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Speaking Club B2

Useful Materials and Quizlet



1. Look at the list of some decisions we sometimes have to make in life. Think
about your life and put them in order from the easiest to make (1) and the
most difficult one (8). Explain your hoice.

g movin
g startin
quittin family
g abroad

getting startin
e d vs. oth erapy
ma r ri psych
ha nging ngle
c in g si
a up wit
house someo

2. Explain what the phrases mean.

make up your mind minor decision

change your mind snap decision
be in two minds make-or-break decision
listen to your gut high-stake decision
think on your feet

3. Watch the talk and complete the table with information from the speaker.

4. In the video, Patrick McGinnis presented some strategies for making

decisions. Look at the list of strategies below. In groups, discuss whether you
use them and the types of decisions you use them for.

list pros and cons for each option

a scoring system
reduce the number of deciding factors to a minimum
talk it through with somebody
ask for a different perspective
choose one of the options at random
trust your gut
put the decision off until there are better option

5. Answer the questions.
1. Are you good at making decisions? Why or why not?
2. Do you like to make choices? Why or why not? Is it difficult for you to make up your
3. How can you help someone make up their mind? Give examples.
4. Have you ever asked the opinion of someone else before making a decision? If yes,
explain the situation.
5. Are you a decisive on indecisive person?
6. Have you ever changed your mind after making an important decision? Explain.
7. How can you prevent yourself from having second thoughts after making a decision?
What is your strategy when you are in two minds about something?
8. Do you ever listen to your gut when making a decision?
9. Do you ever flip a coin to make a decision? When was the last time you did it?
10. Do you think people make bad decisions because of peer pressure? Why or why not?
11. How often do you have to think on your feet at work? Do you like doing it?
12. Are all snap decisions bad? When was the last time you made a snap decision? What was
it about? Make a snap decision about the following: What are you going to eat for lunch
tomorrow? What are you going to wear tomorrow?
13. Do you have to make a lot of make-or-break decisions at work? What is a good strategy
for a high-stake decision?
14. How do you make a big decision? What should / shouldn’t you do? What are some of the
most difficult decisions you’ve ever made? What are some life decisions you’ve made that
you’re happy about or proud of?
15. How much time do you spend on making minor decisions?


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