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I 4 Communication Skills Sender/Receiver Sender/Receiver & Ciencia meas B Continuous process: The nature, situation and mn keep changing. 8 process of shaving messages. 1B Mutual understanding: For communication and to understand Doth sender-receiver and they must respond to each other to have an effective communication, B Lead to reaction or response: successful communication, there is a need for ‘quick and right response from the sender; ence the sender understands the message B Importance of Communication Ski Communications Sender/Receiver OUP 8: Conmuncaton os understood by ree rr the communication cycle are: (Figure 1,2) Various cements of te conmunieaton YER Ee) B Verbal Communication ‘Message: Information to he conveyed. B Sender: Source B Encoding: Converting understood by any other pers B Receiver: Porson who decoding in channel: An appropriate channel or medium (electron ough which the sender send a meseage. oa the sent information oF message by sender gg or information 1B Feedbacks Response gi Figuret.3: VerbalCommunication (Tip Bot _ © Gornmaniction ls are alto healthy and sent workplace ‘Types of Verbal Communication B Oral communication: ‘© Im this the ideas and information is ‘expressed through spoken words Tis the natural form of communication = fas in this immediate clarification and ~~ Figure 1.2; Conmnunicalion le & eo Figure 1.4: Oral Communication |B Visual Communication Figure 1.5: Writen Communication Happs Baer ery Visual communication involves visual images using textures, colors, shapes [MEMoRY BOT Ee — 7 message is called as sender while the person receiving tig) which communicate messages along with ‘The person sending ‘message is called as rece Figure 1.7: Visual Communication BL Non-Verbal Communication | KNowLepcE Bor Visual lechnique ean be used with oral communication, Perspective in Communication ive is the point of view of an individual through Pers ‘which one understands every eo a happening. around & @ the messages through the filters of their motives, bi knowledge, and understanding. tive in communication Figure 15: Noval Corman Ears affecting perspective in communication vats bck and tre. Fty what you will ee depends on yoy verde, perception plays an important role process ‘must be able to understand each other age, (Figure 19) Figure Prejudices important ‘mind. As people wil ways when they a feoling at a particular the way they reach on 8 say they interact with ‘Toexpress ourselves, sentences (group of words which communicate the right message) must be written corroetly as not to change des 1 Seven elements of communication are used to improve the 9 skis (Message should include all the required information) " 4. Conerete (Message must be supported with figures and facts) © Concise (Message should he short and Consideration (Message must covers the [ KNOWLEDGE BOT points as suggested by receiver) ‘perrenre Written commun flexible than oral & Courteous (Message shi viewpoints and felings of B Writing si wve an effective w sender and receiver _ Types of Sentences group of words which donot make any sense. sive Uinta pees outty, | _Asterted or declarative sentence: Sestence which report events, Jessribe things nda subject and state facts. Example: This i my favorite song, txanpe shown above, ae not sentences as they are not making complete sense ang B_Interrogative sentence: Sentences which makes enquiries and asks frinformation. are know as phrases. At the end question mark is used and it starts with words like Why, What, When and How. For example: Example: What are you doing? B__ Imperative sentence: Sentonces which express an order, advice, request, sugzestion, 1B Bxclamsiory sentence: Sentence which express wonder, suprise, happiness, Type of Phrases | srw sty ratte entry eer in wor =a ora ah, bara ala, opie interetion, There are ve 5 of phrases: ‘Example: Wao! Well done! a. Noun phras Here, the red car rb phrase tis «group of bing and main ver within a sent Example: She was walking quickly towards the car. Here, was walking. ma € Adjetive preset Example: The women hecarisan adjective | a Iver! wrase: : Adverbial pi built around adverb by adding words bofre or ater it Example: After winning an award, Deepak s — ian award, Deepak screamsin joy Here, injoy is an adverbial oun nantes. ample: The ed cris ora, | arts of Sentence 2 non pase. =a ssand adjectives, | example: Deepak is a good boy: Here, Deepak is subject and is a good boy is « predicate, Parts of Speech According to the functions in a sentenc sified into eight types: b fe. Verb: 4. Conjunction: Words that link other words, phrases, or clauses to e tothe word which specifies a location and shows the B Sentence Sentence ie 4 group of words that make comy plete sense. It must consist of predicate and ofa noun, noun phrase, a sentence with another word. ‘Examples: am siting on the chair, | Arete: Word wed before nou, Pe“ cvs sung and is usual puta exclamary sininthg a verb, an adjective, or another adverb, “ig used efor the words starting with constants, and ais used before Words stating with vowels (A,B, 1,0, U2 1B Paragraph Writing Paragraph is «number of related sentences which feus onan idea It forms spar of larger pee o writing, such asa composition. Before writing the paragraph writer chould be clear about the topic and the contents, Essontial sections of the paragraph are: 1B Paragraph topic: Paragraph subject or topic. Introduction: Start the paragraph with the introduction about a paragraph and is known as topie sentence. information about topic sentence in 7-8 sentences. es the whole sentences written about the topic. this writer should check the paragraph for grammatical mistakes and sentence making, information, data, and and interpret the visual fe . the point of view of ough which one understands every the ight message) iver mast be able > {Be _ Phrase are the group of words which donot make an sense. Itonly gives us hit about the message sender want to communicate, tence is group of words that make complete sense. It must consist of predicate and & BEES [A Multiple choice questions. 1, Thee nord is derived from the Latin word communis that means », lempart 4. Note of these purpose of the receiver in communication? derstand the message and respond to Send mesage Take esponte 4. Nonvf those 3 communication message i delivered using: Spuken or writen message Message that uses word of any language Bath and b 4. None ofthese fillowing is not an example of written communication? Email b. Reports guage 4 Laters folowing is nota factor alectng perspective in communication? 1b. Prejudice a. Love b. Activity 4. None ofthese clement of communication? 4. Defi filo te artiste billowing ent type of phrase? Adj 4. Pronoun lowing snot a type of speech? SOLS ee On ‘Communication is proces of sharing Visual technique ean be used with contain. “Angwer the following quostions. ‘What are th various characteristic f communication? Define effetive communication, What do you understand by barirs to effective communication? 3p main elements of non-verbal communication. ny to sdvantages and disadvantages. Ietween phrase and sentence with example, Blindfold Game: Dindfld Game builds trust, listening and instructional skills What you!l need: + Fouror more people Bindi to play but not so easy toi.” We pants together and had: them yo wil give them verbal or example, ou might give them ‘inches om each side re, such that it fits exactly inthe middle ofthe square [em A. State whether the statements are True or False, 1. Prejuioes i the process of sharing information between two or more people, 2. Paragea ‘per of related sentences which foeus on an idea, 3. Examples of written communication are football and chess 4 ‘There are four methods of commun Sentence isa group of words that make complete sense. 5 B. Filljin the blanks. apleof visual communication is PowerPoint presentation. 2. An appropriate channel or medium (electronic mail, telephone call) through which thy sender tend 2 3 ‘communication is more formal and less exible. 4 are the group of words which donot make any sense, 5. A____shoald be clear 6 ‘Subject and predicate are two parts of every complete ©. Answer the following questions. What i the phrase? Name a ferent kind of phrases? Describe four typos of sentences with an example ofeach, Write short note on effective paraea workout on practical work. EE MOM ener sends a message and in response gts aoe a, Nothing a ¢, Feedback Ca. Allofthese SEM isthe proces of converting coded information int orginal om 2 Communication Cbs Eneding «, Feedback o Cone way communication i a if Fast Dress code isan example of. a Verbal o Written o Pronouns aways begin with eters a. Small TI ® Capita ¢. Nomerial Oo a aw the mousage may be misinterpreted because of. TI b. Distortions a. Nise ite, pe sultiple choice questions, o OO oO oO OO 00 iy when iis related tohatred lowing is the negative for some peorle? ae a, Feelings 1c. Prejudices CD a. Language ee ae ee . Pee TI Pree —— Soa mm Perey oncenand dle nd ah Poe Ib Drive la Chane betel Sr Deal menace CO ak. Noneofthese oo oo 3 se meaning to mess 1, Receiver ce. Sender 10. The respanse toa sender's mess oo oO ‘a, Channel ce. Feedback 7

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