UNIT 7 Traditional Medicine - phần từ vựng

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Published by Khai O1K70

Part 1: Introduction
Geographical (adj) /ˌdʒi.əˈɡræf.ɪ.kəl/: relating to geography, or to the geography of a
particular area or place:
“a geographical region” – khu vực địa lý
“geographical features” – đặc điểm địa lý
Address (v) /əˈdres/:
1. to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem:
“The issue of funding has yet to be addressed.”“
2. to speak or write to someone:
“He addressed a few introductory remarks to the audience.”“
“He likes to be addressed as "Sir" or "Mr Partridge".”“
3. to write a name or address on an envelope or parcel:
“The parcel was wrongly addressed.”“
““So why did you open a letter that was addressed to me?”“
Persive (v) /pəˈsiːv/:
1. to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something:
“How do the French perceive the British?” – nhìn nhận, đánh giá
“Women”s magazines are often perceived to be superficial.” – được coi là
2. to see something or someone, or to notice something that is obvious:
“I perceived a note of unhappiness in her voice.”
Indeed (adv) /ɪnˈdiːd/:
1. used to add some extra information that develops or supports something you have
just said: Và, hơn nữa (Dùng để bổ sung thêm thông tin nói trước đó)
“I am happy, indeed proud, to be associated with this project.”
2. used to express that something is correct: thực sự (chính xác)
"Is this your dog?" "It is, indeed."/"Indeed it is."
“Yes, I did indeed say that.”
3. really or certainly, often used to emphasize something: thực sự (nhấn mạnh)
“Indeed, it could be the worst environmental disaster in Europe this century.”
Sage (n) /seɪdʒ/:
1. Cây ngải đắng: một loại cây dùng làm gia vị. Đây là hình
ảnh của cây đấy, nếu bạn thực sự không biết đây là cây gì thì
không có lý do gì bạn lại cần phải dịch từ này. Hãy gọi nó là
Sage như một từ gốc nước ngoài, như từ vô tuyến thì người
ta hay gọi là Tivi
2. a person, especially an old man, who is wise: người khôn ngoan (thường để chỉ ông
Garlic (n) / ˈgärlik/: tỏi
Cumin (n) / ˈkəmən/: thìa là
Simple (n): A medicinal herb, or a medicine made from one.
““Won”t you come back to Wittenberg and heal the sick with your drugs and simples as
you did before?”
Somewhat (adv): to some degree: đến một mức độ nào đó (phần nào, ..)
“The resort has changed somewhat over the last few years.” – phần nào thay đổi
“She”s somewhat more confident than she used to be.” – cô ấy có phần tự tin hơn
“We were somewhat tired after our long walk.” – mệt phần nào (hơi mệt)
If somewhat: If you replace "if somewhat " with "although a bit" you will get the meaning of
the sentence. (There is a subtle difference; "if" is just a bit weaker than "although." But you get
the idea.) https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/if-somewhat.579926/
Exotic (adj) /ɪɡˈzɑː.t̬ɪk/: unusual and exciting because of coming (or seeming to come) from
far away, especially a tropical country: đẹp, lạ mắt (vì nguồn gốc lạ từ nơi khác)
“The courtyard was full of exotic plants in terracotta pots.” – cây đẹp lạ kỳ
“The menu described the dessert as “a medley of exotic fruits”.” – trái cây đẹp lạ kỳ
“We only had half an hour to see her before she was whisked off to some exotic
location.” - địa điểm lạ
Exotically (adv) /ɪɡˈzɑː.t̬ɪ.kəl.i/:
“Exotically dressed dancers”
Association (n) /əˌsoʊ.siˈeɪ.ʃən/:
1. the fact of being involved with or connected to someone or something: liên quan tới/
liên kết với
“Her association with the university”
“This event was organized in association with a local school.”
2. a feeling or thought that relates to someone or something: sự liên tưởng
“The beach has positive associations for me as I used to spend my holidays there.”
Associate (v) /əˈsoʊ.ʃi.eɪt/: to connect someone or something in your mind with
someone or something else:
“Most people associate this brand with good quality.”
Be associated with sth: If problems or dangers are associated with a particular thing or
action, they are caused by it:
“The cancer risks associated with smoking have been well documented.”
Stress (n): a force that acts in a way that often changes the shape of an object:
“Jogging puts a lot of stress on your knee joints”
Oxidative (adj) /ˈɑːk.sɪˌdeɪ.t̬ɪv/: an oxidative chemical reaction adds oxygen to the tissues of
the body:
“oxidative damage”
“Stress cardiomyopathy is associated with increased oxidative stress.”
Aging (n) /ˈeɪdʒɪŋ/: sự lão hóa
Antioxidant (n) /ˌæn.t̬iˈɑːk.sɪ.dənt/: a substance that slows down the rate at which something
decays because of oxidization: chất chống oxy hóa
“She takes the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and folic acid in women”s multivitamins”
Antioxidant action (n): quá trình oxy hóa
Antioxidant activity (n): hoạt động oxy hóa
Utilization (n) /ˌjuː.t̬əl.əˈzeɪ.ʃən/: the act of using something in an effective way: việc sử dụng
“Resource utilization and cost-effective therapy are an integral part of modern medical
Utilize (v) /ˈjuː.t̬əl.aɪz/: to use something in an effective way: sử dụng
“The vitamins come in a form that is easily utilized by the body.”
Utilizable (adj) /ˈjuː.t̬əl.aɪ.zə.bəl/: able to be used in an effective way:
“Utilizable protein, area, land, source ..”
Detail (n) /ˈdiː.teɪl/:
1. a single piece of information or fact about something:
“She insisted on telling me every single detail of what they did to her in hospital.”
“We don”t know the full/precise details of the story yet.”
2. information about someone or something:
“A police officer took down the details of what happened.”
3. the small features of something that you only notice when you look carefully:
“I was just admiring the detail in the doll”s house - even the tins of food have labels on
Incorporate (v) /ɪnˈkɔːr.pɚ.eɪt/: to include something as part of something larger: bao gồm,
đưa vào (để gộp vào một thứ gì đó lớn hơn)
“Suggestions from the survey have been incorporated into/in the final design.”
“This aircraft incorporates several new safety features.”
Owning to: because of
Substitute /ˈsʌb.stə.tuːt/:
1. (n) a thing or person that is used instead of another thing or person: (vật, người) thay
“Tofu can be used as a meat substitute in vegetarian recipes.
“Vitamins should not be used as a substitute for a healthy diet.
2. (n) [informal] in sports, a player who is used for part of a game instead of another
player: cầu thủ dự bị
“Johnson came on as a substitute towards the end of the game.”
“The manager brought on another substitute in the final minutes of the game.”
3. (v) to use something or someone instead of another thing or person:
“You can substitute oil for butter in this recipe.”
There is no substitute for sth: nothing is as good as the stated thing:
“You can read about other countries, but there”s no substitute for visiting them yourself.”
In practice: used to describe what really happens as opposed to what you think will happen in a
particular situation:
“It seemed like a good idea before we started, but in practice it was a disaster.”
Characterize (v) /ˈker.ək.tɚ.aɪz/:
1. Something that characterizes another thing is typical of it: đặc trưng cho
“Bright colours and bold strokes characterize his early paintings.”
2. to describe something by stating its main qualities: mô tả
“In her essay, she characterizes the whole era as a period of radical change.”
Characterization (n) /ˌker.ək.tə.rəˈzeɪ.ʃən/:
1. the way that people are represented in a film, play, or book so that they seem real
and natural: sự nhập vai (nhân vật trong phim, truyện ..)
“The plots in her books are very strong but there”s almost no characterization.”
2. the way in which something is described by stating its main qualities
Holistic (adj) /hoʊlˈɪs.tɪk/: dealing with or treating the whole of something or someone and
not just a part: toàn diện
“My doctor takes a holistic approach to disease.” – phương pháp toàn diện
“Ecological problems usually require holistic solutions.” – giải pháp toàn diện
Circulation (n) /ˌsɝː.kjəˈleɪ.ʃən/:
1. the process in which something such as information, money, or goods passes from
one person to another:
“Police have warned that there are a lot of fake £50 notes in circulation.”
“Add her name to the circulation list for this report (= the people who will be given it to
2.the number of people that a newspaper or magazine is regularly sold to:
“The paper has a circulation of 150,000.”
3. the movement of blood around the body: lưu thông, tuần hoàn (máu trong cơ thể)
“Exercise helps to improve circulation.”
Vital (adj)
1. necessary for the success or continued existence of something; extremely important:
“A strong opposition is vital to a healthy democracy.”
“The kidney plays a vital role/part in the removal of waste products from the blood.”
“[ + that ] It”s absolutely vital that you do exactly as I say.”
“[ + to infinitive ] It is vital to get medical supplies to the area as soon as possible.”
2. energetic: đầy sức sống
“He had never felt so vital and full of life.”
Designate (v) /ˈdez.ɪɡ.neɪt/:
1. to choose someone officially to do a particular job:
“Thompson has been designated (as/to be) team captain.”
“[ + to infinitive ] She has been designated to organize the meeting.”
2. to say officially that a place or thing has a particular character or purpose:
“This area of the park has been specially designated for children.”
“They officially designated the area (as) unsuitable for human habitation.”
Nature (n) /ˈneɪ.tʃɚ/: the type or main characteristic of something: loại hình/ bản chất
“What was the nature of his inquiry?” – loại điều tra
“Motor-racing is by nature a dangerous sport.” – đua xe về mặt bản chất là một môn ..
Be in the nature of things: to be usual and expected:
“There are problems in every relationship - it”s in the nature of things.”
Acupuncture (n) /ˈæk.jə.pʌŋk.tʃɚ/: a treatment for pain or illness in which thin needles are
positioned just under the surface of the skin at special points around the body: châm
“Acupuncture originated in China.” – Thuật châm cứu được bắt nguồn từ TQ
Inhalation (n) /ˌɪn.həˈleɪ.ʃən/: the action of breathing air, smoke, or gas into your lungs: sự hít
vào (một số sách viết là xông)
“In yoga, movement of the arms and legs are matched with inhalation and exhalation.”

Vapor (n) /ˈveɪ·pər/: a gas that escapes from a liquid or solid, esp. as a result of heating: hơi

“Warm air is able to hold more water vapor than cold air.”

Aim /eɪm/:

1. To intend:

“I aim to be a millionaire by the time I”m 35.”

“We are aiming for (= planning to achieve) a 50 percent share of the German market.”

2. To point or direct a weapon or other object toward someone or something:

“I turned and saw a big man aiming a camera at me.”

3. To aim something is also to direct it toward someone whom you want to influence or
toward achieving something:

“These ads are aimed at young people.”

4. A result that your plans or actions are intended to achieve:

“My main aim in life is to be a good husband and father.”

“Our short-term aim is to deal with our current financial difficulties, but our long-term
aim is to improve the company”s profitability.”

“The leaflet has been produced with the aim of increasing public awareness of the

Pathogenic (adj) /ˌpæθ.əˈdʒen.ɪk/: able to cause disease: (có khả năng) gây bệnh

Dysfunction (n) /dɪsˈfʌŋk.ʃən/: a problem or fault in a part of the body or a machine: rối loạn
chức năng (cơ thể hoặc máy móc)
“There appears to be a dysfunction in the patient”s respiratory system.” – rối loạn chức
năng ở đường hô hấp

Hyperactivity (n) /ˌhaɪ.pɚˈæk.tɪv/: Someone who is hyperactive has more energy than is
normal, gets excited easily, and cannot stay still or think about work: hiếu động/
thịnh(trong YHCT)

“Hyperactive children often have poor concentration and require very little sleep.” – trẻ
hiếu động

Rectify (v) /ˈrek.tə.faɪ/: formal to correct something or make something right: sửa chữa, điều
chỉnh lại cho đúng

“I am determined to take whatever action is necessary to rectify the situation.”

“Every effort is made to rectify any errors/mistakes before the book is printed.”

Rectification (n) /rek.tə.fəˈkeɪ.ʃən/: the act of correcting something or making something

right: sự sửa chữa, điều chỉnh lại cho đúng

“These faults may require rectification.”

“With the rectification of this error, the profits will increase.”

Recover (v) /rɪˈkʌv·ər/:

1. To get better after an illness or a period of difficulty or trouble: phục hồi (sau khi bệnh
hay gặp khó khăn)

“It took her a while to recover after the operation.”

2. To recover something is to find or get back the use of something lost or taken away:
lấy lại (cái gì đã bị mất đi)

“The police recovered her handbag, but her wallet was gone.”

Recovery /rɪˈkʌv.ɚ.i/:

Curative (adj) /ˈkjʊr.ə.t̬ɪv/: able to cure or cause to get better: ~ theurapeutic: (có khả năng)
chữa bệnh

“Do you believe in the curative powers of the local mineral water?”

Cure / kyoor/

1. (v) to make someone with an illness healthy again: chữa bệnh

“At one time doctors couldn”t cure TB/cure people of TB.”

2. (v) to solve a problem: chữa (một vấn đề nào đó)

“The president and his advisors meet this week to discuss how to cure inflation.” – giải
quyết lạm phát

3. (v) to treat food, tobacco, etc. with smoke, salt, etc. in order to preserve it: xử lý (để
bảo quản)

“cured meats” – thịt đã được bảo quản

4. (n) something that makes someone who is sick healthy again: thuốc

“There”s still no cure for cancer.”

“The disease has no known cure (= a cure has not yet been found).”

5.(n) a solution to a problem: phương thuốc (giải pháp cho vấn đề) (chơi chữ)

“The best cure for boredom is hard work!” – Phương thuốc tốt nhất cho nỗi buồn chán
là làm việc chăm chỉ!

Polarize (v) /ˈpoʊ.lə.raɪz/: to cause something, especially something that contains different
people or opinions, to divide into two completely opposing groups: phân hóa (ra 2 thứ
đối lập nhau)

“The debate is becoming polarized and there seems to be no middle ground.”

“The electrode is polarized in aqueous solution” - điện cực được phân hóa trong dung
dịch nước

Polarization (n) /ˌpəʊ.lə.raɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/: sự phân cực (đối với đặc biệt là con người, ý

“The polarization of society into rich and poor can clearly be seen in urban areas.”

Polarity (n) /poʊˈler.ə.t̬i/:

1. the quality of being opposite: tính đối lập

“The film is based on the polarity of the two main characters.“

2. the quality of having two poles: tính phân cực

“reversed polarity”

Polar (adj) /ˈpoʊ.lɚ/: relating to the North or South Pole or the areas around them: ở
cực (Bắc, Nam)

“the polar ice caps” – tảng băng ở cực

Polar opposites (n): complete opposites: sự đối lập hoàn toàn

“The novel deals with the polar opposites of love and hate.”

Pole (n) /poʊl/: cực (của trái đất)/cực (2 mặt đối lập)

“the North/South Pole” | “These two men might be thought to represent the opposite
poles of economic ideology.”

Deviation (n) /ˌdiːviˈeɪʃən/:

1. a difference from what is usual or expected: sai lệch

“The letter cited “significant deviations from current good manufacturing practice”.”

2. the difference between a particular number and the average or normal number: độ

“In a recent analysis of local temperature changes, Reno ranked first by amount of
deviation from the 30-year average.”

Standard deviation (n): độ lệch chuẩn

Deviate (v) /ˈdiː.vi.eɪt/:

1. to do something that is different from the usual or common way of behaving: lệch ra
khỏi (điều bình thường nào đó)

“The recent pattern of weather deviates from the norm for this time of year.”

2. to go in a different direction: lệch ra khỏi (đường ban đầu)

“The path follows the river closely, occasionally deviating around a clump of trees.”

Essence (n) /ˈes·əns/: the basic or most important idea or quality of something:

“The essence of his argument was that education should continue throughout life.” – Điều
quan trọng/tính chất cơ bản trong lập luận của ông ta là giáo dục nên tiếp tục trong suốt
cuộc đời

“Yet change is the very essence of life.” – Sự thay đổi là bản chất/cốt lõi/điều rất quan
trọng của cuộc sống

In essence: relating to the most important characteristics or ideas of something:

“In essence, both sides agree on the issue.”

Be of the essence: to be the most important thing:

“Time is of the essence.” – Thời gian là thứ quý giá nhất

Law (n) /lɑː/: a general rule that states what always happens when the same conditions exist:
định luật

“Newton”s laws of motion.” – Định luật Newton về chuyển động.

Indicate (v) /ˈɪn·dɪˌkeɪt/:

1. to suggest something as being suitable: khuyến cáo, khuyên nên dùng (trong y học)

“Antihistamine is indicated for this patient as a treatment for her allergies.”

2. to show or signal a direction or warning, or to make something clear: chỉ rõ, nói rõ
hoặc là khi đi giao thông thì báo hiệu (xi nhan) là sẽ đi về hướng bên phải hay trái

“These statistics might indicate quality problems.”

“She did not move or indicate that she had heard him.”

Indication (n) /ˌɪn.dəˈkeɪ.ʃən/:

1. a sign that something exists, is true, or is likely tohappen: tín hiệu

“There are few indications (that) the economy is on an upswing.”

“Helen”s face gave no indication of what she was thinking.”

2. a suitable action that is suggested by something: /SUGGESTION/

“The indication from the trade figures is to reduce stock by at least 30 percent.”

Indicative (adj) /ɪnˈdɪk.ə.t̬ɪv/: being or relating to a sign that something exists, is true,
or is likely to happen:

“Resumption of the talks is indicative of an improving relationship between the countries.”

Pulse /pʌls/:

1. (n) the regular beating of the heart, especially when it is felt at the wrist or side of the
neck: mạch

“The child”s pulse was strong/weak.”

“Exercise increases your pulse rate.”

Take sb”s pulse: bắt mạch

2. (v) to move or beat with a strong, regular rhythm:

“I could feel the blood pulsing through my veins.” – chạy qua huyết quản

Energetic (adj) /ˌen·ərˈdʒet̬·ɪk/: very active physically and mentally: mãnh liệt, hăng hái
“The president was an energetic campaigner.”

Energetically (adv) /ˌen·ərˈdʒet̬·ɪk·li/:

“She energetically promotes women”s sports.”

Excess /ɪkˈses, ˈek·ses/:

1. (adj) more than is necessary; too much:

“excess baggage”

2. (n) an amount that is more than acceptable, expected, or reasonable:

“They both eat to excess (= a lot more than they need).”

“The company”s losses are in excess of (= more than) $5 million.”

Excessive (adj) /ekˈses.ɪv/: too much: ~ inordinate /ˌɪnˈɔːr.dən.ət/

“Excessive exercise can sometimes cause health problems.”

Excessively (adv) /ekˈses.ɪv.li/: “I don”t drink excessively.” ~ inordinately

Gypsum (n) /ˈdʒɪp.səm/: thạch cao

Interior (n) /ɪnˈtɪr.i.ɚ/:

1. (n) the inside part of something:

“The car”s interior is very impressive.”

2. (adj) inside: “interior walls, interior doors” >< Exterior (adj) /ɪkˈstɪr.i.ɚ/

3. (adj) (liên quan đến) bộ nội vụ

“France”s interior minister” – bộ trưởng bộ nội vụ

The interior (n): bộ nội vụ (chính phủ)

Disperse (v) /dɪˈspɝːs/: to spread across or move away over a large area, or to make
something do this:

“When the rain came down the crowds started to disperse.”

“The showers will be quite widely dispersed across the whole region.”

Dispersal (n) /dɪˈspɜr·səl/: the action or process of distributing things or people over a
wide area.
“the dispersal of people to increasingly distant suburbs.”

Disseminate (v) /dɪˈsem.ə.neɪt/: to spread or give out something, especially news,

information, ideas, etc., to a lot of people:

“One of the organization”s aims is to disseminate information about the disease.”

Dissemination (n) /dɪˌsem.əˈneɪ.ʃən/:

“the dissemination of information”

Supplement /ˈsʌp·ləˌment/:

1. (v) to add to something: bổ sung

“She got a second job to supplement her income.”

2. (n) something that is added to something else in order to improve it or complete it;
something extra:

“hormone/vitamin supplements”

3. (n) A supplement is also an extra part of a magazine or newspaper:

“an advertising supplement”

Supplementary (adj) /ˌsʌp.ləˈmen.t̬ɚ.i/: extra:

“a supplementary income”

Induce (v) /ɪnˈduːs/:

1. to cause something to happen:

“Pills for seasickness often induce drowsiness.” – thuốc say sóng thường gây buồn ngủ

2. [ T + obj + to infinitive ] to persuade someone to do something:

“They induced her to take the job by promising editorial freedom.”

3. to use a drug to make a pregnant woman start giving birth:

“In this hospital, twins are often induced.”

Inducement (n) /ɪnˈdjuːsmənt/: an act or a thing that is intended to make something

happen or to persuade someone to do something:

inducement (for sb) to do sth “They offered him a large pay increase as an inducement
for him to stay.”
“It is illegal for American companies to offer inducements when tendering for contracts
abroad.” – hối lộ

Diuresis (n) /dīəˈrēsis/: increased or excessive production of urine: lợi tiểu

“Loss of glucose in the urine causes diuresis.”

Diuretic (n) /ˌdaɪ.jəˈret̬.ɪk/: thuốc lợi tiểu

Recuperate (v) /rɪˈkuː.pər.eɪt/: to become well again after an illness; to get back your
strength, health, etc.: hồi phục

“She spent a month in the country recuperating from/after the operation.”

Recuperation (v) /rɪˌkuː.pərˈeɪ.ʃən/: the process of becoming well again after an illness
or of getting back your strength, health, etc.: quá trình hồi phục

“You need to allow time for rest and recuperation.”

Convalesce (v) /ˌkɑːn.vəˈles/: to rest in order to get better after an illness: nghỉ nghơi

“After your operation, you”ll need to convalesce for a week or two.”

Convalescence (n) /ˌkɑːn.vəˈles.əns/: a period in which you convalesce: thời gian nghỉ

“Anna had not seen him yet since her convalescence.”

Convalescent (n) /ˌkɑːn.vəˈles.ənt/: someone who is getting better after a serious

illness or injury: bệnh nhân hồi sức

“Most convalescents prefer to be cared for at home rather than in a hospital.”

Deplete (v) /dɪˈpliːt/: to reduce something in size or amount, esp. supplies, energy, or money:

“The illness depletes the body of important vitamins.”

“If we continue to deplete the earth”s natural resources, we will cause serious damage
to the environment.”

Depletion (n) /dɪˈpliː.ʃən/: a reduction in something: sự suy giảm

“the depletion of the ozone layer.”

“Increased expenditure has caused a depletion in our capital/funds.”

Purge /pɝːdʒ/:

1. (v) rid (someone) of an unwanted feeling, memory, or condition, typically giving a

sense of cathartic release.

“Bob had helped purge Martha of the terrible guilt that had haunted her” – Bob đã giúp
thanh lọc (suy nghĩ) Martha khỏi những tội lỗi đã ám ảnh cô.

2. (v) to get rid of people from an organization because you do not agree with them:
thanh trừng (ai đó, nhóm người nào đó).

“Hard-liners are expected to be purged from the administration.” – bị thanh trừng (đuổi ra)
khỏi chính quyền

3. (n) the act of getting rid of people from an organization because you do not agree
with them:

“Between 1934 and 1938, Stalin mounted a massive purge of the Communist Party, the
government and the armed forces in the Soviet Union.” - Stalin đã tiến hành một cuộc
thanh trừng lớn của ĐCS

Purgative (n) /ˈpɝː.ɡə.t̬ɪv/: thuốc xổ or (adj) (có tác dụng) tẩy xổ

Bowel (n) /bou(ə)l/: ruột

Stranguria (n): tiểu rát. http://ycantho.com/qa/showthread.php?t=12108

Neutral (adj) /ˈnuː.trəl/:

1. no opinion: trung lập

“If there”s an argument between my daughter and her mother, it”s important that I
remain neutral.”

“neutral country.” – đất nước trung lập (vd: quan hệ ngoại giao với Mỹ - TQ trong chiến
tranh thương mại)

“neutral ground” – sân vận động trung lập (2 đội là Mỹ và Nga nhưng lại đá trên sân VN)

2. trung tính (hóa học):

“Pure water is neutral and has a pH of 7.”

3. having features or characteristics that are not easily noticed: có tính chất không dễ
nhận ra
“Kelly wants dark red walls, but I”d like a more neutral colour like cream.”

Neutrality (n) /nuˈtræl·ɪ·t̬i/: world history the condition of being neutral in a

disagreement or war

“Sweden isn”t likely ever to abandon its traditional neutrality.”

Mild (n) /maɪld/: chỉ một thứ gì đó nhẹ nhàng

1. not violent, severe, or extreme: chỉ mức độ nhẹ

“mild criticism” “mild heart attack” “mild analgesic”

2. mild winter: mùa đông không quá lạnh, hoặc không lạnh bằng mọi năm

“We”ve had a mild winter this Tet.”

3. used to describe food or a food flavour that is not very strong:

“a mild chilli sauce”

4. tính cách hòa nhã

“a shy, mild sort of guy”

Mildness (n) /ˈmaɪld.nəs/: “mildness of manner”

Briefly (adv) /ˈbriːf.li/:

1. for a short time:

“We chatted briefly about the weather.”

“He made his living briefly as a newspaper reporter before getting into politics.”

2. using few words or without giving a lot of details:

“Briefly, the company needs to cut its expenditure.”

Brief /briːf/:

1. lasting only a short time or containing few words:

“brief look”, ”brief visit”, “brief statement”

2. (adj) used to express how quickly time goes past:

“For a few brief weeks we were very happy.”

3. (adj) (of clothes) very short:

“She was wearing a fairly brief skirt, as I recall.”

4. (v)to give someone detailed instructions or information: chỉ dẫn

“We had already been briefed about/on what the job would entail.”

5. (n) quần underwear (số nhiều), bản hồ sơ tóm tắt của luật sư bào chữa, or luật sư

In brief: If something is said in brief, it is said in a very short form, with very few details:

"So you didn”t enjoy the party much." "In brief, no."

Brief against/in favour of sb/sth: to make information about someone or something

public, with the intention of criticizing/praising him, her, or it:

“On several occasions government officials briefed against their own ministers.”

Diaphoresis (n) /dīəfəˈrēsis/: sweating, especially to an unusual degree as a symptom of

disease or a side effect of a drug: đổ mồ hôi (đặc biệt biệt là việc đổ bất thường)

Spasm (n) /ˈspæz.əm/: an occasion when a muscle suddenly becomes tighter in a way that
cannot be controlled:

“a muscle/muscular spasm”

“My leg suddenly went into spasm.”

Astringent /əˈstrɪn.dʒənt/:

1. (adj) An astringent substance causes the skin or other tissue to tighten: (có tác dụng)
làm se, co lại

“an astringent cream”

2. (adj) Astringent remarks are clever but unkind or criticize someone:

“astringent criticism”

3. (n) a drug or cream that causes the skin or other tissue to tighten:

“You can use an astringent to make your skin less oily.”

Astringently (adv) /əˈstrɪn.dʒənt.li/:

“Sandusky remarked astringently.” – phê bình một cách thâm thúy

Diarrhea (n) /ˌdɑɪ·əˈri·ə/: tiêu chảy

Constipation (n) /kɒnstɪˈpeɪʃ(ə)n/: táo bón

Nocturnal (adj) /nɑːkˈtɝː.nəl/:

1. being active or happening at night rather than during the day:

>< Diurnal (adj) /ˌdaɪˈɝː.nəl/:

“They are nocturnal creatures, which helps them avoid predators such as hawks and

2. of the night, or relating to the night:

“He spends the nocturnal hours in his observatory.”

Nocturnally (adv) /nɑːkˈtɝː.nəl.i/: at night rather than during the day:

>< Diurnally (adv) /ˌdaɪˈɝː.nəl.i/:

“Her cough occurs nocturnally, or after exercise.”

“The dog howled nocturnally like a wolf.”

Dampness (n) /ˈdæmp.nəs/: sự ẩm ướt

“It”s the dampness in the air that is bad for your lungs.”

Damp (adj) /dæmp/: slightly wet, especially in a way that is not pleasant or

“The grass is still damp.”

“This shirt still feels a bit damp.”

Rebellious (adj) /rɪˈbɛljəs/: Showing a desire to resist authority, control, or convention: bướng
bỉnh thích nổi loạn ~ Defiant /di”faiənt/: bướng bỉnh

“I became very rebellious and opted out”

1.1 Engaged in opposition or armed resistance to an established government or leader:

(phe) chống đối (chính phủ)

“the rebellious republics”:

1.2 (of a thing) not easily controlled or kept in place: khó kiểm soát (thứ gì đó)

“he smoothed back a rebellious lock of hair” – anh ta vuốt lại làn tóc rối

Lump /lʌmp/:

1. (n) A compact mass of a substance, especially one without a definite or regular shape:
một cục, khối gì đó

“there was a lump of ice floating in the milk”

1.1 khối u

1.2 cục đường

1.3 cục thịt (người béo, chậm chạp)

“I won”t stand a chance against a big lump like you”

2. (v) Put in an indiscriminate mass or group; treat as alike without regard for
particulars: xếp lại thành đống/ gộp lại

“Hong Kong and Bangkok tend to be lumped together in holiday brochures” – gộp lại

“Nigel didn”t like being lumped in with prisoners” – Nigel không thích bị xếp lại (gộp lại)
với bọn tù nhân

Abdomen (n) /ˈabdəmən/: cái bụng

Dragon’s bone: cây xương rồng

Cuttlebone: Cuttle là con mực, cuttlebone dùng để cho chim ăn.


Aspect (n) /ˈaspɛkt/:

1. A particular part or feature of something: khía cạnh

“personal effectiveness in all aspects of life”

1.1 A particular way in which something may be considered: phương án

“Taking all aspects into consideration, I feel it is better to have the classes from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m. every day.”

1.2 A particular appearance or quality:

“A huge glass roof gives an interesting aspect to the bar area.”

2. the direction in which a building, window, room, or sloping field faces, or the view
that can be seen because of this direction: hướng (của nhà, cửa ..)

“The dining room has a southern aspect, which allows us to make the most of the sun.”

3. (grammar) thể (của động từ)(chia theo thì)

Comprehensively (adj) /ˌkɑːm.prəˈhen.sɪv.li/: completely

“The plan was comprehensively rejected.”

Comprehensive (adj) /ˌkɑm·prəˈhen·sɪv/: including everything that is necessary;

complete: có tính chất toàn diện

“They put forward comprehensive legislation to revise the rules for financing political

Grasp /ɡrɑːsp/:

1. (v) Seize and hold firmly: nắm chắc

“she grasped the bottle”

“Edward grasped her by the wrist”

1.1 Take (an opportunity) eagerly: nắm (lấy thời cơ)

“many companies grasped the opportunity to expand”

1.2 Comprehend fully: nắm được toàn bộ vấn đề

“the press failed to grasp the significance of what had happened”

2. A firm hold or grip: sự túm lấy

“the child slipped from her grasp”

Nourish (v) /ˈnɝː.ɪʃ/:

1. to provide people or living things with food in order to make them grow and keep
them healthy: nuôi dưỡng

“Children need plenty of good fresh food to nourish them.”

2. If you nourish a feeling, belief, or plan, you think about it a lot and encourage it: nuôi
dưỡng (ý tưởng, cảm xúc, kế hoạch)

“Lisa has long nourished the hope of becoming a famous writer.”

Nourishing (adj) /ˈnɜr·ɪ·ʃɪŋ, ˈnʌr·ɪ·ʃɪŋ/

“Candy isn”t very nourishing.”

Nourishment (n) /ˈnɜr·ɪʃ·mənt, ˈnʌr·iʃ-/: sự nuôi dưỡng

“A young baby gets its nourishment from its mother”s milk.”

Deficiency (n) /dɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nsi/:

1. A lack or shortage: sự thiếu hụt

“deficiencies in material resources”

1.1 A failing or shortcoming: thiếu sót, nhược điểm

“for all its deficiencies it remains his most powerful play”

1.2 The amount by which something, especially revenue, falls short; a deficit: số tiền
thiếu hụt

“a budget deficiency of $96 billion”

Lưu ý: bài viết cực dài, nếu bạn đọc đến đây thì bạn đã rất kiên trì. Cảm ơn!

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