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A teacher should make an attempt to understand the potentialities of her/his students. Which of the
following fields is related to this objective?
Educational Psychology
Educational Sociology
Social Philosophy

2 Every child has individual differences due to

psychological and physical factors
environmental and financial factors
Both a & b
None of the above

3 Learning can be enriched if

situation from the real world are brought into the class in which students interact with each other and
the teacher facilities
more and more teaching aids are used in the class
teachers use different types of lectures and explanation
due attention is paid to periodic tests in the class

4 According to psychological principles of teaching:

Principle of feedback & reinforcement
Principle of repetition & exercise
Principle of subject mastery

Teachers should present information to the students clearly and in interesting way, and relate this new
information to the things students
don't know
already know
willing to know
not willing to know

6 In the school, the child faces:

New society

7 according to Freud, What does the individual seek in order to reduce tension?
Immediate gratification of impulses
Long-term planning and goal setting
Avoidance of pleasure and pain
Control over their environment
8 Development is a term that is used to describe:
the mental development of the child
the physical development of the child
the emotional development of the child
All of the above

9 o start the work, continue and stable, it is called


10 Physical development is ____

Quantitative in nature
Qualitative in nature
Reflective in nature
Continuous in nature

11 Teaching is an important element in the process of _____________

Both a and b

12 Psychology is a
Biological science
Physical science
Social science
Natural science

13 According to Freud, What is the constant conflict in the dynamics of personality ?

Conflict between the individual and society
Conflict between the conscious and unconscious mind
Conflict between the ego and superego
Conflict between the id and superego

14 Growth is a term used to describe:

mental changes in the body
physical changes in the body
emotional changes in the body
All of the above

15 Which of the following is a psychosocial task of early adulthood, according to Erikson?

Intimacy vs. isolation
Generativity vs. stagnation
Ego integrity vs. despair
Identity vs. role confusion

16 Teaching, the profession of those who give instruction especially in an ….

University level
All of these

17 Which part of the personality is called the executive of personality?

The Id
The Ego
The Super ego
None of the above

18 Which of the following is NOT a cognitive development characteristic during adolescence?

Abstract thinking
Increased attention span
Concrete operational thinking

19 Psychology is the scientific study of _____ and ______.

A Behaviour, mental processes
Mental illness, Mental health
Physical states, mental states
None of the above

What is the term for the process of acquiring skills, knowledge, and values necessary to participate in

21 Factors affecting learning includes-

Personal factor
Environmental factor
Teacher-related factor
All of the above

22 Which stage of Piaget's cognitive development theory is associated with egocentrism?

Concrete operational
Formal operational

23 What techniques can be used for personality assessment?

Observation, questionnaire, and projective techniques only
Interview and rating scale only
Situation test and personality inventory only
All of the above

24 What is the term for the process through which children learn societal norms and values?

25 Which of the following is a developmental milestone of middle childhood?

Learning to walk
Losing baby teeth
Puberty onset
Graduating high school

26 Which stage of psychosexual development occurs from birth to 18 months?

Anal stage
Oral stage
Phallic stage
Latency stage

27 By middle childhood, the number of teeth in a child's mouth are


28 What is the main function of the Id?

To distinguish between subjective reality and things in the external environment
To operate on the principle of reality
To discharge psychic energy and operate on pleasure principle
To internalize parental influences and ideals of society

29 What is personality?
A simple blend of a person's appearance, physique, and character
A complex blend of a person's evolving patterns directed towards specific ends
A person's appearance and character only
None of the above

30 What is the function of the Super ego?

To distinguish between subjective reality and things in the external environment
To operate on the principle of reality
To discharge psychic energy and operate on pleasure principle
To internalize parental influences and ideals of society

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