
Interviewed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcribed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcript Number: 17
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City

Utterances Analysis
Researcher 2: Good morning, I am Annie Lou B. Moreno
with a research about Fraternity and sororities lived

experiences of stundent member okay raba sa imo mahimong

part sa among research?
Participant 17: Sige ma’am okay ra.
Researcher 2: Ang ona nga question kay what Fraternity or
Sorority organization do you belong? Still active og pila na
ka years nga member?
Participant 17: ALPHA TAU PHI member ko, active og three
Researcher 2: How are you being a member of it? Are there
any regrets or realization?
Participant 17: Regrets wala og realization wala sab.
Researcher 2: How does it feel being a member?
Participant 17: Maka feel ko nga naa rakoy madoolan.
Researcher 2: What are the positive or negative did you get
from it?
Participant 17: Nadungagan akong bisyo sauna kay mo inom
rako karon kay manigarilyo pero dili kaayo usahay lang.
Researcher 1: How does Fraternity or Sorority affect you as
Participant 17: Sa karon kay wala pero ato sauna kay sige ko
kitag away, gi away nako ako kaila sa previous nako nga
school kay gina bully man ko ato nila mao hinungdan nga
napa guidance ko pero sukad nga na apil kog frat wala na
kaayo ko nila hilabti ato nga time.
Researcher 2: In what way that it helps you academically
Participant 2: Wala siya naka tabang sa akoa.
Researcher 2: What are the contributions of the organization
sa community?
Participant 17: Naay activities among organizations pinaka
kay libring tuli, og biragada skwela naa mi ana nga time.

Researcher 2: Before joining onsa man imo life sauna

kompara karon nga member naka?
Participant 17: Sauna kay kay walay mang hanggat nako og
Researcher 2: Does being a member change you positively or
Participant 17: Nadungagan man akong biasyo so negative
gyud siya pero naa poy positive ang pag tabang sa ubang
Researcher 2: What are the benefits nga imo nakuha as
Participant 17: Naa sila sa kalisud og kaharuhay.
Researcher 2: Last question nato thank you kaayo ha.
Participant 17: Okay ma’am walay sapayan.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 18

Duration: 6mins and 07secs
Session Number: 04
Time and Date of Interview: 11:00am; March 29, 2023
Interviewed by: Joseph T. Casinto Jr.
Transcribed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcript Number: 18
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City

Utterances Analysis
Researcher 1: Good afternoon I am Joseph Casinto and our study
is about Lived experiences of student members of Fraternities and
Sororities in GADTC. Ang first nako nga pangutana sa imo is
What Fraternity or Sorority organization do you belong and are
you still active? and pwedi ba mi makabalo og pila naka ka years
nga member ana nga organization?
Participant 18: TAU GAMMA PHI ko na belong. Member ko

mga three years.

Researcher 1: How are you being a member of ?
Participant 18: Maayo ra sir, hiluna ra pod biya ko.
Researcher 1: Wa ra pud ka nagmahay? or onsa may realizations
Participant 18: Dili siya lalim mo apil kay mu gasto ka once ma
member naka.
Researcher 1: How does it feel pd nga member ka ana nga
Participant 18: Happy and contented.
Researcher 1: What are the positive or negative ba kaha nga
influnced imo nakuha from it?
Participant 18: Maka missed kog klase samot na pag akong mga
sood nga membro mag outing or bomding pamati nako nga
kinahanglan nako mo adto para dili nako ma missed ilang gipang
Researcher 1: In what way man nga naapektuhan ka ani as a
Participant 18: Ma down ko usahay kay tungod gina ingnan kos
akong mga ante nga wala daw koy makuha ani ga gasto gasto ra
daw mura raba daw nig maka tabang sa among pag skwela, may
ra daw ni sya sa mga naa nay trabaho.
Researcher 1: As member onsa man imo ika suggest regarding
ana? Follow up question lang ni siya.
Participant 18: Akong ika suggest kay total ang ilang pang lantaw
sa organization kay daotan dapat mag conduct ug awareness. Plus
maka dungog pa jd silag mga news sa tv ug social media nga
mga di maayong nahitabo tungod aning fraternities.
Researcher 1: In what way nga nakatabang ni nimo to
academically excell?
Participant 18: Wala sir ay.
Researcher 1: What are the contributions of your Fraternity or
Sorority organization to the community?
Participant 18: Kada tuig or naay month nga mo tabang mig
community service kauban ang mga Pnp or LGU.
Researcher 1: How was your life before joining and how does it
differ now nga member naka?
Participant 18: Naka kat on og tagay tagay kauban ang member
kato ra pong mga sood nako.
Researcher 1: Nakapa changed ba sa imoha negatively or
positively ang pagka member?
Participant 18: Yes kay ana man ko naka toon ug inom.
Researcher 1: Onsa man mga benepisyo nga imo nakuha sa pagka
Participant 18: Ang maingon ra nako sir ka yang community
maoy naka benepesyo ug maayo which is good ra pod.

Researcher 1: Thank you sa pag tubag kamo na pod mag ing ani

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 19

Duration: 6 mins and 12secs
Session Number: 04
Time and Date of Interview: 1:00am; March 29, 2023
Interviewed by: Joseph T. Casinto Jr.
Transcribed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcript Number: 19
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City

Utterances Analysis
Researcher 1: Good afternoon I am Joseph Casinto and our study
is about Lived experiences of student members of Fraternities and
Sororities in GADTC. Ang first nako nga pangutana sa imo is
What Fraternity or Sorority organization do you belong and are
you still active? Og pwedi ba mi makabalo og pila naka ka years
nga member ana nga organization?
Participant 19: ALPHA MU PHI ko belong sir og duha ka tuig
nako nga member.
Researcher 1: How are you being a member of that organization?
Participant 19: Medyo okay ra sir.
Researcher 1: Nagmahay ba ka or onsa may realizations nimo?
Participant 19: As myembro nga studyante pa kay madungagan
gyud imo baryunon tapos ang responsibilidad sab nimo mapun
Researcher 1: How does it feel pd nga member ka ana nga
Participant 19: Goods ra sir kaya ra.
Researcher 1: What are the positive or negative ba kaha nga
influenced imo nakuha from ana?
Participant 19: Ang maanad nga mu participate sa community sir
pareha anang mag pahina.
Researcher 1: In what way man nga naapektuhan ka ani as a
Participant 19: Sukad pagsulod nako wala raman ko naapektuhan.
Researcher 1: In what way nga nakatabang ni nimo to
academically excell?
Participant 19: Wala koy ma say ani kay wa man sta ingon nag

focus sa among pagskwela.

Researcher 1: What are the contributions of your Fraternity or
Sorority organization to the community?
Participant 19: Syempre proud nako e sulti nga community
service bisan asa maski wala mi sweldo.
Researcher 1: How was your life before joining and how does it
differ now nga member naka?
Participant 19: Daghan nakog friends ron nga nailhan.
Researcher 1: Nakapa changed ba sa imoha negatively or
positively ang pagka member?
Participant 19: So far mao ra gihapon ko sauna ug karon.
Researcher 1: Onsa man mga benepisyo nga imo nakuha sa pagka
Participant 19: Siguro daghan andam mo tabang basta naay mu
abot nga di maayong sitwasyon.
Researcher 1: Thank you sa participation.

Participant: Fraternity/Sorority member 20

Duration: 6 mins and 19secs
Session Number: 04
Time and Date of Interview: 1:00am; March 29, 2023
Interviewed by: Joseph T. Casinto Jr.
Transcribed by: Annie Lou B. Moreno
Transcript Number: 20
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: GADTC, Maloro Tangub City

Utterances Analysis
Researcher 1: Good afternoon I am Joseph Casinto pwedi baka
ma part sa among gi conduct nga study about Lived experiences
of student members of Fraternities and Sororities in GADTC.
Onsa gani ka nga frat member?
Researcher 1: still active og mga pila na ka years nga member?
Participant 20: Four years member na.
Researcher 1: How are you being a member?
Participant 20: Malipayon sir.
Researcher 1: Nagmahay ba ka or onsa may realizations nimo?
Participant 20: Ang ako ma ingon lang kay dili gyud siya ing ana
lang ka simple sudlan daghan pag agian onya madungagan pa imo
mga baryunon kay ofcourse naa may mga fines og mga amoton

tapos projects ngadto sa community.

Researcher 1: How does it feel nga na ka member ana nga
Participant 20: Malipayon every naa mi matabangan.
Researcher 1: What are the positive or negative ba kaha nga
influenced imo nakuha ana?
Participant 20: Ako sa kadugayon nako nga pagka member mo
inom nako daan pero diri ko naka sulay og sigarilyo.
Researcher 1: In what way man nga naapektuhan ka ani as a
Participant 20: Wala siyay kalabutan sa akong pag skwela man.
Researcher 1: In what way nga nakatabang ni nimo to
academically excell?
Participant 20: Same ra ako tubag sir wala gyud.
Researcher 1: What are the contributions of your Fraternity or
Sorority organization to the community?
Participant 20: Naga community service mi.
Researcher 1: How was your life before joining and how does it
differ now nga member naka?
Participant 20: Napun an akong amego ug amega tapos before
kay wala ko kasulay og sigarilyo pero nadugay nga myembro
nako na try nako ang pagpaniarilyo.
Researcher 1: Nakapa changed ba sa imoha negatively or
positively ang pagka member?
Participant 20:Ang negative nga changes sa ako kay na allow
nako akong self nga mo sigarilyo.
Researcher 1: What are the benefits nga imo nakuha sa pagka
Participant 20: Naay panahon nga natabangan kos akong mga
kauban atong na apil mis baha naa sila ng donate og makaon.
Researcher 1: Thank you.

Appendix F


Name : Annie Lou B. Moreno

Nationality : Filipino
Date of Birth : March 24, 2000
Address : P-7, Mialen, Clarin Misamis Occidental
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Iglesia Filipina Indipendiente
Father’s Name : Marlon S. Moreno
Mother’s Name : Mercedita B. Moreno

Educational Background
Tertiary : Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Education
Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College
Maloro, Tangub City

Secondary : Clarin National High School

Poblacion 3, Clarin Misamis Occidental

Elementary : Mialen Central School

Mialen, Clarin Misamis Occidental
2012 - 2013

Organization and Affiliation

2019-2023 : Member
Criminology Intensive Training Unit
Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College
Maloro, Tangub City

Seminar/Workshop Attended:

December 2019 : NC1 Training

2022 : Forensic Science Webinar

July 2022
November 9, 2022 : Drug Symposium Seminar
November 19, 2022 : Webinar on Statistical amd Techniques in Research
Name : Joseph T. Casinto Jr.
Nationality : Filipino
Date of Birth : March 18, 1998
Address : P-2 Capucao C. Ozamis City
Misamis Occidental
Sex : Male
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Father’s Name : Joseph Sayre Casinto Sr.
Mother’s Name : Milenda Tigley Casinto

Educational Background
Tertiary : Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Education
Governor Alfonso D. Tan College
Maloro, Tangub City
2022 - 2023

Secondary : Montol National High School

Stimson Abordo Ozamis City

Elementary : Capucao P. Elementary School

Capucao P. Ozamis City

Organization and Affiliation

2018-2022 : Member
Criminology Intensive Training Unit
Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College
Maloro, Tangub City

Seminar/Workshop Attended:

December 2019 : NC1 Training

2022 : Forensic Science Webinar

July 2022
November 9, 2022 : Drug Symposium Seminar
November 19, 2022 : Webinar on Statistical amd Techniques in Research

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