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Law notes

Law-: Law is made up of rules and regulations that govern a society or something.

 Law studies cover Acts of parliament and Statutory Instruments (SI):

 An Act-is enacted by the President and parliament
 SI-these are regulations made by the minister and it is subordinate to the Act

Parks and wildlife chapter 20:14 as amended in 2001

Purpose of the Act-

 to establish a Parks and Wild Life Board; to confer functions and impose duties on the Board
 to provide for the establishment of national parks, botanical reserves, botanical gardens, sanctuaries,
safari areas and recreational parks
 to make provision for the preservation, conservation, propagation or control of the wild life, fish and
plants of Zimbabwe and the protection of her natural landscape and scenery
 to confer privileges on owners or occupiers of alienated land as custodians of wild life, fish and plants
 to give certain powers to intensive conservation area committees
 to provide for matters incidental to or connected with the foregoing.

Definition of terms

*Alienated land means—means private land; or State land held in terms of an agreement of purchase or lease;
or trust land held in terms of an agreement of lease

* unalienated land- means forest land; or State land which is not forest land and which is not held
under an agreement of purchase or lease; or Communal Land
*animal-means any kind of vertebrate animal and the eggs and young thereof, whether live or dead, other
than domestic animals and fish

*appropriate authority”—

(a) in relation to any land, means:

(i) in the case of alienated land—the owner thereof; or where the land is held under an agreement of purchase
or lease, the purchaser or lessee

(ii) in the case of unalienated land which is—forest land-the Forestry Commission; parks and wild life land or
State land other than forest land-the Authority; in an area of Communal Land for which the Minister has,
appointed a rural district council to be the appropriate authority-that rural district council; in an area of
Communal land where there is no Rural district council-the Minister;

(b) in relation to any waters, means—the person specified in a notice as the appropriate authority for such
waters; or if no person has been specified in a notice as the appropriate authority for such waters-the
appropriate authority for the land riparian to such waters

*Authority-means the Parks and Wild Life Management Authority

*authority in terms of this Act-means an authority, permit or licence in terms of the P&W Act

*Board-means the Parks and Wild Life Management Authority Board

*botanical garden-means a botanical garden constituted in terms of the P&W Act

*botanical reserve-means a botanical reserve constituted in terms of the P&W Act

*conservation committee-means—a conservation committee appointed for an intensive

conservation area or a rural district council declared to be a conservation committee

*dangerous animal-means an animal declared to be a dangerous animal in terms of the P&W Act

*dealer in specially protected indigenous plants-means any person who sells specially protected
indigenous plants in the ordinary course of his business in a shop, stall or other fixed place of

*designated animal-means an animal declared to be a designated animal in a sanctuary in terms of

the P&W Act

*Director General and Director means the Director-General or any Director of the Authority
*employee-means an employee of the Authority designated as an officer

*fish-includes vertebrate fish, and aquatic molluscs and crustaceans, both indigenous and non-
indigenous, but does not include the bilharzia snail and the liver fluke snail

*fishing-net-means any gill-net, seine-net, draw-net or ring-net, including the open-work material
knotted or otherwise formed into meshes which is used to manufacture such nets or any other nets
designed or adapted for catching fish, but does not include a throw-net, landing-net or keep-net
normally used by fishermen

*horn-includes rhinoceros horn

*hotel- includes a motel or a boatel

*hunt- means to kill, injure, shoot at or capture; or to wilfully disturb or molest by any method or to
lie in wait for, follow or search for with intent to kill, injure, shoot at or capture

*indigenous plant-means any plant indigenous to Zimbabwe whether or not it is or has been
cultivated or whether it is or is no longer growing in the wild state or has from time to time not been
growing in the wild state, and includes any part of such plant but does not include any weed

*inspector- means an employee of the Authority designated as an inspector

*ivory-means elephant ivory which is a trophy

*jig-means any contrivance, other than a conventional line, to which more than two hooks are
attached and which is used for jigging;

*jigging-means capturing or attempting to capture fish by dragging or jerking in water, in a manner

designed to foul-hook the fish, one or more unbaited hooks attached to a line or other fishing device

*learner professional hunter’s licence-means a learner professional hunter’s licence issued in terms
of section sixty-nine

*local authority- means a municipal council, town council, local board or rural district council

*meat-means the flesh, including the fat, of any animal, whether fresh, dried or tinned or otherwise

*member-means a member of the Board

*Minister-means the Minister of Environment and Tourism or any other Minister to whom the
President may, from time to time, assign the administration of the P&W Act

*national park-means a national park constituted in terms of the P&W Act

*night-means the space of time between half-an-hour after sunset and half-an-hour before sunrise

*occupier- in relation to land, means the person in lawful occupation of the land who has the right
to exercise general control over the land and resides thereon

*officer-means an employee of the Authority designated as an officer

*park area-means any botanical garden, botanical reserve, national park, recreational park, safari
area or sanctuary

*Parks and Wild Life Estate-means the Parks and Wild Life Estate

*parks and wild life land-means parks and wild life land specified in terms of the P&W Act

*pick-includes cut, take, gather, pluck, uproot, break, remove, damage or destroy;

*plant- means any vegetation

*prescribed road-means a road declared to be a prescribed road in terms of the P&W Act

*private land-means land the ownership of which is vested in any person other than the President

*problem animal- means an animal declared to be a problem animal in terms of the P&W Act
*professional guide’s licence- means a professional guide’s licence issued in terms of the P&W Act

*professional hunter’s licence-means a professional hunter’s licence issued in terms of the P&W Act

*protected animal-means an animal declared to be a protected animal on land in terms of the P&W

*protected indigenous plant- means an indigenous plant declared to be a protected indigenous plant
on land in terms of the P&W Act

*purchase- includes barter or exchange

*recreational park-means a recreational park constituted in terms of the P&W Act

*registered dealer in or manufacturer of fishing nets- means a person who is registered as a dealer
in or manufacturer of fishing nets

*regulations- means regulations made in terms of the P&W Act

*remove-includes drive or entice

*safari area-means a safari area constituted in terms of the P&W Act

*sanctuary-means a sanctuary constituted in terms of the P&W Act

*sell-includes barter, exchange or hawk; or to offer, keep, possess or expose for sale

*specially protected animal-means any animal declared in terms of the P&W Act to be a specially
protected animal
*specially protected indigenous plant-means any indigenous plant declared to be a specially
protected indigenous plant in terms of the P&W Act

*State land-means land vested in the President other than Communal Land or trust land vested in
the President

*State trophy- means anything which in terms of the P&W Act is deemed or declared to be a State

*trophy-means any horn, ivory, tooth, tusk, bone, claw, hoof, hide, skin, hair or the egg of any
animal or any durable portion whatsoever of any animal, whether processed or not

*trust land- means any land, other than Communal Land held in trust by the President or a statutory
body or by a person, whether solely or jointly with others, by virtue of his being the holder of some
office in a statutory body

*water installation” means a canal, channel, reservoir, embankment, weir, dam, borehole, well,
pipeline, pumping plant, filter bed, filter, purification plant, machinery, appliance, apparatus, fitting
or accessory or anything constructed, erected or used for or in connection with the impounding,
storage, passage, drainage, control or abstraction of water, the development of water power, the
filtration or purification of water, the use of water or the conservation of rainfall

*waters- means any river, stream, watercourse, lake, swamp, pond, dam, reservoir, pan, furrow or
other collection of water, whether natural or artificial, together with the foreshores or banks
thereof, but does not include water in aquaria or ornamental ponds unconnected with any natural
water; or water the sole and exclusive use of which under any law belongs to any person

*weed- means any plant defined as a noxious weed in terms of Noxious Weed Act

*wild life- means all forms of animal life, vertebrate and invertebrate, which are indigenous to
Zimbabwe, and the eggs or young thereof other than fish.

s3 Establishment of Parks and Wild Life Management Authority

 A body corporate has been established, to be known as the Parks and Wild Life Management
Authority, which shall be a body corporate capable of suing and being sued in its corporate
name and, subject to this Act, of performing all acts that bodies corporate may by law

s4 Functions of Parks and Wild Life Management Authority

 to control, manage and maintain parks and wildlife estates (national parks, botanical
reserves, botanical gardens, recreational parks, safari areas, sanctuaries)
 to examine and report to the Minister from time to time upon
 to determine whether the President should exercise any of his powers
 to investigate any matter relating to the use or occupation of the Parks and Wild Life Estate
 to do such other things, not inconsistent with this Act, as may be required by the Minister
 to exercise any other function assigned to the Authority by or under the P&W Act or any
other enactment

s5 Establishment and composition of Parks and Wild Life Management Authority Board
 Operations of the Authority shall, be controlled and managed by a board to be known as the
Parks and Wild Life Management Authority Board. The Board shall consist of not fewer than
six members and not more than twelve members appointed by the Minister, after
consultation with the President and subject to such directions as the President may give

Powers of the president in relation to all Parks and Wildlife estates

 The president shall have 5 powers in relation to all Parks and wildlife estates, and a sixth
power in relation to sanctuaries.
1. constituting a new parks and wildlife estate and specifying the name thereto
2. changing the name of any parks and wildlife estate
3. adding any area to a parks and wildlife estate
4. subtracting any area from a parks and wildlife estate
5. abolishing any parks and wildlife estate
6. in respect of sanctuaries-to add on/remove from the list of designated animals, the
name of an animal

s22 National parks

 Areas specified in the first schedule of the P&W Act are constituted National parks
 Purpose of a National Park:
 to preserve and protect the natural landscape and scenery therein;
 to preserve and protect wild life and plants and the natural ecological stability of wild
life and plant communities therein; for the enjoyment, education and inspiration of the

National parks in Zimbabwe

National Parks Province District Area/hectares

1. Chimanimani Manicaland Chimanimani 17 110
2. Chizarira Matabeleland north Binga 191 000
3. Gonarezhou Masvingo Chiredzi 505 300
4. Hwange Matabeleland north Hwange 1 465 100
5. Kazuma Matabeleland north Hwange 31 300
6. Mana pools Mashonaland west Hurungwe 219 600
7. Matusadona Mashonaland west Nyaminyami 140 700
8. Rhodes Matopo Matabeleland south Matobo 42 400
9. Rhodes Nyanga Manicalanda Nyanga 47 150
10. Victoria Falls Matabeleland north Hwange 2 340
11. Zambezi Matabeleland north Hwange 56 010

s23 Powers of Minister in relation to national parks

 to undertake scientific investigations within a national park

 to take or collect and remove for export or otherwise any specimen of wild life, fish or plant
from a national park
 to authorize any person— to undertake any scientific investigations within a national park;
or to take or collect and remove any specimen of wild life, fish or plant from a national park
 to set aside any area of a national park for special purposes
 to sell, donate or otherwise dispose of, any specimen of wild life, fish or plant taken from a
national park
 to introduce into a national park any specimen of wild life, fish or plant: Provided that the
Authority shall not introduce into a national park any wild life or plant which is not
indigenous to the area in which the park is situated
 to do all such things and to take all such steps as it may consider necessary or desirable,
including management of the soil and plants, the construction of fireguards and the
controlled reduction of wild life and fish populations, to ensure the security of the wild life,
fish and plants within a national park and the maintenance of the wild life, fish and plants
therein in a natural state
 to authorize the removal of any wild life, fish or plants which may be captured, killed or
 to construct air strips, roads, bridges, soil conservation works and water installations,
buildings, viewing platforms, harbours and fences and to carry out such other works as he
may consider necessary or desirable
 to set aside areas within a national park as development areas for
 to authorize officers, employees or other persons lawfully residing in a national park to keep
domestic or domesticated animals of such classes as he may authorize in a development
 to regulate or restrict the construction and design of any building that may be constructed
within a national park
 to restrict the use of vehicles and the speed at which vehicles may travel within a national
 direct that no further facilities shall be provided within a national park
 restrict or limit the number of persons or vehicles or types of vehicles which may be
permitted entry at any one time and may, in by-laws, impose such restrictions or fix such

s24 Prohibition and regulation of certain acts in national parks

 No person shall:
 pick any plant in a national park
 hunt any wild life or take or destroy the nest thereof in a national park
 sell— any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or has died in or
has been removed from a national park; or any fish caught in a national park; or any
plant picked in a national park
 introduce into or convey in a national park any weapon or explosive or any prescribed
article; or introduce into or convey or allow in a national park any animal, including a
domestic or domesticated animal
 remove from a national park any animal or any part of an animal; or fish in any waters in
a national park or remove from the park any fish caught in the waters of the park.

Botanical reserves and botanical gardens

 Purposes of botanical reserves and botanical gardens
 The purposes for which botanical reserves shall be to preserve and protect rare
or endangered indigenous plants or representative plant communities growing
naturally in the wild for the enjoyment, education and benefit of the public.
 The purposes for which botanical gardens are to propagate and cultivate exotic
and indigenous plants for the enjoyment, education and benefit of the public.

Powers of the minister

 Minister, may cede the Authority’s powers, functions and duties in relation a
botanical reserve or botanical garden to any other Minister who shall thereafter
have in relation to the botanical reserve or botanical garden concerned all the
powers, functions and duties which are conferred or imposed upon the Authority in
terms of the P&W Act.

s26 Botanical reserves and botanical gardens

 Botanical reserves and botanical gardens are listed in the second schedule of the
P&W Act

Botanical garden
Botanical gardens District Province Area [hectares]

1. National Botanic Harare Harare 67

2. Vumba Mutare Manicaland 200
3. Ewanrigg Goromonzi Mashonaland east 286

Botanical reserves
Botanical Reserves District Province Area/Hectares
1. Pioneer Beitbridge Matabeleland south 38
2. Tolo River Beitbridge Matabeleland south 44
3. South Camp Beitbridge Matabeleland south 26
4. Chisekera Hotspring Chiredzi Masvingo 95
5. Tingwa Rapha Palm Mt Darwin Mashonaland central 290
6. Mawara Rapha Palm Mt Darwin Mashonaland central 34
7. Haroni Forest Chimanimani Manicaland 20
8. Rusitu Forest Chimanimani Manicaland 150
9. Sebakwe Acacia Karoo Kwekwe Midlands 60
10. Sebakwe Great Dyke Kwekwe Midlands 165
11. Sebakwe Mountain Acacia Kwekwe Midlands 53
12. Mazoe A &B Harare Harare 46
13. Bunga Forest Mutare Manicaland 495
14. Vumba Mutare Manicaland 42

s28 Control of, introduction into or removal of plants from a botanical reserve or botanical garden
 No person shall:
 introduce any plant into a botanical reserve or a botanical garden
 pick any plant in a botanical reserve or a botanical garden; except in terms of a
 any person working on a road in a botanical reserve or a botanical garden may pick
any plant on such road if it is necessary in the lawful performance of his duties
Minister, may issue a permit authorizing the holder thereof—
 to introduce any plant into or pick any plant in a botanical reserve: Provided that
the plant introduced is native to such reserve and in the case of picking, the picking
is necessary for export purposes or for scientific purposes; or for providing
specimens for a museum, herbarium or similar institution; or for the introduction
into another botanical reserve, botanical garden or similar such place or into
horticulture; or for purposes connected with the management and control of such

s30 Purposes of sanctuaries and duties of Minister
 The purposes for which sanctuaries are constituted shall be to afford special protection
to all animals or particular species of animals in the sanctuary concerned for the
enjoyment and benefit of the public
s31 Sanctuaries and designated animals
 Sanctuaries are listed in the Third Schedule of the P&W Act and the animals specified in
the second column opposite the sanctuaries shall be designated animals.

Sanctuaries in Zimbabwe
Sanctuaries Province District Area [hectares]
1. Tshabalala Matabeleland Matobo 1 100
2. Manjinji pan Masvingo Chiredzi 300
3. Chimanimani Manicaland Chimanimani 1 800
4. Nyamanyetsi Mashonaland central Guruve 2 480
5. Mushandike Masvingo Masvingo 12 900
6 Mbaze pan Matebeleland north Nkayi 40

32 Powers of Minister in relation to sanctuaries

 Minister shall:
 have power in respect of sanctuaries to take such measures and to do such things
which he considers necessary or desirable
 For the purposes of providing facilities for visitors within an area set aside for the
purpose in a sanctuary, construct, maintain and administer hotels, restaurants, rest
camps, caravan parks, camping grounds, shops, service stations and other buildings
and facilities and let accommodation therein; and let hotels, restaurants, shops,
service stations and other buildings and facilities and control the charges which may
be made by the lessees
 direct that no further facilities shall be provided in a sanctuary
 restrict or limit the number of persons which may be permitted entry into a
sanctuary at any one time

s33 Control of hunting in and removal of animals or animal products from a sanctuary and sale of
animals or animal products
 No person shall:
(a) hunt any animal in a sanctuary;
(b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from a sanctuary
(c) sell any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or has died in
or has been removed from a sanctuary; except in terms of a permit
s34 Permit to hunt in or remove animals or animal products from a sanctuary and to sell animals
or animal products
 The Authority with the concurrence of the Minister, may issue a permit to any person to:
(a) hunt any animal in a sanctuary
(b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from a sanctuary
(c) sell any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or has died in
or has been removed from a sanctuary,
 Provided that the Authority shall not issue any such permit:
(a) to hunt or remove any designated animal or any part of such animal unless it is
satisfied that the hunting or removal is necessary for:
(i) scientific purposes
(ii) the protection of human life or property
(b) to hunt or remove any animal or any part of an animal other than a designated
animal unless it is satisfied that the hunting or removal is necessary for:
(i) scientific purposes
(ii) educational purposes
(iii) providing specimens for a museum, zoological garden or similar institution
(iv) the taking of animals live for the purpose of export or restocking
(v) the management and control of animal populations
(vi) the protection of human life or property
(vii) any other purpose which, in the opinion of the Authority, is in the interests of
the conservation of animals.

s35 Purposes of safari areas and powers and duties of Minister
 The purposes for which safari areas are shall be to preserve and protect the natural
habitat and the wild life therein in order that facilities and opportunities may be
afforded to the public for camping, hunting, fishing, photography, viewing of animals,
bird-watching or such other pursuits that may be permitted therein in terms of the P&W
s36 Safari areas
 Areas listed in the Fourth Schedule are safari areas

Safari areas in Zimbabwe

Safari Area Province District Area/Hectares
1. Charara Mashonaland west Kariba/Hurungwe 160 200
2. Chete Matabeleland north Binga 108 100
3. Chewore Mashonaland west Hurungwe 339 000
4. Chipinga Manicaland Chipinge 26 100
5. Chirisa Midlands Gokwe 171 300
6. Dande Mashonaland central Guruve 52 300
7. Deka Matabeleland north Hwange 51 000
8. Doma Mashonaland west Makonde 94 500
9. Hartley Mashonaland west Chegutu 44 500
10. Hurungwe Mashonaland west Nyaminyami 289 400
11. Malapati Masvingo Chiredzi 15 400
12. Matetsi Matabeleland north Hwange 295 500
13. Sapi Mashonaland west Hurungwe 118 000
15 Sibilobilo Mashonaland west Nyaminyami 4400
16. Tuli Matabeleland south Beightbridge/Gwanda 41 600
10. Umufurudzi Mashonaland central Shamva 76 000

s37 Lease of sites and grant of hunting rights in safari areas

 The Authority, with the concurrence of the Minister, may:
(a) lease sites in a safari area to such persons and for such purposes as it deems fit;
provided that the period of a lease shall not exceed twenty-five years
(b) grant hunting or other rights over or in a safari area to such persons as he deems
fit; provided that the period of hunting or other rights shall not exceed ten years
 The grant of hunting or other rights shall not prohibit persons from entering into the
safari area concerned for purposes other than those for which the rights have been
s38 Control of hunting in and removal of animals or animal products from a safari area and sale of
animals or animal products
 No person shall:
(a) hunt any animal in a safari area
(b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from a safari area
(c) sell any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or which has
died in or which has been removed from a safari area
Except in terms of:
(i) such regulations as may be prescribed for such safari area
(ii) a permit
s39 Permit to hunt in or remove animals or animal products from a safari area and to sell animals
or animal products
 The Authority, with the concurrence of the Minister, may issue a permit:
 to any person to:
(i) hunt any animal in a safari area
(ii) remove any animal or any part of an animal from a safari area
(iii) sell any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or which has
died in or which has been removed from a safari area
Provided that the Authority shall not issue any such permit to hunt or remove any
animal or any part of an animal unless it is satisfied that the hunting or removal is
necessary for:
(a) scientific purposes
(b) educational purposes
(c) providing specimens for a museum, zoological garden or similar institution
(d) the taking of animals live for the purpose of export or restocking
(e) the management and control of animal populations
(f ) the protection of human life or property
(g) any other purpose which, in the opinion of the Authority, is in the interests of
the conservation of animals

 to any person as the guest of the State to:

(i) hunt any animal in a safari area
(ii) remove any animal or any part of an animal from a safari area
(iii) sell any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or which has
died in or which has been removed from a safari area
 A permit issued may authorize the holder thereof to allow any person nominated by him
to do in his stead, but subject to his direction or the direction of his deputy, anything
which the holder may do in terms of the permit

s40 Purposes of recreational parks and powers and duties of Minister
 The purposes for recreational parks shall be to preserve and protect the natural features
therein for the enjoyment, benefit and recreation of the public.
s41 Recreational parks
 Recreational parks are listed in the Fifth Schedule of the P&W Act

Recreational parks in Zimbabwe.

Recreational Parks District Province Area [hectares]
1. Lake Kariba Binga, Nyaminyami Mash west/Mat N 287 200
2. Mtirikwi Masvingo Masvingo 16 900
3. Sebakwe Kwekwe Midlands 2 600
4. Lake Robertson Chegutu, Makonde Mash West 11 200
5. Manjirenji Zaka Masvingo 3 400
6. Osborne Mutare Manicaland 2 600
7. Lake Chivero Zvimba Mash west 2 632
8. Manyame Zvimba Mash west
9. Ngezi Chegutu Mash West 5 800
10. Lake Cunningham Insiza Mat north 4 172
11. Bangala Zaka and Masvingo Masvingo 2 700
12 Matopos Mat south

s42 Designation of land within recreational park which may be alienated or leased
 The Minister, on the recommendation of the Authority may, by notice in a statutory
instrument, designate within a recreational park any area or areas of land which may be
alienated or leased for the erection of hotels, restaurants, rest camps, caravan parks,
camping grounds, shops, service stations and other buildings and facilities for the
accommodation, recreation, enjoyment or convenience of visitors or for such other purpose
as he deems fit and may in like manner revoke such designation
 Notwithstanding the alienation or lease of any land within a designated area, such land shall
continue to form part of the recreational park concerned.

s43 Specially protected animals

 The animals specified in the Sixth Schedule are declared to be specially protected animals.



1. Aardwolf -Proteles cristatus Hwena/Mwena

2. Bat eared fox -Otocyon megalotis Gava

3. Cheetah -Acinonyx jubatus Dindingwe

4. Gemsbok -Oryx gazella Ingugama

5. Lichtenstein hartebeest -Alcelaphus lichtensteini Hwiranondo/Inhlezu

6. Pangolin -Manis temminickii Haka/Inkakha

7. Black rhino -Diceros bicornis Nhema/Ubhejane

8. White rhino -Ceratotherium simum Chipembere/Umhofu

9. Roan antelope -Hippotragus equinus Ndunguza/Ithaka

Specially protected reptiles

1. Python Python sebae Shato/Ihlatu

Specially protected birds

Common name Latin name vernacular name

1. African hawk eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus [Gondo]

2. Brown snake eagle Circaetus cinereus

3. Crowned eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus

4. African fish eagle Haliaeetus vocifer [Hungwe]

5. Lanner falcon Falco biarmicus [Rukodzi]

5. Long crested eagle Lophaetus occipitalis [Kondokondo]

6. Martial eagle Polemaetus bellicosus [Gondo]

7. Ayres hawk eagle Hieraaetus ayresii

8. Osprey Pandion haliaetus

9. Bateleur Terathopius ecaudatus [Chapungu

10. Black eagle Aquila verreauxii [Rovambira]

11. Teita falcon Falco fasciinucha

12. Black sparrow hawk Accipiter melanoleucus [Rukodzi]

13. Tawny eagle Aquila rapax [Gondo]

14. Black-breasted Snake Eagle Circaetus pectoralis

15. Hammerkop Scopus umbretta [Kondo]

16. Secretary bird Sagittarius serpentarius [Hwata]

2. All bustards and korhaans

[a] bustards
1. Black-bellied Korhaan- Eupodotis melanogaster [Guhwi/gumbwi]

2. Red-crested korhaan- Eupodotis rueppellii [Gaundya]

[b] korhaans
1. Kori bustard- Ardeotis kori [Ngomanyuni]

2. Stanely’s/Denham’s bustard Neotis denhami

3. All the cranes

1. Southern Crowned crane Balearica regulorum

2. Wattled crane Grus carunculata [Jowori]

4. All the flamingos

1. Greater flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber

2. Lesser flamingo Phoenicopterus minor

5. All the pelicans

1. Pink-backed pelican Pelecanus rufescens

2. White pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus

6. All the storks

1. Abdim’s/Whitebellied stork Ciconia adbimii [Shuramurove]

2. White stork Ciconia ciconia [Shuramurove]

3. Black stork Ciconia nigra [Shuramurove]

4. Wooly-necked stork Ciconia [Shuramurove]

5. Yellow-billed stork Mycteria ibis [Shuramurove]

6. Open-billed stork Anastomus lamelligerus [Shuramurove]

7. Saddle-billed stork Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis [Shuramurove]

8. Marabou stork Leptoptilos crumeniferus

7. All the vultures
Eygtian vulture Neophon perenopterus

Hooded vulture Neophon monarchus [Gora]

Cape vulture Gyps coprotheres

Whitebacked Vulture Gyps africanus [Gora]

Lappetfaced Vulture Togos tracheliotus [Gora]

Whiteheaded Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis [Gora]

s44 Minister may amend Sixth Schedule by notice in statutory instrument

 The Minister may, on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the Authority,
by notice in a statutory instrument, amend the Sixth Schedule by adding thereto or
removing therefrom the name of any animal.
s45 Control of hunting of specially protected animals and possession or sale of specially protected
animals and products thereof
 No person shall:
(a) hunt any specially protected animal
(b) keep, have in his possession or sell or otherwise dispose of any live specially
protected animal or the meat or trophy of any such animal; except in terms of a
s46 Permit to hunt and to sell live specially protected animals and products thereof
 The Authority, with the concurrence of the Minister, may issue a permit to any person:
(a) to hunt any specially protected animal on any land other than in a national park
(b) to keep, have in his possession or sell any live specially protected animal or the
meat or trophy of any such animal
 Provided that the Authority shall not issue a permit unless it is satisfied that the hunting is
necessary for:
(a) scientific purposes
(b) educational purposes
(c) providing specimens for a museum, zoological garden or similar institution
(d) the taking of animals live for the purpose of falconry, captive breeding, export or
(e) the management and control of animal populations
(f ) the protection of human life or property
(g) any other purpose which, in the opinion of the Authority, is in the interests of
the conservation of animals.
s47 Trophies of specially protected animals which are State trophies
 The trophy of any specially protected animal killed or found dead shall be deemed to be
a State trophy, this shall not apply in respect of the trophy of any specially protected
animal which:
(a) has been killed in terms of a permit
(b) was in lawful captivity immediately before its death.
 Any person who takes possession of any trophy which is a State trophy shall, as soon as
possible and in any event within seven days, surrender such trophy to the appropriate
authority for the land on which it was found or to the nearest convenient office of the
Authority or police station or to the local authority for the area concerned.

s48 Specially protected indigenous plants

 The plants specified in the first column of the Seventh Schedule are declared to be
specially protected indigenous indigenous plants

1. Mangrove fern 6. Hare-bell

2. Sabi star 7. Lundi star

3. Raffia palm 8. African juniper

4. Tree fern 9. Mutuputupu

5. Cycad 10. Flame lily

11 Stag horn 12 Flowering grass

13 Borassus palm

s49 Minister may amend Seventh Schedule by notice a statutory instrument

 The Minister may, on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the Authority,
by notice in a statutory instrument, amend the Seventh Schedule

s50 Control of picking of specially protected indigenous plants

 No person shall pick any specially protected indigenous plant except in terms of a
permit, this shall not apply to the picking of any specially protected indigenous plant in
any area which may be specified opposite the name of such plant in the second column
of the Seventh Schedule.
 An owner or occupier of land or a person acting under his authority may cut or gather
the flower of a specially protected indigenous plant on the land for use in the home of
such owner or occupier
 An owner or occupier of land or a person acting under his authority may pick a specially
protected indigenous plant on the land which is: needed for cultivation, forestry
operations, the erection of a building or structure, the construction of a fireguard, road
or airport or other development, or the extraction of sand, stone, gravel or other
materials; or used for the cultivation of such specially protected indigenous plants.

s51 Permit to pick specially protected indigenous plants

 The Authority with the concurrence of the Minister, may issue a permit authorizing
the holder thereof to pick a specially protected indigenous plant for:

(a) export

(b) cultivation and propagation

(c) scientific purposes

(d) providing specimens for a museum, herbarium, botanical garden or similar

(e) such other purpose as the Authority deems fit

s52 Sale of specially protected indigenous plants controlled

 No person shall sell any specially protected indigenous plant:

(a) except in terms of a permit issued to him in terms of section fifty-three

(b) unless he is a dealer in specially protected indigenous plants

(c) unless he is a member of a recognized horticultural society and the sale is to a

member of the same or any other recognized horticultural society.

 No person shall purchase a specially protected indigenous plant:

(a) except from a person who is the holder of a permit issued in terms of section

(b) except from a dealer in specially protected indigenous plants; or

(c) except from a stall at any fete, bazaar or other like function open to the public
(d) unless he is a member of a recognized horticultural society and the purchase is
from a member of the same or any other recognized horticultural society

*recognized horticultural society-means a society, club, association or body of

persons which is formed for the purpose of propagation of plants and which is
recognized for the purposes of this section by the Authority.
s55 control picking of indigenous plants
 No person shall:
 without reasonable excuse, the proof whereof lies on him, pick any
indigenous plant on any land
 sell any indigenous plant picked on any land; except in terms of a permit

s56 Permission to pick indigenous plants

 The appropriate authority for any land may:

 pick any indigenous plant on the land
 sell any indigenous plant picked on the land
 issue a permit to any person: (i) to pick any indigenous plant on the land
(ii) to sell any indigenous plant picked in (i)

s59 control of hunting, removal and sale of live animals and animal products

 This section shall not apply to national parks, sanctuaries or safari areas.
 No person shall:
 hunt any animal on any land
 remove any animal or any part of an animal from any land or from one
place to another on any land; except in terms of a permit
 sell any live animal or the trophy of any animal except in terms of a permit
 The appropriate authority for any land may:
 hunt any animal on the land;
 remove any animal or any part of an animal from the land or from one
place to another on the land;
 issue a permit to any person allowing him or any other person or any class
of persons to hunt any animal on the land or to remove any animal or any
part of an animal from the land or from one place to another on the land.

s61 killing or injury of animals in self-defence

 It shall be lawful for any person to kill or injure any animal on any land in defence of
himself or any other person but the burden of proving that any animal has been lawfully
killed in self-defence shall lie on the person who killed or injured such animal.

s62 Destruction of dogs

 It shall be lawful for the appropriate authority for alienated land on which there are any
animals to kill any dog found on such land if such dog is not in the keeping of or
accompanied by a person who is lawfully upon such land.
 It shall be lawful for an officer to kill any dog found hunting any animal on unalienated
land if such dog is not in the keeping of or accompanied by a person who is unlawfully
upon such land.
 However, this shall not apply in respect of land within:
 the area of a municipality or town or local government area
 the town ward of a rural district council or an area that has been
declared in terms of the Rural District Councils Act to be a specified
 the area of any township, village or business centre established in
terms of any enactment.

s63 Report of killing of animals or injury of animals other than dangerous animals
 Where:
 any animal, other than specially protected animals, is killed or any
animal, other than a dangerous animal or specially protected animals, is
injured by any person:

(i) in self-defence

(ii) by accident or in error whilst he is hunting and he has no

authority in terms of the P&W Act to hunt such animal

 any specially protected animal is killed or injured by any person and he

has no authority in terms of the P&W Act to hunt or kill such animal

that person shall as soon as possible and in any event within seven days
make a report in person to:

 the appropriate authority for the land on which the animal was last
 at the nearest convenient office of the Authority or police station or
at the office of the local authority for the area concerned;

that an animal has been killed or injured, as the case may be, on the land
and where it was last sighted and shall, if so requested by the appropriate
authority to which any such report is made, personally deliver to the
appropriate authority so much of the meat or trophy of the animal
concerned as is in his possession and as the appropriate authority may

Provided that, in the case of a specially protected animal, any meat or

trophy thereof which is in such person’s possession shall be delivered to the
appropriate authority or the person in charge of the office or police station
to which or at which, as the case may be, the report is made.

 Where a report relating to a specially protected animal has been made to an

appropriate authority other than the Director, the appropriate authority shall
report the occurrence at the nearest office of the Department, police station or
museum or at the office of the local authority for the area concerned and, if so
requested by the person in charge of the office or place at which the report is
 accompany him or his representative to, and indicate the place of
the occurrence and render such assistance in recovering the meat
or trophy of the animal killed as may be required by that person or
his representative
 deliver to him so much of the meat or trophy of the animal as is in
his possession and as may be required by the latter
 Where any animal is killed by accident or in error by any person while he is
hunting and that person has been authorized in terms of the P&W Act to hunt
such animal, the animal shall be counted as an animal killed in accordance with
such authority.
 Where any animal is killed by accident or in error by any person while he is
driving a vehicle on any road, that person shall, if he retrieves the animal or any
part thereof, in person report the killing at the nearest office of the Authority,
police station or museum or at the office of the local authority for the area
concerned and shall, if so requested by the person in charge of the office or
place at which the report is made, surrender to him the animal or such part
thereof retrieved by him.
 The meat or trophy of any animal which has been delivered to any office, station
or museum after a report is made or which has been recovered by the person in
charge of any such office, station or museum or by his representative following
upon a report made shall be a State trophy and shall be disposed of in the
prescribed manner.

s64 Report of injury of dangerous animals

 Where a dangerous animal has been injured on any land by any person, that person
shall, as soon as possible and in any case within twenty-four hours, make a report in
 to the appropriate authority for the land on which it was last sighted
 at the nearest convenient office of the Authority, or police station or at
the office of the local authority for the area concerned; that there is an
injured dangerous animal on the land and where the animal was last
 Where a report has been made in respect of a dangerous animal being injured, to an
appropriate authority, the appropriate authority shall, as soon as possible and in any
case within twenty-four hours, report the occurrence at the nearest office of the
Authority, or police station or at the office of the local authority for the area

s65 Control of safaris

 no person shall:
 conduct for reward:

(i) any hunting safari on any land;

(ii) any photographic or viewing safari, either on foot or on horse-back, within

any national park, sanctuary or safari area or on forest land or within any Communal
Land for which the Authority is the appropriate authority; unless he is the holder of
a professional hunter’s licence, learner professional hunter’s licence or professional
guide’s licence authorizing such conduct

 offer to conduct for reward any safari referred to in paragraph (a) unless he
is the holder of an appropriate licence authorizing such conduct;
 publish or cause to be published in any ,way whatsoever any false or
misleading statement relating to any hunting, photographic or viewing safari
conducted or to be conducted in Zimbabwe.

s66 Professional hunter’s licence

Activities done by a holder of a PH licence

 A professional hunter’s licence shall authorize the holder thereof, subject to this Act:
 to conduct for reward:

(i) in such national park, sanctuary or safari area or on such forest land or in such
area of Communal Land for which the Authority is the appropriate authority if any,
as may be specified in the licence, a photographic or viewing safari on foot or on

(ii) on such land as may be specified in the licence, a hunting safari

 to offer to conduct for reward any safari referred to above

Priviledges of the holder of PH licence

 The holder of a professional hunter’s licence shall:

 supervise and control the hunting by every person who hunts during safaris
conducted by him in terms of his licence
 take all reasonable steps:

(i) to ensure that every person who hunts during hunting safaris conducted by him
clearly understands the terms and conditions of any permit or right which entitles
him to hunt

(ii) to prevent any unlawful hunting by any person who hunts during safaris
conducted by him.
 Where in any prosecution for an offence in terms of this section it is proved that a
person hunted any animal in contravention of the P&W Act during a safari
conducted by the holder of a professional hunter’s licence, the holder of the
professional hunter’s licence shall be presumed to have failed to take all reasonable
steps to prevent the unlawful hunting of the animal unless the contrary is proved.

s67 Learner professional hunter’s licence

Activities done by a holder of an LPH licence

 A learner professional hunter’s licence shall authorize the holder thereof, subject to
the P&W Act:
 to conduct for reward under the instructions of the holder of a professional
hunter’s licence:

(i)in such national park, sanctuary or safari area or on such forest land or in such
area of Communal Land for which the Authority is the appropriate authority, if any,
as may be specified in the licence, a photographic or viewing safari on foot or on

(ii)on such land as may be specified in the licence, a hunting safari

 to offer to conduct for reward any safari referred to above

s68 Professional guide’s licence

Activities done by the holder of a PG licence

 A professional guide’s licence shall authorize the holder thereof, subject to this Act:
 to conduct for reward, in such national park, sanctuary or safari area or in such
area of Communal Land for which the Authority is the appropriate authority if
any, as may be specified in the licence, a photographic or viewing safarion foot
or on horseback
 to offer to conduct for reward any safari referred to above

s69 Minister may issue professional hunter’s, learner professional hunter’s and professional
guide’s licence
 The Authority, with the concurrence of the Minister, may issue a professional
hunter’s licence, learner professional hunter’s licence or professional guide’s licence
to any person whom it deems fit.
s70 Lawful hunter may ask other hunter to produce authority
 Any person ,who is lawfully hunting on any land may require any other person found
by him apparently hunting on such land either to produce evidence of his authority
in terms of the P&W Act to hunt on such land or to furnish him with his full name
and address.
 Any person who:
 fails to comply with a request made above
 in response to a request furnishes a false or incomplete name or address

shall be guilty of an offence

s71 Prohibition of sale of meat of animal unlawfully hunted

 No person shall sell the meat of any animal which:

 he has hunted
 he knows or has reason to believe has been hunted;
in contravention of the P&W Act.

s72 Sale of animal born or hatched and held in captivity

 Any person may:
 kill any animal;
 sell any live animal, or the meat or trophy of any animal; which was born or
hatched and has remained in captivity.
 The burden of proof of the matters referred to above which would make lawful a
killing or sale referred to above shall, in any prosecution relating to such killing or
sale, lie upon the person charged.
s73 Sale and manufacture of articles from trophies
 No person shall:
 manufacture any article from a trophy or process any trophy;
 sell, donate or otherwise dispose of any trophy or any article manufactured
from a trophy; which has been obtained from an animal which has been
hunted in contravention of the P&W Act
 Provided that the above shall not apply in respect of trophies lawfully acquired from
the State.
s74 Purchase of live animals and trophies
 No person shall purchase any live animal or trophy unless he is satisfied that:
 the seller has authority in terms of this Act authorizing him to make the sale
 in the case of a live animal, the animal was born or hatched and has
remained in captivity;
 in the case of a trophy, the trophy has been obtained from an animal which
was born or hatched and has remained in captivity.
 The above shall not apply to the purchase of a trophy:
 from a stall at a fete, bazaar or other like function open to the public;
 in the ordinary course of business from a person who carries on business in
a shop, store or other fixed place of business other than domestic premises.
s77 Minister may declare protected animals or plants or cessation of hunting of animals and
picking of plants, authorize reduction of animals and specify hunting periods
 The Minister may, after consultation with the Natural Resources Board and the
conservation committee concerned, by notice in a statutory instrument:
 Declare:
(i) any animal, other than a specially protected animal which, in his
opinion by reason of its scarcity or value deserves to be further
protected, to be a protected animal;
(ii) any indigenous plant which, in his opinion by reason of its
scarcity, over-utilization, utility or value deserves to be further
protected, to be a protected indigenous plant; within the area of a
conservation committee;
 Order that the hunting of animals or the picking of indigenous plants
which, in his opinion, are being hunted or picked, as the case may
be, on any alienated land within the area of a conservation
committee on a scale which, in his opinion, is likely to be injurious to
animal or indigenous plant populations in the area of the
conservation committee, shall be restricted to the extent specified
in such notice on the whole or part of the land concerned;
 authorize a conservation committee, to reduce on any alienated
land within its area to such extent as may be specified in the notice
any problem animal where, in his opinion, the number of such
animals on the land is such as to cause excessive damage or
 specify periods during which any animal specified in such notice may
not be hunted in the area of a conservation committee.
 The Minister may, by notice in a statutory instrument, amend or revoke any notice
made in terms of the above
 No person shall:
 hunt a protected animal or pick a protected indigenous plant or permit any
other person to do so on any land on which it has been declared a
protected animal or protected indigenous plant, as the case may be, except
in terms of a licence issued by a conservation committee
 hunt any animal or pick any plant or permit any other person to do so in
contravention of a notice made in terms of the above
 An owner or occupier of land or a person acting under his authority may cut or gather
the flower of a protected indigenous plant on the land for use in the home of such
owner or occupier.
 An owner or occupier of land or a person acting under his authority may pick a protected
indigenous plant on the land which is:
 needed for cultivation, forestry operations, the erection of a building or
structure, the construction of a fireguard, road or airport or other
development, or the extraction of sand, stone, gravel or other
 used for the cultivation of such protected indigenous plants.
 An owner or occupier of land who wishes to obtain a licence to hunt a protected animal
or pick a protected indigenous plant on his land may apply therefor in writing to the
conservation committee for the area within which his land is situated specifying the land
on which he wishes to hunt such animal or pick such plant, his reasons therefor and by
whom the hunting or picking will be done.
 Any person who is aggrieved by the refusal of a conservation committee to issue a
licence or by the imposition of any terms or conditions upon such licence may appeal to
the Natural Resources Board which may:
 confirm the decision of the conservation committee;
 direct the conservation committee to issue a licence on such terms and
conditions as the Natural Resources Board may specify; and the decision of the
Natural Resources Board shall be final.
s79 Conservation committee may order cessation of hunting
 Where a conservation committee is of the opinion that on any alienated land within its
area the hunting of animals is taking place on a scale which is, in its opinion, likely to be
injurious to animal populations in the area, it may serve notice in writing on the
appropriate authority for the land that:
 it proposes to recommend to the Natural Resources Board that measures be
taken to restrict hunting on such land of animals generally or of the animals
specified in the notice;
 it prohibits, for a period not exceeding fourteen days from the date when the
notice is served, the hunting of animals generally or of the animals specified in
the notice, as the case may be, on the land concerned.
 If so directed by the Natural Resources Board, a conservation committee shall, by notice
in writing served on the appropriate authority for the land concerned, extend the period
of any prohibition on the hunting of animals on the land concerned for a further period
not exceeding fourteen days.
s80 Problem animals
 The animals specified in the Eighth Schedule are declared to be problem animals.
1. Baboon—Papio spp.
2. Wild or Hunting Dog—Lycaon pictus
3. Spotted Hyena—Crocuta crocuta
4. Black-backed Jackal—Canis mesomelas
 The Minister may, on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the Authority,
by notice in a statutory instrument, amend the Eighth Schedule by:
 removing the name of any animal therefrom;
 adding the name of any animal thereto.
s83 Appropriate authority for waters
 The Minister may, on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the Authority, by
notice in a statutory instrument, declare any person to be the appropriate authority for any
waters and may in like manner amend or revoke any such notice
 Provided that before making any notice, the Minister shall:
 cause notice of his intention to do so to be published in a statutory instrument and
shall in such notice invite any person who wishes to make representations in regard
to the matter to do so to him, in writing, on or before a date to be specified in the
 consider every representation made
 Where, by virtue of a notice made, the appropriate authority for any waters is changed,
any permit issued by the previous appropriate authority which was of force and effect
immediately before the date of commencement of the notice shall remain in force and
effect and be subject to amendment or cancellation as if it had been issued by the new
appropriate authority for the waters.
s85 Control of fishing
 No person shall fish in any waters, other than those specified in a notice, except in terms
of a permit issued by the appropriate authority for the waters.
 The Minister may, on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the Authority,
by notice in a statutory instrument, specify any waters for which a permit to fish, shall
not be required and may in like manner amend or revoke any such notice.
s86 Permission to fish
 The appropriate authority for any waters may:
 fish at any time in the waters;
 issue a permit to any person allowing him or any other person or any class of persons to
fish in the waters.
s87 Use of explosives, etc., for fishing prohibited
 No person shall in any waters:
 without reasonable excuse, the proof whereof lies on him, kill any fish by means of
an explosive charge, the discharge of a firearm or the introduction into the waters of
any chemical, poison or intoxicating substance;
 fish by jigging or by means of any jig or an electrical device;
 wilfully injure or disturb the spawn of any fish or any spawning bed, bank or shallow
whereon or wherein such spawn is deposited; except in terms of a permit
 The appropriate authority for any waters may introduce any chemical into such waters for
the purpose of:
 rendering the water fit for human or animal consumption;
 preventing and controlling human and animal diseases;
 destroying aquatic growth.
s88 Control of introduction to waters of fish and aquatic growth and importation of live fish and
fish ova
 No person shall:
 without reasonable excuse, the proof whereof lies on him, introduce into any
waters any species of fish or any aquatic plant which is not native to such waters;
 import any live fish or the ova of any fish; except in terms of a permit
 shall not apply to the return to any waters of any fish immediately after it has been caught.
s90 Control of business of catching and selling fish
 No person shall carry on the business of catching fish in any waters and selling such fish
except in terms of a permit
 Provided that the appropriate authority for any waters that are wholly surrounded by the
land of that authority shall not be required to hold a permit in respect of the business of
catching fish in such waters and selling such fish.
s91 Control of fishing nets
 No person shall possess a fishing net:
 unless he is a registered dealer in or manufacturer of fishing nets;
 except in terms of a permit
 unless such person is an appropriate authority for any waters.
s93 Authorized fishing gear
 No person shall, in any waters, use any fishing gear other than:
 a rod and line or hand line to which:
(i) not more than three single hooks are attached;
(ii) not more than one conventional lure, having not more than three single, double
or treble hooks, is attached;
 a spear;
 a spear gun;
 a basket trap
except in terms of a permit
 Provided that an appropriate authority for any waters may use a fishing net in the waters for
which it is the appropriate authority.
 The appropriate authority for any waters may, when issuing a permit to any person to fish,
restrict the gear by which such fishing may be undertaken to one or more of the gear
specified above
s97 Evidence and presumptions
 The possession of any animal or fish or the meat or trophy of a freshly killed animal shall be
evidence against a person accused of contravening any provision of the P&W Act that he has
hunted such animal or caught such fish.
 The possession by any person of any ivory or rhinoceros horn shall, unless the contrary is
proved, be evidence against such person that such ivory or rhinoceros horn was not
registered under any regulations
 If any person who has authority to hunt or fish in terms of the P&W Act is found in
possession of animals or fish in excess of the numbers so authorized or of any species or sex
not so authorized, he shall be presumed, unless the contrary is proved, to have hunted such
animals or caught such fish in contravention of the Act.
 If, within a botanical reserve or botanical garden, a person is found in possession of any
plant or part of a plant it shall be presumed, unless the contrary is proved, that he picked
such plant or part thereof in such reserve or garden.
 If, outside a botanical reserve or botanical garden, a person is found in possession of any
freshly picked specially protected indigenous plant or is proved to have been in possession
thereof, he shall, unless the contrary is proved, be deemed to have acquired such plant in
contravention of the Act.
 Where any animal, fish or plant is found upon or in any vehicle, boat or aircraft or at any
camping place, every person who is upon or in any way associated with such vehicle, boat or
aircraft or who is at or in any way associated with such camping place, shall be presumed,
unless the contrary is proved, to be in possession of such animal, fish or plant.
 Any person charged with doing any act which is an offence if done without authority in
terms of this Act shall be presumed to have done such act without such authority unless it is
proved that he had such authority when he performed the act in question.
 The burden of proving any fact which would be a defence to a charge of committing an
offence in terms of the Act shall lie upon the person charged.
 Whenever in any prosecution in respect of an offence in terms of the Act:
 the question whether any flesh, whether fresh, dried, unprocessed or partly
processed, is or was the flesh of any particular species of animal or fish, is relevant
to the issue, such flesh shall be presumed to be or to have been the flesh of the
species of animal or fish stated in the indictment or charge, unless the contrary is
 the question whether any unprocessed or partly processed hide or skin which has
been rendered unidentifiable is or was the hide or skin of any particular species of
animal, is relevant to the issue, such hide or skin shall be presumed to be or to have
been the hide or skin of the species of animal stated in the indictment or charge,
unless the contrary is proved.
 Any live animal, fish or trophy found in any shop, store or other fixed place of business
shall be deemed to have been acquired for the purpose of sale and the person in whose
possession such animal, fish or trophy is found shall be presumed unlawfully to have
dealt therein unless the contrary is proved.
 Whenever in any proceedings against any person upon a charge alleging that he
committed upon any particular piece of land or within any particular area any offence in
terms of the Act, it is proved that any act constituting or forming an element of such
offence was committed in or near the locality wherein such piece of land or area, as the
case may be, is situated, such act shall be presumed, unless the contrary is proved, to
have been committed upon such piece of land or area.
 Whenever the hunting of one or other sex or of any particular class of any species of
animal is unlawful and the hunting of the other sex or of any other class of such animal is
lawful, any carcass of such animal from which the distinguishing features of sex or of
such particular class have been removed shall be presumed, unless the contrary is
proved, to be the carcass of an animal of the sex or of a class which it is unlawful to
 Whenever in any prosecution in respect of an offence in terms of the Act it is alleged in
any indictment or charge that the offence was committed in connection with or in
respect of any species of animal, fish or plant stated in such indictment or charge, it shall
be presumed that the offence was committed in connection with or in respect of such
species of animal, fish or plant unless the contrary is proved.
 Whenever in any prosecution in respect of an offence in terms of the Act it is alleged in
any indictment or charge that the offence was committed in, at or upon any place or
area stated in the indictment or charge, it shall be presumed that the offence was
committed in, at or upon such place or area unless the contrary is proved.
 Whenever in any prosecution in respect of an offence in terms of the Act it is alleged in
any indictment or charge that the person charged has failed to report any matter or to
deliver any article or thing at the nearest office of the Authority, police station, or
museum or at the office of the local authority for the area concerned or to an
appropriate authority for any land, it shall be presumed, unless the contrary is proved,
that such person has so failed to report such matter or to deliver such article or thing, as
the case may be.
 If any person is seen or found:
 on any land, on which there are animals, in possession of any weapon capable of
killing any animal by the discharge of any missile or with a free ranging dog;
 within one hundred metres of any waters in possession of any gear, device or
appliance capable of being used for fishing; he shall be deemed to have entered
upon such land for the purpose of hunting or fishing, as the case may be,
without authority in terms of the Act unless it is proved that he
(i) had such authority to enter upon such land for the purpose of hunting or
(ii) was not upon such land for that purpose.
 In any prosecution in respect of an offence in terms of the Act, any prescribed record,
book or document kept by any person authorized by the Act in the course of his duty
shall be evidence of the facts recorded therein upon its production by the person in
whose custody it is.
 If the driver of any vehicle fails to stop when required to do so by any person authorized
by the Act, it shall be presumed, unless the contrary is proved, that the person in whose
name such vehicle is registered was the driver thereof at the time.
s104 Court may order payment for hunting of animal
 Where a person is convicted of an offence in terms of the Act involving the hunting of
any animal, the picking of any plant or the catching of any fish and:
 the person convicted has appropriated or disposed of any animal, plant or fish
which forms the subject of the charge and which has not been restored to the
land on which it was hunted or picked or the water in which it was caught, as
the case may be;
 the commission of the offence has caused the death of an animal or fish or the
destruction of a plant or has made it necessary or expedient for an animal or
fish to be killed or a plant to be destroyed; the court shall, in addition to any
penalty which it may impose on the person convicted, order him to pay:
(i) in the case of an animal, plant or fish which was hunted, picked or caught in a
national park, botanical reserve, botanical garden. sanctuary, safari area or
recreational park, or of any specially protected animal, to the Authority;
(ii) in any other case, to the appropriate authority for the land on which the
animal was hunted or the plant was picked, or for the water in which the fish
was caught; such amount as may be specified in respect of the animal, plant or
fish concerned
 The Minister may on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the Authority,
by notice in a statutory instrument, specify, in respect of different species of animals or
plants and in respect of fish, the amount to be imposed and may in like manner amend
or revoke any such notice.
s105 Court may order payment of compensation for killing, etc., of domestic animal
 Where a person is convicted of an offence in terms of this Act involving hunting and the
commission of the offence has caused the death of a domestic animal or has made it
necessary or expedient for a domestic animal to be killed or has caused injury to or
deterioration in the condition of a domestic animal, the court shall, in addition to any
penalty which it may impose on the person convicted, order him to pay as compensation
to the owner of the animal concerned such amount as may be specified by the court if:
 the court is satisfied that the animal concerned is the property of some other
 the owner of the animal concerned has suffered loss as a result of such death or
deterioration in condition of or injury to the animal concerned
 application has not been made in terms of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence
Act for compensation in respect of any loss suffered.
 The amount specified in an order shall not exceed:
 where the animal has not been restored to or recovered by its owner, an
amount equal to the market value of the animal at the time of the offence;
 where the animal has been injured or has suffered a deterioration in condition,
an amount equal to the difference between the market value of the animal at
the time of the offence and the value of such injured or deteriorated animal;
less in either case the amount of any compensation which may have been paid
to the owner by or on behalf of the person convicted.
s113 Obstruction
 Any person who:
 hinders, obstructs or resists;
 fails or refuses, without reasonable excuse, the proof whereof lies on him, to
answer fully and satisfactorily to the best of his knowledge and belief any
question put to him by;
 uses foul, abusive or insulting language at or towards;
 makes any foul, abusive or insulting sign or gesture at or towards; a Director, or
an officer, inspector or employee in the exercise or performance of his powers
or duties in terms of the Act shall be guilty of an offence
s119 Prospecting and mining
 No person shall prospect in terms of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05] within
a national park, botanical reserve, botanical garden, sanctuary, safari area or
recreational park except:
 in terms of a permit issued by the Minister with the consent of the
Minister of Mines;
 in accordance with any prospecting rights lawfully acquired in respect
of the area of the national park, botanical reserve, botanical garden,
sanctuary, safari area or recreational park before the date when such
area became a national park, botanical reserve, botanical garden,
sanctuary or recreational park.
 No person shall acquire or work any mining location in terms of the Mines and Minerals
Act [Chapter 21:05] within a national park, botanical reserve, botanical garden,
sanctuary, safari area or recreational park except:
 in terms of a written agreement between the Minister and the person
concerned which has been approved by the President;
 in accordance with any mining rights lawfully acquired in respect of the area of
the national park, botanical reserve, botanical garden, sanctuary, safari area or
recreational park before the date when such area became a national park,
botanical reserve, botanical garden, sanctuary or recreational park.
 a person prospecting or working any mining location may do any thing necessary for
those purposes within the national park, botanical reserve, botanical garden, sanctuary,
safari area or recreational park concerned, subject to the terms and conditions of the
relevant permit or agreement or in accordance with the mining rights, as the case may
 a person may pick any specially protected indigenous plant or indigenous plant where
the picking is necessary for the working of any mining location and in accordance with
the exercise of mining rights lawfully acquired in terms of the Mines and Minerals Act
[Chapter 21:05]
s121 Dangerous animals
 The animals specified in the Ninth Schedule are declared to be dangerous animals.
 The Minister may, on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the Authority,
by notice in a statutory instrument, amend the Ninth Schedule by:
 adding the name of any animal thereto;
 removing the name of any animal therefrom.
s122 Prescribed roads
 The roads specified in the Tenth Schedule are declared to be prescribed roads.
 The Minister may, on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the Authority, by
notice in a statutory instrument, amend the Tenth Schedule by:
 adding any road thereto
 removing any road therefrom.
Statutory Instrument 362 of 1990
In these regulations:

*accommodation-means a chalet, cottage or lodge provided within the Parks and Wild Life Estate by
the Director

*appropriate fee-means the appropriate fee specified or fixed

*area of the Parks and Wild Life Estate-means a development area, a refuge area, a wild area or a
wilderness area;

*badge-means the Badge of the Department

*bush-camp- means a camp-site set aside by the Director in a safari area;

*camping-site-means a site set aside by the Director for use by campers, but does not include a

*caravan-site-means a site set aside by the Director for use by caravanners;

*development area- means an area of the Parks and Wild Life Estate, depicted as a development
area on the map;

*domesticated animal-means any live domestic or domesticated vertebrate animal other than a fish;
*facility-means any facility provided by the Director for use by any person;

*map-means the map of any part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate lodged with the Director, which is
available for inspection free of charge by any person during normal office hours;

*Parks and Wild Life Estate-means every national park, botanical reserve, botanical garden,
sanctuary, safari area and recreational park, but does not include any botanical garden in respect of
which the Minister has, of the Act, ceded the functions conferred upon him in terms of the Act;
*picnic-site-means a site set aside by the Director as a site at which persons may picnic;

*refuge area- means an area of the Parks and Wild Life Estate which has been set aside by the
Director for specific research or allied purposes, and is depicted as a refuge area on the map;

*road- means any road or track within the Parks and Wild Life Estate other than a prescribed road,
but does not include a river-bed;

*special camp-means a camp-site set aside by the Director as a special camp;

*vessel- include every description of water-craft, including a hover-craft, used, or capable of being
used, as a means of transportation on water;

*waters- means any waters within the Parks and Wild Life Estate;

*weapon- means any firearm or ammunition therefore, or any other article capable of propelling a
projectile or designed to be propelled or used in such manner that any animal can be killed or
injured thereby;

*wild area-means an area of the Parks and Wild Life Estate depicted as a wild area on the map;
*wilderness area-means an area of the Parks and Wild Life Estate depicted as a wilderness area on
the map.
*designated road-means a road declared to be a designated road in terms of the Law

*entry-point-means a place appointed by the Director and designated by notice erected at such
place as a point at which persons may enter a part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate or an area of the
Parks and Wild Life Estate;

*fishing permit-means a fishing permit issued in terms of the Act;

*foreshore-in relation to any dam or reservoir, means land extending from the edge of the water to
a distance inland of ten metres beyond the full-supply level;

*general permit-means a general permit issued in terms of the Act;

*hunter-means any person who is in possession of a-hunting permit;

*hunting permit-means a hunting permit issued in terms of the Act;

*leased area- means an area which has been leased in terms of of the Act;

*lessee- means any person holding a lease in respect of a leased area;

*office- means a reception office in a development area or the office specified

*pool area-means an area of a safari area depicted as a pool area on the map;

*prescribed hours-means such hours as may be designated by the director by notice at an entry-

*pursuit- means a pursuit which may 'be permitted in a safari area in terms of the Act;

*registered-in relation to a vessel, means registered in terms of the Inland Waters Shipping
Regulations, 1971

*rest-camp- means a place where facilities are provided;

*right-holder- means any person to whom rights have been granted in a safari area in terms of the

*trout-fly-means an artificial fly which:

(a) does not exceed a total mass of one gram and, except for a single, unbaited hook and
conventional ribbing or tying, is comprised of non-metallic, soft, stranded, fibrous material only; and
(b) is not designed to rotate, undulate or move erratically when drawn at uniform speed
through the water

s5 When the Parks and Wild Life Estate is open

 the Parks and Wild Life Estate may be open throughout the year
 the Director may, for good and sufficient reason at any time, and for such period as he
thinks fit, close any part or area of the Parks and Wild Life Estate by displaying a notice at
the entry-point to such part or area, declaring it to be closed.
 No unauthorized person shall be within any part or area of the Parks and Wild Life Estate
which has been closed
s6 Entry into, and departure from, the Parks and Wild Life Estate
 Where an entry-point has been appointed and designated by the Director in respect of any
part or area of the Parks and Wild Life Estate, no person shall enter or leave that part or area
otherwise than at such entry-point and on payment of the prescribed fee, except:
 with the written permission of the Director;
 on a prescribed road or a designated road.
 The Director may, by notice erected at an entry-point, require every person, or, in the case
of a group of persons, a representative of such group, to report at such office during normal
office hours as may be specified in such notice directly on entering the Parks and Wild Life
 No 'person shall:
 enter or leave a part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate specified in Part A; of the
First Schedule;
 leave:
(i) a prescribed road;
(ii) a designated road; within a part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate specified in
Part B of the First Schedule;
 remain overnight in a part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate specified in Part C of
the First Schedule; without reporting his intention to the officer in charge of the
office named opposite such part and receiving the permission of the officer to do
 Except in accordance with the written permission of an officer or employee, no person
shall enter or leave an area of the Parks and Wild Life Estate on foot other than while
travelling on a prescribed road or a designated road.
 Except in accordance with the permission of an officer, no person shall enter or leave an
area of the Parks and Wild Life Estate during the prescribed hours other than while
travelling on a prescribed road or a designated road.
 Except in accordance with the permission of an officer, no person under the age of
fourteen years shall enter or be within a national park or safari area unless he is
accompanied by a person over the age of eighteen years.
 The Director may limit the number of persons or vehicles which may be permitted to
enter any part or area of the Parks and Wild Life Estate, and an officer or an employee
may refuse to permit any person or any vehicle to enter such part or area where the
number of persons or vehicles which has entered has reached such limit,
notwithstanding that such person has paid the appropriate fee to enter such part or
 The Director may, by notice in the Gazette, declare any road which enters or leaves a
part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate to be a designated road.

s7 Use of roads
 The Director may prohibit any class of vehicle from using any road by reason of its type or
 Director may by erecting appropriate signs:

(i) restrict the speed at which any vehicle may travel;

(ii) close and prohibit travel;

(iii) prohibit any person from leaving a vehicle or riding on its exterior; on any road or part of
any road.
 Except in accordance with the permission of an officer, no person within the Parks and Wild
Life Estate shall:
 drive any vehicle anywhere other than on a road;
 disregard any prohibition or restriction imposed above
 a person may alight from his vehicle in the event of an emergency, the onus of proof
whereof shall lie upon such person.
s8 Prohibitions to preserve the Parks and Wild Life Estate
 Except in accordance with the permission of an officer, no person shall, within the Parks and
Wild Life Estate, except while travelling on a prescribed road:
 be in possession of:
(i) any wild life except in accordance with a permit;
(ii) any plant except in terms of section 43;
 cause any noise or behave in any manner likely to disturb wild life or any person;
 offer food to, or feed, any animal;
 be in possession of any weapon, explosive or poison or, in the case of a botanical
reserve and a botanical garden, any gardening-tool;
 dispose of any refuse other than by:
(i) burning it at a place where fires may be made
(ii) placing it in a receptacle provided for that purpose;
 commit any act liable to endanger the adequacy or purity of any water;
 without reasonable excuse, the onus of proof whereof shall lie upon such person,
destroy, damage or deface in any way or remove any State property or any object of
geological, ethnological, historical or scientific interest;
 collect or remove any wood, rock, sand,/soil or other substance;
 hold a political or public meeting;
 display an advertisement or notice or collect money for any purpose from the
 land or take off an aircraft or fly an aircraft at less (ban one hundred and fifty-five
metres above groundlevel;
 camp or occupy a caravan except at a site allocated to him
s9 Control fires
 Except in accordance with the permission of an officer no person within the Parks and Wild
Life Estate shall light a fire in the open air other than at a place where fires may be made.
 A person shall carefully and properly extinguish a fire kindled or used by him within the
Parks and Wild Life Estate and, until he has done so, shall not go so far away from that fire as
to be unable to control it by himself.
 No person within the Parks and Wild Life Estate shall discard any burning object.
s10 Presence in the Parks and Wild Life Estate during prescribed hours
 Except in accordance with the written permission of an officer, no person shall be within the
Parks and Wild Life Estate during the prescribed hours other than while travelling on a
prescribed road or a designated road, unless a facility has been allocated for his use during
such prescribed hours.
 Except in accordance with the 'permission of an officer, no person who is lawfully within the
Parks and Wild Life Estate shall, during the prescribed hours, be within a wild area or
wilderness area except at a camping-site allocated for his use during such prescribed hours.

 An officer may, on receipt of the appropriate fee, if any, ,and at his discretion, allocate any
accommodation, bush- camp, camping-site, caravan-site, picnic-site or special camp, or any
other facility, for the use of any person.
 No person shall enter or use any facility referred to above unless:
 it has been allocated for his use and he has paid the appropriate fee, if any;
 he is lawfully within the Parks and Wild Life Estate and has been invited by the
lawful occupant of such facility to enter and use it.
 No person shall use any facility for a continuous period exceeding three weeks without
the permission of the Director.
 Notwithstanding that a person has reserved accommodation, a camping-site or a
caravan-site, an officer may, if such person has not reported to the office within the area
of the Parks and Wild Life Estate concerned before 5.30 pm, on the day of his arrival, or
has not notified that office of his intended late arrival, allocate such accommodation,
camping-site or caravan-site to another person for use during that night.
 Except in terms of s101, where accommodation, a camping-site or a caravan-site has
been allocated to someone else, the person who reserved such facility shall not be
entitled to any claim or refund in respect of any appropriate fee paid for that facility.
 Any person who uses any facility shall leave it and its environs in a clean and orderly
 Any person who has used a bush-camp shall produce a clearance certificate issued by an
officer when, before leaving an open safari area,
 In the event of any person losing or damaging any furniture, equipment or fitting in any
facility, the cost of restoring or replacing such furniture, equipment or fitting shall be a
debt due to the State.
s12 Domesticated animals
 Except in accordance with the written permission of an officer, no person shall introduce
any domesticated animal into the Parks and Wild Life Estate.
 An officer or an employee may seize any domesticated animal which has been unlawfully
introduced into the Parks and Wild Life Estate, and may detain such animal or hand it over
for detention by some other person.
 An officer or other person may, before releasing any domesticated animal detained, require
the payment of the cost incurred in seizing and detaining such domesticated animal.
 An officer may destroy any domesticated animal within the Parks and Wild Life Estate which
is not under the physical control of any person.
s13Abandoned property
 Should any person abandon anything within the Parks and Wild Life Estate for any period
exceeding three days, an officer or an employee may take possession of and detain such
 The Director may, by notice in the Gazette, call upon any person who is entitled thereto to
take possession of anything abandoned before such date as may be specified in the notice,
being not less than thirty days from the date of publication of the notice, and stating that,
unless so repossessed, the thing concerned may be disposed of
 Any person entitled thereto may repossess anything detained, upon payment to the Director
of any expenses incurred in connection with its removal or storage.
 If no person entitled thereto repossesses anything in respect of which a notice has been
given before the date specified in the notice, or fails to pay the expenses referred to in
before that date, the thing concerned may, after that date, be sold by public auction
Provided that, if, in the opinion of the Director, the thing concerned is of such a nature that
it should not, or cannot, be sold by public auction, or the proceeds of the sale by public
auction will not be sufficient to cover the costs of the sale and the expenses of removing and
storing the thing, he may direct that it should be sold out of hand or appropriated to the
State without payment of compensation, and, if it cannot be sold out of, hand and is of no
value to the State, it shall be destroyed.
 the proceeds of the sale of anything shall be applied first to the payment of the expenses of
removing, storing and selling the thing, and any balance may be claimed by any person
entitled thereto.
s14 Special provisions relating to wild areas
 No person shall enter or leave a wild area except in accordance with the permission of an
officer or an employee and upon payment of the appropriate fee, if any, and:
 at an entry-point;
 by road into or from a rest-camp;
 by vessel in the case of islands or waters;
 by air into or from an airfield.
 An officer may, on payment of the appropriate fee, if any, and at his discretion, allow a
person to construct in a wild area a temporary hide of approved materials from which he
may photograph or view wild life under such conditions as the officer may determine.
 An officer may, on payment of the appropriate fee, if any, and at his discretion, allow a
person to walk or ride a horse within a wild area under such conditions as the officer may
s15 Special provisions relating to wilderness areas
 No person shall enter a wilderness area except:
 with the written permission of an officer and upon payment of the appropriate fee,
if any;
 after reporting his intention to an officer;
 where vehicles are permitted, in a vehicle equipped with four-wheel drive;
 with sufficient food and water, vehicle-fuel and equipment for the duration of his
presence in the area.
 Any person within a wilderness area shall:
 where he has entered in a vehicle, only use that vehicle to travel directly between
his point of entry into the area and any facility which has been allocated for his use;
 before leaving, return that part of the area which he has used, so far as is
practicable, to its natural state.
 Any person who leaves a wilderness area shall:
 remove from the area any refuse and unused food, vehicle-fuel and equipment
which he introduced into the area;
 report to an officer within such period as may have been determined by an officer
when he entered, and shall provide such information concerning his use of the area
as may be required by an officer.
s16 Special provisions relating to refuge areas
 No person shall enter a refuge area except in accordance with a permit issued to him by the
s17 Prohibition against hunting in parts of the Parks and Wild Life Estate
 No person shall hunt any animal in any part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate which is a
botanical reserve, botanical garden or recreational park, except in accordance with a permit
issued by the Director.

s18 Prohibited methods of hunting

 No person shall, within the Parks and Wild Life Estate, hunt any animal by using:
 any equipment to transmit sound as a lure to attract animals;
 an aircraft;
 fire as a means of driving or surrounding any animal.
 Except in accordance with a permit issued by the Director, no person shall within the Parks
and Wild Life Estate, hunt any animal by night or use any dazzling light for the purpose of
 No person shall shoot at any animal within four hundred metres of:
 a prescribed road;
 a development area.
 No person shall, within the Parks and Wild Life while he is in or upon any motor-vehicle,
vessel or aircraft, discharge any weapon at or towards any animal; use any motor-
vehicle, vessel or aircraft, in such manner as to drive, stampede or disturb any animal for
any purpose whatsoever.

s19 Mercy killing and shooting in self-defence

 Within the Parks and Wild Life Estate:
 an animal which is apparently sick may not be killed except in terms of a hunting
 any animal may be killed in self-defence or in defence of any other person
without the possession of a hunting permit;
 where an animal is killed in self-defence, the onus of proof- that such animal
was lawfully killed shall lie upon the person who killed such animal; and the
meat or any trophy of such animal may only be used in accordance with the
terms of a permit.
s20 Other pursuits
 No person shall occupy a bush-camp for any pursuit permitted except in accordance
with a hunting permit, a fishing permit or a general permit issued by the Director, and
upon payment of the appropriate fee, if any.
s21 Nomination of persons to hunt in hunter's stead
 Any person who, in terms of the Act, wishes to nominate a person to hunt in his stead
shall obtain the written permission of the Director to such nomination not less than
forty-eight hours prior to the commencement of such hunting.
 Where permission has been granted, any terms and conditions of a hunting permit shall
apply equally to such person nominated.

s22 Application of sections 23, 24 and 25

 Sections 23, 24 and 25 shall apply to a safari area over which hunting or other rights have
been granted in terms of the Act.
s23Payment of fees
 Any fee payable by a right-holder for an animal hunted in terms of a hunting permit shall be
payable within twenty-one days of such animal being hunted.
s24Use of pool areas
 The Director may allocate the use of pool, areas to right-holders.
 No person shall enter or be within a pool area unless:
 he has been allocated the use of such pool area;
 he has the permission of the right-holder who has been allocated the use of such
pool area.
 No person other than the right-holder who was allocated the use of the pool area or his
employees shall recover the meat or any trophy of any animal killed in a pool area.
s25 Injured animals
 Without derogation from sections! 51 and 52 of the Act, whenever a right-holder or any
employee or agent of a right-holder becomes aware that an animal has been injured
within the area over which the right-holder has been granted rights, such right- holder,
employee or agent shall, as soon as possible, and in any event within seven days, make a
report to an officer or to the nearest police station or at the offices of the local authority
for the area concerned.
s26 Submission of returns
 A person to whom a hunting permit or a general permit has been issued shall keep a
record in such form as may be required by an officer, in which he shall cause to be
recorded relevant information concerning animals hunted, or wild life seen, within
twelve hours of an animal having been hunted, or wild life having been seen, as the case
may be.
 A record required above shall be made and submitted to an officer within such period as
the officer may determine or, if no such period is determined, within twenty one days
from the date of expiry of the hunting permit or general permit.
 No person shall falsify any record required
s27 Collection of specimens
 A hunter shall, if so required by the Director, collect and identify the skull or other trophy of
any animal killed and submit such skull or other trophy to an officer for examination within
twenty-one days of such animal being killed.
s28 Fishing subject to possession of permit
 No person shall fish in any waters, except:
 in terms of a fishing permit issued to him;
 in terms of a block fishing permit
 in accordance with any rules or arrangements displayed in terms of section 41
 An officer or an employee may, upon receipt of the appropriate fee, if any, issue a fishing
 A fishing permit may limit the number and species of fish which may be taken, and shall be
subject to such terms and conditions as may be imposed thereon by the officer or employee
who issues it.
 The Director may, upon receipt of the appropriate fee, issue a block fishing permit to an
angling society affiliated to the National Anglers' Union of Zimbabwe, which shall entitle a
paid-up member of such society to fish, subject to the terms and conditions of the permit
and to the limits of the numbers and species of fish which may be taken, which are fixed in
relation to the permit from time to time by the Director, in any waters except the waters of
the Chimanimani National Park and the Rhodes Inyanga National Park.
s29 Restrictions on fishing-gear
 Except in accordance with a permit, no person shall, in any waters, use any fishing-gear
other than a rod and line or hand line to which:
 not more than three single hooks or trout-flies are attached;
 not more than one conventional lure having not more than three single or three
double or three treble hooks is attached.
s30 Submission of returns
 A person to whom a fishing permit has been issued shall, if required in terms of his permit or
by an officer or employee, submit a return, in writing, to an officer, stating the number,
mass and species of fish caught and removed from the waters, together with any other
relevant information which may be so required.
 The above shall apply, in relation to a member of an angling society to which a block fishing
permit has been issued.
s31 Production of proof of membership of angling society
 A member of an angling society to which a block fishing permit has been issued shall
produce proof of his paid-up membership of the angling society when so ordered by an
officer or an employee.
s32 Vessels on the waters to be registered
 No person shall, on any waters, use, moor or keep a vessel which has not been registered
 An unregistered vessel may be used, moored or kept on the waters:
 if it is owned by a visitor to Zimbabwe;
 in terms of:
(i) a commercial testing permit;
(ii) permission granted for a regatta.
s33 Display of registered number
 No person shall use, moor or keep a registered vessel on the waters unless its registered
number is displayed
s34 Commercial testing permit
 The Director may, on application and upon payment of the appropriate fee, issue a
commercial testing permit authorizing a manufacturer of, or a dealer in, vessels to test,
demonstrate or display any vessel on the waters.
s35 Use of waters
 The Director may:
 limit the number of vessels which may be on the waters or any part thereof at any
one time;
 prohibit any class of vessel from using any waters by reason of its type or mass;
 by notice erected in an office or at any place within the Parks and Wild Life Estate to
which such notice relates:
(i) restrict the speed at which any vessel may travel;
(ii) close and prohibit boating thereon;
(iii) restrict the places from which a vessel may be launched or beached.
 Except in accordance with the permission of an officer, no person shall disregard any
prohibition or restriction
s36 Prohibitions in the operation of vessels
 No person using a vessel on the waters shall:
 endanger the safety of, or cause annoyance to, any other person;
 cause or allow that vessel to trail any loose ropes, wires or lines other than fishing-
lines while it is under way;
 tow a water-skier unless such person is accompanied by another person over the
age of ten years who is observing the water-skier;
 except in accordance with the written permission of the Director, tow another
person who is wearing equipment designed to lift him above the water.
s37 Regattas and sailing at night
 Except in accordance with the written permission of an officer, no person or association of
persons shall, on the waters:
 hold a regatta;
 use a vessel during the night.
 No person shall use a vessel on the waters in such manner as to obstruct the course of a
vessel used in a regatta
s38 Impounding of vessels
 An officer may impound a vessel which is not lawfully on the waters, and may remove it to
such place as may be set aside for the safe custody of such vessels.
 For the purposes of removing a vessel that has been impounded, an officer may board such
vessel and release it from its moorings.
 A vessel which has been impounded:
 shall be released to the owner thereof on payment of the appropriate fee;
 if the appropriate fee is not paid within six months from the date of the vessel being
impounded, it shall be deemed to be abandoned, and shall be disposed of.
s39 Precautions against introduction of Salvinia spp. and Eichornia crassipes
 No person shall place on the waters any plant or seed of Salvinia species or Eichornia
 No person shall place on the waters a vessel which has been used on any waters in which
Salvinia species or Eichornia crassipes is present before such vessel has had all such weed
S40 Use of leased areas
 No person shall enter a leased area without the permission of the lessee.
 Where a leased area is contiguous to any waters, a person whose presence within the Parks
and Wild Life Estate is lawful shall, at all times, be permitted free access to the foreshore
and water's edge, and shall, for the purpose of obtaining such access, be entitled to a right
of way along the foreshore of such leased area, provided that no such person shall:
(i) use the right of way conferred by this subsection in such manner as will interfere unduly
with the rights of the lessee;
(ii) have right of access to a building, pier, jetty, floating platform, buoy or other structure
lawfully erected by the lessee on the leased area or on the foreshore.
 Except with the permission of, and in accordance with, any terms and conditions imposed by
the lessee, no person shall fish from a leased area.
s41 Rules and arrangements for good administration or management of the Parks and Wild Life
 Every person within the Parks and Wild Life Estate shall comply with such rules and
arrangements as may have been made for the good administration or management thereof,
and as may have been displayed by notice, in writing, at the office, or have been conveyed
to him by an officer.
 If any person fails to comply with any rule or arrangement referred to above, an officer may
order him to depart forthwith from the Parks and Wild Life Estate or request him to comply
with the rule or arrangement.
 An officer may order a person within the Parks and Wild Life Estate:
 to provide his name and address;
 to produce for examination the contents of receptacle in his possession or
under his control.
s42 Removal from, and prohibition of re-entry into, the Parks and Wild Life Estate
 Notwithstanding the issue or grant of any authority, permission or permit, an officer may
order a person to depart from the Parks and Wild Life Estate if he contravenes any of the
 A person ordered to depart from the Parks and WildLife Estate shall comply with such order
forthwith, and shall not be entitled to a refund of the whole or any portion of any fee which
he has paid in respect of any right or anything in the Parks and Wild Life Estate.
 Any person who has been ordered to depart from the Parks and Wild Life Estate in terms of
these regulations or who has been convicted of any offence committed within the Parks and
Wild Life Estate, including any contravention of these regulations, may, by notice in writing,
be prohibited, for a period not exceeding twelve months, from re-entering:
 that part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate from which he was ordered to depart, by
an officer;
 the Parks and Wild Life Estate, by the Director:
Provided that a person who is aggrieved by such a prohibition may appeal against
that prohibition to the Minister, whose decision shall be final.
 A person to whom a notice has been given shall not enter any part of the Parks and Wild Life
Estate in contravention of the notice unless the Minister has cancelled such prohibition.
s43 Purchase of plants by visitors
 An officer or an employee may offer such plants for sale to the public as may be surplus to
the requirements of a botanical garden for such price as is within a general scale of prices
authorized by the Director.
 Any person who purchases a plant offered for sale shall:
 forthwith place it in a vehicle from which it shall not be removed while he remains in
such botanical garden;
 leave it at the place of purchase until he leaves such botanical garden.
s44 Provision of assistance
 If an officer or employee has reason to believe that:
 any person within the Parks and Wild Life Estate is lost or in need of assistance;
 any property within the Parks and Wild Life Estate is lost or endangered;
the officer or employee may take whatever measures he considers necessary to
search for or assist that person or search for or safeguard that property, as the case
may be.
 Where an officer or employee has taken any measures:
 any person who has been searched for or assisted;
 the owner of any property that has been searched for or safeguarded; as the case
may be,
shall pay the appropriate fee for the search, assistance or safeguarding, as the case
may be, unless the Director waives the fee.

*certificate of sale or transfer-means a certificate of sale or transfer issued in terms of the

*cultivator- means a person who propagates specially protected indigenous plants and has
been registered in terms of section 46;
*dealer- means a dealer in specially protected indigenous plants;
*permit- means a permit issued in terms of section 43 of the Act;
*recognized horticultural society- has the meaning ascribed to it in terms of section 42 of
the Act;
*registered- means registered in terms of section 46
*temporary permit- means a temporary permit issued in terms of section 43 of the Act.
s46 Registration of cultivators and issue of permits
 Any person who wishes to register as a cultivator shall:
 apply to the Director, in writing, giving such details as may be required;
 submit the appropriate fee, if any.
 On receipt of an application and any appropriate fee, the Director may take such steps as he
considers necessary to satisfy himself that the applicant is a cultivator.
 Where the Director is satisfied that an applicant is a cultivator, he shall register such
applicant as a cultivator, and shall issue him with a numbered permit.
 Where the Director is not satisfied that an applicant is a cultivator, he shall refuse to register
such applicant as a cultivator.
s47 Cancellation of registration of cultivators
 In addition to any other penalty provided in the Act or these regulations, the failure of a
cultivator to comply with the Act or these regulations or the terms and conditions of his
permit shall be a ground for cancelling the registration of such cultivator:
Provided that the Director may, upon application, issue a temporary permit in such
circumstances to enable the cultivator to dispose of his specially protected indigenous
s48 Issue of temporary permit
 Any person who wishes to obtain a temporary permit to sell or transfer specially protected
indigenous plants shall apply, in writing, to the Director, giving such details as may be
 On receipt of an application, the Director may:
 issue a numbered temporary permit to sell or transfer such specially protected
indigenous plants as may be specified in such temporary permit;
 refuse to issue a temporary permit.
s49 Certificate of sale or transfer
 Any person who sells or transfers a specially protected indigenous plant in terms of a
temporary permit shall, on or before delivery of the plant to the purchaser, deliver to the
purchaser a certificate of sale or transfer, signed by himself and setting out the number of
his permit, particulars of the plant and the name and address of the purchaser.
 No person shall, unless he receives a certificate of sale or transfer in respect of a specially
protected indigenous plant, accept such plant from any person other than:
 a cultivator;
 a dealer;
 a person operating a stall at any fete, bazaar or other like function open to the
 if he is a member of a recognized horticultural society, from another member of a
recognized horticultural society.
s50 Cultivators and dealers to keep records
 Any dealer who purchases any specially protected indigenous plant specified in the Second
Schedule shall maintain a record of the species involved, the date of the transaction and the
name of the person from whom the plant was obtained.
 Any cultivator or dealer who sells or transfers any plant listed in the Second Schedule shall
maintain a record of the species involved, the date of the transaction and the name and
address of the person taking delivery.
s51 Recognition of horticultural societies
 A horticultural society which wishes to become a recognized horticultural society shall
apply, in writing, to the Director for such recognition.
*breeder- means any person who keeps, breeds or produces reptiles or amphibia for the
purpose of selling any reptile or amphibian, or any trophy therefrom; definition was
amendend by si26 of 1998- a person who keeps or produces wildlife or fish for the
purposes of selling wildlife or fish or the trophies there from
*breeder's licence- means a breeder's licence issued in terms of section 62;
*certificate of ownership" means a certificate of ownership issued in terms of section 77;
*dealer- means: (a) a trophy dealer; or (b) a trophy retailer; or (c) an ivory dealer; or (d) an
ivory manufacturer;
*dealer's licence- means: (a) a trophy dealer's licence; or (b) a trophy retailer's licence; or (c)
an ivory dealer's licence; or (d) an ivory manufacturer's licence;
*dust- means any residue of ivory resulting from the manufacture, processing, carving or
embellishment of such ivory;
*horn- means rhinoceros horn;
*ivory dealer- means any person who carries on the business of buying or selling raw ivory;
*ivory manufacturer- means any person who processes, carves, embellishes or otherwise
manufactures ivory;
*manufactured ivory- means ivory which, through a skilled process of manufacture, carving
or embellishment in accordance with these regulations, has been transformed into a
utensil, ornament or article of adornment;
*marked ivory- means a piece of manufactured ivory which has been engraved in terms of
section 80;
*raw ivory- means ivory that is not manufactured ivory;
*register- means a register required to be kept by: (a) a breeder in terms of section 64; or
(b) a dealer in terms of section 72; or (c) a registered dealer in, or manufacturer of, fishing-
nets in terms of subsection (1) of section 86;
*registered- in relation to ivory or horn, means registered in terms of section 77;
*specified officer- means a person appointed in terms of section 76;
*transaction- means the purchase, sale or processing of any trophy, or the sale or
manufacture of articles -from a trophy;
*trophy dealer- means any person who: (a) processes, carves, embellishes or
otherwise manufactures any trophy for sale or reward; or (b) carries on the business of
buying or selling trophies; but does not include an ivory dealer, an ivory manufacturer or a
person who has authority to sell a trophy in terms of section 30, 37 or 65 of the Act.
*unmarked ivory- means a piece of manufactured ivory that is not marked ivory.

s53 Prohibition or restriction on use of certain weapons for hunting

 No person shall use for hunting purposes:
 any rifle or shot-gun capable of firing more than one cartridge as a result of one
pressure on the trigger;
 any weapon with, a barrel less than five hundred millimetres in length;
 Any person who hunts any animal specified in Part A of the Third Schedule shall use a
weapon having a rifled barrel and propelling a projectile of not less than nine comma two
millimetres (9.2mm) in diameter with not less than five comma three kilojoules (5.3kj) of
energy at the muzzle.
 Animals in Part A: Black and white rhinoceros, Buffalo, Elephant, hippo
 Any person who hunts any animal specified in Part B of the Third Schedule shall use a
weapon having a rifled barrel and propelling a projectile of not less than seven millimetres
(7mm) in diameter with not less than four comma three kilojoules (4.3kj) of energy at the
 Animals in part B: Eland, Giraffe, Lion
 Any person who hunts any animal specified in Part C of the Third Schedule shall use a
weapon having a rifled barrel and propelling a projectile of not less than seven millimetres
(7mm) in diameter with not less than three kilojoules (3kj) of energy at the muzzle.
 Animals in part C: Blesbok, Blue wildebeest, Brown hyaena, Burchell's zebra, Cape
hartebeest, Cheetah, Crocodile, Gemsbok, Leopard, Lichtenstein's hartebeest, Nyala, Roan
Sable, Spotted hyaena, Tsessebe, Water-buck
 Any person who hunts any animal specified in Part D of the Third Schedule shall use a
weapon haying a rifled barrel and propelling a projectile of not less than five comma six
millimetres (5.6mm) in diameter with not less than eight hundred and fifty joules (850j) of
energy at the muzzle.
 Animals in part D: Bush-buck, Bush-pig, Impala Reed-buck, Sitatunga, Wart-hog, Wild dog

 Any person who hunts any animal except a bird or an animal which is specified in the Third
Schedule shall use:
 a weapon having a rifled barrel and propelling a projectile of not less than five
comma six millimetres in diameter with not less than eight hundred and fifty joules
of energy at the muzzle;
 a smooth-bore weapon with an internal barrel-diameter of not less than fifteen
millimetres and propelling shot of an average diameter of not less than five
 Any person who hunts any bird shall use a weapon having:
 a rifled barrel and propelling a projectile with not less than one hundred and fifty joules
of energy at the muzzle;
 a smooth-bore weapon with an internal barrel-diameter of not less than ten
s54 Exemptions
 it shall be lawful for any person to use any weapon:
 to hunt any animal if:
(i) the Director has, by notice in writing, permitted him to use that weapon to hunt
animals of that species;
(ii) he complies with any conditions which the Director may have imposed when granting
his permission;
 to kill or injure any animal in terms of section 49 of the Act;
 to kill any animal, other than a specially protected animal, causing damage to any
livestock, crop, water- installation or fence on land for which he is the appropriate
 Where an animal is killed or injured by use of a weapon other than a weapon specified in terms
of section 53, the burden of proving that such animal was killed or injured lawfully shall lie on
the person who killed or injured such animal.
 It shall be lawful for the owner of any animal which was born or hatched and has remained in
captivity to kill such animal by any means which does not contravene the Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals Act or any law which replaces such Act.

s55 Issue of licences

 Any person who wishes to obtain a professional hunter's licence, a learner professional
hunter's licence or a professional guide's licence shall:
 apply to the Director, in writing, giving such details as may be required;
 submit the appropriate fee, if any.
 On receipt of an application and any appropriate fee, the Director may take such steps
as he considers necessary in the circumstances to satisfy himself that the applicant is a
person qualified and otherwise suitable to be issued with the licence for which
application was made.
 An applicant shall not be qualified for the issue of a licence if:
 he does not, in the opinion of the Director, possess sufficient skill or knowledge
to be issued with the licence concerned;
 he is not ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe:
Provided that the Minister may, on the application of the person concerned, by
notice in writing, declare that any person who is not ordinarily resident in
Zimbabwe is nevertheless qualified for the issue of a licence.
 After taking the steps referred to above, the Director, shall refuse to issue the licence
applied for:
 if he is satisfied that the applicant is not qualified to be issued with it;
 if he considers that the applicant is otherwise unsuitable to be issued with it;
and in any other case shall issue to the applicant a numbered professional
hunter's licence, learner professional hunter's licence or professional guide's
licence, as the case may be.
s56 Period of validity of licences
 Every professional hunter's licence, learner professional hunter's licence and
professional guide's licence shall, unless earlier cancelled, expire on the 31st December
of the year on which it was issued.
s57 Suspension and cancellation of licences
 Where the holder of a professional hunter's licence, a learner professional hunter's
licence or a professional guide's licence is, in terms of these regulations, ordered to
leave part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate, such licence shall forthwith be suspended
pending any prosecution under these regulations or any decision regarding prohibiting
such holder's re-entry to the Parks and Wild Life Estate.
 In addition to any other penalty provided in these regulations, conviction for an offence
in terms of the Act or the Forest Act or an order prohibiting re-entry to any part of the
Parks and Wild Life Estate shall be grounds to cancel and debar the holding of a
professional hunter's licence, a learner professional hunter's licence or a professional
guide's licence for such period as the Director may determine.
s58 Payment for services rendered by holders of licences to non-residents
 Every holder of a professional hunter's licence, learner professional hunter's licence, or
professional guide's licence who has conducted a person who is Ordinarily resident in
Zimbabwe on a hunting, photographic or viewing safari shall ensure that all payments made
to him by that person:
 are made in foreign currency in the form of cheques, bills, drafts or cash;
 are deposited with a registered commercial bank in Zimbabwe within seven days
(i) the conclusion of the safari;
(ii) the final departure, of that person from any premises owned, occupied or used
by the holder of licence; whichever is the earlier.
 The above shall not apply to any holder of a licence to the extent that he has been exempted
from those provisions by a registered bank in Zimbabwe before he conducted the safari
s59 Notice of intention to conduct safari
 Every person who, for reward or otherwise, intends to conduct any other person who is not
ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe on a hunting safari shall, before the commencement of the
proposed safari, send the Director a written notice, in duplicate, setting out the following
 the full names and address of the person who is to be conducted on the safari;
 the title or other descriptive appellation of the land on which he proposes to
conduct the safari;
 the dates on which the safari is to be conducted;
 the amounts, if any, to be paid by the person who is conducted on the safari in
respect of accommodation, meals, transport and any other service which may be
provided in relation to the safari;
 the currency in which any amounts referred to are to be paid.
 On receipt of a notice sent to him, the Director shall in writing authorize the hunting safari
concerned unless he is satisfied on reasonable grounds that
 any information contained in the notice is untrue;
 a contravention of any law is likely to take place if the hunting safari takes place.
 The Director may attach such reasonable conditions as he thinks fit to any authority given by
him, and any such conditions shall be endorsed in writing on the authority concerned.
 No person shall, for reward or otherwise, conduct any other person who is not ordinarily
resident in Zimbabwe on a hunting safari unless:
 at the commencement of the safari he is in possession of the written authority given
by the Director in respect of the safari concerned
 he complies with any conditions which the Director may have attached to the
written authority.
s60 Register of hunting safaris
 Every person who, for reward, conducts any other person who is not ordinarily resident in
Zimbabwe on a hunting safari shall:
 immediately upon the conclusion of the safari, complete and sign a return in
triplicate in the form set out in the Fourth Schedule, and ensure that the person
who is not ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe also signs the return;
 within fourteen days thereafter, send the original copy of the completed form to
the Director at the address indicated on the form.
 A person who is required to complete a return shall retain one copy of the return for not less
than three years thereafter and make it available for inspection if required to do so.
 If a copy of a return that is required to be retained is lost, stolen or destroyed, the person
who was required to retain it shall notify the Director within fourteen days after he became
aware of such loss, theft or destruction.
s61 Licence required by breeders
 No person shall keep, breed or produce wildlife or fish for sale or for the purpose of
selling any trophy therefrom unless he is the holder of a breeder's licence.
s62 Issue of breeder's licence
 Any person who wishes to obtain a breeder's licence shall apply to the Director, in
writing, giving such details, as may be required; and submit the appropriate fee, if any
 On receipt of an application and any appropriate fee referred to in subsection (1), the
Director shall
 refuse to issue a breeder's licence if he considers that the applicant is unsuitable
to hold a breeder's licence;
 issue a numbered breeder's licence.
s63 Cancellation of breeder's licence
 In addition to any other penalty provided in the Act or these regulations, the failure
of a breeder to comply with the Act or these regulations or the terms and
conditions of his licence shall be grounds to cancel such breeder's licence:
Provided that the Director may, upon application, issue a temporary permit in such
circumstances to enable the breeder to dispose of his reptiles or amphibia.
s64 Keeping of registers and returns by breeders
 A breeder of reptiles shall keep a register in which he shall cause to be recorded, by
 the number of eggs acquired, the place from which they were
acquired and the number of eggs successfully hatched;
 the number of live reptiles acquired and the place from which they
were acquired;
 the number of reptiles disposed of, by age or size class, and the
method of disposal.
 (2) A breeder of amphibia shall maintain a register in which h3 shall cause to be
recorded, by species
 the number of amphibia acquired and the place from which they were
 the number of amphibia disposed of and the method of disposal.
 A breeder shall, within seven days of the end of each month, submit to the Director
a certified return of all details recorded in the register during the preceding month
on the appropriate forms prescribed in the Fifth Schedule.
s65 Disease
 In the event of any disease affecting reptiles or amphibia being suspected or found
present on a breeder's premises, the Director may take such steps, or require such
breeder to take such steps, as the Director may deem necessary for the control or
elimination of that disease.
s66 Prohibition of unlicensed manufacture of or dealing in trophies and ivory
 no person shall process, carve, embellish or otherwise manufacture any trophy,
other than ivory, for sale or reward unless he is authorized to do so by a trophy
dealer's licence issued in terms of section 67;
 no person, whether as an agent or employee or in any other capacity, shall process,
carve, embellish or otherwise manufacture ivory, whether for sale -or reward or
otherwise, unless he is authorized to do so by an ivory manufacturer's licence issued
to him personally in terms of section 67,
 no person shall employ, hire, engage or procure any other person to process, carve,
embellish or otherwise manufacture any trophy unless he has satisfied him self that
the other person is entitled to do so by a trophy dealer's licence or an ivory
manufacturer's licence, as the case may be, issued hi terms of section 67.
 no person shall carry on the business of buying, selling, importing or exporting any
trophy, other than raw ivory, unless he is authorized to do so by a trophy dealer's
licence or a trophy retailer's licence, as may be appropriate, issued in terms of
section 67.
 no person shall carry on the business of buying, selling, importing or exporting raw
ivory unless he is authorized to do so by an ivory dealer's licence issued in terms of
section 67.
 The above shall not apply:
 in respect of any manufacture or sale authorized by a permit issued in terms
of section 30, 37 or 65 of the Act;
 subject to the terms and conditions of such exemption, to any person who
has been granted a written exemption by the Minister from all or any of the
s67 Issue of dealer's licence
 Any person who wishes to obtain a dealer's licence may apply therefor in writing to the
Director, and shall:
 provide the Director with such information as the Director may require relating to:
(i) each of the premises in respect of which he seeks the issue of a dealer's licence;
(ii) the business which he intends to conduct within such premises;
(iii) his personal character and circumstances;
 submit with his application the appropriate fee, if any.
 On receipt of an application in terms of the above and any fee submitted therewith, the
Director may:
 grant an appropriate dealer's licence in respect of each of the premises in respect of
which such licence was sought;
 refuse to grant a dealer's licence in respect of all or any of the premises in respect of
which such licence was sought, if he considers that:
(i) the applicant is not a fit and proper person to hold such licence;
(ii) the premises in respect of which the licence was sought are unsuitable for the
conduct of the business of a trophy dealer, an ivory dealer or an ivory
manufacturer, as the case may be;
(iii) the applicant will not exercise sufficient control over the conduct of the business
at the premises concerned to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of
the licence.

s68 Period of validity of dealer's licence

 Every dealer's licence shall expire on the thirty-first day of December in the year in which it
was issued.
s69 Terms and conditions of dealer's licence
 a trophy dealer's licence shall authorize the holder thereof:
 to purchase trophies other than raw ivory:
(i) from any person who has authority in terms of the Act to sell such trophies;
(ii) obtained from any animal which was born or hatched and has remained in
 within the premises to which the licence relates, to process, carve, embellish or
otherwise manufacture trophies, other than ivory, of animals which have been
lawfully hunted or have died from natural causes or which were born or hatched and
have remained in captivity;
 within the premises to which the licence relates, to sell trophies, other than raw
ivory, which:
(i) were sold to him by any person who had authority in terms of the Act to sell such
(ii) were obtained from any animal which was born or hatched and has remained in
 subject to any enactment relating to such importation and exportation, to import
and export trophies, other than raw ivory, into and out of Zimbabwe.
 an ivory dealer's licence shall authorize the holder thereof:
 to purchase Ivory, whether raw or manufactured from any person who has authority
in terms of the Act to sell such ivory;
 within the premises to which the licence relates, to sell ivory which has been
purchased by him in terms of the above
 an ivory manufacturer's licence shall authorize the holder thereof:
 to purchase ivory, whether raw or manufactured, from any person who has
authority in terms of the Act to sell such ivory;
 within the premises to which the licence relates, personally to carve, embellish or
otherwise manufacture ivory purchased by him in terms of the above or purchased
on his behalf by some other holder of an ivory manufacturer's licence;
 within the premises to which the licence relates, to sell ivory which he has
processed, carved, embellished or otherwise manufactured in terms of the above
 A trophy retailer's licence shall authorize the holder thereof:
 to purchase, from any person who has authority under the Act to sell them,
trophies that have been processed, carved, embellished or otherwise
manufactured in accordance with the terms and conditions of a dealer's licence;
 within the premises to which the licence relates, to sell trophies that he has
purchased in terms of the above.
 A dealer's licence shall authorize the sale of trophies, outside the premises to which the
licence relates, to persons who are holders of dealer's licences and who are authorized by
their licences to purchase trophies.
s70 Display of dealer's licence
 Every holder of a dealer's licence shall at all times display such licence in a prominent place
within the premises to which the licence relates.
s71 Cancellation of dealer's licence
 Upon the failure of a holder of a dealer's licence to comply with any of the provisions of the
Act or these regulations or with the terms and conditions of his licence, the Director may, in
addition to any other penalty which may be imposed upon such holder
 amend any of the terms and conditions of;
 suspend or cancel; that or any other dealer's licence held by such holder.
 Where the Director has suspended or cancelled any dealer's licence in terms of the above,
he may issue to the holder thereof a temporary licence, subject to such terms and
conditions as the Director may specify therein, to enable the holder to dispose of any.
trophies possessed by him.
s72 Registers, returns and accounts of dealers
 every dealer shall:
 keep a register in the appropriate form set out in the Sixth Schedule, in which he
shall enter all transactions or arrangements by which he acquires or comes into
possession or control of trophies for manufacture or resale, within five business
hours of such trophies entering his possession or control;
 keep adequate records and books of account relating to the manufacture and sale
of trophies by him;
 on being requested to do so during business hours, immediately make the records
and books referred to above available for inspection by the Director or by an
inspector or officer authorized thereto by the Director;
 within seven days after the end of each month, submit to the Director:
(i) a certified return of all transactions and arrangements whereby he acquired or
came into possession or control of trophies for manufacture or resale;
(ii) a statement that no such transactions or arrangements occurred; during the
preceding month, as may be appropriate.
 The above shall not apply to the holder of an ivory manufacturer's licence who is employed
by another such holder, in relation to ivory which he possesses, carves, embellishes or
manufactures in the course of such employment.
 If a dealer who is required by these regulations to keep proper records of trophies or dust is
in possession of trophies or dust in excess of the amount shown to be in his possession by
his records, he shall be deemed to be in illegal possession of such excess.
s73 Dust
 An ivory manufacturer shall:
 retain and record the dust resulting from the manufacture, processing or
embellishment of ivory hi the appropriate form prescribed in the Sixth Schedule;
 within seven days after the end. of each month, submit to the Director:
(i) a certified return of all dust accumulated or sold;
(ii) a statement that no such dust has been accumulated or sold; during the
preceding month, as may be appropriate.
 An ivory manufacturer may sell dust referred to above and, if he does so, the provisions of
these regulations relating to the sale of ivory by an ivory manufacturer shall apply to such
sale of dust.
s74 Change of address of holder of dealer's licence
 Every holder of a dealer's licence shall, within seven days after changing the address to
which such licence relates, notify the Director in writing, by registered post, of such change
of address. .
s75 Cessation of business by holder of dealer's licence
 Every holder of a dealer's licence who ceases to carry on business as a dealer shall, within
seven days after so ceasing:
 give written notice, by registered post, of that fact to the Director;
 return his dealer's licence, by registered post, to the Director.
s76 Appointment of specified officers
 The persons occupying the posts listed in Part I of the Seventh Schedule are hereby
appointed as specified officers for the purposes of sections 77, 78 and 79,
s77 Ivory and lion to be registered
 Any person who:
 acquires or comes into possession of any unregistered raw ivory or horn shall, within
fifteen days of such acquisition or coming into possession;
 imports into Zimbabwe any unregistered raw ivory or horn shall, within twenty-four
hours of such importation; produce the ivory or horn to a specified officer for
 A specified officer shall require evidence that any ivory or horn has been lawfully acquired or
imported or is lawfully possessed, as the case may be, by the person seeking to have it
 after satisfying himself as to the matters referred to in subsection (2), the specified officer
shall register the ivory or horn, and shall:
 cause it to be marked with a distinctive mark as provided in Part II of the Seventh
 issue a certificate of ownership in the form prescribed in the Eighth Schedule.
 The specified officer shall record in a register such information as may be required of any ivory
or horn which he has registered.
s78 Retention of ivory and horn
 If evidence required in terms of section 77 is not produced, the specified officer shall retain the
ivory or horn pending the production of such evidence as he may require.
s79 Disposal of retained ivory and horn
 If, within six months after the date on which ivory or horn was retained in terms of section 78,
the evidence required in terms of section 77 has not been produced, the ivory or horn
concerned shall be registered as a State trophy.
 Where a person is convicted of any offence in respect of ivory or horn, such ivory or horn shall,
unless any other person owns or is entitled to possess it, thereupon become a State trophy.
 If no person claims ivory or horn retained in terms of section 78 within one month from the date
on which he first becomes entitled to claim it, the Director may give notice in the Gazette that,
unless the ivory or horn is claimed by a person entitled thereto within a period of two months
from the date of publication of the notice, the ivory or horn will be disposed.
 If, on the expiry of the period of two months from the date of publication of a notice referred to
above, the ivory or horn concerned has not been claimed by a person entitled thereto, it shall
become a State trophy.
s80 Marking of manufactured ivory
 every holder of an ivory manufacturer's licence who processes, carves, embellishes or
otherwise manufactures ivory to produce an article exceeding two hundred grams in mass of
ivory shall engrave upon the article, in such a manner as to form a clear depression below
the normal surface of the ivory, the following particulars:
 the number of the register in which he has entered a description of the article
 the identifying letters that have been registered in his name.
 No person shall alter, deface or remove any engraving referred to above without the written
permission of the Director.
 Every holder of any ivory manufacturer's licence shall apply to the Director for the
registration of his initials or other identifying letters which he wishes to engrave upon ivory
 On receipt of an application in the Director:
 may refuse to register the identifying letters concerned if in his opinion they are
indecent or so similar to any such letters previously registered as to be likely to
cause confusion;
 in any other case, shall register the identifying letters concerned in a register to be
kept by him for the purpose and shall notify the applicant in writing accordingly.

s81 Sale or transfer of registered raw ivory

 Upon the sale or transfer of any registered raw ivory, the person disposing of it shall
immediately endorse upon the certificate of ownership the name and address of the
person to whom the sale or transfer has been effected, and shall sign and date such
 Should any registered raw ivory be lost, stolen, exported, processed, embellished,
manufactured or destroyed, the owner of the ivory shall, within fourteen days,
return to the Director the certificate of ownership relating to the ivory, together
with details of its loss, theft, export, process, embellishment, manufacture or
destruction, as the case may be.
s82 Restriction on acquisition, possession, sale or transfer of unregistered or unmarked ivory
 no person shall acquire, have in his possession, sell or transfer any raw ivory that,has not
been registered unless the raw ivory
 was lawfully taken from an animal that was lawfully hunted in terms of the Act;
 was lawfully taken from an animal that died on any land for which that person is
the appropriate authority;
 has been lawfully imported into Zimbabwe; and the period within which that
person is required to produce the raw ivory for registration in terms of section
77 has not elapsed.
 no person shall acquire, have in his possession, sell or transfer any piece of
manufactured ivory which exceeds two hundred grams in mass unless such ivory is
marked ivory.
s83 Sale or manufacture of horn prohibited
 No person shall purchase, sell, manufacture, process, carve or embellish any horn.
s84 Acquisition, possession or transfer of horn
 no person shall acquire, have in his possession or transfer any horn which has not been
 Upon the transfer of any registered horn, the person trasferring such horn shall
immediately endorse on the certificate of ownership:
 the name and address of the person to whom the transfer has been effected;
 sign and date such endorsement.
 Should any horn be lost, stolen, exported or destroyed, the owner shall, within fourteen
days thereof, return to the Director the certificate of ownership, together with details of
such loss, theft, export or destruction, as the case may be.
s85 Exemptions
 Sections 77, 82 and subsection (1) of section 84 shall not apply in respect of the
acquisition or possession of ivory or horn by any museum or scientific or educational
institution, where such ivory or horn is bona fide acquired or possessed for the purposes
of the museum or for scientific or educational purposes.
 Sections 77, 82 and subsection (1) of section 84 shall not apply in relation to the
acquisition, possession, sale or transfer of any ivory or horn by any person in the lawful
execution of his duties on behalf of the State. ,
 Section 82 shall not apply in respect of the acquisition or possession of:
 any unregistered ivory by any person in accordance with an authority granted to
him by the Director;
 any marked ivory that has been lawfully imported into Zimbabwe after being
manufactured outside Zimbabwe;
 In any prosecution arising out of a contravention of section 77, 82 or subsection
(1) of section 84, the burden of proving that he was entitled to an exemption in
terms of this section shall rest on the person claiming such exemption.
s86 Registered dealers in, and manufacturers of, fishing-nets
 A registered dealer in, or a manufacturer of, fishing- nets shall:
 keep a register in the appropriate form prescribed in the Sixth Schedule, in which
he shall cause to be recorded all transactions involving the acquisition,
manufacture or sale of fishing-nets within five business hours of such acquisition,
manufacture or sale being effected;
 within seven days of the end of each month, submit to the Director
(i) a certified return of all transactions;
(ii) a statement that no transaction has occurred; during the preceding month, as
may be appropriate.
 A registered dealer in or manufacturer of fishing-nets shall not sell or transfer a fishing-net
to any person who is not:
 a registered dealer in or manufacturer of fishing-nets;
 the holder of a permit issued by the Minister
 the appropriate authority for any waters.
s87 Retention of registers
 A breeder, dealer, registered dealer in, or manufacturer of, fishing-nets shall retain a
register in his possession for a period of three years from the date of the final entry made in
such register.
s88 Inspections by officers
 an officer may during normal business hours require:
 the holder of a professional hunter's licence or any other person who, for
reward, has conducted a hunting safari;
 a breeder, dealer or a registered dealer in or manufacturer of fishing-nets; to
produce for his inspection any register which he is required to keep by these
regulations, or any trophy, horn, ivory dust or fishing-net which the officer may
require to inspect
 An officer may, at all reasonable times, require any person who is in possession of any ivory
to produce that ivory for inspection by the officer for the purpose of ascertaining if it is
registered or marked in accordance with these regulations.
 An officer may, at all reasonable times, require any person who has any trophy, horn, dust,
ivory or fishing-net in his possession or custody to produce for his inspection the certificate
of ownership or permit authorizing his possession or use of such trophy, ivory, horn, dust or
s89 Advertisement of sale or transfer of wild life or trophies
 No person shall publish or display any written advertisement for the sale or transfer of any
wild life or trophy, the sale or transfer of which requires a permit or authority in terms of the
Act or these regulations, unless he publishes or displays in the advertisement the nature of
the permit or authority held by him and its serial number.
s90 Offences
 No person shall:
 make, or be party to the making of, any false entry in a register;
 falsify a return required in terms of subsection (3) of section 64 or subsection (1) of
section 72;
 refuse to produce any register, trophy, certificate of ownership or permit for
inspection when required to do so in terms of section 88.
*certificate" means a certificate of appointment furnished to an honorary officer in terms of
subsection (4) of section 98 of the Act.
s92 Honorary officers to present themselves for duty
 The Director may require an honorary officer to present himself for duty on not more than
one Saturday or one Sunday or one public holiday during each month.
 An honorary officer may volunteer to present himself for duty more frequently than is
required in terms of the above
 An honorary officer who reports for duty in terms of the above shall undertake such duties
as an officer may allocate to him.
 An honorary officer may decline to present himself for duty when required by the Director:
Provided that, if he does so on more than three occasions during any twelve-month period,
his appointment shall be terminated.
 An honorary officer who presents himself for duty in terms of the above and who
undertakes duties outside the Parks and Wild Life Estate, shall be entitled to claim the
allowance which may be claimed by an officer, for the use of his private motor-vehicle.
s93 Powers of honorary officer while on duty
 An honorary officer may, in the course of under taking duties allocated within the Parks and
Wild Life Estate:
 require any person found in possession of, or using, any animal, fish, plant, meat,
trophy, weapon, fishing- net or other thing to produce to him any authority required
in terms of the Act or any regulations made thereunder in respect of the possession
or use of such animal, fish, plant, meat, trophy, weapon, fishing-net or other thing;
 seize and deliver to an officer any animal, fish, plant, meat, trophy, weapon, fishing-
net or other thing, of any nature whatsoever, which appears, on reasonable
grounds, to afford evidence of the commission of an offence in terms of the Act or
any regulations made thereunder;
 stop any person, whether or not such person is in a boat or, except on a prescribed
road, a vehicle, whom he sees doing, or believes, on reasonable grounds, to have
done, any act for which authority in terms of the Act or any regulations made
thereunder is required, and require such person to furnish his name and address
and to produce evidence of such authority;
 notwithstanding the issue or grant of any permission, authority or permit, order a
person to report to a particular officer if, in his opinion, that person within the Parks
and Wild Life Estate behaves in a manner which disturbs or interferes with, or is
likely to disturb or interfere with, the peace, order or good management or
administration of the Parks and Wild Life Estate or the rights of other persons
 destroy any domesticated animal if such animal is not under the physical control of
any person.
 An honorary officer may, on the instructions of the Director, and subject to such terms and
conditions as the Director may deem fit to impose in each case, and with the consent of the
appropriate authority for the land, in respect of any area other than the Parks and Wild Life
 exercise the powers which may be exercised within the Parks and Wild Life Estate
 destroy any animal, other than a specially protected animal, which:
(i) has caused, is causing or is likely to cause damage to any livestock, crop, water-
installation or fence;
(ii) is, or is likely to be, dangerous to human life on such land.
 in the case of a dangerous animal which has been injured and which is a source of danger
to human life, an honorary officer may follow such dangerous animal with the intention
of killing it on any land.
 Any honorary officer who follows a dangerous animal on to any land shall, as soon as
possible, inform the appropriate authority for such land that he followed such dangerous
animal on to such land, and whether he was successful in killing such dangerous animal or
whether it is still at large.
s94 Return of certificate or badge
 Any person who ceases to hold office as an honorary officer, for any reason whatsoever,
shall return his certificate and his badge within thirty days of being informed that he has
ceased to hold office.
s95 Offences
 Any person who fails to comply with any request or direction made or given in terms of this
Part, or who obstructs any honorary officer in the exercise of the powers conferred upon
him in terms of this Part, or knowingly gives false information to an honorary officer who is
exercising those powers, shall be guilty of an offence.
*safari-operator- means a person engaged in conducting photographic or viewing safaris for reward;
*Senior Tourist Officer- means the Senior Tourist Officer in charge of the Department's Central
Booking Office.
s97 Fixing of appropriate fees
 With the approval of the Minister, the Director may fix the appropriate fees to be paid for:
 entering any area or part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate;
 doing anything within any area or part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate;
 using any article or facility provided within any area or-part of the Parks and Wild
Life Estate;
 any authority, permit, licence, register or return granted, issued or supplied in terms
of the Act or any regulations made thereunder; and may at any time in like manner
alter any such appropriate fee.
 The Director may, fix different appropriate fees to be paid by persons resident in Zimbabwe
and persons not so resident.
s98 Information on appropriate fees to be given
 The Senior Tourist Officer shall, on receipt of an inquiry, provide such information as is
required concerning any appropriate fee which has been fixed.
 An officer or an employee who has allocated the use of any article or facility to any person
shall provide such information as is required concerning any appropriate fee payable by such
person for the use of such article or facility.
s99 Reservation of accommodation, camping-sites, caravan-sites or special camps
 Any person who wishes to reserve accommodation, a camping-site, a caravan-site or a
special camp shall apply to the Senior Tourist Officer.
 On receipt of an application, the Senior Tourist Officer may, if the type of facility applied for
is available as required by the applicant, provisionally reserve such facility for a period of
fourteen days.
 The applicant shall, during the period of provisional reservation specified above, pay the
deposit to confirm the reservation, failing which any provisional reservation shall be
cancelled by the Senior Tourist Officer.
 The deposit payable shall be, in respect of each continuous period
 the full amount of the appropriate fee, to reserve a camping-site or a caravan-site;
 half the appropriate fee, to reserve accommodation or a special camp.

100 Applications for and issue of permits

 Any person who, before the day on which he wishes to do anything in respect of which a
permit is required, wishes to apply for a permit shall do so at the office of the Director, in
such manner and upon payment of the appropriate fee, if any, or such deposit as the
Director may require:
 Provided that fishing permits for Purdon Dam or Lake Gulliver shall be applied for
from the Research Officer (Fisheries), Private Bag T7901, Mutare.
 Any person who, on the day on which he wishes to do anything in respect of which a permit
is required, wishes to apply for a permit shall do so to an officer or an employee in that area
of the Parks and Wild Life Estate where he wishes to do such thing, and upon payment of the
appropriate fee, if any.
 The Director may, in respect of a permit to do anything permitted in a safari area:
 set a date after which no further applications will be considered;
 authorize any person or association of persons to receive any application and
 Any permit issued in respect of the doing of anything in a safari area may authorize the holder
thereof, free of charge, to enter any part of that safari area accompanied by his visitors and
employees, not exceeding any maximum number fixed by the Director, and to occupy a bush-
101 Refund of deposits
 Where a deposit has been accepted in terms of this Part, no refund shall be made unless:
 the person who made the deposit notifies the Director or the Senior Tourist Officer, as
the case may be, in writing, not less than thirty days before the first day of his
reservation or the validity of his permit, that he wishes to cancel such reservation or no
longer requires such permit;
 the facility in respect of which his deposit was accepted is subsequently reserved or
used, or the permit is subsequently issued to some other person.
 Any refund made of a deposit in terms of the above shall be for the full deposit less an amount
of 10% of such deposit, which shall be deducted to meet administrative expenses,
 The Director may authorize a refund in full of any deposit paid in such circumstances as he
deems fit.
102 Appropriate fee for provision of assistance

 The appropriate fee for the taking of any measures in terms of section 44 shall be calculated
in accordance with the Ninth Schedule.
 The Director may, if an officer or an employee is requested by any person, and assist in the
capture or movement of wild life, require payment by the person who made the request of
an appropriate fee as if such assistance was provided in terms of section 44.

103 Fees payable on demand

 Any appropriate fee shall be payable on demand.

104 Waiver, reduction and refund of appropriate fees

 With the approval of the Secretary for Finance, Economic Planning and Development, the
Director may waive or reduce the whole or any part of an appropriate fee in respect of any
person or class of persons.
 Without derogation from the above, if a person who has paid an appropriate fee to enter
any area or part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate is subsequently refused entry to that area
or part, the Director may refund the whole or part of the fee if he considers it just and
equitable to do so.

105 Disposal of State trophies

 The Director may dispose of any State trophy.

106 Keeping of certain animals in urban areas

*urban land- means any piece of land less than ten hectares in extent which is situated within:

(a) a municipal area, town area or local government area;

(b) a designated area of a rural council;

(c) a specified area of a rural district council;

(d) an area of Communal Land set aside in terms of the Communal Land Act, 1982 (No. 20 of 1982),
for the establishment of a township, village, business centre or industrial area.

 No person shall possess any problem animal, dangerous animal or primate on any urban
 without the written permission of the Director;
 except in accordance with any terms or conditions imposed by the Director when
giving his written permission.
 The above shall be additional to and not in substitution for any other enactment relating to
the possession of animals in any urban land.

107 Badge of the Department

 The badge of the Department which shall be carried, worn or displayed by officers,
employees and honorary officers shall be in the form prescribed in the Tenth Schedule.


An amendment of si362
*breeder- means any person who keeps or produces wild life or fish for the purpose of
selling any wild life or fish or any trophy therefrom;
*dust- means any residue of ivory resulting from the manufacture, processing, carving or
embellishment of such ivory which weighs less than 30 grams
*trophy dealer- means any person who
(a) ) process, carves, embellishes or stuffs and mounts a trophy so that it has a life like
appearances or otherwise manufactures any trophy for sale or reward
(b) carries on the business of buying or selling trophies; but does not include an ivory
dealer, an ivory manufacturer or a person who has authority to sell a trophy in terms of
section 30, 37 or 65 of the Act.
*taxidermist- means a person who processes, prepares, stuffs and mounts a trophy so that
it has a life like appearance.
58A. SI 362 is amended by the insertion after section 58 of the following section:
 Every person who, for reward or otherwise intends to conduct any other person who
is not ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe on a photographic or viewing safari in a Parks
and Wild Life Estate shall, before the commencement of the proposed safari send to
the Director a written notice in duplicate setting out the following information:
 full names and address of the person who is to conduct the safari;
 the type of safari to be conducted
 the number of persons to be taken on the safari;
 the park in which the safari is to be conducted;
 the type of vessel or vehicle to be used on the safari;
 the currency in which any amount payable is to be paid.
 On receipt of a notice sent to him in terms of the above and the appropriate fee, the
Director shall in writing authorize the photographic or viewing safari concerned
unless he is satisfied on reasonable grounds that:
 any information contained in the notice is untrue;
 a contravention of any law is likely to take place if the safari takes place;
 the area in the Parks and Wild Life Estate in respect of which the application
is made, is unsuitable for the conduct of the safari.
 The Director may attach such reasonable conditions as he thinks fit to any authority
given by him, and any such conditions shall be endorsed in writing on the authority
 No person shall, for reward or otherwise, conduct any other person who is not
ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe on a photographic or viewing safari in a Parks and
Wild Life Estate unless:
 at the commencement of the safari he is in possession of the written
authority given by the Director in respect of the safari concerned;
 he complies with any conditions which the Director may have attached to
the written authority;
 holds in addition to holding a professional hunter's licence, a learner
professional hunter's licence or a professional guide's licence, a tour
operator's licence or is a director, employee or agent of a holder of a tour
operator's licence issued in terms of the Tourism Act
 in the case where an open vehicle is used, it is solidly constructed up to the
shoulder level of seated passengers and is fitted with protective bars;
 the vehicle to be used on the safari is the subject of an operator's licence
issued in terms of the Road Motor Transportation Act;
 the above shall not apply in relation to an officer, honorary officer or employee while
he is carrying out his duties as such.
Section 59 of SI 362 is amended
 in subsection (1) by the insertion after paragraph (f) of the following paragraphs:
 the full names and address of the hunter who is to conduct the safari and his
licence number;
 the duration of the hunt and the types of animals to be hunted.
 by the insertion of the following subsection:
 (4b) No person shall permit any person who is not ordinarily resident in
Zimbabwe to hunt on any land for which he is the appropriate authority any
animals other than those entered on the authority to hunt
Section 60 of SI 362 is amended
 in subsection (1), in paragraph (b) by the insertion after "form" of "and a copy of the
authority to hunt";
 by the insertion after subsection (3) of the following subsection:
 Any person who is the appropriate authority for any land, who hunts or
causes or permits any person to hunt on his land, shall submit annually:
(a) a sport hunting registration form as specified in Part I of the Fifteenth
(b) a hunting return form specified in Part II of the Fifteenth Schedule.".
Section 61 of SI 362 is amended
 by the deletion of "reptiles or amphibia" and the substitution of "wild life or fish".
Section 63 of SI 362 is amended
 in the provision by the deletion of "reptiles and amphibia" and the substitution of
"wild life or fish".
Section 64 of SI 362 is amended
 by the repeal of subsections (1) and (2) and the substitution of
 (1) A breeder of wild life or fish shall keep a register in which he shall cause to
be recorded, by species: the number of eggs acquired, the place from which
they were acquired and the number of eggs successfully hatched; and the
number of live wild life or fish acquired and the place from which they were
acquired; and the number of wild life or fish disposed of, by age, size or class,
and the method of disposal.
Section 65 of SI 362 is amended
 by the deletion of "reptiles or amphibia" and the substitution of "wild life or fish".
Section 66 of SI 362 is amended
 by the insertion after paragraph (e) of the following paragraph:
 (f) no person shall carry on the business of taxidermy, processing or
otherwise manufacturing a trophy unless he is authorized to do so by a
trophy dealer's licence.
Section 67 of SI 362 is amended
 in subsection (2) in paragraph (b) in subparagraph (ii) by the insertion after "trophy
dealer" of "a taxidermist.
Section 77 of SI 362 is amended
 by the insertion after subsection (4) of the following subsections:
 (5) For the purpose of verifying any records or registers kept in terms of this
section, the Minister may at any time, when he considers it necessary to do
so, by notice in the Gazette require any person within a period of not more
than thirty days from the date of publication of the notice, to produce to an
officer any raw ivory or horn in his possession and the certificate of
ownership for re-registration.
 (6) In the event of a re-registration in terms of the above, the officer shall
issue a new certificate of ownership in respect of such ivory or horn and any
certificate of ownership issued prior to the reregistration exercise in respect
of any raw ivory or horn, shall, after the period of re-registration, be void.
Section 81 of SI 362 is amended
 by the repeal of subsection (1) and the subsection of:
 (1)Upon the sale or transfer of any registered raw ivory, the person disposing
of it and the person receiving it shall present themselves before an officer
who shall immediately endorse upon the certificate of ownership the name
and address of the person to whom the sale or transfer has been effected,
and shall sign and stamp such endorsement.
Section 97 of SI 362 is amended
 by the repeal of subsection (2) and the subsection of:
 (2) The Director may, fix:
(a) different appropriate fees to be paid by persons resident in Zimbabwe
and persons not so resident
(b) different levels of appropriate fees
(c) different appropriate fees for breeding different species of wild life or


An amendment of SI 362 of 1990

SI 362 is amended
 by the insertion of the following definitions
*live wild life- means any living form of vertebrate or invertebrate animal life,
whether indigenous to Zimbabwe or not, but does not include domestic ammals,
livestock, amphibians or eggs;
*live wild life seller- means any'person who carries on the business of selling live
wild life;
*live wild life seller's licence- means a live wild life seller's licence
 in the definition of "register" by the insertion after' paragraph (a) of the following
paragraph "a live wild life seller in terms of section 65F;".
 by the insertion after section 57 of the following sections:
 Further licence to be held by certain professional hunters and learner
professional hunters "57A.
(1) Every holder of a professional hunter's licence or a learner professional
hunter's licence who conducts any other person, who is not ordinarily
resident in Zimbabwe, on a hunting safari shall, in addition to holding a
professional hunter's licence or a learner professional hunter's licence, as the
case may be:
(a) hold a tour operator's licence;
(b) conduct the safari as a director, employee or agent of a holder of a tour
operator's licence; issued in terms of the Development of Tourism Act, 1975.
(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply in relation to an officer, honorary officer or
employee while he is carrying out his duties as such.
Declarations by non-resident hunters 57B.
 (1) Every person who is not ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe and who wishes to go on
a hunting safari in Zimbabwe shall, before commencing the hunting safari:
 (a) sign the declaration set out in the Twelfth Schedule before an
immigration officer;
 (b) exhibit a copy of the signed declaration to the person, if any, who will
conduct him on the hunting safari.
 (2) No person shall:
 for reward, cause or permit any other person who is not ordinarily
resident in Zimbabwe to hunt on any land for which he is the
appropriate authority;
 for reward or otherwise, conduct any other person who is not
ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe on a hunting safari; unless he is
satisfied that:
(i) the other person has signed the declaration before an immigration
officer; and
(ii) the information given in the declaration regarding the payments to
be made for hunting or for the hunting safari, as the case may be, is to
the best of his knowledge and belief true.
Section 58 of SI 362 is amended
 in subsection (1) by the deletion of "ordinarily resident" and the substitution of "not
ordinarily resident".
Section 59 of SI 362 is amended
 in subsection (1) by the insertion after paragraph (e) of the following paragraph—
"and (f) where known, the ports of entry into and exit from Zimbabwe that have
been and will be used, as the case may be, by the person who is to be conducted on
the safari.";
 by the insertion after subsection (1) of the following subsection— "(la) Every person
who for reward causes or permits any other person who is not ordinarily resident in
Zimbabwe to hunt on any land for which he is the appropriate authority shall, before
that other person commences to hunt, send the Director a written notice, in
duplicate, setting out the following information:
(a) the full names and address of the person who is to hunt on the land;
(b) the title or other descriptive appellation of the land on which the person is to
(c) the dates on which the person is to hunt on the land;
(d) the amounts, if any, to be paid by the person in respect of accommodation,
meals, transport and any other service which may be provided in relation to the
(e) the currency in which any amounts referred to are to be paid
 by the insertion after subsection (4) of the following subsection— "(4a) No person
shall cause or permit any person who is not ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe to hunt
on any land for which he is the appropriate authority unless:
(a) before that other person commences to hunt he is in possession of the written
authority given by the Director in respect of the hunt concerned; and
(b) he complies with any conditions which the Director may have attached to the
written authority
The SI 362 is amended by the insertion after section 59 of the following section
Advertising of hunting safaris outside Zimbabwe "59A
 No person shall publish or cause to be published in any manner whatsoever outside
Zimbabwe any document advertising any hunting safari inside Zimbabwe or soliciting
clients for any such hunting safari, unless the document specifies the fees and levies
for such safari
 Before any person who is not ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe is conducted on a
hunting safari in Zimbabwe for reward, the person conducting the safari shall lodge
with the Director a true copy of any document published outside Zimbabwe in which
the safari was advertised or in which clients for the safari were solicited.
The SI 362 is amended by the insertion after section 65 of the following sections:
Licence required by live wild life sellers
 no person shall carry on the business of selling live wild life unless he is the holder of
a live wild life seller's licence.
 The above shall not apply to any activity carried out in accordance with the terms
and conditions of a permit issued in terms of section 37 or 65 of the Act.
Issue of live wild life seller's licence
 Any person who wishes to obtain a live wild life seller's licence shall:
 apply to the Director, in writing, giving such details as the Director may
reasonably require in relation to:
(i) each of the premises in respect of which the applicant seeks the issue of a
live wild life seller's licence; and
(ii) the business he intends to conduct within the premises; and
(iii) his personal character and circumstances;
 submit to the Director the appropriate fee, if any.
 On receipt of an application and any appropriate fee referred to above, the Director
 issue the applicant with a numbered live wild life seller's licence; or
 refuse to issue a live wild life seller's licence if he considers that:
(i) the applicant is not a fit and proper person to hold such a licence; or
(ii) the premises in respect of which the licence is sought are inadequate or
unsuitable for the care and safety of the live wild life which the applicant
proposes to sell there or, where appropriate, for the protection of the public
from such live wild life; or
(iii) the applicant will not exercise sufficient control over the conduct of the
business at the premises concerned to ensure compliance with the terms and
conditions of the licence.
Form, terms, duration and renewal of live wild life seller's licence
 A live wild life seller's licence shall be in such form as the Director may determine
and shall be issued subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified therein.
 A live wild life seller's licence shall expire on the thirty-first day of December in the
year in which it was issued.
 A person who wishes to renew a live wild life seller's licence shall apply to the
Director for its renewal not later than thirty days before its expiry, or on such later
date as the Director may allow,
Cancellation of five wild life seller's licence
 The Director may at any time cancel a live wild life seller's licence if he is satisfied
that grounds exist which would justify his refusing to issue or renew the licence
 In addition to any other penalty provided in the Act or the Animal Health Act or
these regulations, the failure of a live wild life seller to comply with:
 the Act or these regulations; or
 any regulations made under the animal Health Act relating to the movement
of animals
 the terms and conditions of his licence;
shall be grounds to cancel his licence.
 The Director may, on application, issue a temporary permit to a person whose live wild
life seller's licence has been cancelled to enable him to dispose of his live wild life,
subject to any terms and conditions specified in the permit.
Display of live wild life seller's licence
 Every holder of a live wild life seller's licence shall at all times display the licence in a
prominent place within the premises to which the licence relates, or in such other place
as the Director may specify.
Keeping of registers and returns by live wild life sellers
 Every live wild life seller shall:
 keep a register in the form set out in the Thirteenth Schedule, in which he shall
enter by species:
(i) the number of specimens of live wild life acquired by him and the place from
which and the person from whom they were acquired; and
(ii) the number of specimens of live wild life sold or disposed of by him and, in
the case of a disposal, the manner of disposal; and
 keep adequate records and books of account relating to his business of buying
and selling live wild life; and
 on being requested to do so during business hours, immediately make the
register and books and records referred to above available for inspection by the
Director or by an inspector or officer authorized thereto by the Director; and
 within seven days after the end of each month, submit to the Director:
(i) a certified return of all transactions and arrangements whereby he acquired
any live wild life for sale during the preceding month; or
(ii) a statement that no such transactions or arrangements occurred during the
preceding month; as may be appropriate.
Change of address of holder of live wild life seller's licence
 Every holder of a live wild life seller's licence shall, within seven days after changing the
address to which the licence relates, notify the Director, in writing, by registered post, of
such change of address.
Cessation of business by holder of live wild life seller's licence
 Every holder of a live wild life seller's licence who ceases to carry on business as a live
wildlife seller shall, within seven days after so ceasing:
 notify the Director, in writing, by registered post, of that fact; and
 return his live wild life seller's licence, by registered post, to the Director
s71 of SI 362 is amended
 in subsection (1) by the deletion of "Upon" and the substitution of "Subject to section
107A, upon".
s87 of SI 362 is amended
 by the deletion of "A breeder, dealer," and the substitution of "Every breeder, dealer,
live wild life seller and".
10. Section 88 of the principal regulations is amended in subsection (1)— (a) in
paragraph (b) by the insertion after "dealer" of ", live wild life seller"; (b) by the insertion
after "dust" of ", live wild life".
s90 of SI 362 is amended
 in paragraph (b) by the insertion after "64" of ", paragraph (a) of section 65F'.
s92 of SI 362 is amended
 in subsection (5) by the deletion of ", for the use of his private motor- vehicle".
The principal regulations are amended by the insertion after section 107 of the following
Cancellation and amendment of permits
 The Director may at any time cancel or amend a permit or licence issued by him in terms
of these regulations:
 Provided that, before:
(a) cancelling a permit or licence; or
(b) amending a permit or licence otherwise than at the request of the holder; the
Director shall give the holder an adequate opportunity to make representations in
regard to the proposed cancellation or amendment, as the case may be, and he shall
give due consideration to any representations so made.
 Whenever the Director has cancelled or amended a permit or licence issued by him in
terms of these regulations, he shall forthwith give notice thereof to the holder of the
permit or licence.
 A holder of a permit or licence issued in terms of these regultions shall, upon receipt of a
notice in terms of subsection (2), return the permit or licence to the Director for
amendment or cancellation, as the case may be.


Prohibition or restriction on use of bows for hunting
 Subject to this section, bow limiting may be permitted only on alienated land.
 No person shall use for the purposes of bow hunting:
 any type of crossbow;
 an arrow to which any drug or chemical has been applied to incapacitate or kill
 an arrow to which an arrowhead capable of exploding in any way has been
 any broadhead other than a permitted broadhead.
 No person shall hunt with a bow any crocodile or animal specified in Part A of the Third
 A person who hunts with a bow any:
 animal specified in Part B of the Third Schedule, shall use a bow with a draw
weight of not less than thirty-five kilograms and an arrow weighing not less than
forty-five grams with a permitted broadhead consisting of only two cutting edges
and constructed of steel;
 animal specified in Part C of the Third Schedule. shall use a bow with a draw
weight of not less lthan thirty-two kilograms and an arrow weighing not less than
forty grams with a permitted broadhead;
 animal specified in Part D of the Third Schedule, shall use a bow with a draw
weight of not less than twenty-five kilograms and an arrow weighing not less
than thirty grams with a permitted broadhead;
 bird or animal not specified in the Third Schedule, stall use a bow with a draw
weight of not less than twenty kilograms and an arrow weighing not less than
twenty-nine grams with a permitted broad head
Definition of terms:
*designated tourist facility- means any service, premises place or thing which the Minister
has declared to be a designated tourist facility in terms of section thirty-five;
*domestic excursionist or tourist- means a person whose usual place of residence is in
Zimbabwe and who visits or travels to any part of Zimbabwe for the purpose of tourism or
an excursion;
*excursionist- means a visitor who does not spend one or more nights in Zimbabwe
*operator- in relation to a tourist facility, means any person who conducts or operates the
tourist facility or who is responsible for its management;
*registered- means registered in terms of this Act;
*registered tourist facility- means a designated tourist facility which has been registered;
*tourist- means a visitor who spends at least one night in Zimbabwe and whose journey is
for any one or more of the following purposes: a holiday; recreation; health; study; religion;
sport; business; a meeting; visiting friends or relatives; work that is not remunerated from
within Zimbabwe;
*tourist industry- includes all businesses, enterprises and activities which provide tourist
facilities, including any such businesses, enterprises and activities carried on by the State, a
statutory body or a local authority;
*visitor- means any person whose usual place of residence is outside Zimbabwe and who
visits Zimbabwe for a period not exceeding one year for any reason other than immigration
or employment remunerated from within Zimbabwe;
*Zimbabwe Tourism Fund- means the Zimbabwe Tourism Fund established by subsection (1)
of section twenty-nine.
s35 Designation of tourist facilities
 The Minister, after consultation with the Board, may by statutory instrument declare
 any service whatsoever provided for tourists; or
 any premises or place in or on which a service referred to above or
 any premises, place or thing whatsoever which, in the Minister's opinion,
affords an amenity to tourists; shall be a designated tourist facility.
s36 Designated tourist facilities to be registered and graded
 Where, in terms of regulations made under section fifty seven, any designated
tourist facility is required to be registered or graded, no person shall conduct or
operate that designated tourist facility unless it is so registered or graded, as the
case may be.
s37 Authority to establish and keep appropriate registers
 Before or as soon as possible after the publication of any regulations under section
fifty-seven requiring the registration of any class of designated tourist facilities, the
Authority shall establish and keep in a form approved by the Minister a register for
the registration of that class of designated tourist facilities
s43 Cancellation of registration of designated tourist facilities
 Where the Board considers that there has been a failure in respect of a registered
tourist facility to comply with any of the prescribed requirements for registration,
the Board may give notice to the operator of the tourist facility that unless the
requirement concerned is complied with within such reasonable period as the Board
shall specify, he proposes to cancel the tourist facility's registration.
s45 Persons required to be liensed
 Where, in terms of regulations made under section fifty seven, any person who
owns, conducts or operates a designated tourist facility, or who provides or assists in
providing any service which is a designated tourist facility, is required to hold a
licence, no person shall own or operate such a designated tourist facility, or provide
or assist in providing such a service, as the case may be, unless he holds such a
s49 Cancellation of licences
 If at any time a licensing officer is satisfied that the holder of a licence:
 is no longer qualified to hold the licence;
 has been guilty of a contravention of this Act or conduct which renders him
unsuitable to hold the li cence; or
 has failed to comply with any terms or conditions of the licence; the licensing
officer may, by notice in writing to the holder, cancel the licence:
Provided that, before cancelling a licence, the licensing officer shall give the
holder a reasonable opportunity to make representations in the matter.
 If any licence is cancelled, the holder thereof shall forthwith return the licence to a
licensing officer
s50 Certain designated tourist facilities to keep registers of clients
 Every operator of such designated tourist facilities as may be prescribed shall:
 keep a register in the prescribed form in which he shall record such
particulars as may be prescribed of every person who uses the services of his
designated tourist facility; and
 preserve the register referred to above for such period as may be prescribed;
 on demand, produce the register referred to above to any designated
officer, police officer or immigration officer.
s56 Authority may require statistics and information
 The Authority may require every operator of a designated tourist facility, whether or
not the facility is registered or the person is licensed, to furnish the Authority with
such information and statistics in regard to:
 tourists, excursionists and other visitors; and
 domestic excursionists or tourists; and
 designated tourist facilities; as the Board considers necessary.
s57 Regulations
 The Minister may make regulations prescribing anything which in terms of this Act is
required or permitted to be prescribed or which, in his opinion, is necessary or
convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act.
 Regulations made in terms of the above may provide for:
 the registration of any designated tourist facility
 the requirements to be complied with before any, designated tourist facility
may be registered;
 the grades of designated tourist facilities and the requirements to he
complied with before a designated tourist facility can qualify for any
particular grade;
 the licensing of any person who owns, conducts or operates a designated
tourist facility, or who provides or assists in providing any service which is a
designated tourist facility
 the requirements to be complied with or the qualifications to be held by a
person before he may be issued with a licence
 the period of validity of certificates of registration;
 the issue of replacement licences and certificates of registration;
 insignia for the various groups and grades of:
(i) designated tourist facilities; and
(ii) licensed persons;

Statutory Instrument 106 of 1996.

Definition of terms:
*animal- includes birds, reptiles and fish;
*boat /houseboat- means a mobile floating unit providing tourist
accommodation, for a fee;
*caravan and camping park- means a place where tourists on payment of a
charge, are permitted to reside temporarily in caravans or tents, or both
caravans and tents;
*courier- means a courier who is required to be licensed; "farmhouse" means
a bouse located on a working farm which provides tourist accommodation
and catering for a fee;
*guesthouse- means a house which provides tourist accommodation and
catering for a fee;
*hostel- means premises with lettable rooms, which might include
dormitories, providing basic accommodation and catering services for a fee;
*hotel- means any premises, wherein or whereon the business of supplying
lodging and meals for reward is or is intended to be conducted, and includes
a motel, inn or a boatel
*lodge- means any premises, wherein or whereon the business of supplying
lodging and meals for reward is or is intended to be conducted, in
conjunction with some other outdoor special interest activity:
*restaurant- means any premises, wherein or whereon the business of
supplying meals with waiter service for reward, is or is intended to be
*self-catering accommodation- means accommodation made available to
tourists at a fee, in which the guests provide and prepare their own food and
do their own laundry.
*tour operator- means any person who carries on the business of providing
tours of any description whatsoever in or to Zimbabwe, using their own or
other operators approved vehicles, aircraft and other facilities;
*tourist accommodation- means any amenity or facility provided at a fee for
tourists to spend one night or more.
Declaration of designated tourist facilities
 The services, premises or places specified in the First Schedule are declared to be
designated tourist facilities.
 The above shall not apply to any:
 place situated in a Communal Land; or
 place administered by the Trustee of the National Museums and Monuments
in terms of the National Museums and Monuments Act; or
 shop licensed in terms of the Shop Licences Act; or
 place where persons are provided, on payment of a charge, with residential
accommodation, commonly known as a boarding-house.
Requirements for registration of designated tourist facilities
 Every designated tourist facility shall comply with the appropriate requirements set
out in the Second Schedule before it may be registered in terms of the Act

S.I. 107 of 1996

Definition of terms:
*Arbitration Committee- means the committee established in terms of section 13;
*form- means the appropriate form set out in the First Schedule;
*insignia- means the insignia set out in the Second Schedule;
*learner professional hunter- means the holder of a learner professional hunter's licence
issued in terms of section 69 of the Parks Act;
*levy- means the levy payable in terms of section 18;
*Parks Act- means the Parks and Wild Life Act [Chapter 20:14];
*professional hunter- means the holder of a professional hunter's licence issued in terms of
section 69 of the Parks Act;
*resident courier- means a courier who is ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe;
*resident tour operator- means a tour operator who is ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe;
*tourist accommodation- means any amenity or facility provided ait a fee for tourists to
spend one night or more.
Registration and renewal
 An application for registration as a designated tourist facility shall be:
 made in form D.T.F. 1;
 accompanied by:
(i) an application fee (fee will differ depending on wether the person is
resident or non-resident in Zimbabwe)
(ii) in the case of premises providing tourist accommodation, a plan of the
premises, to scale, showing:
a) the full extent of the land on which the premises are situated;
b) all buildings on the land;
c) any servitude over or building-line restriction on the land; and
(iii) the documents specified in form D.T.F. 1.
 An application for the renewal of a certificate of registration as a designated
tourist facility shall be:
 submitted to the Authority at least two months before the expiry of such
 made in form D.T.F. 2;
 accompanied by:
(i) the certificate of registration to be renewed; and
(ii) a renewal fee (fee will differ depending on wether the person is resident
or non-resident in Zimbabwe)
(iii) a certificate of insurance evidencing that the insurance policy specified in
section 23 is in force in respect of the designated tourist facility; and
(iv) any other documents specified in form D.T.F. 2.
Form and duration of registration
 On registration of a designated tourist facility, the Chief Executive shall issue a
certificate of registration in form D.T.F. 3 which shall, subject to section 43 of the
Act, be valid for twelve months from the date of 'issue or renewal thereof.
 The registration number stated on the certificate of registration shall be quoted on
 correspondence between the operator and the Authority;
 publicity material published by the operator.
Replacement of certificates of registration
 If any certificate of registration, issued in terms of sub section (1) of section 4 'is
damaged, destroyed or lost, the person to whom that certificate was issued may
apply to the Chief Executive in form D.T.F. 4 for a replacement thereof and such
application shall be accompanied by a fee
 On receipt of an application in terms of the above, the Chief Executive may issue a
certificate to replace that which has been damaged, destroyed or lost.
 Upon the issue of a replacement certificate, the person to whom the replacement
certificate is issued shall, upon receipt thereof, forthwith return any damaged
certificate to the Chief Executive for cancellation
Cancellation of registration
 Where the Chief Executive cancels the registration of a registered tourist facility in
terms : of section 43 of the Act, the operator shall forthwith:
(a) return the certificate of registration to the Chief Executive for cancellation; and
(b) remove any insignia referred to in section 25 displayed or shown in: relation to
that tourist facility.
Minimum standards
 The minimum standards to be maintained by a designated tourist facility shall be
those specified in the Tourism Regulations, 1966, published in Statutory Instrument
106 of 1996,
Records and accounts in respect of tourist accommodation
 Every operator of tourist accommodation shall keep in respect of his
accommodation such records and accounts as may be necessary to show:
 the number of guests who have resided at that accommodation in any
calendar month and the amount of the levy payable in respect of each such
 the aggregate amount of the levies collected and remitted by him in each
calendar month.
 Every operator of tourist accommodation shall ensure that on any account
submitted to a guest in respect of his residence at the accommodation the amount
of the levy payable in respect of each guest to which the account relates is clearly
indicated as a separate item.
 Any account or record kept shall be retained by the operator for a period of three
years from the date of the period to which the account or record relates
Register of guests
 Every operator of tourist accommodation shall keep a register in form D.T.F. 5, in
which he shall record the following particulars in respect of every person who is
given accommodation for not less than one night in the premises of the
accommodation managed by him:
 his name; -and
 his nationality; and
 his permanent home address; and
 his arrival and departure dates; and
 if he is travelling by vehicle, the vehicle registration number;
 the address to which he is proceeding;
Provided that the Chief Executive may permit the register to be kept in some other
form if he is satisfied as to the adequacy of the form in use.
Special conditions of tour operator's registration certificate
 A tour operator's registration certificate shall be subject to the special
conditions that:
 no hunting safari for a tourist who is a visitor to Zimbabwe shall be
permitted by the tour operator unless it will be under the direct control
of a professional hunter or learner professional hunter; and
 three copies of any brochure, booklet or pamphlet be lodged by the tour
operator with the Chief Executive within twenty-eight days after
publication, advertisement or issue thereof, as the case may be; and
 a tour operator shall provide and keep in force a policy of insurance
approved by the Chief Executive which insures every tounst who
undertakes a tour arranged by the; tour operator against personal injury,
or loss of life or loss or damage to property which may be caused by the
wrongful act or omission of the tour operator or any of his employees in
respect of such amount as may be approved by the Chief Executive in
respect of each individual.
Tour operator's surety bonds
 A registered tour operator shall lodge a surety bond with the Chief Executive in
form D.T.F. 6 which shall be given by such surety or sureties as are acceptable to
the Chief Executive and for such amount as may be specified by the Chief
Executive which does not exceed 10% of the annual contractual obligation of the
tour operator estimated by the Chief Executive and which, in any event, shall not
be for an amount which is less than one thousand dollars.
 The Chief Executive may from time to time review a surety bond lodged in terms
of the above and may require or authorize the tour operator concerned to lodge
with him any other surety bond in terms of the above in substitution for the first
mentioned surety bond.
Complaints arising from tour operator's tour
 The Chief Executive may refer any complaint by a tourist relating to the failure by a
registered tour operator to fulfil his contractual obligations towards such tourist to
the Arbitration Committee for examination and report.
 Upon receipt of a complaint, the Arbitration Committee shall conduct such inquiry as
it deems fit and shall afford the registered tour operator an opportunity of making
such representations in regard to the complaint as he may wish.
 After conducting an inquiry, the Arbitration Committee shall advise the Chief
Executive whether or not it recommends that any compensation should be paid to
the tourist concerned in respect of his complaint and if so the amount of such
 The Chief Executive shall advise the registered tour operator concerned of the
amount of compensation which the Arbitration Committee has recommended
should be paid to the tourist concerned and shall claim the payment of such amount
from the tour operator or, in default of payment by him, from the surety or sureties
to the bond lodged by the tour operator concerned.
 Any person who is aggrieved by the decision of the Arbitration Commitee in
recommending the payment of any compensation may appeal, in writing, against
such recommendation to the Minister within twenty-eight days of his being notified
 Upon an appeal in terms of subsection (5) the Minister may:
(a) confirm the recommendation of the Arbitration Committee;
(b) alter the amount of the recommendation;
(c) set aside the recommendation;
and the decision of the Minister shall be final.
 Any amount recovered by the Chief Executive in respect of a claim made by him shall
be applied to compensating the tourist concerned.
Arbitration Committee
 The Minister may establish a committee to be called the Arbitration Committee for
the purposes of considering complaints and for making reports thereon.
 The committee shall consist of:
 a member of the Board, who shall be the chairman;
 the Chief Executive;
 a legal practitioner;
 a person who is familiar with the business of tour operators.
 Members of the Arbitration Committee shall be paid such remuneration, if any, as may
be determined by the Authority
Qualification for registration
 An operator shall not be qualified to have his designated tourist facility registered if:
 he has, within the five years preceding his application, been convicted:
(i) within Zimbabwe of an offence; or
(ii) outside Zimbabwe of an offence which, in the opinion of the Chief Executive,
is substantially similar to an offence under the law of Zimbabwe; and sentenced
to imprisonment without the option of a fine, which sentence has not been
wholly suspended or set aside on appeal or review or been the subject of a free
pardon; or
 (b) he is an unreliabilitated insolvent
Fee for appeal from decision of Board or Chief Executive
 The fee which shall be submitted with an appeal from a decision of the Board or the
Chief Executive shall be one hundred dollars.
Changes to be notified
 The operator of a designated tourist facility shall, within twenty-eight days of any
change in the information which was supplied by him in connection with his application
for registration, notify the Chief Executive of such change.
 A designated officer may enter the premises of any designated tourist facility at all
reasonable times in order to ensure that it is complying with the minimum standards
 A levy shall be payable in respect of all registered designated tourist facilities.
Rate of levy
 The levy shall be at the rate of 2% of the gross amount, excluding sales tax or any other
tax or duty, charged to that tourist making use of any facility provided at the designated
tourist facility concerned.
Collection of levy
 The operator of a designated tourist facility shall be responsible for the payment of the
levy in respect of that designated tourist facility and for its collection.
 The operator of a designated tourist facility shall add to the charge for accommodating
each tourist thereat a surcharge equal to the amount of the levy payable in respect of
the tourist concerned.
Remittal of levy
 The operator of a designated tourist facility shall be responsible for the remittal of
the levy in respect of that designated tourist facility in terms of this section.
 The operator of & designated tourist facility shall send the Chief Executive a return in
duplicate showing, in respect of each calendar month, the number of tourists making
use of the facilities at his designated tourist facility and the gross amounts charged
to each of them in respect of such use:
Provided that, if the Chief Executive is satisfied that it is impracticable for any
operator to show such particulars, he may permit the operator to specify different
particulars on the return.
The return referred to above, together with the amount of the levy payable in
respect of the month to which that return relates, shall be submitted to the Chief
Executive in terms of that subsection not later than the 15th day of the month
following the month to which the return relates

Records and accounts

 The operator of a designated tourist facility other than the operator of registered
tourist accommodation shall keep, in respect of the designated tourist facility, such
records and accounts as may be necessary to show:
 the number of tourists who have availed of the designated tourist facility in any
calendar month and the amount of the levy payable in respect of each such
 the aggregate amount of levies collected and remitted by him in each calendar
 The operator of a designated tourist facility shall ensure that, on any account
submitted to a tourist in respect of his availing of the designated tourist facility, the
amount of the levy payable in respect of each tourist to which the account relates
is clearly indicated as a separate item.
 Any account or record kept in terms of this section shall be retained by (he operator
for a period of three years from the date of the period to which the account or
record relates.
 The operator of a designated tourist facility shall provide and keep in force a policy
of insurance acceptable to the Chief Executive, issued by an insurer who is registered
in terms of the Insurance Act [Chapter 24:07], which insures every tourist using the
designated tourist facility against personal injury or loss of life or loss of or damage
to property, which may be caused by a wrongful act or omission of the proprietor or
any of his employees, to a minimum as may be specified by the Chief Executive in
each case.
Exemptions, modifications and adaptations
 The Chief Executive may grant a designated tourist, facility exemption from any of
the provisions of these regulations or any of the requirements for registration in
special circumstances.
 The Chief Executive may authorize such modifications or adaptations of the forms
specified for the purposes of these regulations as he may deem necessary or
 The insignia for a designated tourist facility shall be the insignia set out in the Second
 Within three months of being registered, a designated tourist facility shall ensure
that the insignia set out in the Second Schedule is shown on all letter-heads and
advertising material used or issued by him or on his behalf.
 No person shall use or display any insignia or (any emblem or device which
resembles the insignia set out in the Second Schedule unless he is registered in
terms of these regulations.

Purpose of the Act:
AN Act to establish a commission for the administration, control and management
of State forests;
To provide for the transfer of certain assets belonging to the Government to the
said Commission;
To provide for the setting aside of State forests and for the protection of private
forests, trees and forest produce;
To establish a Mining Timber Permit Board and to control the cutting and taking of
timber for mining purposes;
To provide for the conservation of timber resources and the compulsory
afforestation of private land;
To regulate and control trade in forest produce including the use of trade names
and marks in connection with forest produce;
To regulate and control the burning of vegetation; and for other purposes
connected with the foregoing

Definition of terms:
*Commission- means the Forestry Commission established under this Act
*commissioner- means a person who is appointed as a member of the Commission
*demarcated forest- means an area of land which has been declared to be a
demarcated forest in terms of this Act
*fireguard- means a strip of land, whether under trees or not, which has been
cleared of inflammable matter
*Forest Estate- means the Forest Estate specified in section thirty-three
*forest land- means forest land specified in section thirty-four
*forest officer- means any person appointed by the Minister as a forest officer for
the purposes of this Act
*local authority- means a municipal council, town council, local board or rural district
*Minister- means the Minister of Environment and Tourism or any other Minister to
whom the President may, from time to time, assign the administration of this Act
*occupier- in relation to any land, means the person exercising general control over
the land and, for the purposes of section sixty-seven, includes any person authorized
by such an occupier to receive notice given in terms of that section
*timber- means all wood contained in trees, whether standing, fallen or felled, and
all wood, whether produced in or imported into Zimbabwe and whether sawn, split,
hewn or planed or otherwise fashioned or processed
*tree- means the whole or any part of any tree as ordinarily understood, or of any
shrub, bush, seedling, transplant, sapling, re-shoot, under-bush, undergrowth or
*vegetation- includes any tree, bush, shrub, brushwood, undergrowth or grass and
any other vegetation

s17 Lease of demarcated forest

 The Minister may, on the recommendation of the Commission, lease to any person
any portion of a demarcated forest.
s33 Forest Estate
 The Forest Estate shall consist of:
 forest land;
 demarcated forest on Rhodes Estates;
 land owned by the Commission specified in Part III of the Third Schedule.
 The Forest Estate shall be used for the purposes specified in this Act.
s34 Forest land
 Forest land shall consist of State land which is declared to be a demarcated forest.
 The total extent of forest land shall not be reduced by more than 1% of the total
extent of forest land on the appointed day
s35 Demarcated forest
 Each of the areas described in Parts I and II of the Third Schedule is hereby declared
to be a demarcated forest which shall be known by the name specified in the Third
s41 Certain acts prohibited
 Unless authorized, no person shall:
 cut, fell, injure or destroy any forest produce in, or remove any forest
produce from, any demarcated forest or protected private forest; or
 fell, remove or injure any tree or forest produce which is reserved in terms of
section thirty-eight; or
 cut, injure or destroy any tree protected or any tree in any forest or
plantation or part of any forest or plantation protected in terms of section
thirty-nine except with the written consent of the Minister and subject to
such conditions as he may determine
s78 Major offences
 Any person who:
 without authority, in or on a State forest or private forest:
(i) cuts, injures, destroys, collects, takes or removes any tree, timber or other
forest produce; or
(ii) injures, alters, shifts or removes or interferes with any beacon, boundary
mark or fence; or
(iii) lights or assists in lighting or uses, rekindles or adds fuel to any fire;
 in the open air on any land:
(i) leaves unattended a fire which he, with or without authority, has lighted
or assisted in lighting or used or rekindled or to which he had added fuel
before such fire is thoroughly extinguished; or
(ii) with or without authority, has lighted or assisted in lighting, or used
or rekindled or added fuel to a fire which spreads or causes injury; shall be
guilty of an offence and liable on conviction
 where damage has been wilfully caused:
(i) in the case of a contravention of subparagraph (iii) of the above, to:
A. a fine not exceeding four thousand dollars; or
B. imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years; or
C. both such fine and such imprisonment; or
(ii) in the case of a contravention of any other provision of this section, to a
fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a period not
exceeding two years or to both such fine and such imprisonment; or
s79 Minor offences
 Any person who, without authority:
 contravenes any condition or regulation stated or referred to in any licence
or permit issued under this Act; or
 in or on a State forest:
(i) clears, breaks up or cultivates land; or
(ii) climbs through or over any fence or gate; or
 in or on a State forest or private forest, other than a plantation referred to in
section eighty, enters any part where entry is prohibited by notice;
 in or on a State forest or private forest wilfully injures, alters, shifts or in any
other way interferes with any notice or notice-board; shall be guilty of an
s80 Illegal entry of plantation
 Any person who, without authority, is in or on a plantation which is either a
demarcated forest or a protected private forest, unless he is on a road as defined in
the Roads Act or on a specified route, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a
*specified route- means a route specified by notice published in the Gazette and not
later than fourteen days thereafter published in a newspaper circulating in the
district in which the plantation is situated: Provided that the operation of any such
notice shall expire one year after the date of publication
 Whenever there is in force a notice prohibiting entry, it shall be prominently
displayed at or near every point where a route other than a road or specified route
enters the plantation concerned or branches off from such a road or a specified
route and enters any part of such plantation:
Provided that the failure to display any such notice or the absence of any such notice
shall not be a defence in any prosecution for a contravention of subsection 1.
s81 Offences relating to smoking or negligent use of matches
 Any person who in or on a State forest or a private forest smokes where smoking is
by notice prohibited, or negligently lights or throws down any burning match or
burning material, shall be guilty of an offence
s82 Miscellaneous offences
 Any:
 person who, without authority:
(i) makes upon or affixes to any forest produce a mark used by the Commission
to indicate that such forest produce is the property of the Commission, or makes
upon or affixes to any forest produce a mark to indicate that such forest produce
may be lawfully cut or removed; or
(ii) alters, obliterates or defaces any stamp, mark or sign placed upon timber or
other forest produce by or on the authority of the Commission or any licence,
pass or permit issued by or on the authority of the Commission; or
(iii) wears any uniform or part of a uniform or any badge or other mark issued by
the State or Commission to be worn by forest officers or other employees of the
State or Commission; or
 forest officer or employee of the Commission who:
(i) solicits or receives or agrees to receive, whether for himself or otherwise, any
payment, advantage or reward, pecuniary or otherwise, in consideration of his
doing anything in conflict with his duty or of his remaining from doing his duty; or
(ii) solicits or receives or agrees to receive, whether for himself or otherwise,
from any person other than the State or Commission, as the case may be, any
payment, advantage or reward, pecuniary or otherwise, in consideration of his
doing his duty; or
(iii) trades in forest produce or acts as an agent for any person trading in forest


AN Act to provide for the control, restriction and regulation of the making,
possession and use of certain traps for the purpose of trapping animals;
To control the sale and disposal of certain animals; and
To provide for matters incidental to or connected with the foregoing.

Definition of terms:
*alienated land- means (a) private land; or (b) land vested in a local authority; or
(c) State land held under an agreement of purchase or lease;
*animal- means any kind of vertebrate animal other than a fish;
*appropriate authority- in relation to any land, means:
(a) in the case of alienated land— (i) the owner thereof; or (ii) where the land is
held under an agreement of purchase or lease, the purchaser or lessee unless the
agreement otherwise provides; and includes any person appointed to be an
appropriate authority for the land by such owner, purchaser or lessee, as the
case may be;
(b) in the case of unalienated land which is— (i) forest land, the Forestry
Commission; (ii) parks and wild life land or State land other than forest land, the
Director; (iii) an area of Communal Land for which the Minister has, in terms of
section twenty-four, appointed a rural district council to be the appropriate
authority, that rural district council; (iv) an area of Communal Land not referred
to in subparagraph (iii), the Minister;
*class I trap- means a trap specified in the First Schedule;
*class II trap- means a trap specified in the Second Schedule;
*class III trap- means a trap specified in the Third Schedule;
*conservation committee- means:
(a) a conservation committee appointed for an intensive conservation area in
terms of the Natural Resources Act; or
(b) a rural district council declared to be a conservation committee for a council
area in terms of the Rural District Councils Act;
*Director- means the Director of National Parks and Wild Life Management;
*local authority- means a municipal council, town council, local board or rural
district council;
*Minister- means the Minister of Environment and Tourism or any other Minister
to whom the President may, from time to time, assign the administration of this
*nylon- means any line of synthetic plastic material
*occupier- in relation to land, means the person in lawful occupation of the land
who has the right to exercise general control over the land and resides thereon;
*private land- means land the ownership of which is vested in any person other
than the President:
*scheduled offence- means an offence specified in the Fourth Schedule;
*State land- means land vested in the President other than Communal Land;
*unalienated land- means
(a) forest land: or;
(b) parks and wild life land; or
(c) communal land; or
(d) other land which is not referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) and which is
not— (i) private land; or (ii) land vested in a local authority; or (iii) State land
held under an agreement of purchase or lease.
s3 Classification of traps
 Each of the traps specified in:
 the First Schedule is hereby declared to be a class I trap;
o A snare, the noose of which is in any part made from wire.
o A snare, the noose of which is in any part made from nylon of a diameter
of three millimetres or less. Provided that a snare incorporating nylon of a
diameter of three millimetres or less, may be used if its use is authorized
in the Second Schedule.
o A poisoned weapon.
o A pitfall.
o A baited hook.
o A whiptrap the noose of which is in any part made from wire or nylon of a
diameter of three millimetres or less.
o A wooden stake or group of wooden stakes fixed in the ground with the
sharpened ends exposed close to a gap in a fence.
o Two lengths of expanding rubber attached to one or more objects that
are fixed in the ground with the opposite ends of the rubber attached to a
bar or a pole which is drawn back and released like a catapult.
o A powdered irritant spread on the ground.
o A wooden board pierced by metal spikes which is laid with the spikes
pointing outwards on a pathway used by animals.
o A wire strung between fixed supports into which animals are driven by
human beings or dogs
 the Second Schedule is hereby declared to be a class II trap;
o A snare, other than a snare described in Items 1 and 2 of the First
Schedule and in Item 1 of the Third Schedule.
o A net, used as a trap, other than a net described in' Item 2 of the Third
o A syringe containing a tranquillizing or lethal drug projected by any
o A spring-jaw trap.
o Sheets or sheeting, used as a trap, made from any material which in the
aggregate exceeds ten square metres.
o A break-back or rodent trap other than a break-back or rodent trap
described in Item 4 of the Third Schedule.
o A whiptrap other than a whiptrap described in Item 6 of the First
Schedule and Item 9 of the Third Sched ule.
o A balchatri trap incorporating nylon of a diameter of three millimetres of
o An enclosure of brushwood, poles or wire encircling water and having a
door operated by a trigger- mechanism.
o A cartridge containing a lethal substance used in conjunction with a bait.
o A poisoned bait
 the Third Schedule is hereby declared to be a class III trap.
o A snare, the noose of which is made from any animal or vegetable fibre
which has not been machine manufactured.
o A net, used as a trap, made from any animal or vegetable fibre which has
not been machine manufactured.
o Sheets or sheeting, used as a trap, made from any material which in the
aggregate does not exceed ten square metres.
o A break-back or rodent trap the base plate of which is twenty-five
centimetres or less in length.
o A set gun.
o A deadfall.
o Anything to which birdlime has been applied.
o A whiptrap, the noose of which is made from any animal or vegetable
fibre which has not been ma chine-manufactured.
o A cage trap.
o A moletrap designed for use below ground level for trapping moles and
s4 Minister may amend Schedules
 The Minister may from time to time, by notice in a statutory instrument, add to or
amend the First, Second or Third Schedule or may replace the whole or any part
s5 Making, possession and use of class I traps prohibited
 Any person who makes, possesses or uses a class I trap for the purpose of trapping
any animal shall be guilty of an offence.
s6 Control of class II traps
 Any person who:
 makes, possesses or uses a class II trap for the purpose of trapping any
animal, except in terms of a permit granted in terms of section seven; or
 fails to comply with any condition of a permit granted to him in terms of
section seven; shall be guilty of an offence.
s7 Permit for class II traps
 Any person who wishes to obtain a permit to make, possess or use a class II trap for
the purpose of trapping any animal may make application therefor in writing to the
 The Minister may, subject to such conditions as he may deem fit to impose, grant a
permit to any person to make, possess or use a class II trap for the purpose of
trapping any animal:
Provided that the Minister shall not grant such a permit unless he is satisfied that:
 the purpose for which the class II trap is required cannot effectively be
achieved by any other means; and
 the trapping is necessary for:
(i) scientific purposes; or
(ii) educational purposes; or
(iii) providing specimens for a museum, zoological garden or similar
institution; or
(iv) the taking of animals live for the purpose of export or restocking; or
(v) management and control of animal populations; or
(vi) the protection of life or property; or
(vii) any other purpose not inconsistent with subparagraphs (i) to (vi)
which, in the opinion of the Minister, is in the interests of the conservation
of animals.
 The Minister may, without assigning any reason therefor:
 refuse to grant a permit in terms of this section;
 at any time cancel any permit granted in terms of this section or amend
any existing condition or impose any new condition thereon.
 A holder of a permit granted in terms of this section who fails to comply with any
provisions shall be guiity of an offence.
s8 Interpretation
*specially restricted trapping area- means an area of land within Communal Land which has
been declared to be a specially restricted trapping area in terms of section nine.
s9 Declaration of specially restricted trapping areas
 The Minister may, by notice in a statutory instrument, declare any area of
Communal Land to be a specially restricted trapping area.
 The Minister may, by notice in a statutory instrument, amend or revoke any such
notice made above
Control of class III traps
 Any person who on any land:
 makes, possesses or uses a class III trap for the purpose of trapping any
animal except in terms of a permit granted in terms of section eleven by the
ap propriate authority for the land; or
 fails to comply with any condition of a permit granted to him in terms of
section eleven; shall be guilty of an offence unless it is proved that the
making, possession or use of the class 111 trap was intended for use or was
used, as the case may be, for trapping household pests within a building.
s11 Permission to make, possess or use class III traps
 The appropriate authority for any land may:
 make, possess or use a class III trap at any time on the land; or
 grant a permit to any person subject to such conditions as it may deem fit to
impose, allowing him or any other person or any class of persons to make,
possess or use a class III trap on the land or any part of the land.
 The appropriate authority for any unalienated land shall not grant a permit:
 in respect of land which is constituted a national park in terms of the Parks
and Wild Life Act or in respect of a specially restricted trapping area unless it
is satisfied that the purpose for which the class III trap is required cannot
effectively be achieved by any other means and that the trapping is necessary
(i) scientific purposes; or
(ii) educational purposes; or
(iii) providing specimens for a museum, zoological garden or similar
institution; or
(iv) the taking of animals live for the purpose of export or re-stocking; or
(v) in the case of a national park, the management of that park; or
(vi) the protection of life or property; or
(vii) any other purpose not inconsistent with subparagraphs (i) to (iv)
which, in the opinion of the Minister, is in the interests of the conservation of
 in respect of forest land unless, before issuing such a permit, it has consulted
the Minister.
 The appropriate authority for any land may, without assigning any reason therefor:
 refuse to grant a permit in terms of this section;
 at any time cancel any permit granted by it in terms of this section or amend
any existing condition or impose any new condition thereon.

s17 Powers of police officers and inspectors

 A police officer, or an inspector authorized thereto by the Minister, may:
 at all reasonable times enter upon and search any land, premises or place on
or in which there is or is on reasonable grounds suspected to be any class 1,
class II or class HI trap being made, kept or used in contravention of any
provision to this Act:
Provided that this paragraph shall not authorize the entry of any dwelling-
house unless the police officer or inspector concerned has reasonable
grounds for believing that such entry is necessary for the prevention or
detection of an offence in terms of this Act or for the lawful arrest of any
person and conveys to any occupant of the dwelling-house his reason for
 require any person found in possession of or using any class II or class HI trap
to produce to him any authority required in terms of this Act in respect of the
possession or use of such trap;
 seize any trap or other thing which appears on reasonable grounds to afford
evidence of the commission of an offence in terms of this Act:
Provided that the police officer or inspector shall issue a receipt for any trap
or other thing seized in terms of this paragraph to the person from whom
such thing was seized;
 undertake any other inspection which he may deem necessary to determine
whether this Act are being complied with;
 arrest and detain any person who is suspected on reasonable grounds of
having committed any offence in terms of this Act, unless he is satisfied that
such person will appear and answer any charge which may be preferred
against him.

Firearms Act chapter 10:09

An Act to make provision for regulating and controlling the possession, sale, repair and
manufacture of firearms and ammunition; and to provide for matters connected
therewith and incidental thereto

*acquiring- means hiring, accepting as a gift and borrowing

*ammunition- means— ammunition for any firearm; grenades, bombs and any other like
missiles, whether capable of use with a firearm or not; but does not include any signalling
apparatus or missiles therefor, other than missiles for the type of signalling apparatus
known as a Verey Pistol
*Controller- means the Controller of Firearms appointed in terms of section thirty-eight and
includes any person to whom the Controller has, in terms of subsection* (2) of that section,
delegated his functions;
*Firearm- means any lethal barrelled weapon of any description from which any shot, bullet
or any other missile can be discharged or which can be adapted for the discharge of any
such shot, bullet or any other missile; the barrel, bolt and chamber or any other essential
component part of any such weapon as aforesaid; but does not include any signalling
apparatus, other than the type of signalling apparatus known as a Verey Pistol
*firearm certificate- means a firearm certificate granted under section six
*firearms dealer- means a person who by way of trade or business sells, transfers, repairs,
tests or proves firearms or ammunition
*Minister- means the Minister of Home Affairs or any other Minister to whom the President
may, from time to time, assign the administration of this Act
*Signalling apparatus- means a device which is designed or customarily used for safety
purposes or to signal distress
*slaughtering instrument- means a firearm which is specially designed or adapted for the
instantaneous slaughter of animals or for the instantaneous stunning of animals with a view
to slaughtering them
*transferring- includes letting on hire, giving, lending and parting with possession.

s4 Penalty for purchasing firearms or ammunition without firearm certificate

 No person shall purchase, acquire or have in his possession any firearm or
ammunition unless he holds a firearm certificate in respect thereof in force at
the time.
 If any person purchases, acquires or has in his possession any firearm without
holding a firearm certificate in respect thereof in force at the time, he shall,
subject to this Act, be guilty of an offence and liable
s5 Grant of firearm certificate
 An application for the grant of a firearm certificate shall be made in such manner as
may be prescribed.
 The firearm certificate shall be granted by the Controller if he is satisfied that the
applicant has a good reason for purchasing, acquiring or having in his possession the
firearm or ammunition in respect of which the application is made, and can be
permitted to have in his possession that firearm or ammunition without danger to
the public safety or to the peace:
 Provided that a firearm certificate shall not be granted to a person whom the
Controller has reason to believe to be prohibited by or under this Act from
possessing a firearm or to be of intemperate habits or unsound mind or to be for
any reason unfitted to be entrusted with such firearm.
 A firearm certificate granted under this section shall be in the prescribed form and
shall specify the conditions, if any, subject to which it is held, the nature and the
number of the firearm to which it relates, and, as respects ammunition, the
quantities authorized to be purchased and to be held at any one time thereunder.
 One certificate may be issued for both a firearm and the ammunition for such
firearm, but a separate firearm certificate shall be required for each firearm.
 Unless previously revoked or cancelled by order of court, a firearm certificate shall
be valid for three years, calculated from the first day of the month in which it was
issued, and may, on application to the Controller, be renewed from time to time for
further such three-year periods.
 Any person who applies for the renewal of a firearm certificate shall, if so required,
produce the firearm to which the firearm certificate relates for inspection or testing
by the Controller or any person specified by the Controller.
 A firearm certificate may, on the application of the holder thereof, be varied from
time to time by the Controller.
 A firearm certificate may be revoked by the Controller if he is satisfied that the
holder thereof is of intemperate habits or of unsound mind or is otherwise unfitted
to be entrusted with the firearm to which the firearm certificate relates or no
longer has a good reason for possessing that firearm.
 In any case where a firearm certificate is revoked by the Controller he shall, by notice
in writing, require the holder to surrender the firearm certificate, and if the holder
fails to do so within fourteen days from the date of the notice, he shall be guilty of
an offence
 If any person makes any statement which he knows to be false for the purpose of
procuring, whether for himself or any other person, the grant of a firearm certificate
under this section or the variation or renewal of a firearm certificate, he shall be
guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or to
s6 Holder of firearm certificate to notify change of address or occupation
 Any person who holds a firearm certificate shall notify the Controller of any change
in his address; or any change in his occupation, unless the change does not
materially alter the circumstances in which he is likely to use the firearm concerned;
within twenty-one days of any such change.
s7 Fees in respect of firearms certificates
 There shall be payable on the:
 grant or renewal of a firearm certificate, such fee as may be prescribed
 replacement of a firearm certificate which has been lost or destroyed, such
fee as may be prescribed
s8 Exemptions from holding firearm certificate
 every person in possession of a firearm is supposed to have a firearm certificate to
which the firearm relates.
 There are certain people/classes of people who are exempted from holding a
firearms certificate whilst in possession of a firearms:
 A person carrying on the business of a firearms dealer and registered as
such under this Act or an employee of such a person may, without holding a
firearm certificate, purchase, acquire or have in his possession a firearm or
ammunition in the ordinary course of that business.
 A person carrying on the business of an auctioneer, carrier or storage
contractor or an employee of such a person may, without holding a firearm
certificate, have in his possession a firearm or ammunition in the ordinary
course of that business.
 A person may, without holding a firearm certificate, have in his possession a
slaughtering instrument and ammunition therefor in any abattoir if
employed in such abattoir.
 The proprietor of an abattoir or a person employed by him to take charge of
slaughtering instruments and ammunition therefor for the purpose of storing
them in safe custody at that abattoir may, without holding a firearm
certificate, have in his possession a slaughtering instrument or ammunition
therefor for that purpose.
 Any person may, without holding a firearm certificate have in his possession
a signalling apparatus of the type known as a Verey Pistol or ammunition
therefor on board an aircraft or at an aerodrome as part of the equipment of
the aircraft or aerodrome
 Any person may, without holding a firearm certificate have in his possession
a signalling apparatus of the type known as a Verey Pistol, and missiles
therefor, on board a boat on Lake Kariba or at a harbour at Lake Kariba as
part of the equipment of the boat or harbour
 A person carrying a firearm or ammunition belonging to another person
holding a firearm certificate relating thereto may, without himself holding a
firearm certificate, have in his possession that firearm or ammunition under
instructions from and for the use of that other person for sporting purposes
 A member of a gun club, rifle club or miniature rifle club may, without
holding a firearm certificate, have in his possession a firearm and ammunition
therefor when engaged as such a member in or in connection with target
 Any person may, without holding a firearm certificate, use a miniature rifle
not exceeding five comma five nine millimetres calibre, commonly known as
"two-two", and ammunition suitable therefor at a miniature rifle range or
shooting gallery.
 A person taking part in a theatrical performance or any rehearsal thereof or
in the production of a cinematograph film may, without holding a certificate,
have a firearm in his possession during and for the purpose of the
performance, rehearsal or production.
 Any person may, without holding a firearm certificate, have a firearm in his
possession at an athletic or other sporting meeting for the purpose of
starting races at that meeting.
 A person who is employed for the purpose of safe guarding persons or
property and who is a member of a class of persons prescribed for the
purposes of that subsection may, without holding a firearm certificate and
subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, have in his possession any
firearm and ammunition belonging to his employer and for which his
employer holds a firearm certificate when he is engaged on his duties.
 An immigrant or bona fide visitor to Zimbabwe who has obtained from a
customs officer a certificate in the prescribed form relating to any firearm or
ammunition that he has brought with him into Zimbabwe may, without
holding a firearm certificate, have in his possession any firearm or
ammunition described in that certificate for such period, not exceeding three
months, as may be specified in that certificate: Provided that such an
immigrant or visitor may at any time have the validity of a certificate issued in
terms of this subsection extended by the Controller.
 A person may, without holding a firearm certificate, have in his possession
within his residence or place of business a firearm and ammunition in respect
of which his spouse holds a firearm certificate.
 A person may, without holding a firearm certificate, have in his possession a
firearm and ammunition issued to him by a municipal council, town council,
local board or rural district council for the purpose of vermin control.
 The executor of a deceased estate may, without holding a firearm certificate,
have in his possession any firearm and ammunition belonging to the
deceased person.
 A client of a tour operator who:
o conducts hunting safaris for tourists;
o is licensed in terms of the Tourism Act [Chapter 14:20];
may, without holding a firearm certificate, have in his possession
during a hunting safari any firearm or ammunition in respect of which
the tour operator holds a firearm certificate, if the client is
accompanied by and uses the firearm and ammunition under the
direction of the person who holds the firearm certificate.
 A person who, in accordance with a written agreement with the State,
has been provided with a firearm and ammunition belonging to the State
may, without holding a firearm certificate, possess the firearm and
ammunition in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
 A person who has obtained from the Controller a permit for the purpose
in the prescribed form may, without holding a firearm certificate, have in
his possession a firearm and ammunition in accordance with the terms of
the permit
s10 Restrictions on manufacture of ammunition
 No person shall manufacture any ammunition or any explosive component of
ammunition unless:
 he is the holder of a written authority granted by the Controller and he
complies with the conditions of that authority;
 he is the holder of such licences as may be required by the Explosives Act
[Chapter 10:08].
s12 Production of firearm certificate
 Any police officer may demand from any person whom he believes to be in
possession of a firearm or ammunition his name and address and the production of
his firearm certificate relating thereto.
 If any person upon whom a demand is made in terms of subsection (1) fails, within
seven days thereafter, to produce the certificate or to permit the officer to read the
certificate or to show that he is entitled by virtue of this Act to have the firearm or
ammunition in his possession without holding a firearm certificate, the officer may
seize and detain the firearm or ammunition.
 If any person refuses to declare his name and address or fails to give his true name
and address, he shall be guilty of an offence
s14 Penalty for dealing in firearms without being registered
 No person shall, by way of trade or business:
 sell, transfer, repair, test or prove; or
 accept for sale or transfer or have in his possession for sale, transfer, repair,
test or proof;
any firearm or ammunition unless he is registered under this Act as a firearms
s24 Special provisions relating to certain types of weapons and ammunition
 It shall not be lawful for any person other than a person in the service of the State
in his capacity as such or a person authorized in writing in that behalf by the Minister
or a person of a class for the time being authorized in that behalf by the Minister, by
notice in a statutory instrument, to sell, transfer,, purchase, acquire or have in his
 any firearm which is so designed or adapted that if pressure is applied to the
trigger missiles continue to be discharged until pressure is removed from the
trigger or the magazine containing the missiles is empty;
 any weapon of whatever description designed or adapted for the discharge
of any noxious liquid, gas or similar thing; or
 any ammunition containing or designed or adapted to contain any such
noxious thing or
 any firearm or ammunition specified or any firearm or ammunition of a class
or type specified by the Minister, by notice in a statutory instrument;
 any silencing device for a firearm
s25 Removal and transportation of firearms and ammunition within Zimbabwe
 no person shall remove or transport or cause to be removed or transported any
firearm or ammunition from one place to another in Zimbabwe unless that firearm
or ammunition is accompanied:
 by the firearm certificate granted in respect of the firearm or ammunition; or
 where a permit has been issued in respect of the firearm or ammunition in
terms of section eight, by the permit; or
 where the firearm or ammunition is the subject of a written agreement
referred to in terms of section eight, by the written Agreement.
 This shall apply to:
 a person carrying on the business of a carrier or an employee of such a
person in respect of the removal or transportation of any firearms or
ammunition in the ordinary course of that business; or
 the removal or transport by a registered firearms dealer of any firearm or
ammunition in his possession in the ordinary course of his business as such
from one of his places of business to another in the same district or from or
to his own place of business or to or from the place of business of another
registered firearms dealer in the same district!
s26 Restrictions on possession of firearms and ammunition by young persons
 No person under the age of sixteen years shall purchase or hire any firearm or
ammunition, and no person shall sell or let on hire any firearm or ammunition to any
other person whom he knows or has reasonable grounds for believing to be under
the age of sixteen years.
 No person under the age of fourteen years shall accept as a gift or borrow any
firearm or ammunition to which Part II applies, and no person shall give or lend any
such firearm or ammunition to any other person whom he knows or has reasonable
grounds for believing to be under the age of fourteen years.
s27 Penalties for improper use of firearms
 Any person who:
 while carrying a firearm, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs to such an
extent as to be incapable of having proper control of such firearm or behaves
in a disorderly manner, or
 knowingly and without lawful cause, points a firearm at any other person; or
 negligently or recklessly discharges a firearm or causes or permits a firearm
to be discharged; or
 knowingly and without lawful cause, discharges a firearm in or upon a public
place; shall be guilty of an offence
s28 Safeguarding of firearms and ammunition
*unauthorized person- in relation to any firearm or ammunition, means any person other
than the person lawfully entitled under the Act to possess that particular firearm or
 Any person having in his possession any firearm or ammunition shall take all such
precautions as may be reasonably necessary to prevent such firearm or ammunition
falling into the possession of any unauthorized person and shall comply with such
security measures, both with regard to the safekeeping thereof and the condition in
which it may be kept, as may be prescribed.
 Where any firearm or ammunition is lost or stolen, it shall be presumed, unless the
contrary is proved, that it has fallen into the possession of an unauthorized person.
s29 Loss of firearm or ammunition to be reported
 Any person having possession of a firearm or am munition, whether or not he holds
a firearm certificate therefor or he is entitled to have possession thereof without
holding a firearm certificate, shall, if such firearm or ammunition becomes lost,
stolen or destroyed, report such loss, theft or destruction, as the case may be, as
soon as is reasonably practicable and in any event within twenty-four hours after its
occurrence, at the nearest police station.
 If any person fails to comply with the above, he shall be guilty of an offence
s31 Provision as to forfeiture of firearms and cancellation of certificates
 Where any person is convicted of an offence under this Act, the court by which he is
convicted may make such order as to the forfeiture or disposal of any or all firearms
or ammunition found in his possession as the court thinks fit, and may cancel any or
all firearm certificates held by the person convicted.
s32 Power to search for and dispose of firearms and ammunition
 If a magistrate or justice of the peace is satisfied, on information given on oath, that
there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that an offence under this Act has been,
is being or is about to be committed, he may grant a search warrant authorizing
any police officer named therein:
 to enter at any time any premises or place named in the warrant, if
necessary by force, and to search the premises and place and every per5011
found therein; and
 to seize and detain any firearm or ammunition which he may find on the
premises or place or on any such person in respect of which or in connection
with which he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that an offence under
this Act has been, is being or is about to be committed; and
 if the premises are those of a registered firearms dealer, to examine any
books relating to the business.
s34 Power to enter premises and obtain information
 Any police officer and additionally, or alternatively, any other person authorized by
the Minister for the purpose may at any time enter and inspect any premises used
 the storage of ammunition or firearms; or
 the storage of raw materials or component parts used in the manufacture of
ammunition or firearms; or
 the manufacture of ammunition, any explosive component of ammunition
or any firearm
s35 Penalty for obstructing police officer
 Any person who:
 obstructs a police officer or authorized person in the exercise of any of the
powers conferred upon him by or under section thirty-two or thirty-four; or
 fails to give to a police officer or authorized person any information which
he is lawfully required by such police officer or authorized person to give to
him under section thirty-two, thirty-three, or thirty- four or gives to such
police officer or authorized per son information which he knows to be false
or which he does not know or believe to be true; shall be guilty of an offence

 Nothing in this Act shall apply to:

 an antique or other firearm which is or has been rendered permanently incapable of
discharging any shot, bullet or other missile and which is sold, transferred,
purchased, acquired, transported or possessed as a souvenir, curiosity or ornament;
 an antique firearm or ammunition which belongs to or is kept in a museum, and in
respect of which the Minister has given a certificate that he is satisfied that proper
and adequate precautions have been taken for preventing the firearm or
ammunition falling into the hands of any person not lawfully entitled under this Act
to possess that firearm or ammunition.

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