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Group Members: Abuda, Ayessa

Alcantara, Joan

Lombes, Kyla

Toledo, Angel Mae

Valdez, James Lyrus

Chapter I

Business Profile

In this chapter, the company profile and other relevant information would

be presented in which the customers will find it useful to understand and acquaint

themselves with the business's product, objectives,and such form of operation.


1. To articulate the meaning of the business's name.

2. To pinpoint the nature of the business

3. To inquire information regarding the company's mission and vision

4. To go through the primary objectives of the business.

5. To go through to the business’s short and long-term goals.

6. To fully comprehend the meaning of the company's logo.

7. To recognize each proponent's financial contribution.

8. To specify the business's form.

9. To identify the location of the company.

10. To explain the company's product.

Company Name

The proponents chose KAJJA Corporation as the name of the company. The

KAJJA comes from the proponents first name initials in such a way that we're

known as the founder of the company. The word KAJJA also resembles the

korean word "Ka" meaning go ang "Ja" means let's do something. For once and
for all the company will offer quality products at a suitable price. The company

will engage in both retail and wholesale distribution of products in the market.

Product Name

The name Shang Zen is made to be easily known by the market. The word

Shang Zen is the abbreviated word for "Shanghai Frozen"and it also resembles

Chinese food. The KAJJA Corporation offers shanghai that is suitable for budget

and easy to cook food. It was made to be kept in the freezer for food stocking

and longer shelf life.

Nature of Business

The company will engage in both retail and wholesale distribution. The process

of moving products from producers and manufacturers to customers is known as

retail distribution. Goods may move using numerous middlemen during this

voyage, including wholesalers, merchants, and retailers (Meredith, 2022).

Wholesale distributors frequently focus on a certain sector or group of goods. As

an outcome, they can deal with the details specific to that market segment, like

legal constraints and seasonal changes in demand effectively (David, 2022). The

KAJJA Corporation will engage in both retail and wholesale distribution to Mini

Groceries, Grocery Stores, Frozen Goods Stores, and Onlines Sellers through

Retail at District 1 of Pasig City specifically in Barangay Caniogan . At the same

time Wholesale at District 2 of Pasig City specifically in Barangay Pinagbuhatan,

Rosario and San Miguel to the possible other small business owners.

Be the most successful finger food business with excellent lumpia and more

consumers with delicious product.


In order to provide fairly priced, high-quality lumpia, boost customer satisfaction,

and maintain a sanitary kitchen.

Company Objectives

A company objectives is a thorough outline of the activities it intends to take

to accomplish a certain goal. Given that they have corporate goals and plans,

businesses should have targets to attain their needs and aims.

Short Term Goals

• To provide a consistent quality to the customers by ordering in the same seller

• To get higher sales every week by expanding outside of school

• To increase customer satisfaction in the product by ensuring the same quality of


• To give profitable offer to the reseller

• To keep the price of the product reasonable and budget friendly

Long Term Goals

• To be well known brand that has consistent quality of product

• To expand the production of product to the outside of Pasig City

• To ensure the customers satisfaction in the product

• To get loyal clients/customers to do repeat business to the brand

• To keep stable the profit of the business

Company Logo

Figure 1. Company Logo

Figure 1 shows the company logo of Shang Zen Kajja Corporation. The

company provides a ready to cook product which is the Lumpiang Shanghai. The

proponents decide to put in the logo the product Lumpiang Shanghai in the fire of

a pan that resembles cooking, it is easy to know for the customers that the

product of Shang Zen Kajja Corporation is not for serving but to take home and

In addition, the color red of the logo represents the happiness, luck, and

joy in Chinese culture while the color red is frequently used in the logos of

companies in the food, health, beauty, and entertainment industries because it is

aesthetically pleasing, energizing, and strong. The company wants the people to

know that the product of Shang Zen will help them to be more happy and

energetic since the product is food it can boost their strength and mood.

Capital contribution

Table 1


1. Abuda, Ayessa 5,000.00 20%

2. Alcantara, Joan 5,000.00 20%

3. Lombes, Kyla 5,000.00 20%

4. Toledo, Angel 5,000.00 20%

5. Valdez, James 5,000.00 20%

TOTAL 25,000.00 100%

Table 1 shows the capital distribution of the business proponents, with a total of

25,000.00 serving as the business' capital. Each proponent will contribute an

amount of 5,000.00 from their personal savings, which will be sufficient to cover

all the business expenses.

Form of business

General partnership is the company's official corporate structure. The choice of

establishing a general partnership was taken by those who supported it since it is

the most basic form of collaborative ownership and requires that all partners

contribute equally to the initial twenty percent (20%) capital investment of the

company. A general partnership is a type of commercial agreement when two or

more people concur to split the duties, resources, earnings, and fiscal and legal

liabilities of a jointly owned company (Bloomenthal, 2023). In a general

partnership, partners consent to personally bear potentially limitless liability.

Liabilities are not limited, as they would be in, say, a partnership organized as a

limited liability partnership or a limited liability company. It is significant to

remember that, despite being relatively simple to set up, general partnerships do

include some legal and financial concerns because of the participants' unlimited

personal liability. Because of this, those thinking about forming a general

partnership should speak with legal and financial professionals and think about
whether another type of business structure, like an LLC or corporation, could

better serve their purposes while offering more liability protection.

Location of Business

Figure 2. Shang Zen Kajja Corporation Location Map

The company will be located at Luis St, Barangay San Miguel Pasig City. It is a

place where people of different types go to buy goods and services as it is

located near Mercedes Avenue, Pasig City which is a busy marketplace. The

location is where passengers, students, workers, and other individuals pass by.

The company's target markets are those who are in the Eateries or Restaurants,

School Canteens, Frozen Goods Stores, Online Sellers for wholesale,

Employees, Self-employed, and Individual households with ages ranging from 18

to 60 years old for retail which the company found in the location.
Product Description

Figure 3. Shang Zen Kajja Corporation Product

The company offers Shangzen Shanghai for the consumers to choose from.

Shangzen product is a dish which consists of ground pork , mixed with

vegetables and then spices. This type of dish is getting popular in the Philippines

as it can be a great partner in every food and will suit the taste of the consumer

for their daily meal. Shangzen Company will sell Frozen Lumpiang Shanghai.

The company will offer a 10% discount for every bulk order. With the ingredients

of the product, there are health benefits that could be gained from The inclusion

of vegetables high in fiber in lumpia's filling is one of the dish's main health

advantages.This dish is loved by many for its crispy exterior and savory filling,

and it is a staple at parties and gatherings.In terms of quantity, the company will

offer (20) pieces of Lumpiang Shanghai per package.







CHAPTER IV Management Aspect

This Chapter presents the company’s Management Aspect composition

which includes its Pre Operating Activities, Operating Activities, One Year and its

future budget plan, organizational structure, Company’s Policies and its

manpower schedule.


● To determine the company’s Pre Operating and Operating Activities, One

Year Plan and Future of the Company

● To present the Organizational structure of the Company

● To show the Job Analysis that includes the Job Description and Job

Specification of its workforce.

● To specify the manpower schedule of the workforce; and

● To state the Company’s Policies

Pre-Operating Activities.
The crew will administer the following activities before the business actual


Table 1

Pre-Operating Activities

Activities September October November December January



2. Capital


3.Searching for



4. Business


5. Preparation

of Business


6. Purchasing

of Supplies

and Equipment
7. Opening of

Bank and G-

Cash Account

Table 1 shows thePre Operating Activities of the business that needs to

be accomplished in order to ensure its operation. This table covers the following


1. Business Planning

The business planning would be starting at the first of September 2023

until January 2024. This is to guarantee the success of the study.

2. Capital Allocation

Finance is the crucial part of the business, The entrepreneurs will start

setting their financial needs of the business during the first of December 2023

until January 2024.

3.Searching for Possible Buyers

Starting from the month of September 2023 up to October 2023 the

Entrepreneurs will search for its retailers within Pasig City ensuring the capability

of its demand in the business.

4. Business Legalization

The Entrepreneurs will begin putting together the paperwork for the

Business's required permissions and licenses in preparation for its actual

execution during December 2023 through January 2024.

5. Preparation of Business Location

The business's proprietors will begin to hunt for a place for their physical store

before they open for business.

6. Purchasing of Supplies and Equipment

During December 2023 and January 2024, entrepreneurs will look for the

components that are required for the Business operation.

7. Opening of Bank and G-Cash Account

For the sake of financial security and transparency, the organization's

proprietors will open a bank account and a G-Cash account in the month of

January 2024. All company profits will also be saved in this account.

Operating Activities
The following are the Operating Activities that the Proponents will be doing

during the Business operation.

Table 2

Operating Activities

Activities February March April May June

1. Start of Business Operation

2. Product Promotion

3. Potential Customers

4. Purchase of Product to


5. Inventory

6. Company Meeting

1. Start of Business Operation

The business proprietors decided to launch operations in the first week of

February 2024 in order to formally disclose the product to consumers.

2. Product Promotion
With the goal to draw in potential clients, the business proprietors will

begin to promote the product in the month of February utilizing a variety of

marketing methods.

3. Potential Customers

The company's proprietors will search for potential consumers who are

able and eager to purchase the item. In the very first week of February, the

search for potential clients will start.

4. Purchase of Product to Buyers

The Proponents will send and purchase the orders from the supplier when

customers’ advance orders are collected. This is to monitor and regulate the

product’s consistency to ensure if it is in good condition before selling it to the


5. Inventory

The business proprietors will conduct a weekly end-of-week goods

inventory to keep an eye on the amount of things for sale.

6. Company Meeting
Meetings will be held at the end of each month to allow for the exchange

of ideas, the development of suggestions for promoting Shangzen products, and

the enhancement of business effectiveness.

One-Year Plan

Table 3

Activities Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

1. Renewal
of Business
of Financial
3. Company
5. Customer

Table 57 shows all of the tasks that the Proponents' one-year plan for the actual

operation will call for to be carried out the following year in its entirety. It

addresses each of the following in particular:

1. Renewal of Business Permit

To guarantee that business will continue as usual and to facilitate the

company’s efficient operation, the company plans to renew its business licence

during the month of january.

2. Preparation of Financial Report

The financial report was going to be prepared on a semi-annual basis by

the proprietors since it is about knowing its financial stability of the business.

3. Company Performance Review

To determine whether the Company's revenue is rising and whether the

firm is improving, the Proprietors are needed to carry out business performance

evaluations on a regular basis.

4. Promotional Activities

In order to fulfill the needs of the Customers and live up to their

expectations, the proprietors have planned promotional events that will start from

January and it would take every two months.

5. Customer Feedback

On a quarterly basis, the Company will solicit feedback from clients in

order to determine the level of success achieved by the various promotional

techniques. The Company will submit their information via the Google form.

Five Year Plan

Table 4
Activities 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
1. Renewal of

Table 58 shows the company's goals over the next five (5) years in terms of its

future ambitions. The Company established the following in order to ensure that

the expansion of the business is maintained.

1. Renewal of Business Permits

Starting in the year 2020, the business permit will need to be renewed

every other year in order to maintain continuing commercial operations. To

ensure that a company is operating within the bounds of the law, its permits must

periodically be renewed. The only permits required are the DTI Business Name

permit and the Barangay Clearance permit; however, the DTI Business Name

permit will only be renewed every after five (5) years.

Organizational Structure

Organizational structure outlines the hierarchy and the chain of command

within the company. It gives guidance to the employees and helps the business

to run efficiently and effectively in the industry.

Table Organizational Structure of Shangzen

Table 5
Job Analysis

Job analysis is essential to various businesses as it is the process of

identifying the task, duties, responsibilities and qualifications needed for a job. It

is a vital tool to collect job-related data.

Position Job Description Job Specification

● The General Manager ● Must be a college
have the overall student with Business-
responsibility for all the related course;
duties and aspect of the
business; ● Should know the overall
operation and aspects
● Improve the of the business;
effectiveness of the
organization by building ● Excellent leadership
and communication
● a healthy and much- skills;
General Manager motivated work
environment; ● Expert in decision-
making; and
● Responsible for making
decisions and seeking ● Can adapt quickly in the
opportunities for the fast-changing business
betterment of the environment.
business; and oversees
the day-to-day operation
and gives guidance to
the employees to
strengthen their
knowledge and skills.
● Oversee the marketing ● Must be a college
activities in the business student with a business-
and assure that related course;
marketing strategies are
successful; ● Have a good
personality, proficient
● Plan different communication skills,
advertising strategies to and marketing skills;
promote the business
on various media ● Have an excellent
platforms and presentation skill and
Marketing responsible for the ability to negotiate and
Personnel implementation of persuade people
marketing strategies;

● In charge of maintaining
the good image of the
product/s in the market;

● Has the potential

marketing strategy in
terms of marketing,
promotional and selling
● In charge of maintaining ● Must be a college
the Financial and student with a business-
accounting activities of related course;
the Business;
● Has a knowledge of
● Manage records, financial and accounting
receipts, and prepare procedures
the balance sheet,
income statement and ● Should have MS Excel
Financial expense reports; and and time- management
Personnel skills; and
● Manage cash control
and lead the budget ● Has an ability to prepare
preparation of the and check timely
business. Financial Statements,
Reports and Analyses.

● Responsible for ● Must be a college

negotiating with the student with a Business-
supplier and maintaining related course;
the stock level of
products; ● Excellent time-
management, multi-
● Responsible for making tasking skills and can
sure that the stock is work under pressure;
well-packaged, does not
Purchasing have any damage, and ● Exceptional
Personnel is delivered on time; and interpersonal and social
skills to establish a
● Inspect stocks and the strong partnership; and
quality and consistency
of the products. ● Must have effective
communicating and
impressive negotiating

● Directs the activities of ● Must be a college

the personnel; student with a business-
related course;
● Ensures that the
business day-to-day ● Must be diligent
activities run smoothly; proactive, and detail
Operational oriented;
Personnel ● Responsible for
overseeing the ● Should be deadline-
operation; and oriented and have
stress tolerance; and
● Have the capacity in
formulating long-term ● Must be well organized
strategic planning of the and works well under
business. pressure.

Compensation and Benefits

Compensation and benefits are on what a Company gives to its

employees in return for their labor.

Table 6

Compensation and Benefits

Table 6 shows the Proponent’s allowance each day of their work amounting to

one hundred pesos (₱100.00) per work schedule. Each Proponent has a three-

day duty every week, and they have a weekly allowance which costs three

hundred pesos (₱300.00). Even so, the Proponent’s monthly allowance in SSS

Contribution amounts to one hundred ninety pesos (₱190.00), as well as their

Pag-Ibig Contribution which is one hundred twenty pesos (₱120.00) while for the

PhilHealth Contribution is one hundred pesos (₱100.00). As a result, their total

allowance after deducting the government contribution which is equivalent to four

hundred ten pesos (₱410.00) is seven hundred and ninety pesos (₱790.00).

Manpower Schedule

The Manpower Schedule shows the specific working days designated

to each Proponent for paid work in the Company's business operation as well as

their rest days.

Personnel Schedule

Table 7

Position Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

General Manager

Marketing Personnel

Financial Personnel

Purchasing Personnel

Operational Personnel

Legend: Rest / No Working Days

Working Days
Table 63 shows the Manpower Schedule of the Proponents, which

represents their working and non-working days. For the first year of the business

operation each of the personnel must work (2) days a week to fulfill the weekly

schedule real time and in online operation. Starting on the second year of the

operation since the Company already has a physical store, each of them is

entitled to work (3) days a week to be able to occupy the work onsite and in

online. The Proponent's schedule is a rotation to keep and ensure that the

Business is running six (6) days a week.

Policies and Procedures

A policy offers broad guidelines on how the business, and by extension its

workers, should tackle certain employment-related issues. A procedure details

the specific actions that must be taken in compliance with the policy. To handle

recurring issues and achieve defined goals, the company rules and procedures

serve as guidance. It enables the Company to assign tasks to subordinates with

complete confidence that these tasks will be carried out strictly in accordance

with policy decisions and provides subordinates with guidance tailored to a

particular circumstance. These policies are the guidelines that the staff members

must always go by in order to have a successful and pleasant working

environment. Additionally, this contributes to maintaining the harmony, stability,

and work ethics of all Company members and employees.

General Policies

The personnel of this Company must be aware of the rules and

regulations in which they conduct their jobs in order for the Company's services

and facilities to function properly toward offering the finest care to its clients. The

basic acceptable standards of conduct required of all employees are outlined in

these general regulations. Any employee who disregards these policies or breaks

these regulations could face disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

● Attendance is a Must

Shang Zen company is a wholesale & retail store that has a

physical store and also online business, the employees must be

present physically and online. The company will provide a logbook

to observe the time in and out of the employees in the physical

store. As well, employees need to log in using Facebook

messenger to record the time in and out online. The performance of

the company as a whole will be impacted by an employee's


● Article 84. Hours Worked

The hours worked must include all times during which an

employee is required to be on duty or at the designated place of

employment; and any time in which he has been injured or

permitted to work. The hours worked by employees of a company

shall comprise the period during which they may be on duty or in

designated locations, as well as any time an employee is sick or

allowed to work. The period of time during which a break takes

place The hours worked shall be counted during the working day.

● Article 85. Meal Periods

Every company is required to offer its employees at least

sixty (60) minutes off for regular meals, subject to any rules the

Secretary of Labor may impose.

● Article 91. Right to Weekly Rest Day

It states that after six consecutive days of regular work,

employees should have a rest period of at least 24 hours.

According to the proposed legislation, the weekly rest period in a

compressed workweek configuration should be at least 48 but no

longer than 72 hours.

Operational Policies

It will serve as a framework of laws, regulations, and rules that a company

has set up to guide its operations. There is a policy in place that specifies how

tasks are to be carried out and gives employees a clear understanding of what is

expected of them.

Operational Policies in Physical Store

1. The personnel must sign in log books before the working hours.
2. The personnel must be presentable and look professional.

3. The personnel must always be kind in approaching the customers.

4. The personnel must assure the cleanliness and security of the

product and the store.

5. Receipts must be provided to the customers after purchase.

Operational Policies in the Online Store

1. The personnel must log in ten (10) minutes before the working


2. The personnel must be attentive to the customers orders online

through the Company’s page.

3. The Proponents should ensure the order-basis policy of the


4. The Proponents must serve the customer with care and kindness

and handle the customers' concerns and queries.

5. After finalizing the customer's orders, the Proponents will provide a

transaction form online to serve as the orders have already been


Specific Policies

The specific policies are crucial because they enhance and clarify the

expectations for employees and aids managers in managing employees

As it determines what is appropriate and efficient, it works

unacceptable in a professional setting.

Specific Policies

Offense 1st Offense 2nd 3rd

Offense Offense

1. Inconsistency Performance
Standards Verbal Suspension Termination
Warning for
of the
to the one (1)
week Employee

2. Late sign and log in logbook

and Facebook messenger Verbal Suspension Termination
Warning for
of the
to the one (1)
week Employee

3. Damage the products

Verbal Suspension Termination
Warning for
of the
to the one (1)
week Employee

4. More on leisure time than

working Verbal Suspension Termination
Warning for
of the
to the one (1)
week Employee
5. Disrespectful behavior
towards co-workers and Verbal Suspension Termination
customers Warning for
of the
to the one (1)
week Employee

6. Did not mostly attend the

working days Verbal Suspension Termination
Warning for
of the
to the one (1)
week Employee

7. Theft/ Stealing products or

items owned by the Suspension Termination
Without Pay of the


Salary and Compensation Policies

It includes income or earnings, commission, as well as any bonuses or

benefits that are connected to the particular employee's employment. Employees

are more inclined to show up for work when they are paid fairly.

1. Salaries must be paid by employers at intervals of no more than 16 days,

once every two weeks. The company will pay the employees every 15th

and 30th of the month except the month of February. It will be given on the

last day of the month since there is no 30th in the month of February.
2. The employee who will have the biggest sales in the month will get a

bonus from the company, it will be added to the salary.

3. The employee's salary will be commission based. It means that the salary

of every employee will depend on the sales made every working day.

4. The employee is required to make monthly contributions to PhilHealth,

SSS, and Pag-Ibig.

Supplier Policies

1. The supplier must be attentive to the orders of the company.

2. The supplier must be on time of delivery.

3. The supplier must ensure the product is secured and good quality before


4. The supplier should be easy to contact when there is damage in the


5. The supplier will be liable for the damaged products and must replace it on

the same day.

Order-Basis Policy

The company will provide an order-basis since it is a wholesale/retail

business and it also has an online store. The orders must be placed before the

time of delivery.

1. The customers that are wholesalers must fill up the form of orders two (2)

days before the delivery period.

2. The retailer's customers online must place an order one (1) day before the

delivery period.

3. The cut-off for wholesale and retail orders is every 8am to 8pm of the day

and will resume the next day. In those specific hours will be the delivery of

the following orders.

4. After placing an order the confirmation slip will be followed through online.

5. Payments for the product should be paid before or during delivery period.

Clients Handling Policies

1. Employees must have a good communication and good attitude toward

the clients.

2. Employees must be kind and thoughtful when communicating with the


3. Employees must be open to the concerns, suggestions, and comments of

the clients.

4. Employees must ensure the clients satisfaction and loyalty.

5. Employees must be presentable in front of the clients.

Payment Procedure

1. Customers can choose from different methods of payment such as

Cash/Cash On Delivery (COD) or through e-wallets (GCash, PayMaya,

etc.) the company also accepts bank transaction and remittance centers.
2. Customers must pay before or during the delivery of the product when

they choose to pay through e-wallets, bank transactions or remittance


3. Customers must pay the full price after receiving the product on hand

when the method of payment they choose is Cash/Cash On Delivery.

4. After the purchase or payment the employee's will send a receipt to the


5. These procedures must be followed to avoid conflicts between the

company and customers.

Delivery Procedure

1. The employee's must ensure the order of the customer is complete and

secured before delivery.

2. The employee's must ask the customers what they prepared on how to

receive the products. Customers can choose from meet-up, pick-up on the

physical store of the company (Starting 2024) or delivery courier such as

Lalamove, Food Panda, Grab Food etc.

3. If the customer choose to get the product by the delivery courier the

minimum order of the product is 10 packs to get a free delivery but below

10 packs of order the delivery fee will be shouldered by the customer.

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