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I'm not saying you should blindly accept everything but as Epictetus pointed out

don't demand that things happen as you wish but wish that they happen as they do
happen life with its Myriad complexities is a blend of our efforts and the
universe's designs sometimes despite our best moves the outcome isn't in our favor
but instead of being bogged down by what didn't go as planned stoicism nudges us to
embrace what's on our plate after all the most captivating stories often emerge
from the most unexpected turns 9. be of service to others we live in a world
bursting with opportunities to make a difference as Seneca reminds us we are all
bound together in a partnership stoicism isn't just about personal Enlightenment
it's about Community upliftment by aiding another we not only enrich their lives
but add meaning to our own whether it's helping a neighbor volunteering or simply
being there for a friend every act of kindness echoes in the universe remember it's
not just about thriving solo but elevating others along the journey 10. reflect
review and realign the bustling world doesn't often grant us pauses yet as Marcus
Aurelius noted the happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts
regular reflection is the mirror to our souls taking

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