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Cam 17

Task 1: Combined charts and table

The given table depicts the amount of money police received from various sources, while the two pie
charts illustrate how it was allocated in the years 2017 and 2018.

Overall, it can be seen that the national government was the main source of the police budget over the
given period of time, whereas most of the distribution of the money went into the salary of the officers
and staff.

According to the table, the amount of money the police budget received increased considerably
between 2017 and 2018. Moreover, the total budget had a significant rise in these two years, from
304,7m to 318,6m when compared to the rest of the police budget sources. Local tax and other sources
witnessed a slight growth in both two years.

It is noticeable that three-quarters of the amount of the money is paid for the salaries of the officers and
staff. The percentage of the budget allocated to upgrade buildings and transport remained stable, at
17%. Interestingly, although the quantity of money spent on developing technology accounted for the
least proportion in total, this figure is the only one increasing, from 8% in 2017 to 14% in 2018.

Task 2: Some children spend hours every day on their smartphones. Why is this the case? Do you think
this is a positive or negative development?

Along with the mass development of technology, smartphones have become an integral part of human
lives. However, the overuse of these kinds of devices among children has been a serious issue, which is
caused by two major reasons namely lack of parental supervision and the addictive content on
smartphones. This tends to affect children adversely and I believe that this is a negative trend. (Mở bài
nhìn chung khá ổn và đầy đủ)

As a consequence of parents' lack of time to care for their children and their inability to supervise their
activities, many families nowadays have parents children who use their cell phones excessively.
Smartphones are also electrical equipment that provides easy access to a variety of addicting materials.
Specifically, kids may use smartphones to visit a variety of websites, including social media platforms like
Facebook, Tiktok, and Youtube, as well as a number of other websites. These platforms provide a wide
range of entertainment possibilities. (Đoạn này rất sơ sài, các ý chưa được triển khai đầy đủ và thậm chí
có vài ý còn chưa được triển khai, ý chính cũng chưa được nêu rõ ràng)

Stemming from the fact that families are becoming double-income, meaning both parents devote more
of their time working, rarely do they have time to look after what their children are doing. Moreover,
many parents even give their children smartphones to avoid disturbance while working. Apart from the
lack of supervision and guidance, alluring contents displayed on the screen also play a part in children’s
excessive use of cell phones. These can be easily come across when surfing social media websites such as
Facebook or Tiktok, and once children have seen and are attracted to them, they will be eager to surf for
others without realizing when to stop. Consequently, seeing a child gluing his eye on the screen for the
whole day is no longer strange.

Detrimental side effects include a reduction of hours spent exercising and less time spent with peers
which could lead to poor academic performance at school and social isolation. Moreover, when they are
using their phones, their eyes are glued to the screen, which may damage their vision in the long run.
For instance, those who have excessive reliance on smartphones will suffer from some types of refractive
error including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Besides, overusing smartphones
discourages them from engaging in physical outdoor activities, which contributes to obesity.

(Đoạn này giải thích ổn nhưng các câu hơi bị chưa được liên kết với nhau á nên là gới dựa vào đoạn mẫu
của chụy tìm cách gắn kết mấy ý của gới lại dí nhau nhó)

However, while granting their children unlimited access to smartphones, not many parents are aware
of the indirect negative health impacts these devices bring to their children. Spending too much time on
phones damages children’s vision due to the presence of green light which is dangerous to their eyes.
This is why the number of children in spectacles is increasing at an astonishing rate. Besides, over-
engagement in smartphones develops a sedentary habit in children; in order words, this can be seen
through their expression of reluctance to be involved in outdoor activities when their parents ask them

In conclusion, it is no doubt that youngsters spend more and more time on their mobile devices in recent
days. Although it has gained popularity among them due to its multifunctionality, its favorable effects
cannot outweigh its negative ones.

TR: 6.0

CC: 6.0

LR: 8.0

GRA: 6.0


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