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Checklist - Kenzhegali Zhuldyz (ИнКо, 301-2 group)

Pre Task Aims

1.Quotes This activity requires the use of quotes, you can A quote is the main meaning or moral of
choose quotes from great books or films. Find a any book. And students discussing
quotation about the topic that you are going to questions like What does it mean? Do
cover and tell students to make groups of three they agree with this? Why? Why not?
and discuss the quotes you chose. Students They will already know the main idea of
think about and answer questions like these: the new lesson that they are going to
What does it mean? Do they agree with it? take.Students can even bring their own
Why/Why not? quotes to the classroom.

2. Guessing from Before students look at the text they are going Aims: comprehension of new words,
Words to read, the teacher writes 5 or 6 words from the remembering, resourcefulness, saying
text on the board and asks the students to guess your own opinion.
the topic. Students brainstorm ideas that could
be written on the whiteboard for everyone to
see and remember. Additionally, the teacher
can take a poll to see if students like ideas
brainstormed by other students. Finally, the
teacher confirms how close or far they were.

3. Guessing from The teacher finds 3 pictures or objects which Aims: critical thinking, resourcefulness
Pictures are connected to the story or reading. The
teacher asks how those pictures and images are
connected. Finally, students read the text and
check if they were right or wrong about the
story connections they made.

4.Pictionary Select some of the key words from the Aims: working in
text.Divide the class into two or three groups.A group,resourcefulness,critical thinking
learner from each group (at the same time)
comes to the whiteboard.They are told the word
and they have to draw that word. They are not
allowed to use letters or numbers in their
drawing.The other students try to guess what
the word is and thus earn points for their team.

5.Guessing from The teacher dictates 3 sentences from the Aims: comprehension of new words,
sentences reading passage. Students write them down and remembering, resourcefulness, saying
check with a friend if they are correct.The your own opinion.
sentences are written on the board if necessary
as a final check.Then the teacher asks how
these sentences might be connected.Students
predict and then read the text quickly to check
their predictions.

6.How many words The teacher prepares the board by writing the Aims: comprehension of new words,
do you know? letters of the alphabet in 3 or 4 columns.The remembering, resourcefulness, saying
students form two lines standing behind each your own opinion.
other.Use 2 colored markers so you know
which team wrote what. The first student at the
front of each team gets the board marker.The
teacher introduces a topic to the class.The 2
students move to the board and write one word
related to the topic on the board next to the
letter it begins with, then pass the marker to the
next student in their team and go to the back of
the queue.The 2 teams compete to write as
many words as possible on the board in 3
minutes.The team with the largest number of
appropriate and correctly spelled answers wins!

While task Aims

1.Create a Venn Students are often asked to read articles that Aims: comprehension of new words,
diagram compare and contrast two or more topics. (For remembering, resourcefulness, saying
example, see Ellii’s lesson on J-Pop Vs. K- your own opinion.
Pop.) As students use this graphic organizer to
note the similarities and differences of two or
more items, they will better understand the
relationship between them.

2.Put text in order Cut up the reading and have students put it in This activity requires students to think
order. logically as they examine sequencing
words and transitions.
3.Participate in a This collaborative technique works well for Aims: comprehension of new words,
jigsaw activity longer texts.Assign each student to a “jigsaw” remembering, resourcefulness, saying
group then give each student a section of the your own opinion.
text to read. When they have finished, have
them get together with members from the other
groups who've been assigned the same
section.In these new groups, students discuss
and become “experts” on their section. Students
then return to their original “jigsaw” groups and
teach their group members about their section.

4.Consider other After students have read the text one time, ask Aims: comprehension of new words,
perspectives them to read it again and pretend they are remembering, resourcefulness, saying
reading it from someone else’s point of view. your own opinion.

5.Annotate the text As students read, encourage them to note their Aims: comprehension of new words,
reactions to the text in the margins.They can remembering, resourcefulness, saying
place a question mark when they don’t your own opinion.
understand something, a star when something is
important, and an exclamation mark when they
are surprised.

6.Make predictions After students have read a paragraph or section, Aims: comprehension of new words,
have them pause and say what they think is remembering, resourcefulness, saying
going to happen next. your own opinion.

Post Task Aims

1.Write a Summary If students can summarize a piece of writing, Aims: comprehension of new words,
you can be sure they've gotten the gist of what remembering, resourcefulness, saying
they've just read. Refer to our lesson on How to your own opinion.
Write a Summary if they need a refresher on
giving a condensed overview of a text.

2.Create a Quiz Give students the chance to step into the Aims: comprehension of new words,
teacher's role. Have students come up with remembering, resourcefulness, saying
comprehension questions—short-answer or your own opinion.
true/false—to test their classmate's
understanding of the text.

Have students sit in a circle. As they go around

3.Retell the Aims: comprehension of new words,
the circle, each student adds a sentence about
Information remembering, resourcefulness, saying
the text, preferably in the order the information
your own opinion.
appeared in the reading.

Put students into groups of three or four. Have Aims: comprehension of new words,
4.Play a Game them put away the text. Give them five minutes remembering, resourcefulness, saying
to think of as many facts as they can about the your own opinion.
reading. The team that comes up with the most
facts wins.

5.Write Questions Have students write 3–5 questions they have Aims: comprehension of new words,
about the topic that the reading didn't answer. remembering, resourcefulness, saying
your own opinion.

6.Write a Story Encourage students to choose 8–10 new or Aims: comprehension of new words,
interesting words. Challenge them to write a remembering, resourcefulness, saying
short story using those words. your own opinion.
While Listening Task Aims
1.Stop-Describe-Go Here, you’ll stop the audio and ask class Aims: comprehension of new words,
remembering, resourcefulness, saying
members to describe what they heard. After
your own opinion.
everything is clear, play more of the audio and
repeat the process. Continue this to the end.
Use this idea to check learner comprehension
in stages. As such, you can break audio into
sections and build grammar points, vocabulary
points, or expressions for each section from

This is the same concept as item 4 above, but

2.Stop-Paraphrase-Go Aims: comprehension of new words,
this time, you’ll ask class members to remembering, resourcefulness, saying
paraphrase what they heard. Then, you move your own opinion.

on to the next section.A note about

paraphrasing exercises: I’ve found over the
years that paraphrasing is a challenging yet
superb way to get learners to use English in
concise terms. Many teachers out there know
that students can often take a long way around
when explaining things.Paraphrasing forces
them to use less but more accurate words for
the sake of improved clarity. In turn, this helps
them with proficiency tests such as IELTS.

For this while, you can give learners a list of Aims: comprehension of new words,
3.Order the Words remembering, resourcefulness, saying
words. They’ll then number the words or
your own opinion.
phrases in the order they heard them. This
compels them to listen carefully and helps
them grasp sequencing words better.

4.Similar Meanings
This is a little more challenging and may be Aims: comprehension of new words,
remembering, resourcefulness, saying
more appropriate for advanced levels. You’ll your own opinion.
ask learners to listen to the audio then group
words with similar meanings They’ll have to
listen carefully.A twist to this is that you can
give them prompts such as:

You can use while-listening activities to

reinforce a grammar point or to evaluate their Aims: comprehension of new words,
remembering, resourcefulness, saying
Corrections grammar skills. Have learners listen to an your own opinion.
audio (or watch a video) and ask them to
identify a specific number of grammar
errors.Alternatively, you can give them a list
of types of grammar errors to listen for. You
can have fun with this since listening for
errors approaches listening activities from a
different perspective.

6.Listen for Details

One final activity you can do is listening to Aims: comprehension of new words,
classes in request details. This is a useful remembering, resourcefulness, saying
your own opinion.
while-listening activity for use in bottom-up
approaches. Have learners listen to a news
report, for example, and have them provide
details.You could request the following

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