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Plasma operation manual:

Before use:
1. The O2 flow in this system can just operate coarsely. Plasma is only for empty substate
2. Operate with gloves to avoid electric shock.
3. Always watch out when using Plasma, do not try the operation not mentioned in this manual.
4. If you find out how to improve the process, pls edit here.

Set up:

Fig.1 chamber outlook, 3 knob for O2 and N2 supply

1. Make sure O2 coarse, O2 fine, N2 knob is OFF before operation.

2. Turn on the O2&N2 supply at neighboring gas room (not in gas Bunker room, see next page):
Fig.2 gas supply in PL2 (lefthand the first room), make sure the open on cylinder is on
while other 4 are same as in the graph

3. Vent the chamber with N2 knob (Fig.1), put the substrates on the glass dish

Fig.3 Chamber inside, sample should be placed on the glass petri dish

1. Close the chamber door. Open the pretreatment mechanical pump, ~15min till LVG-1
pressure drop to <5 Pa.

Fig.4 Right controlling unit for sensing and Pump

2. Adjust the O2 fine knob to set up a proper O2 pressure inside the chamber,(suggest LVG-
1 3-4 Pa but can be higher)

3. After O2 pressure stable, Turn on the main power of the left controlling unit (power unit
2, see next page).

Fig.5 left controlling unit for plasma operation

4. Turn on the Oxygen plasma Green button to start the plasma in Fig.5. After the green
light is on, increase the Voltage knob till you see a jump of the current from 0.
5. Check the chamber from glass window, you should be able to see the purple plasma
glowing between the electrode and the chamber, now you may be able to adjust the power
of the plasma by turning the voltage knob.
# do not stare at the chamber for a long time
6. After few minutes, you may turn off the plasma by first turn off the voltage knob, them
press the red button to turn the plasma unit power, then turn off the main power (power
unit 2) in Fig.5
7. After that, turn off the mechanical pump from right control unit, and vent the chamber
with N2, bring out the sample
8. If possible, evacuate the chamber again to keep out the moisture
9. Turn off the N2&O2 gas supply

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